I am developing a specialized text editor for a company. I am developing in Python 3.7.4 and I'm using Tkinter. One of the features I would like to develop is to select a range of columns/rows by dragging the mouse pointer from a starting point. If you're familiar with Notepad++, it is equivalent to their Alt + mouse drag feature. I've included a short video demonstrating this feature in Notepad++. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEDURCPTrHo&feature=youtu.be
I have not found a similar keystroke combination in Tkinter that allows this within a Text box. I am familiar with most elements of the Text method, and know how to determine row/column index, selection range, insert/delete, bbox attributes, etc. And I also know how to bind mouse events (click, move, release). And finally I am aware of the notion of monospace fonts and calculating row/column for the mouse event x/y coordinates. I'm just wondering if anybody has written any code to do this, or knows of a Tkinter Text method feature that I may be overlooking.
Thanks in advance for your help.
When automating clicks and keystrokes, I often have to wait until a button finishes loading and becomes clickable. The only indicator of this is, to my knowledge, the shape of my cursor. In any programming language (preferably Python), is there any way to tell if it has changed from a pointer to a hand?
You could take a screenshot then use the PIL imaging library combined with the current cursor position to find out how wide the mouse is. It might not work very well if there was a white or black background though.
I would like to know if there is a simple way to get coordinates of an area selected with the mouse on screen?
Imagine, I have a small gui, clicking a "select" button then I draw a select area on my screen and it returns the top-left / bottom-right coordinate of my selected area.
And also which kind of gui should I use to be multi platform compatible?
wxPython / wkTinker, any other?
Thanks to point me on the right direction.
The first question depends on the second, but usually you have something like a mousePressed and a mouseRelease event which both provide coordinates (see here for Tkinter). A selected rectangle is defined by the coordinates of those two events.
The second question is rather subjective and also depends on what you want to do exactly. But another option would be PyQt.
I wanted to know if anyone knew where to start in terms of recreating this sort of functionality?
In the picture you can drag the centre line to reveal Image A or Image B or parts of each, interactively.
I want to be able to wipe/reveal across two images, maybe it's possible doing some sort of interactive crop of sorts.
Wanting to add this feature to a window in Maya, so maybe with QT, but not essential.
Just some pointers would be great.
I can tell you that this is possible via Qt/PyQt in maya. You can create a dialog that displays QPixmaps with some form of mouse interaction to control their display. I would forget about trying to extend the actual Render View as this would be a pain in the ass.
Just focus on a Qt solution. Unfortunately beyond this, I'm not sure what more I can offer unless you have a specific question about its implementation.
I would probably stack the QPixmaps on top of each other inside of custom QLabel widgets. The QLabel would have a custom mousepress/move event that would resize maybe the right edge to simulate the wipe effect, and reveal the one stacked underneath.
Also, it does resemble the functionality of a QSplitter so that might also work, with an image on each side of the layout and a custom style to the split bar.
Suppose I have drawn simple text (say just the letter 'x') with some font parameters (like size 20 font, etc.) onto an (x,y) location in a QLabel that holds a QPixmap. What are the relevant methods that I will need to override in order to detect a mouse event when a click occurs "precisely" over one of these drawn x's.
My first instinct is to lookup the stored (x,y) locations of drawn points and if the mouse current position is inside a tiny box around that (x,y) position, then I will execute some functionality, like allowing the user to adjust that point, and if not then execute normal mouse event functionality. However, the points I am interacting with are tracked features on human faces, like eyes, etc. Often, when someone is turning at an odd angle with the camera, etc., two distinct tracked points can be pretty much right on top of each other. Thus, no matter how well the user focuses on the desired key point, if there is some tolerance in the logic criteria in mouse event handling, there will be cases where the logic believes two different points are being clicked.
I want to minimize this sort of issue without making unreasonable precision of the click criteria. Is there some fundamentally different way to interpret selection of text (as in, when text is drawn to a pixmap, does there become any sort of attribute of that pixmap that is aware that text has been drawn at (x,y) and so that's what the user must be trying to click on?)
Any advice or examples of this sort of thing in PyQT would be greatly appreciated.
Although you alluded to your plans for user interaction in your previous question, it is now clear that the Graphics View Framework may be more appropriate for what you are trying to do.
This is distinctly different from drawing in a widget. With this framework, you create a scene composed of graphic items (QGraphicsItem subclasses) and then assigne the scene to a view. Through the view, you can interact with the items in the scene. They can generate click events and even be dragged around. The documentation is extensive and looks complicated but conceptually, I think it is easier to understand.
Can anyone help or point me in the right direction for figuring out how to create a drag and draw rectangular box to be used as a selection tool in PyGtk? I am presently using an event box with a drawable window and the user can click once in the upper left and once in the lower right corner of the portion of image they would like to choose which will then draw a rectangle over the selection, but a drag and draw rectangle will allow the user to better adjust and get better accuracy.
I have looked quite a few places for information or a tutorial on this but I haven't found much. I am relatively new to Gtk+ so perhaps this is so simple that no one has to ask.
Actually, this doesn't seem all that lamebrained at all. It is actually quite specific, and a little challenging.
I'll give you the steps to start you off, but as you're beginning (and you didn't post any specific code), it would be better for you to create the code yourself based on documentation and my hints.
By the way, look up the official PyGTK documentation - that should be your definitive source for all the objects and functions of PyGTK. It is very well written and exhaustive, and I rarely have to look more than five minutes to find what I need.
What I suggest you do is use three signals, connected to your drawing area.
Create three callbacks (tutorial here), one for each event. Connect your drawing area to your events and callbacks (again, see tutorial. You may need to go through a few pages on it.).
You are going to also need to create two boolean variables on the global level (above the main class, at the same level you import modules.) The first controls whether the selection tool is chosen (call it "Select_On"), and the second for if it is active (call it "Select_Active")
On the button you use to start the select tool, set "Select_On" to "True". This should probably be a toggle button, so make sure you set it up so "Select_On" gets set to off if you toggle the button off.
On button-press-event, create the object for selecting. What you're going with now actually should work well. Also, set "Select_Active" to "True".
On motion-notify-event, change the size of your object based on cursor position. Refer to that documentation for that particular kind of object to learn how to change its size, and refer here for how to get the cursor position.
Be prepared to write an algorithm to determine how to change the size of the selection object based on the cursor position. If you need help with that, feel free to ask for it in a separate question.
On button-release-event, set "Select_Active" to "False", and call all your code for actually confirming the selection.
As an aside, the benefit to using the "motion-notify-event" is that, as soon as the cursor leaves the widget you're selection in, the selection box stops changes sizes. The cursor must re-enter the widget to continue changing the selection box size.
I hope all that works for you, and wishing you the very best on your project!