Limit page depth on scrapy crawler - python

I have a scraper that takes in a list of URLS, and scans them for additional links, that it then follows to find anything that looks like an email (using REGEX), and returns a list of urls/email addresses.
I currently have it set up in a Jupyter Notebook, so I can easily view the output while testing. The problem is, it takes forever to run - because I'm not limiting the depth of the scraper (per URL).
Ideally, the scraper would go a max of 2-5 pages deep from each start url.
Here's what I have so far:
First, I'm importing my dependencies:
import os, re, csv, scrapy, logging
import pandas as pd
from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerProcess
from scrapy.linkextractors.lxmlhtml import LxmlLinkExtractor
from googlesearch import search
from time import sleep
from Urls import URL_List
And I set turn off logs and warnings for using Scrapy inside the Jupyter Notebook:
logging.getLogger('scrapy').propagate = False
From there, I extract the URLS from my URL file:
def get_urls():
urls = URL_List['urls']
Then, I set up my spider:
class MailSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'email'
def parse(self, response):
I search for links inside URLs.
links = LxmlLinkExtractor(allow=()).extract_links(response)
Then take in a list of URLs as input, reading their source codes one by one.
links = [str(link.url) for link in links]
I send links from one parse method to another.
And set callback argument that defines which method the request URL must be sent to.
for link in links:
yield scrapy.Request(url=link, callback=self.parse_link)
I then pass URLS to the parse_link method — this method applies regex findall to look for emails
def parse_link(self, response):
html_text = str(response.text)
mail_list = re.findall('\w+#\w+\.{1}\w+', html_text)
dic = {'email': mail_list, 'link': str(response.url)}
df = pd.DataFrame(dic)
df.to_csv(self.path, mode='a', header=False)
The google_urls list are passed as an argument when we call the process method to run the Spider, path defines where to save the CSV file.
Then, I save those emails in a CSV file:
def ask_user(question):
response = input(question + ' y/n' + '\n')
if response == 'y':
return True
return False
def create_file(path):
response = False
if os.path.exists(path):
response = ask_user('File already exists, replace?')
if response == False: return
with open(path, 'wb') as file:
For each website, I make a data frame with columns: [email, link], and append it to a previously created CSV file.
Then, I put it all together:
def get_info(root_file, path):
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['email', 'link'], index=[0])
df.to_csv(path, mode='w', header=True)
print('Collecting urls...')
google_urls = get_urls()
print('Searching for emails...')
process = CrawlerProcess({'USER_AGENT': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
process.crawl(MailSpider, start_urls=google_urls, path=path)
print('Cleaning emails...')
df = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=0)
df.columns = ['email', 'link']
df = df.drop_duplicates(subset='email')
df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
df.to_csv(path, mode='w', header=True)
return df
Lastly, I define a keyword and run the scraper:
keyword = input("Who is the client? ")
df = get_info(f'{keyword}', f'{keyword}_emails.csv')
On a list of 100 URLS, I got back 44k results with an email addresses syntax.
Anyone know how to limit the depth?

Set DEPTH_LIMIT in your Spider like this
class MailSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'email'
custom_settings = {
def parse(self, response):


How to use Scrapy to parse PDFs?

I would like to download all PDFs found on a site, e.g. I also tried to use rules but I think it's not neccessary here.
This is my approach:
import scrapy
from scrapy.linkextractors import IGNORED_EXTENSIONS
class PDFParser(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'stadt_koeln_amtsblatt'
# URL of the pdf file
start_urls = ['']
rules = (
Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=r'.*\.pdf', deny_extensions=CUSTOM_IGNORED_EXTENSIONS), callback='parse', follow=True),
def parse(self, response):
# selector of pdf file.
for pdf in response.xpath("//a[contains(#href, 'pdf')]"):
yield scrapy.Request(
def save_pdf(self, response):
path = response.url.split('/')[-1]'Saving PDF %s', path)
with open(path, 'wb') as f:
It seems there are two problems. The first one when extracting all the pdf links with xpath:
TypeError: Cannot mix str and non-str arguments
and the second problem is about handling the pdf file itself. I just want to store it locally in a specific folder or similar. It would be really great if someone has a working example for this kind of site.
To download files you need to use the FilesPipeline. This requires that you enable it in ITEM_PIPELINES and then provide a field named file_urls in your yielded item. In the example below, I have created an extenstion of the FilesPipeline in order to retain the filename of the pdf as provided on the website. The files will be saved in a folder named downloaded_files in the current directory
Read more about the filespipeline from the docs
import scrapy
from scrapy.pipelines.files import FilesPipeline
class PdfPipeline(FilesPipeline):
# to save with the name of the pdf from the website instead of hash
def file_path(self, request, response=None, info=None):
file_name = request.url.split('/')[-1]
return file_name
class StadtKoelnAmtsblattSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'stadt_koeln_amtsblatt'
start_urls = ['']
custom_settings = {
PdfPipeline: 100
"FILES_STORE": "downloaded_files"
def parse(self, response):
links = response.xpath("//a[#class='download pdf pdf']/#href").getall()
links = [response.urljoin(link) for link in links] # to make them absolute urls
yield {
"file_urls": links

How to build spider in Scrapy around the list of urls?

I'm trying to scrape the data from Reddit using spider. I want my spider to iterate over each url in my list of urls (which is in file named reddit.txt) and collect data but I receive an error where the whole list of urls is taken as started urls. Here is my code:
import scrapy
import time
class RedditSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'reddit'
allowed_domains = ['']
custom_settings={ 'FEED_URI': "reddit_comments.csv", 'FEED_FORMAT': 'csv'}
with open('reddit.txt') as f:
start_urls = [url.strip() for url in f.readlines()]
def parse(self, response):
for URL in response.css('html'):
data = {}
data['body'] = URL.css(r"div[style='--commentswrapper-gradient-color:#FFFFFF;max-height:unset'] p::text").extract()
data['name'] = URL.css(r"div[style='--commentswrapper-gradient-color:#FFFFFF;max-height:unset'] a::text").extract()
yield data
Here is my output:
scrapy.exceptions.NotSupported: Unsupported URL scheme '': no handler available for that scheme
2020-07-26 00:51:34 [scrapy.core.scraper] ERROR: Error downloading <GET ['',%20'',%20'' ...
Part of my list:['', '', '', '', '', '', '',...]
Will appreciate any help with my issue. Thank you!
So you can open the url file in the start_requests method and add a callback to your parse method.
class RedditSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "reddit"
allowed_domains = ['']
custom_settings = {'FEED_URI': "reddit_comments.csv", 'FEED_FORMAT': 'csv'}
def start_requests(self):
with open('reddit.txt') as f:
for url in f.readlines():
url = url.strip()
# We need to check this has the http prefix or we get a Missing scheme error
if not url.startswith('http://') and not url.startswith('https://'):
url = 'https://' + url
yield scrapy.Request(url=url, callback=self.parse)
def parse(self, response):
for URL in response.css('html'):
data = {}
data['body'] = URL.css(
r"div[style='--commentswrapper-gradient-color:#FFFFFF;max-height:unset'] p::text").extract()
data['name'] = URL.css(
r"div[style='--commentswrapper-gradient-color:#FFFFFF;max-height:unset'] a::text").extract()
yield data
Make sure the contents of your input file are correctly formatted and have one url per line:
Without seeing the Exception or your file reddit.txt I can't say for sure, but I believe your problem is in the txt file.
Try running this in a separated script: (Or add the print() in your spider)
with open('reddit.txt') as f:
for url in f.readlines():
If I'm right, the output will be all the urls in a single string, instead of urls separated by lines.
Make sure you are breaking into new lines for each URL inside the txt file.

List with several absolute urls "urljoin'ed"

I wish to download all the files from the first post, of several forum topics of a specific forum page. I have my own file pipeline set up to take the items file_url, file_name and source(topic name), in order to save them to the folder ./source/file_name.
However, the file links are relative and I need to use the absolute path. I tried response.urljoin and it gives me a string of the absolute url but of the last file of the post only.
Running the spider gives me the error ValueError: Missing scheme in request url: h
This happens because the absolute url is a string and not a list
Here is my code:
import scrapy
from ..items import FilespipelineItem
class MTGSpider (scrapy.Spider):
name = 'mtgd'
base_url = ''
subforum_url = '/viewforum.php?f=48'
start_urls = [base_url + subforum_url]
def parse(self, response):
for topic_url in response.css('.row dl dt a.topictitle::attr(href)').extract():
yield response.follow(topic_url, callback=self.parse_topic)
def parse_topic(self, response):
item = FilespipelineItem()
item['source'] = response.xpath('//h2/a/text()').get()
item['file_name'] = response.css('.postbody')[0].css('.file .postlink::text').extract()
# Problematic code
for file_url in response.css('.postbody')[0].css('.file .postlink::attr(href)').extract():
item['file_url'] = response.urljoin(file_url)
yield item
If it helps here's the pipeline code:
import re
from scrapy.pipelines.files import FilesPipeline
from scrapy import Request
class MyFilesPipeline(FilesPipeline):
def get_media_requests(self, item, info):
for file_url in item['file_url']:
yield Request(file_url,
'name': item['file_name'],
'source': item['source']
# Rename files to their original name and not the hash
def file_path(self, request, response=None, info=None):
file = request.meta['name']
source = request.meta['source']
# Get names from previous function meta
source = re.sub(r'[?\\*|"<>:/]', '', source)
# Clean source name for windows compatible folder name
filename = u'{0}/{1}'.format(source, file)
# Folder storage key: {0} corresponds to topic name; {1} corresponds to filename
return filename
So my question is.
In a topic with more than 1 file to be downloaded, how can I save the several absolute urls into the file_url item? The for loop is not working as intended since it only saves the last file's url.
Do I need a for loop for this problem? If so, what should it be?
for file_url in response.css('.postbody')[0].css('.file .postlink::attr(href)').extract():
item['file_url'] = response.urljoin(file_url)
You are overwriting item['file_url'] every time with a new URL, and as a result the value of the last one is the value that stays.
Use Python list comprehension instead of a for loop:
file_urls = response.css('.postbody')[0].css('.file .postlink::attr(href)').extract():
item['file_urls'] = [response.urljoin(file_url) for file_url in file_urls]

using supported site for video processing

I am trying to change my code to support video processing from multiple sites (youtube, vimeo, etc.) using the youtube extractions. I don't want to import youtube-dl (unless necessary). I would prefer to call a function. my understanding is that this: youtube-dl is a command line tool. please help!
import pymongo
import get_media
import configparser as ConfigParser
# shorten list to first 10 items
def shorten_list(mylist):
return mylist[:10]
def main():
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()'settings.cfg')
youtubedl_filename = config.get('media', 'youtubedl_input')
print('creating file: %s - to be used as input for youtubedl' % youtubedl_filename)
db = get_media.connect_to_media_db()
items = db.raw
url_list = []
cursor = items.find()
records = dict((record['_id'], record) for record in cursor)
# iterate through records in media items collection
# if 'Url' field exists and starts with youtube, add url to list
for item in records:
item_dict = records[item]
if 'Url' in item_dict['Data']:
url = item_dict['Data']['Url']
if url.startswith(''):
# for testing purposes
# shorten list to only download a few files at a time
url_list = shorten_list(url_list)
# save list of youtube media file urls
with open(youtubedl_filename, 'w') as f:
for url in url_list:
if __name__ == "__main__":

Python Print function issue

Hell there,
I designed a python code using "scrapy" to scrawl a URL page in order to extract the text I need on the page so as to import the results on an excel file. However, I struggle with the last part of the code, the print function. I do not know how to properly use print so that it exports the results of "'name': brickset.css(NAME_SELECTOR).extract_first()" (the text in the URL) in the excel file. Can someone help me?
I would really appreciate
import scrapy
class BrickSetSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "brickset_spider"
start_urls = ['']
def parse(self, response):
for brickset in response.css(POST_SELECTOR):
yield {
'name': brickset.css(NAME_SELECTOR).extract_first(),
import sys
orig_stdout = sys.stdout
f = open('Scrappingtest1.xls', 'a')
sys.stdout = f
sys.stdout = orig_stdout

