Architectural solution to avoid null check - python

Look at the code below:
class Adt:
# I avoided constructor with dependencies
def generate_document(self, date_from, date_to):
adt_data = self.repository.read_adt_data(date_from, date_to) # **<- adt_data may be null**
document_body = self.__prepare_document_body(adt_data )
doc_id = self.__generate_document(document_body)
return doc_id
except Exception:
And below you can see client code:
doc_id = adt.generate_document(date_from,date_to)
Explanation and problem:
There is normal business state when we do not have adt_data, so this variable sometimes can be None.
Straightforward solution is just to put if..."
adt_data = self.repository.read_adt_data(date_from, date_to)
if not adt_data:
return None
And corrected client code:
doc_id = adt.generate_document(date_from,date_to)
if doc_id:
Is there any typical mechanism to avoid such if's? I've read about Null object pattern. Probably repository could return not None, but an object with empty fields? I want to ask experts about possible solutions.


openai.error.InvalidRequestError: Engine not found

Tried accessing the OpenAPI example - Explain code
But it shows error as -
InvalidRequestError: Engine not found
enter code response = openai.Completion.create(
prompt="class Log:\n def __init__(self, path):\n dirname = os.path.dirname(path)\n os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)\n f = open(path, \"a+\")\n\n # Check that the file is newline-terminated\n size = os.path.getsize(path)\n if size > 0:\n - 1)\n end =\n if end != \"\\n\":\n f.write(\"\\n\")\n self.f = f\n self.path = path\n\n def log(self, event):\n event[\"_event_id\"] = str(uuid.uuid4())\n json.dump(event, self.f)\n self.f.write(\"\\n\")\n\n def state(self):\n state = {\"complete\": set(), \"last\": None}\n for line in open(self.path):\n event = json.loads(line)\n if event[\"type\"] == \"submit\" and event[\"success\"]:\n state[\"complete\"].add(event[\"id\"])\n state[\"last\"] = event\n return state\n\n\"\"\"\nHere's what the above class is doing:\n1.",
I've been trying to access the engine named code-davinci-002 which is a private beta version engine. So without access it's not possible to access the engine. It seems only the GPT-3 models are of public usage. We need to need to join the OpenAI Codex Private Beta Waitlist in order to access Codex models through API.
Please note that your code is not very readable.
However, from the given error, I think it has to do with the missing colon : in the engine name.
Change this line from:
If you are using a finetuned model instead of an engine, you'd want to use model= instead of engine=.
response = openai.Completion.create(
model="<finetuned model>",

How change one value to another in one place and use it in couple functions?

I'm writing test automation for API in BDD behave. I need a switcher between environments. Is any possible way to change one value in one place without adding this value to every functions? Example:
I've tried to do it by adding value to every function but its makes all project very complicated
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'country': 'fi'
what i what to switch only country value in headers e.g from 'fi' to 'es'
and then all function should switch themselves to es environment, e.g
def sending_post_request(endpoint, user):
url = fi_api_endpoints.api_endpoints_list.get(endpoint)
personalId = {'personalId': user}
json_post =,
endpoint_message = json_post.text
server_status = json_post.status_code
def phone_number(phone_number_status):
if phone_number_status == 'wrong':
cursor = functions_concerning_SQL_conection.choosen_db('fi_sql_identity')
cursor.execute("SELECT TOP 1 PersonalId from Registrations where PhoneNumber is NULL")
result = cursor.fetchone()
user_with_no_phone_number = result[0]
return user_with_no_phone_number
cursor = functions_concerning_SQL_conection.choosen_db('fi_sql_identity')
cursor.execute("SELECT TOP 1 PersonalId from Registrations where PhoneNumber is not NULL")
result = cursor.fetchone()
user_with_phone_number = result[0]
return user_with_phone_number
and when i will change from 'fi' to 'es' in headers i want:
fi_sql_identity change to es_sql_identity
url = fi_api_endpoints.api_endpoints_list.get(endpoint) change to
url = es_api_endpoints.api_endpoints_list.get(endpoint)
thx and please help
With respect to your original question, a solution for this case is closure:
def f(x):
def long_calculation(y):
return x * y
return long_calculation
# create different functions without dispatching multiple times
g = f(val_1)
h = f(val_2)
Well, the problem is why do you hardcode everything? With the update you can simplify your function as:
def phone_number(phone_number_status, db_name='fi_sql_identity'):
cursor = functions_concerning_SQL_conection.choosen_db(db_name)
if phone_number_status == 'wrong':
sql = "SELECT TOP 1 PersonalId from Registrations where PhoneNumber is NULL"
sql = "SELECT TOP 1 PersonalId from Registrations where PhoneNumber is not NULL"
result = cursor.fetchone()
return result[0]
Also please don't write like:
But use a parameter:
region = 'fi' # or "es"
db_conn = initialize_conn(region)
And use a config file to store your endpoints with respect to your region, e.g. consider YAML:
# config.yml
db_name: es_sql_identity
db_name: fi_sql_identity
Then use them in Python:
import yaml
with open('config.yml') as f:
config = yaml.safe_load(f)
region = 'fi'
db_name = config[region]['db_name'] # "fi_sql_identity"
# status = ...
result = phone_number(status, db_name)
See additional useful link for using YAML.
First, provide an encapsulation how to access the resources of a region by providing this encapsulation with a region parameter. It may also be a good idea to provide this functionality as a behave fixture.
CASE 1: region parameter needs to vary between features / scenarios
For example, this means that SCENARIO_1 needs region="fi" and SCENARIO_2 needs region="es".
Use fixture and fixture-tag with region parameter.
In this case you need to write own scenarios for each region (BAD TEST REUSE)
or use a ScenarioOutline as template to let behave generate the tests for you (by using a fixture-tag with a region parameter value for example).
CASE 2: region parameter is constant for all features / scenarios (during test-run)
You can support multiple test-runs with different region parameters by using a userdata parameter.
Look at behave userdata concept.
This allows you to run behave -D region=fi ... and behave -D region=es ...
This case provides a better reuse of testsuite, meaning a large part of the testsuite is the common testsuite that is applied to all regions.
HINT: Your code examples are too specific ("fi" based) which is a BAD-SMELL.

Python Flask and SQLAlchemy, selecting all data from a column

I am attempting to query all rows for a column called show_id. I would then like to compare each potential item to be added to the DB with the results. Now the simplest way I can think of doing that is by checking if each show is in the results. If so pass etc. However the results from the below snippet are returned as objects. So this check fails.
Is there a better way to create the query to achieve this?
shows_inDB = Show.query.filter(Show.show_id).all()
<app.models.user.Show object at 0x10c2c5fd0>,
<app.models.user.Show object at 0x10c2da080>,
<app.models.user.Show object at 0x10c2da0f0>
Code for the entire function:
def save_changes_show(show_details):
Save the changes to the database
shows_inDB = Show.query.filter(Show.show_id).all()
for show in show_details:
#Check the show isnt already in the DB
if show['id'] in shows_inDB:
print(str(show['id']) + ' Already Present')
#Add show to DB
tv_show = Show(
show_id = show['id'],
seriesName = str(show['seriesName']).encode(),
aliases = str(show['aliases']).encode(),
banner = str(show['banner']).encode(),
seriesId = str(show['seriesId']).encode(),
status = str(show['status']).encode(),
firstAired = str(show['firstAired']).encode(),
network = str(show['network']).encode(),
networkId = str(show['networkId']).encode(),
runtime = str(show['runtime']).encode(),
genre = str(show['genre']).encode(),
overview = str(show['overview']).encode(),
lastUpdated = str(show['lastUpdated']).encode(),
airsDayOfWeek = str(show['airsDayOfWeek']).encode(),
airsTime = str(show['airsTime']).encode(),
rating = str(show['rating']).encode(),
imdbId = str(show['imdbId']).encode(),
zap2itId = str(show['zap2itId']).encode(),
added = str(show['added']).encode(),
addedBy = str(show['addedBy']).encode(),
siteRating = str(show['siteRating']).encode(),
siteRatingCount = str(show['siteRatingCount']).encode(),
slug = str(show['slug']).encode()
except Exception:
I have decided to use the method above and extract the data I wanted into a list, comparing each show to the list.
show_compare = []
shows_inDB = Show.query.filter().all()
for item in shows_inDB:
for show in show_details:
#Check the show isnt already in the DB
if show['id'] in show_compare:
print(str(show['id']) + ' Already Present')
#Add show to DB
For querying a specific column value, have a look at this question: Flask SQLAlchemy query, specify column names. This is the example code given in the top answer there:
result = SomeModel.query.with_entities(SomeModel.col1, SomeModel.col2)
The crux of your problem is that you want to create a new Show instance if that show doesn't already exist in the database.
Querying the database for all shows and looping through the result for each potential new show might become very inefficient if you end up with a lot of shows in the database, and finding an object by identity is what an RDBMS does best!
This function will check to see if an object exists, and create it if not. Inspired by this answer:
def add_if_not_exists(model, **kwargs):
if not model.query.filter_by(**kwargs).first():
instance = model(**kwargs)
So your example would look like:
def add_if_not_exists(model, **kwargs):
if not model.query.filter_by(**kwargs).first():
instance = model(**kwargs)
for show in show_details:
add_if_not_exists(Show, id=show['id'])
If you really want to query all shows upfront, instead of putting all of the id's into a list, you could use a set instead of a list which will speed up your inclusion test.
show_compare = {item.show_id for item in Show.query.all()}
for show in show_details:
# ... same as your code

Skipping a field on save (Django models, Insert and Update)

Given PostgreSQL 9.2.10, Django 1.8, python 2.7.5, the following model:
class soapProdAPI(models.Model):
soap_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(primary_key=True)
soap_host = models.CharField(max_length=20)
soap_ip = models.GenericIPAddressField(default='')
soap_asset = models.CharField(max_length=20)
soap_state = models.CharField(max_length=20)
And the following code:
tableProdSoap = soapProdQuery()
def saveSoapProd():
tableProdSoap = soapProdQuery()
if tableProdSoap != None:
for item in tableProdSoap:
commit = soapProdAPI(soap_id=item[0], soap_host=item[1], soap_asset=item[2], soap_state=item[3])
To answer Josué Padilla's question:
def saveSoapNullIP():
missingIP = soapProdAPI.objects.filter(soap_ip='')
if missingIP:
for record in missingIP:
if str(record.soap_host).lower().startswith('1a'):
fqdn = str(record.soap_host) + 'stringvaluehere'
elif str(record.soap_host).lower().startswith('1b'):
fqdn = str(record.soap_host) + 'stringvaluehere'
elif str(record.soap_host).lower().startswith('1c'):
fqdn = str(record.soap_host) + 'stringvaluehere'
fqdn = str(record.soap_host) + 'stringvaluehere'
hostIp = check_output('host %s' % fqdn, shell=True)
hostIp = hostIp.split()[-1]
hostIp = ''
record.soap_ip = hostIp['soap_ip'])
My soapProdQuery only returns these 4 fields where there is a 5th field in the model (soap_ip). I know it is probably not the best way to do it but I have a separate block of code that queries the db for None values in soap_ip runs a subprocess host on them and saves it back with the ip address (The number of rows returned/updated should get smaller each pass through, as opposed to putting the logic for doing a host lookup into the request/this celery task itself which would run every API request. I have tried this already, it takes FOREVER to return the completed data.). The soap API I query does not provide the IP or I would grab it that way obviously. This all runs as background tasks using celery to make it invisible/seamless to the web user.
The issue I run into is that every time the saveSoapProd() runs it overwrites the previous soap_ip field with '' thus negating the work of my other function. The other issue is that I cannot force_insert or force_update as I need both functionalities with this. My question is this: is there a way to selectively update/insert at the same time and completely exclude doing anything to the soap_ip each time saveSoapProd() runs? Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
** EDIT 1 **
I may or may not have found a solution in update_or_create or get_or_create, however I am unsure on the exact usage. The docs have me slightly confused.
** EDIT 2 **
I guess get_or_create is a bust. Works first pass through but every save after that fails with this:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
File "<console>", line 8, in saveSoapProd
File "/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 690, in save
% ', '.join(non_model_fields))
ValueError: The following fields do not exist in this model or are m2m fields: soap_id
Here is the code:
def saveSoapProd():
tableProdSoap = soapProdQuery()
if tableProdSoap != None:
for item in tableProdSoap:
obj, created = soapProdAPI.objects.get_or_create(soap_id=item[0], defaults={'soap_host': item[1], 'soap_asset': item[2], 'soap_state': item[3]})
if created == False:
commit = soapProdAPI(soap_id=item[0], soap_host=item[1], soap_asset=item[2], soap_state=item[3])['soap_id', 'soap_host', 'soap_asset', 'soap_state'])
I will be honest, I am not entirely sure what is causing this error.
I was able to resolve my own issue by modifying my model and my task function. The solution uses get_or_create, but you could easily extrapolate how to use update_or_create from the solution provided. See the selected answer below for a coded example.
** TLDR **
I want to do a .save() where it may need to do a insert for new records or update for changed records WITHOUT touching the soap_ip field (no insert_only or update_only).
I don't know if you already knew this, but you can override the save() function of your model.
class soapProdAPI(models.Model):
soap_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(primary_key=True)
soap_host = models.CharField(max_length=20)
soap_ip = models.GenericIPAddressField(default='')
soap_asset = models.CharField(max_length=20)
soap_state = models.CharField(max_length=20)
# Override save
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.soap_ip != '':
self.soap_ip = your_ip # Here you can get your old IP an save that instead of
You are getting
ValueError: The following fields do not exist in this model or are m2m fields: soap_id
Because you are trying to update soap_id, that field is defined as your model's primary key, so it is immutable when updating. That's why it crashes when you do:['soap_id', 'soap_host', 'soap_asset', 'soap_state'])
Try removing soap_id from update_fields.
Solved my own issue without modifying the save method by making the following changes to my model:
class soapProdAPI(models.Model):
soap_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(unique=True, null=False)
soap_host = models.CharField(max_length=20)
soap_ip = models.GenericIPAddressField(default='')
soap_asset = models.CharField(max_length=20)
soap_state = models.CharField(max_length=20)
and my task:
def saveSoapProd():
tableProdSoap = soapProdQuery()
if tableProdSoap != None:
for item in tableProdSoap:
obj, created = soapProdAPI.objects.get_or_create(soap_id=item[0], defaults={'soap_host': item[1], 'soap_asset': item[2], 'soap_state': item[3]})
if created == False:
obj.soap_host = item[1]
obj.soap_asset = item[2]
obj.soap_state = item[3]['soap_host', 'soap_asset', 'soap_state'])
Just noticed Josué Padilla's response, which was in fact part of my problem that I solved with this answer. Thank you to Josué for all of your help.

How to use the Typed unmarshaller in suds?

I have existing code that processes the output from suds.client.Client(...).service.GetFoo(). Now that part of the flow has changed and we are no longer using SOAP, instead receiving the same XML through other channels. I would like to re-use the existing code by using the suds Typed unmarshaller, but so far have not been successful.
I came 90% of the way using the Basic unmarshaller:
tree = suds.umx.basic.Basic().process(xmlroot)
This gives me the nice tree of objects with attributes, so that the pre-existing code can access tree[some_index].someAttribute, but the value will of course always be a string, rather than an integer or date or whatever, so the code can still not be re-used as-is.
The original class:
class SomeService(object):
def __init__(self):
self.soap_client = Client(some_wsdl_url)
def GetStuff(self):
return self.soap_client.service.GetStuff()
The drop-in replacement that almost works:
class SomeSourceUntyped(object):
def __init__(self):
self.url = some_url
def GetStuff(self):
xmlfile = urllib2.urlopen(self.url)
xmlroot = suds.sax.parser.Parser().parse(xmlfile)
if xmlroot:
# because the parser creates a document root above the document root
tree = suds.umx.basic.Basic().process(xmlroot)[0]
tree = None
return tree
My vain effort to understand suds.umx.typed.Typed():
class SomeSourceTyped(object):
def __init__(self):
self.url = some_url
self.schema_file_name =
with open(self.schema_file_name) as f:
self.schema_node = suds.sax.parser.Parser().parse(f)
self.schema = suds.xsd.schema.Schema(self.schema_node, "", suds.options.Options())
self.schema_query = suds.xsd.query.ElementQuery(('','Stuff'))
self.xmltype = self.schema_query.execute(self.schema)
def GetStuff(self):
xmlfile = urllib2.urlopen(self.url)
xmlroot = suds.sax.parser.Parser().parse(xmlfile)
if xmlroot:
unmarshaller = suds.umx.typed.Typed(self.schema)
# I'm still running into an exception, so obviously something is missing:
# " Exception: (document, None, ), must be qref "
# Do I need to call the Parser differently?
tree = unmarshaller.process(xmlroot, self.xmltype)[0]
tree = None
return tree
This is an obscure one.
Bonus caveat: Of course I am in a legacy system that uses suds 0.3.9.
EDIT: further evolution on the code, found how to create SchemaObjects.

