I have two large 2D arrays (3x100,000) corresponding to 3D coordinates and I would like to find index of each correspondence.
An example:
mat1 = np.array([[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[10,11,12],[1,2,3]]).T
mat2 = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10,11,12],[13,14,15]]).T
So here I need to obtain indexes of 3 and 0. And I need to find each correspondence on around 100,000 coordinates. Is there a specific function in Python to do this work? Apply a for loop could be probl
res = [3,0]
To sum up, my need:
We can use Cython-powered kd-tree for quick nearest-neighbor lookup -
In [77]: from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
In [78]: d,idx = cKDTree(mat2.T).query(mat1.T, k=1)
In [79]: idx[np.isclose(d,0)]
Out[79]: array([3, 0])
I have an array of dates (1000 columns,2 arrows).
Link of the data: https://mega.nz/#!MMlhWbbT!bwsu4_t98hLNX-A7IYnWipPydtWILkKxgMzXhu3ytHE
I want to calculate the distances (without repeating or counting twice). I am using,
def D(x1,x2,y1,y2):
return math.sqrt((x2-x1)**2+(y2-y1)**2)
But there are 1000 points, how I can determine the distance using a for or something like that?
This will calculate the distance between two consecutive points over the whole array:
for x in range(0,len(dt1)):
If you want to calculate the distance between any two points in the array without repetitions, this should do it (includes the new request by the OP):
distances = []
for x in range(0,len(dt1)):
for y in range(x+1,len(dt1)):
dist = D(dt1[x][0],dt1[y][0],dt1[x][1],dt1[y][1])
You can use np.linalg.norm to compute Euclidean distance:
In [1]: import numpy as np
In [2]: dt1 = np.random.rand(2, 2)
In [3]: dt1
array([[0.79791459, 0.71415415],
[0.52647092, 0.894041 ]])
In [4]: np.linalg.norm(dt1[0] - dt1[1])
Out[4]: 0.3256392880558975
I have a large 2D array (3x100,000) of 3D coordinates and a second 1D array with certain not sorted coordinates. I would like to find all points with coordinates that contained in the second array
An example:
mat1 = np.array([[1,2,3],[1,2,5],[2,3,6],[10,11,12],[20,2,3]])
mat2 = np.array([1,2,3,6])
So here I need to obtain indexes of 0 and 2. And I need to find each correspondence on around 100,000 coordinates. Is there a specific function in Python to do this work?
To sum up my situation:
Easiest way would be with np.isin -
# a,b are input arrays - mat1,mat2 respectively
In [7]: np.flatnonzero(np.isin(a,b).all(1))
Out[7]: array([0, 2])
Another with np.searchsorted -
In [19]: idx = np.searchsorted(b,a)
In [20]: idx[idx==len(b)] = 0
In [21]: np.flatnonzero((b[idx]==a).all(1))
Out[21]: array([0, 2])
If b is not in sorted order, use np.argsort(b) as sorter arg with np.searchsorted. More info.
I am new to numpy but have been using python for quite a while as an engineer.
I am writing a program that currently stores stress tensors as 3x3 numpy arrays within another NxM array which represents values through time and through the thickness of a wall, so overall it is an NxMx3x3 numpy array. I want to efficiently calculate the eigenvals and vectors of each 3x3 array within this larger array. So far I have tried to using "fromiter" but this doesn't seem to work because the functions returns 2 arrays. I have also tried apply_along_axis which also doesn't work because it says the inner 3x3 is not a square matrix? I can do it with list comprehension, but this doesn't seem ideal to resort to using lists.
Example just calculating eigenvals using list comprehension
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
ans=np.asarray([f(x) for x in a.reshape((4,3,3))])
I thought something like this would work but I have played around with it and can't get it working:
BTW the 2x2 bit could be up to 5000x100 and this code is repeated ~50x50x200 times hence the need for efficiency. Any help would be greatly appreciated?
You can use numpy.linalg.eigh. It accepts an array like your example a.
Here's an example. First, create an array of 3x3 symmetric arrays:
In [96]: a = np.random.random((2, 2, 3, 3))
In [97]: a = a + np.transpose(a, axes=(0, 1, 3, 2))
In [98]: a[0, 0]
array([[0.61145048, 0.85209618, 0.03909677],
[0.85209618, 1.79309413, 1.61209077],
[0.03909677, 1.61209077, 1.55432465]])
Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of all the 3x3 arrays:
In [99]: evals, evecs = np.linalg.eigh(a)
In [100]: evals.shape
Out[100]: (2, 2, 3)
In [101]: evecs.shape
Out[101]: (2, 2, 3, 3)
Take a look at the result for a[0, 0]:
In [102]: evals[0, 0]
Out[102]: array([-0.31729364, 0.83148477, 3.44467813])
In [103]: evecs[0, 0]
array([[-0.55911658, 0.79634401, 0.23070516],
[ 0.63392772, 0.23128064, 0.73800062],
[-0.53434473, -0.55887877, 0.63413738]])
Verify that it is the same as computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a[0, 0] separately:
In [104]: np.linalg.eigh(a[0, 0])
(array([-0.31729364, 0.83148477, 3.44467813]),
array([[-0.55911658, 0.79634401, 0.23070516],
[ 0.63392772, 0.23128064, 0.73800062],
[-0.53434473, -0.55887877, 0.63413738]]))
Let's say I have a standard 2d numpy array, let's call it my2darray with values. In this array there are two major sections. Let's say for each column, there is a specific row which separates "scenario1" and "scenario2". How can i create 2 masked arrays that represent the top section of my2darray and the bottom of my2darray. For example, i am interested in calculating the mean of the top half and the mean of the second half. One idea is to have a mask that is of the same shape as my2darray but that seems like a waste of memory. Is there a better idea? Let's say I have a vector, in which the length is equal to the number of rows in my2darray (in this case 6), i.e. I have
myvector=np.array([9, 15, 5,7,11,11])
I am using python 2.6 with numpy 1.5.0
Using NumPy's broadcasted comparison, we can create such a 2D mask in a vectorized manner. Rest of the work is all about sum-reduction along the first axis for which we can take help from np.einsum. Thus, we would have an implementation like so -
N = my2darray.shape[0]
mask = myvector <= np.arange(N)[:,None]
uout = np.true_divide(np.einsum('ij,ij->j',my2darray,~mask),myvector)
lout = np.true_divide(np.einsum('ij,ij->j',my2darray,mask),N-myvector)
Sample run to verify results -
In [184]: N = my2darray.shape[0]
...: mask = myvector <= np.arange(N)[:,None]
...: uout = np.true_divide(np.einsum('ij,ij->j',my2darray,~mask),myvector)
...: lout = np.true_divide(np.einsum('ij,ij->j',my2darray,mask),N-myvector)
In [185]: uout
Out[185]: array([ 6. , 4.6, 4. , 0. ])
In [186]: [my2darray[:item,i].mean() for i,item in enumerate(myvector)]
Out[186]: [6.0, 4.5999999999999996, 4.0, 0.0] # Loopy version results
In [187]: lout
Out[187]: array([ 5.2 , 4. , 2.66666667, 2. ])
In [188]: [my2darray[item:,i].mean() for i,item in enumerate(myvector)]
Out[188]: [5.2000000000000002, 4.0, 2.6666666666666665, 2.0] # Loopy version
Another potentially faster way would be to calculate the summations for the upper mask, store it and from it, subtract the sum along the first axis along the entire length of the 2D input array. This could be then used for the calculation of the lower part average. Thus, after we store N and calculate mask, we would have -
usum = np.einsum('ij,ij->j',my2darray,~mask)
uout = np.true_divide(usums,myvector)
lout = np.true_divide(my2darray.sum(0) - usums,N-myvector)
Given two large numpy arrays, one for a list of 3D points, and another for a list of transformation matrices. Assuming there is a 1 to 1 correspondence between the two lists, i'm looking for the best way to calculate the result array of each point transformed by it's corresponding matrix.
My solution to do this was to use slicing (see "test4" in the example code below) which worked fine with small arrays, but fails with large arrays because of how memory-wasteful my method is :)
import numpy as np
COUNT = 100
matrix = np.random.random_sample((3,3,)) # A single matrix
matrices = np.random.random_sample((COUNT,3,3,)) # Many matrices
point = np.random.random_sample((3,)) # A single point
points = np.random.random_sample((COUNT,3,)) # Many points
# Test 1, result of a single point multiplied by a single matrix
# This is as easy as it gets
test1 = np.dot(point,matrix)
print 'done'
# Test 2, result of a single point multiplied by many matrices
# This works well and returns a transformed point for each matrix
test2 = np.dot(point,matrices)
print 'done'
# Test 3, result of many points multiplied by a single matrix
# This works also just fine
test3 = np.dot(points,matrix)
print 'done'
# Test 4, this is the case i'm trying to solve. Assuming there's a 1-1
# correspondence between the point and matrix arrays, the result i want
# is an array of points, where each point has been transformed by it's
# corresponding matrix
test4 = np.zeros((COUNT,3))
for i in xrange(COUNT):
test4[i] = np.dot(points[i],matrices[i])
print 'done'
With a small array, this works fine. With large arrays, (COUNT=1000000) Test #4 works but gets rather slow.
Is there a way to make Test #4 faster? Presuming without using a loop?
You can use numpy.einsum. Here's an example with 5 matrices and 5 points:
In [49]: matrices.shape
Out[49]: (5, 3, 3)
In [50]: points.shape
Out[50]: (5, 3)
In [51]: p = np.einsum('ijk,ik->ij', matrices, points)
In [52]: p[0]
Out[52]: array([ 1.16532051, 0.95155227, 1.5130032 ])
In [53]: matrices[0].dot(points[0])
Out[53]: array([ 1.16532051, 0.95155227, 1.5130032 ])
In [54]: p[1]
Out[54]: array([ 0.79929572, 0.32048587, 0.81462493])
In [55]: matrices[1].dot(points[1])
Out[55]: array([ 0.79929572, 0.32048587, 0.81462493])
The above is doing matrix[i] * points[i] (i.e. multiplying on the right), but I just reread the question and noticed that your code uses points[i] * matrix[i]. You can do that by switching the indices and arguments of einsum:
In [76]: lp = np.einsum('ij,ijk->ik', points, matrices)
In [77]: lp[0]
Out[77]: array([ 1.39510822, 1.12011057, 1.05704609])
In [78]: points[0].dot(matrices[0])
Out[78]: array([ 1.39510822, 1.12011057, 1.05704609])
In [79]: lp[1]
Out[79]: array([ 0.49750324, 0.70664634, 0.7142573 ])
In [80]: points[1].dot(matrices[1])
Out[80]: array([ 0.49750324, 0.70664634, 0.7142573 ])
It doesn't make much sense to have multiple transform matrices. You can combine transform matrices as in this question:
If I want to apply matrix A, then B, then C, I will multiply the matrices in reverse order np.dot(C,np.dot(B,A))
So you can save some memory space by precomputing that matrix. Then applying a bunch of vectors to one transform matrix should be easily handled (within reason).
I don't know why you would need one million transformation on one million vectors, but I would suggest buying a larger RAM.
There isn't a way to reduce the operations, no. Unless your transformation matrices hold a specific property such as sparsity, diagonality, etc. you're going to have to run all multiplications and summations. However, the way you process these operations can be optimized across cores and/or using vector operations on GPUs.
Also, python is notably slow. You can try splitting numpy across your cores using NumExpr. Or maybe use a BLAS framework on C++ (notably quick ;))