How to find all longest common substrings that exist in multiple documents? - python

I have many text documents that I want to compare to one another and remove all text that is exactly the same between them. This is to remove find boiler plate text that is consistent so it can be removed for NLP.
The best way I figured to do this is to find Longest Common Sub-strings that exist or are mostly present in all the documents. However, doing this has been incredibly slow.
Here is an example of what I am trying to accomplish:
Title: To Kill a Mocking Bird
Author: Harper Lee
Published: July 11, 1960
Title: 1984
Author: George Orwell
Published: June 1949
Title: The Great Gatsby
Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald
The output would show something like:
'Title': 3,
'Author': 3,
'Published': 2,
The results would then be used to strip out the commonalities between documents.
Here is some code I have tested in python. It's incredibly with any significant amount of permutations:
file_perms = list(itertools.permutations(files, 2))
results = {}
for p in file_perms:
doc_a = p[0]
doc_b = p[1]
while True:
seq_match = SequenceMatcher(a=doc_a, b=doc_b)
match = seq_match.find_longest_match(0, len(doc_a), 0, len(doc_b))
if (match.size >= 5):
doc_a_start, doc_a_stop = match.a, match.a + match.size
doc_b_start, doc_b_stop = match.b, match.b + match.size
match_word = doc_a[doc_a_start:doc_a_stop]
if match_word in results:
results[match_word] += 1
results[match_word] = 1
doc_a = doc_a[:doc_a_start] + doc_a[doc_a_stop:]
doc_b = doc_b[:doc_b_start] + doc_b[doc_b_stop:]
df = pd.DataFrame(
'Value': [x for x in results.keys()],
'Count': [x for x in results.values()]

create a set from each document,
build a counter for every word how many time it appears
iterate over every document, when you find a word that appears in 70% -90% of documents,
append it and the word after it as a tuple to a new counter
and again..
from collections import Counter
one_word = Counter()
for doc in docs:
word_list = docs.split(" ")
word_set = set(word_list)
for word in word_set:
two_word = Counter()
threshold = len(docs)*0.7
for doc in docs:
word_list = doc.split(" ")
for i in range(len(word_list)-1):
if one_word[word_list[i]]>threshold:
key = (word_list[i], word_list[i+1])
you can play with the threshold and continue as long as the counter is not empty
the docs are lyrics of songs believer, by the river of Babylon, I could stay awake, rattlin bog
from collections import Counter
import os
import glob
TR =1 #threshold
dir = r"D:\docs"
path = os.path.join(dir,"*.txt")
files = glob.glob(path)
one_word = {}
all_docs = {}
for file in files:
one_word[file] = set()
all_docs[file] = []
with open(file) as doc:
for row in doc:
for word in row.split():
#now one_word is a dict where the kay is file name and the value is set of words in it
#all_docs is a dict file name is the key and the value is the complete doc stord in a list word by word
common_Frase = Counter()
for key in one_word:
for word in one_word[key]:
#common_Frase containe a count of all words appearence in all files (every file can add a word once)
two_word = {}
for key in all_docs:
two_word[key] = set()
doc = all_docs[key]
for index in range(len(doc)-1):
if common_Frase[doc[index]]>TR:
val = (doc[index], doc[index+1])
for key in two_word:
for word in two_word[key]:
#now common_Frase contain a count of all two words frase
three_word = {}
for key in all_docs:
three_word[key] = set()
doc = all_docs[key]
for index in range(len(doc)-2):
val2 = (doc[index], doc[index+1])
if common_Frase[val2]>TR:
val3 = (doc[index], doc[index+1], doc[index+2])
for key in three_word:
for word in three_word[key]:
for k in common_Frase:
if common_Frase[k]>1:
this is the outpot
when like all Don't And one the my hear and feeling Then your of I'm in me The you away I never to be what a ever thing there from By down Now words that was ('all', 'the') ('And', 'the') ('the', 'words') ('By', 'the') ('and', 'the') ('in', 'the')


I am working on a semantic word search in python using cosine similarity. It is giving me Process finished with exit code 0 without showing an output?

using cosine similarity I am trying to find the semantic word comparison. I have posted the code below for reference, in the code, I have added the stopwords, which are the words I don't want to be found during the search. I have opened the text file with which I want the reference words (also given below ) to be compared. I am also adding a limit of 3 words to the search means any word less than three characters is to be considered a stop word. while running the code it is giving me the process finished with exit code 0 and I can't get an output from the code. Would really appreciate some help. Thank you in advance.
import math
import re
stopwords = set (["is", "a", "about", "above", "above", "across", "after", "afterwards", "again", "against", "all", "almost",
"alonll", "with", "within", "without", "would", "yet", "you", "your",
"yours", "yourself", "yourselves", "the"])
with open("ref.txt", "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
def build_frequency_vector(content: str) -> dict[str, int]:
vector = {}
word_seq = re.split("[ ,;.!?]+", content)
for words in word_seq:
if words not in stopwords and len(words) >= 3:
words = words.lower()
if words in vector:
vector[words] = vector[words] + 1
vector[words] = 1
return vector
refWords = ['spain', 'anchovy',
'france', 'internet', 'china', 'mexico', 'fish', 'industry', 'agriculture', 'fishery', 'tuna', 'transport',
'italy', 'web', 'communication', 'labour', 'fish', 'cod']
refWordsDict = {}
for refWord in refWords:
refWordsDict[refWord] = {}
for line in lines:
line = line.lower()
temp = build_frequency_vector(line)
if refWord not in temp:
for word in temp:
if word not in stopwords and len(word) >= 3 and word != refWord:
refWordsDict[refWord][word] = refWordsDict[refWord].get(word, 0) + temp[word]
def product(v1: dict[str, int], v2: dict[str, int]) -> float:
sp = 0.0
for word in v1:
sp += v1[word] * v2.get(word, 0)
return sp
def cosineSimilarity(s1: str, s2: str) -> float :
d1 = build_frequency_vector(word1)
d2 = build_frequency_vector(word2)
return product(d1, d2) / (math.sqrt(product(d1, d1) * product(d2, d2)))
bests = {}
for word1 in refWords:
bestSimilarity = 0
for word2 in refWords:
if word1 != word2:
similarity: float = cosineSimilarity(refWordsDict[word1], refWordsDict[word2])
if similarity > bestSimilarity:
bestSimilarity = similarity
bests[word1] = (word2, bestSimilarity)
for item in bests:
print(item, "->", bests[item])
I am very new to python and not able to find a solution.

Need advice on Negation Handling while doing Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis in Python

I'm trying to write a Python code that does Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis of product reviews using Dependency Parser. I created an example review:
"The Sound Quality is great but the battery life is bad."
The output is : [['soundquality', ['great']], ['batterylife', ['bad']]]
I can properly get the aspect and it's adjective with this sentence but when I change the text to:
"The Sound Quality is not great but the battery life is not bad."
The output still stays the same. How can I add a negation handling to my code? And are there ways to improve what I currently have?
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.corpus import wordnet
from nltk.stem.wordnet import WordNetLemmatizer
import stanfordnlp'en')'stopwords')'punkt')'averaged_perceptron_tagger')
txt = "The Sound Quality is not great but the battery life is not bad."
txt = txt.lower()
sentList = nltk.sent_tokenize(txt)
taggedList = []
for line in sentList:
txt_list = nltk.word_tokenize(line) # tokenize sentence
taggedList = taggedList + nltk.pos_tag(txt_list) # perform POS-Tagging
newwordList = []
flag = 0
for i in range(0,len(taggedList)-1):
if(taggedList[i][1]=='NN' and taggedList[i+1][1]=='NN'):
if(flag == 1):
finaltxt = ' '.join(word for word in newwordList)
stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
new_txt_list = nltk.word_tokenize(finaltxt)
wordsList = [w for w in new_txt_list if not w in stop_words]
taggedList = nltk.pos_tag(wordsList)
nlp = stanfordnlp.Pipeline()
doc = nlp(finaltxt)
dep_node = []
for dep_edge in doc.sentences[0].dependencies:
dep_node.append([dep_edge[2].text, dep_edge[0].index, dep_edge[1]])
for i in range(0, len(dep_node)):
if(int(dep_node[i][1]) != 0):
dep_node[i][1] = newwordList[(int(dep_node[i][1]) - 1)]
featureList = []
categories = []
totalfeatureList = []
for i in taggedList:
if(i[1]=='JJ' or i[1]=='NN' or i[1]=='JJR' or i[1]=='NNS' or i[1]=='RB'):
totalfeatureList.append(list(i)) # stores all the features for every sentence
fcluster = []
for i in featureList:
filist = []
for j in dep_node:
if((j[0]==i[0] or j[1]==i[0]) and (j[2] in ["nsubj", "acl:relcl", "obj", "dobj", "agent", "advmod", "amod", "neg", "prep_of", "acomp", "xcomp", "compound"])):
fcluster.append([i[0], filist])
finalcluster = []
dic = {}
for i in featureList:
dic[i[0]] = i[1]
for i in fcluster:
You may wish to try spacy. The following pattern will catch:
a noun phrase
followed by is or are
optionally followed by not
followed by an adjective
import spacy
from spacy.matcher import Matcher
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
output = []
doc = nlp('The product is very good')
matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
for nc in doc.noun_chunks:
d = doc[nc.root.right_edge.i+1:nc.root.right_edge.i+1+3]
matches = matcher(d)
if matches:
_, start, end = matches[0]
output.append((nc.text, d[start+1:end].text))
[('The product', 'very good')]
Alternatively, you may broaden matching pattern with info from dependency parser that would add definition of adjectival phrase:
output = []
matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab, validate=True)
for nc in doc.noun_chunks:
d = doc[nc.root.right_edge.i+1:nc.root.right_edge.i+1+3]
matches = matcher(d)
if matches:
_, start, end = matches[0]
output.append((nc.text, d[start+1:end].text))
[('The product', 'very good')]

add values to a list from specific part of a text file

I am having this text
/** Goodmorning
/** Goodnight
I would like to have Alex , Dog , House and red in one list and Maria,Cat,office,green in an other list.
I am having this code
with open(filename) as f :
for i in f:
if i.startswith("/** Goodmorning"):
#add files to list
elif i.startswith("/** Goodnight"):
#add files to other list
So, is there any way to write the script so it can understands that Alex belongs in the part of the text that has Goodmorning?
I'd recommend you to use dict, where "section name" will be a key:
with open(filename) as f:
result = {}
current_list = None
for line in f:
if line.startswith("/**"):
current_list = []
result[line[3:].strip()] = current_list
elif line != "*/":
{'Goodmorning': ['Alex', 'Dog', 'House', 'Red'], 'Goodnight': ['Maria', 'Cat', 'Office', 'Green']}
To search which key one of values belongs you can use next code:
search_value = "Alex"
for key, values in result.items():
if search_value in values:
print(search_value, "belongs to", key)
I would recommend to use Regular expressions. In python there is a module for this called re
import re
s = """/** Goodmorning
/** Goodnight
pattern = r'/\*\*([\w \n]+)\*/'
word_groups = re.findall(pattern, s, re.MULTILINE)
d = {}
for word_group in word_groups:
words = word_group.strip().split('\n\n')
d[words[0]] = words[1:]
{'Goodmorning': ['Alex', 'Dog', 'House', 'Red'], 'Goodnight':
['Maria', 'Cat', 'Office', 'Green']}
expanding on Olvin Roght (sorry can't comment - not enough reputation) I would keep a second dictionary for the reverse lookup
with open(filename) as f:
key_to_list = {}
name_to_key = {}
current_list = None
current_key = None
for line in f:
if line.startswith("/**"):
current_list = []
current_key = line[3:].strip()
key_to_list[current_key] = current_list
elif line != "*/":
print key_to_list
print name_to_key['Alex']
alternative is to convert the dictionary afterwards:
name_to_key = {n : k for k in key_to_list for n in key_to_list[k]}
(i.e if you want to go with the regex version from ashwani)
Limitation is that this only permits one membership per name.

How to detect aboutness with python pos tagger

I am working with python to take a facebook status, tell what the status is about and the sentiment. Essentially I need to tell what the sentiment refers to, I already have successfully coded a sentiment analyzer so the trouble is getting a POS tagger to compute what the sentiment is referring to.
If you have any suggestions from experience I would be grateful. I've read some papers on computing aboutness from subject-object, NP-PP, and NP-NP relations but haven't seen any good examples and havent found many papers.
Lastly if you have worked with POS-taggers, what would be my best bet in python as a non-computer scientist. I'm a physicist so I can hack code together but don't want to reinvent the wheel if there exists a package that has everything I'm going to need.
Thank you very much in advance!
This is what I found to work, going to edit it and use it with nltk pos tagger and see what results I can get.
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import brown
# This is our fast Part of Speech tagger
brown_train = brown.tagged_sents(categories='news')
regexp_tagger = nltk.RegexpTagger(
[(r'^-?[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?$', 'CD'),
(r'(-|:|;)$', ':'),
(r'\'*$', 'MD'),
(r'(The|the|A|a|An|an)$', 'AT'),
(r'.*able$', 'JJ'),
(r'^[A-Z].*$', 'NNP'),
(r'.*ness$', 'NN'),
(r'.*ly$', 'RB'),
(r'.*s$', 'NNS'),
(r'.*ing$', 'VBG'),
(r'.*ed$', 'VBD'),
(r'.*', 'NN')
unigram_tagger = nltk.UnigramTagger(brown_train, backoff=regexp_tagger)
bigram_tagger = nltk.BigramTagger(brown_train, backoff=unigram_tagger)
# This is our semi-CFG; Extend it according to your own needs
cfg = {}
cfg["NNP+NNP"] = "NNP"
cfg["NN+NN"] = "NNI"
cfg["NNI+NN"] = "NNI"
cfg["JJ+JJ"] = "JJ"
cfg["JJ+NN"] = "NNI"
class NPExtractor(object):
def __init__(self, sentence):
self.sentence = sentence
# Split the sentence into singlw words/tokens
def tokenize_sentence(self, sentence):
tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(sentence)
return tokens
# Normalize brown corpus' tags ("NN", "NN-PL", "NNS" > "NN")
def normalize_tags(self, tagged):
n_tagged = []
for t in tagged:
if t[1] == "NP-TL" or t[1] == "NP":
n_tagged.append((t[0], "NNP"))
if t[1].endswith("-TL"):
n_tagged.append((t[0], t[1][:-3]))
if t[1].endswith("S"):
n_tagged.append((t[0], t[1][:-1]))
n_tagged.append((t[0], t[1]))
return n_tagged
# Extract the main topics from the sentence
def extract(self):
tokens = self.tokenize_sentence(self.sentence)
tags = self.normalize_tags(bigram_tagger.tag(tokens))
merge = True
while merge:
merge = False
for x in range(0, len(tags) - 1):
t1 = tags[x]
t2 = tags[x + 1]
key = "%s+%s" % (t1[1], t2[1])
value = cfg.get(key, '')
if value:
merge = True
match = "%s %s" % (t1[0], t2[0])
pos = value
tags.insert(x, (match, pos))
matches = []
for t in tags:
if t[1] == "NNP" or t[1] == "NNI":
#if t[1] == "NNP" or t[1] == "NNI" or t[1] == "NN":
return matches
# Main method, just run "python"
Verizon has not honored this appointment or notified me of the delay in an appropriate manner. It is now 1:20 PM and the only way I found out of a change is that I called their chat line and got a message saying my appointment is for 2 PM. My cell phone message says the original time as stated here.
def main(Topic):
for row in readdata:
for status in facebookData:
for sentence in summary:
np_extractor = NPExtractor(sentence)
result = np_extractor.extract()
if Topic in result:
print sentence
print "This sentence is about: %s" % ", ".join(result)
return relevant_sentence
if __name__ == '__main__':
note that it will save only sentences that are relevant to the topic you define. so if I am analyzing statuses about cheese I could use it as the topic, extract all of the sentences on cheese and then run a sentiment analysis on those. Please if you have comments or suggestions on improving this let me know!

How to sum up the word count for each person in a dialogue?

I'm starting to learn Python and I'm trying to write a program that would import a text file, count the total number of words, count the number of words in a specific paragraph (said by each participant, described by 'P1', 'P2' etc.), exclude these words (i.e. 'P1' etc.) from my word count, and print paragraphs separately.
Thanks to #James Hurford I got this code:
words = None
with open('data.txt') as f:
words =
total_words = len(words)
print 'Total words:', total_words
in_para = False
para_type = None
paragraph = list()
for word in words:
if ('P1' in word or
'P2' in word or
'P3' in word ):
if in_para == False:
in_para = True
para_type = word
print 'Words in paragraph', para_type, ':', len(paragraph)
print ' '.join(paragraph)
del paragraph[:]
para_type = word
if in_para == True:
print 'Words in last paragraph', para_type, ':', len(paragraph)
print ' '.join(paragraph)
print 'No words'
My text file looks like this:
P1: Bla bla bla.
P2: Bla bla bla bla.
P1: Bla bla.
P3: Bla.
The next part I need to do is summing up the words for each participant. I can only print them, but I don't know how to return/reuse them.
I would need a new variable with word count for each participant that I could manipulate later on, in addition to summing up all the words said by each participant, e.g.
P1all = sum of words in paragraph
Is there a way to count "you're" or "it's" etc. as two words?
Any ideas how to solve it?
I would need a new variable with word count for each participant that I could manipulate later on
No, you would need a Counter (Python 2.7+, else use a defaultdict(int)) mapping persons to word counts.
from collections import Counter
#from collections import defaultdict
words_per_person = Counter()
#words_per_person = defaultdict(int)
for ln in inputfile:
person, text = ln.split(':', 1)
words_per_person[person] += len(text.split())
Now words_per_person['P1'] contains the number of words of P1, assuming text.split() is a good enough tokenizer for your purposes. (Linguists disagree about the definition of word, so you're always going to get an approximation.)
Congrats on beginning your adventure with Python! Not everything in this post might make sense right now but bookmark it and comeback to it if it seems helpful later. Eventually you should try to move from scripting to software engineering, and here are a few ideas for you!
With great power comes great responsibility, and as a Python developer you need to be more disciplined than other languages which don't hold your hand and enforce "good" design.
I find it helps to start with a top-down design.
def main():
text = get_text()
p_text = process_text(text)
catalogue = process_catalogue(p_text)
BOOM! You just wrote the whole program -- now you just need to back and fill in the blanks! When you do it like this, it seems less intimidating. Personally, I don't consider myself smart enough to solve very big problems, but I'm a pro at solving small problems. So lets tackle one thing at a time. I'm going to start with 'process_text'.
def process_text(text):
b_text = bundle_dialogue_items(text)
f_text = filter_dialogue_items(b_text)
c_text = clean_dialogue_items(f_text)
I'm not really sure what those things mean yet, but I know that text problems tend to follow a pattern called "map/reduce" which means you perform and operation on something and then you clean it up and combine, so I put in some placeholder functions. I might go back and add more if necessary.
Now let's write 'process_catalogue'. I could've written "process_dict" but that sounded lame to me.
def process_catalogue(p_text):
speakers = make_catalogue(c_text)
s_speakers = sum_words_per_paragraph_items(speakers)
t_speakers = total_word_count(s_speakers)
Cool. Not too bad. You might approach this different than me, but I thought it would make sense to aggregate the items, the count the words per paragraph, and then count all the words.
So, at this point I'd probably make one or two little 'lib' (library) modules to back-fill the remaining functions. For the sake you being able to run this without worrying about imports, I'm going to stick it all in one .py file, but eventually you'll learn how to break these up so it looks nicer. So let's do this.
# ------------------ #
# == process_text == #
# ------------------ #
def bundle_dialogue_items(lines):
cur_speaker = None
paragraphs = Counter()
for line in lines:
if re.match(p, line):
cur_speaker, dialogue = line.split(':')
paragraphs[cur_speaker] += 1
dialogue = line
res = cur_speaker, dialogue, paragraphs[cur_speaker]
yield res
def filter_dialogue_items(lines):
for name, dialogue, paragraph in lines:
if dialogue:
res = name, dialogue, paragraph
yield res
def clean_dialogue_items(flines):
for name, dialogue, paragraph in flines:
s_dialogue = dialogue.strip().split()
c_dialouge = [clean_word(w) for w in s_dialogue]
res = name, c_dialouge, paragraph
yield res
aaaand a little helper function
# ------------------- #
# == aux functions == #
# ------------------- #
to_clean = string.whitespace + string.punctuation
def clean_word(word):
res = ''.join(c for c in word if c not in to_clean)
return res
So it may not be obvious but this library is designed as a data processing pipeline. There several ways to process data, one is pipeline processing and another is batch processing. Let's take a look at batch processing.
# ----------------------- #
# == process_catalogue == #
# ----------------------- #
speaker_stats = 'stats'
def make_catalogue(names_with_dialogue):
speakers = {}
for name, dialogue, paragraph in names_with_dialogue:
speaker = speakers.setdefault(name, {})
stats = speaker.setdefault(speaker_stats, {})
stats.setdefault(paragraph, []).extend(dialogue)
return speakers
word_count = 'word_count'
def sum_words_per_paragraph_items(speakers):
for speaker in speakers:
word_stats = speakers[speaker][speaker_stats]
speakers[speaker][word_count] = Counter()
for paragraph in word_stats:
speakers[speaker][word_count][paragraph] += len(word_stats[paragraph])
return speakers
total = 'total'
def total_word_count(speakers):
for speaker in speakers:
wc = speakers[speaker][word_count]
speakers[speaker][total] = 0
for c in wc:
speakers[speaker][total] += wc[c]
return speakers
All these nested dictionaries are getting a little complicated. In actual production code I would replace these with some more readable classes (along with adding tests and docstrings!!), but I don't want to make this more confusing than it already is! Alright, for your convenience below is the whole thing put together.
import pprint
import re
import string
from collections import Counter
p = re.compile(r'(\w+?):')
def get_text_line_items(text):
for line in text.split('\n'):
yield line
def bundle_dialogue_items(lines):
cur_speaker = None
paragraphs = Counter()
for line in lines:
if re.match(p, line):
cur_speaker, dialogue = line.split(':')
paragraphs[cur_speaker] += 1
dialogue = line
res = cur_speaker, dialogue, paragraphs[cur_speaker]
yield res
def filter_dialogue_items(lines):
for name, dialogue, paragraph in lines:
if dialogue:
res = name, dialogue, paragraph
yield res
to_clean = string.whitespace + string.punctuation
def clean_word(word):
res = ''.join(c for c in word if c not in to_clean)
return res
def clean_dialogue_items(flines):
for name, dialogue, paragraph in flines:
s_dialogue = dialogue.strip().split()
c_dialouge = [clean_word(w) for w in s_dialogue]
res = name, c_dialouge, paragraph
yield res
speaker_stats = 'stats'
def make_catalogue(names_with_dialogue):
speakers = {}
for name, dialogue, paragraph in names_with_dialogue:
speaker = speakers.setdefault(name, {})
stats = speaker.setdefault(speaker_stats, {})
stats.setdefault(paragraph, []).extend(dialogue)
return speakers
def clean_dict(speakers):
for speaker in speakers:
stats = speakers[speaker][speaker_stats]
for paragraph in stats:
stats[paragraph] = [''.join(c for c in word if c not in to_clean)
for word in stats[paragraph]]
return speakers
word_count = 'word_count'
def sum_words_per_paragraph_items(speakers):
for speaker in speakers:
word_stats = speakers[speaker][speaker_stats]
speakers[speaker][word_count] = Counter()
for paragraph in word_stats:
speakers[speaker][word_count][paragraph] += len(word_stats[paragraph])
return speakers
total = 'total'
def total_word_count(speakers):
for speaker in speakers:
wc = speakers[speaker][word_count]
speakers[speaker][total] = 0
for c in wc:
speakers[speaker][total] += wc[c]
return speakers
def get_text():
text = '''BOB: blah blah blah blah
blah hello goodbye etc.
BOB:blah blah blah
blah blah blah
BOB: boopy doopy doop
P1: Bla bla bla.
P2: Bla bla bla bla.
P1: Bla bla.
P3: Bla.'''
text = get_text_line_items(text)
return text
def process_catalogue(c_text):
speakers = make_catalogue(c_text)
s_speakers = sum_words_per_paragraph_items(speakers)
t_speakers = total_word_count(s_speakers)
return t_speakers
def process_text(text):
b_text = bundle_dialogue_items(text)
f_text = filter_dialogue_items(b_text)
c_text = clean_dialogue_items(f_text)
return c_text
def main():
text = get_text()
c_text = process_text(text)
t_speakers = process_catalogue(c_text)
# take a look at your hard work!
if __name__ == '__main__':
So this script is almost certainly overkill for this application, but the point is to see what (questionably) readable, maintainable, modular Python code might look like.
Pretty sure output looks something like:
{'BOB': {'stats': {1: ['blah',
2: ['blah',
3: ['boopy', 'doopy', 'doop']},
'total': 18,
'word_count': Counter({1: 8, 2: 7, 3: 3})},
'JERRY': {'stats': {1: ['', '']}, 'total': 2, 'word_count': Counter({1: 2})},
'P1': {'stats': {1: ['Bla', 'bla', 'bla'], 2: ['Bla', 'bla']},
'total': 5,
'word_count': Counter({1: 3, 2: 2})},
'P2': {'stats': {1: ['Bla', 'bla', 'bla', 'bla']},
'total': 4,
'word_count': Counter({1: 4})},
'P3': {'stats': {1: ['Bla']}, 'total': 1, 'word_count': Counter({1: 1})}}
You can do this with two variables. One to keep track of what person is speaking, the other to keep the paragraphs for the persons speaking. For storing the paragraphs and associating who it is that the paragraph belongs to use a dict with the person as the key and a list of paragraphs that person said associated with this key.
para_dict = dict()
para_type = None
for word in words:
if ('P1' in word or
'P2' in word or
'P3' in word ):
#extract the part we want leaving off the ':'
para_type = word[:2]
#create a dict with a list of lists
#to contain each paragraph the person uses
if para_type not in para_dict:
para_dict[para_type] = list()
#Append the word to the last list in the list of lists
From here you can sum up the number of words spoken thus
for person, para_list in para_dict.items():
counts_list = list()
for para in para_list:
print person, 'spoke', sum(counts_list), 'words'

