Now Feedback if the connection works - python

I am trying to create a simple client with pykafka. For this I need SSL certificates. The client runs under RHEL 7 and Python 3.6.x
It looks like the connection works but I don't get any feedback or data, only a black screen.
How can I check the connection or get error messages.
#!/usr/bin/scl enable rh-python36 -- python3
from pykafka import KafkaClient, SslConfig
config = SslConfig(cafile='key/root_ca.crt',
client = KafkaClient(hosts="xxxxxxx:9093",
print("topics", client.topics)
topic = client.topics['xxxxxx']
consumer = topic.get_simple_consumer(
for message in consumer:
if message is not None:
print (message.offset, message.value)


Test of sending & receiving message for Azure Service Bus Queue

I would like to write an integration test checking connection of the Python script with Azure Service Bus queue. The test should:
send a message to a queue,
confirm that the message landed in the queue.
The test looks like this:
import pytest
from azure.servicebus import ServiceBusClient, ServiceBusMessage, ServiceBusSender
CONNECTION_STRING = <some connection string>
QUEUE = <queue name>
def send_message_to_service_bus(sender: ServiceBusSender, msg: str) -> None:
message = ServiceBusMessage(msg)
class TestConnectionWithQueue:
def test_message_is_sent_to_queue_and_received(self):
msg = "test message sent to queue"
expected_message = ServiceBusMessage(msg)
servicebus_client = ServiceBusClient.from_connection_string(conn_str=CONNECTION_STRING, logging_enable=True)
with servicebus_client:
sender = servicebus_client.get_queue_sender(queue_name=QUEUE)
with sender:
send_message_to_service_bus(sender, expected_message)
receiver = servicebus_client.get_queue_receiver(queue_name=QUEUE)
with receiver:
messages_in_queue = receiver.receive_messages(max_message_count=10, max_wait_time=20)
assert any(expected_message == str(actual_message) for actual_message in messages_in_queue)
The test occassionally works, more often than not it doesn't. There are no other messages sent to the queue at the same time. As I debugged the code, if the test does not work, the variable messages_in_queue is just an empty list.
Why doesn't the code work at all times and what should be done to fix it?
Are you sure you don't have another process that receive your messages ? Maybe you are sharing your queue connections strings with other colleagues, build machines...
To troubleshoot you need to keep an eye on the Queue monitoring on Azure Portal. Debug your test and look at incoming messages if it increment by 1. Then continue your debug and check if it decrement by 1.
Also, are you sure that this unit test is useful? It looks like you are testing your infra instead of testing your code

confluent-kafka-python consumer unable to read messages

I am stuck with an issue related to Kafka consumer using confluent-kafka's python library.
I have a Kafka topic on AWS EC2 that I need to consume.
Consumer Script ( uses confluent-kafka-python to create a consumer (shown below) and subscribe to the 'my_topic' topic. The issue is that the consumer is not able to read messages from the Kafka cluster.
All required security steps are met:
1. SSL - security protocol for the consumer and broker.
2. Addition of the consumer EC2 IP block has been added to the Security Group on the cluster.
from confluent_kafka import Consumer, KafkaError
c = Consumer({
'bootstrap.servers': 'my_host:my_port',
'': 'my_group',
'auto.offset.reset': 'latest',
'security.protocol': 'SSL',
'': '/path/to/certificate.pem'
while True:
msg = c.poll(5)
if msg is None:
if msg.error():
#process_msg(msg) - Writes messages to a data file.
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('Aborted by user\n')
Broker Host: my_host
Port: my_port
Group ID: my_group
working - Running the console-consumer script, I am able to see the data:
kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server my_host:my_port --consumer.config --skip-message-on-error --topic my_topic | jq
Note: points to the JKS file which has the certs.
Further debugging on the Kafka cluster (separate EC2 instance from consumer), I couldn't see any registration of my consumer by my group_id (my_group):
kafka-consumer-groups --botstrap-server my_host:my_port --command-config --descrive --group my_group
This leads me to believe the consumer is not getting registered on the cluster, so may be the SSL handshake is failing? How do I check this from consumer side in python?
- the cluster is behind a proxy (corporate), but I do run the proxy on the consumer EC2 before testing.
- ran the process via pm2, yet didn't see any error logs like req timeouts etc.
Is there any way I can check that the Consumer creation is failing in a definite way and find out the root cause? Any help and feedback is appreciated.

Access Kafka producer server through python script on GCP

I have got a successful connection between a Kafka producer and consumer on a Google Cloud Platform cluster established by:
$ cd /usr/lib/kafka
$ bin/ config/ --broker-list \
PLAINTEXT://[project-name]-w-0.c.[cluster-id].internal:9092 --topic test
and executing in a new shell
$ cd /usr/lib/kafka
$ bin/ --bootstrap-server \
PLAINTEXT://[project-name]-w-0.c.[cluster-id].internal:9092 --topic test \
Now, I want to send messages to the Kafka producer server using the following python script:
from kafka import *
topic = 'test'
producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='PLAINTEXT://[project-name]-w-0.c.[cluster-id].internal:9092',
producer.send(topic, b"Test test test")
However, this results in a KafkaTimeoutError:
"Failed to update metadata after %.1f secs." % (max_wait,))
kafka.errors.KafkaTimeoutError: KafkaTimeoutError: Failed to update metadata after 60.0 secs.
Looking around online told me to consider:
uncommenting listeners=... and advertised.listeners=... in the /usr/lib/kafka/config/ file.
However, listeners=PLAINTEXT://:9092 does not work and this post suggests to set PLAINTEXT://<external-ip>:9092.
So, I started wondering about accessing a Kafka server through an external (static) IP address of the GCP cluster. Then, we have set up a firewall rule to access the port (?) and allow https access to the cluster. But I am unsure whether this is an overkill of the problem.
I definitely need some guidance to connect successfully to the Kafka server from the python script.
You need to set advertised.listeners to the address that your client connects to.
More info:
Thanks Robin! The link you posted was very helpful to find the below working configurations.
Despite the fact that SimpleProducer seems to be a deprecated approach, the following settings finally worked for me:
Python script:
from kafka import *
topic = 'test'
kafka = KafkaClient('[project-name]-w-0.c.[cluster-id].internal:9092')
producer = SimpleProducer(kafka)
message = "Test"
producer.send_messages(topic, message.encode('utf-8'))
and uncomment in the /usr/lib/kafka/config/ file:

Python error 10042 Pusher WebSocket

I try to connect to Pusher Websocket API using the following code :
import pysher
# Add a logging handler so we can see the raw communication data
import logging
root = logging.getLogger()
ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
pusher = pysher.Pusher('de504dc5763aeef9ff52')
# We can't subscribe until we've connected, so we use a callback handler
# to subscribe when able
def connect_handler(data):
channel = pusher.subscribe('live_trades')
channel.bind('trade', callback)
pusher.connection.bind('pusher:connection_established', connect_handler)
while True:
# Do other things in the meantime here...
instead of some valid response, i get this every few seconds :
Connection: Error - [WinError 10042] An unknown, invalid, or
unsupported option or level was specified in a getsockopt or
setsockopt call Connection: Connection closed Attempting to connect
again in 10 seconds.
what is the problem ?
I saw the same error using a different library that uses websockets. I can see from your description (and link) that Pysher uses websockets.
I found (yet another) websocket client for Python that reported an issue with websockets, specifically with Python 3.6.4: []
It references the bug in Python tracker as well []
Upgrading to Python 3.6.5 worked for me. Alternatively, they suggest that upgrading to Windows 10 1703+ should work too (just for completeness; I have not verified this).

Always Open Publish Channel RabbitMQ

I am trying to integrate snmptrapd and RabbitMQ for delivering traps notifications to an exterior system.
My system is composed of 3 components:
A Linux virtual machine with snmptrapd and RabbitMQ (Publisher);
A Linux virtual machine with RabbitMQ (Consumer);
A Linux bare metal with docker so I can have a lot of containers sending traps (using nping)
The snmptrapd part is simple:
authCommunity execute mycom
traphandle default /root/some_script
In my first attempts the some_script was written in Python, but the performance was not perfect (20 containers sending 1 trap per second during 10 seconds, I only received 160 messages in the consumer).
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pika
import sys
message = ""
for line in sys.stdin :
message += (line)
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('test', 'test')
parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters('my_ip', 5672, '/', credentials)
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters)
channel =
I switched to Perl and now I can get 200 traps/messages.
My Perl script uses Net::AMQP::RabbitMQ
use Net::AMQP::RabbitMQ;
foreach my $line ( <STDIN> ) {
chomp( $line );
$message = "$message\n$line";
my $mq = Net::AMQP::RabbitMQ->new();
$mq->connect("my_ip", {
user => "test",
password => "test",
vhost => "/"
$mq->publish(1, "snmp", $message);
But I want better. I tried 200 containers sending 1 trap per second and it failed miserably, receiving only around 10% of messages in the consumer.
I think this has to do with the overhead of always have to open, publish and close the channel in RabbitMQ per trap received, because at the network level I receive all the messages (checked trough a tcpdump).
Is there a way to keep an always-open publish channel so I don't have to reopen/create a connection to the queue?
Asking if you can talk to RabbitMQ server without connecting to it first is like asking if you can talk to someone on the telephone without connecting to their phone first (by dialing and answering).
You really should reuse your connection if you're going to send multiple messages, but you do need a connection first!
Anyway, the problem isn't with the publisher. It's the consumer that's buggy if it's losing messages.

