I have code that insert data into AWS QLDB using partial SQL and ion documents. Now want to update a document inside QLDB, and I can't find any example on it. Please help!
statement = 'INSERT INTO MY_TABLE'
ion_documents = loads(dumps(MY_JSON_DATA))
def query_lambda(tx_executor, query=statement, docs=ion_documents):
return tx_executor.execute_statement(query, [docs])
def retry_lambda():
print ('Retrying')
cursor = session.execute_lambda(query_lambda, retry_lambda)
As you note, you need to use PartiQL statements to update documents. The code snippet you have to insert a document is most of what you need to update it: the only change you need to make is the statement that you're executing.
The documentation has a Python tutorial which includes examples of updating documents: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/qldb/latest/developerguide/getting-started.python.step-5.html.
For example (from the above link), the following would update the owner of a vehicle in the sample application:
def update_vehicle_registration(transaction_executor, vin, document_id):
statement = "UPDATE VehicleRegistration AS r SET r.Owners.PrimaryOwner.PersonId = ? WHERE r.VIN = ?"
parameters = [document_id, convert_object_to_ion(vin)]
cursor = transaction_executor.execute_statement(statement, parameters)
logger.info('Successfully transferred vehicle with VIN: {} to new owner.'.format(vin))
except StopIteration:
raise RuntimeError('Unable to transfer vehicle, could not find registration.')
Note the use of ? as bind parameters. These will be bound to the values passed into the second argument of execute_statement (in corresponding order).
Here is some information on PartiQL update statements: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/qldb/latest/developerguide/ql-reference.update.html. The syntax is:
UPDATE table [ AS table_alias ] [ BY id_alias ]
SET element = data [, element = data, ... ]
[ WHERE condition ]
The results of running an update statement will be the document id(s) that were affected by the update.
I have a python program that loads an order to a treeview, this order is loaded in the form of documents in a firestore collection from firebase. When I press the order that I want to load, I call the function loadOrder with the necessary id to filter them. But for some reason they don't load.
This is my code:
def loadPedido(idTarget):
docs = db.collection(u'slots').where(u'slotId', u'==', idTarget).stream()
for doc in docs:
docu = doc.to_dict()
nombre = (docu.get('SlotName'))
entero = (docu.get('entero'))
valor = (docu.get('slotPrecio'))
print(f'{doc.id} => {nombre}')
trvPedido.insert("",'end',iid= doc.id, values=(doc.id,nombre, entero, valor))
idTarget is the id to filter, and check with a print that it arrives correctly.
i tried this:
If I write the result of the varable directly in the code, it loads correctly, like so:
docs = db.collection(u'slots').where(u'slotId', u'==', u"2996gHQ32CNFMp5vyieu").stream()
When I have too many product and I used the following filter, the loading time is long.So I want to replace with query.How can I change my search into query?I know the basic query but cant convert my search into query because I don't know how to use for with_context in query.
class valuation_report(models.Model):
_inherit = "stock.valuation.layer"
def _get_current_user(self):
for r in self:
r.user_id = self.env.user
def _search_branch(self, operator, value):
warehouse_id= self.env['stock.warehouse'].search([('branch_id','=',self.env.user.branch_id.id)])
product_ids = self.env['product.product'].with_context(warehouse=warehouse_id.ids).search([]).filtered(lambda p:p.qty_available > 0)
return [('product_id','in',product_ids.ids)]
user = fields.Many2one('res.users', compute=_get_current_user, search=_search_branch)
You can do two things:
Put log_level = debug_sql in your Odoo configuration file. This way you will see what SQL in the logs and this will guide you to understand what with_context is doing.
If you really need to transform everything into SQL, use self.env.cr.execute("SELECT ... FROM ...") and then rows = self.env.cr.dictfetchall()
I recently found out about sqlalchemy in Python. I'd like to use it for data science rather than website applications.
I've been reading about it and I like that you can translate the sql queries into Python.
The main thing that I am confused about that I'm doing is:
Since I'm reading data from an already well established schema, I wish I didn't have to create the corresponding models myself.
I am able to get around that reading the metadata for the table and then just querying the tables and columns.
The problem is when I want to join to other tables, this metadata reading is taking too long each time, so I'm wondering if it makes sense to pickle cache it in an object, or if there's another built in method for that.
Edit: Include code.
Noticed that the waiting time was due to an error in the loading function, rather than how to use the engine. Still leaving the code in case people comment something useful. Cheers.
The code I'm using is the following:
def reflect_engine(engine, update):
store = f'cache/meta_{engine.logging_name}.pkl'
if update or not os.path.isfile(store):
meta = alq.MetaData()
with open(store, "wb") as opened:
pkl.dump(meta, opened)
with open(store, "r") as opened:
meta = pkl.load(opened)
return meta
def begin_session(engine):
session = alq.orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine)
return session()
Then I use the metadata object to get my queries...
def get_some_cars(engine, metadata):
session = begin_session(engine)
Cars = metadata.tables['Cars']
Makes = metadata.tables['CarManufacturers']
cars_cols = [ getattr(Cars.c, each_one) for each_one in [
'car_purchase_price_car']] + [
statuses = {
'selling' : ['AVAILABLE','RESERVED'],
'physical' : ['ATOURLOCATION'] }
inventory_conditions = alq.and_(
Cars.c.purchase_channel == "Inspection",
Cars.c.car_selling_status.in_( statuses['selling' ]),
the_query = ( session.query(*cars_cols).
join(Makes, Cars.c.car_manufacturer_id == Makes.c.car_manufacturer_id).
statement )
the_inventory = pd.read_sql(the_query, engine)
return the_inventory
I use SQLFORM.smartgrid to show a list of records from a table (service_types). In each row of the smartgrid there is a delete link/button to delete the record. I want to executive some code before smartgrid/web2py actually deletes the record, for example I want to know if there are child records (services table) referencing this record, and if any, flash a message telling user that record cannot be deleted. How is this done?
Field('type_name', requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(), IS_ALPHANUMERIC()]),
Field('service_type','reference service_types',requires=IS_IN_DB(db,db.service_types.id,
error_message='not in table',
if db(db.service_types).count() < 1:
def list_services():
grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.services
, fields = [db.services.service_name,db.services.service_type]
return locals()
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
There are two options. First, the deletable argument can be a function that takes the Row object of a given record and returns True or False to indicate whether the record is deletable. If it returns False, the "Delete" button will not be shown for that record, nor the delete operation be allowed on the server.
def can_delete(row):
return True if [some condition involving row] else False
grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(..., deletable=can_delete)
Second, there is an ondelete argument that takes the db Table object and the record ID. It is called right before the delete operation, so to prevent the delete, you can do a redirect within that function:
def ondelete(table, record_id):
record = table(record_id)
if [some condition]:
session.flash = 'Cannot delete this record'
grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(..., ondelete=ondelete)
Note, if the grid is loaded via an Ajax component and its actions are therefore performed via Ajax, using redirect within the ondelete method as shown above will not work well, as the redirect will have no effect and the table row will still be deleted from the grid in the browser (even though the database record was not deleted). In that case, an alternative approach is to return a non-200 HTTP response to the browser, which will prevent the client-side Javascript from deleting the row from the table (the delete happens only on success of the Ajax request). We should also set response.flash instead of session.flash (because we are not redirecting/reloading the whole page):
def ondelete(table, record_id):
record = table(record_id)
if [some condition]:
response.flash = 'Cannot delete this record'
raise HTTP(403)
Note, both the deletable and ondelete arguments can be dictionaries with table names as keys, so you can specify different values for different tables that might be linked from the smartgrid.
Finally, notice the delete URLs look like /appname/list_services/services/delete/services/[record ID]. So, in the controller, you can determine if a delete is being requested by checking if 'delete' in request.args. In that case, request.args[-2:] represents the table name and record ID, which you can use to do any checks.
From Anthony's answer I chose the second option and came up with the following:
def ondelete_service_type(service_type_table, service_type_id):
count = db(db.services.service_type == service_type_id).count()
if count > 0:
session.flash = T("Cant delete")
return locals()
def list_service_types():
grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.service_types
, fields = [db.service_types.type_name, db.services.service_name]
, ondelete = ondelete_service_type
return locals()
But, if I do this...
if count > 0:
session.flash = T("Cant delete")
return locals()
I get this error:
And if I do this:
if count > 0:
session.flash = T("Cant delete")
redirect(URL('default','list_service_types#')) <== please take note
return locals()
I get the flash error message Cant delete but the record appears deleted from the list, and reappears after a page refresh with F5 (apparently because the delete was not allowed in the database, which is intended).
Which one should I fix and how?
If any of these issue is resolved I can accept Anthony's answer.
I have a JSON document in my database that I want to modify frequently from my python program, once every 25 seconds. I know how to upload a document to the database and read a document from it, but I do not know how to modify/replace a document.
This link shows the functions offered in the python module. I see the ReplaceDocument function, but it takes in a document-link. Though how can I get the document link? Where am I suppose to look for this information?
It sounds like you had resolved it. Just as summary, the code below.
# Query a document
query = { 'query': 'SELECT * FROM <collection name> ....'}
docs = client.QueryDocuments(coll_link, query)
doc = list(docs)[0]
# Get the document link from attribute `_self`
doc_link = doc['_self']
# Modify the document
# Replace the document via document link
client.ReplaceDocument(doc_link, doc)
April 2020
If you are reading MS Azure's Quickstart guide and following a supporting git repo, note that there might be some differences.
For example,
from azure.cosmos import exceptions, CosmosClient, PartitionKey
endpoint = 'endpoint'
key = 'key'
db_name = 'cosmos-db-name'
container_name = 'container-name'
client = CosmosClient(endpoint, key)
db = client.create_database_if_not_exists(id=db_name)
container = db.create_container_if_not_exists(id=container_name, partition_key=PartitionKey(path="/.."), offer_throughput=456
# Replace item
container.replace_item(doc_link, doc)
When it comes to doc_link and doc, in the above case, I encountered an error when I used doc['_self']. By using the primary key of the doc, the doc is updated.