Python method not recognized - python

I am learning python so I have worked on this one thing a long time. I still can't find the answer.
Interpreter says there is no method called _set_icon()
import pyodbc as db
import pandas as pd
import Globals
class BatchNodeData(object):
"""support batch node of the tree. Contains what it needs to do that"""
def __init__(self):
def _set_icon():
sql_conn = db.connect(Globals.SQL_CONN_STRING)
b_query = " \
SELECT top 1 * \
FROM dbo.ETLBatchRun a \
Where b.BatchID = " + str(batchid) + \
"Order by a.StatusDT desc"
df_icon = pd.read_sql(b_query, sql_conn)
if not df_icon.empty:
self.last_status = df_icon['StatusID'].iloc[0]
def _get_icon_index():
switcher = {
1: 2,
2: 2,
3: 3,
4: 4
switcher_selected = {
1: 7,
2: 7,
3: 8,
4: 8
if selected:
return switcher_selected.get(statusid, 0) # default 0 (yellow bar)
return switcher.get(statusid, 0) # default 0 (yellow bar)
def __init__(self, batchid):
self.batch_id = None
self.batch_name = None
self.critical = None
self.node_icon_index = None
self.last_status = None
self.selected = False
self.running = False
sql_conn = db.connect(Globals.SQL_CONN_STRING)
b_query = " \
select b.BatchID \
, b.BatchName \
, c.AttributeValue as Critical \
, noRun.AttributeValue as noRun \
from dbo.ETLBatch b (nolock) \
left join dbo.etlbatchattribute (nolock) c \
on c.batchid = b.batchid \
and c.AttributeName = 'Critical' \
and c.AttributeValue = '1' \
left join dbo.etlbatchattribute (nolock) noRun \
on noRun.batchid = b.batchid \
and noRun.AttributeName = 'NotRunnableInETLMonitor' \
and noRun.AttributeValue = '1' \
Where b.BatchID = " + str(batchid)
df_batch = pd.read_sql(b_query, sql_conn)
for index, row in df_batch.iterrows():
batch_id = row['BatchID']
batch_name = row['BatchName']
critical = row['Critical']
self.node_icon_index = _get_icon_index()

Since you've declared _set_icon() as a method bounded by the class, you should be able to call it as:


Python Return Statement Not Providing Expected Results

Just attempting to return values from a defined function. When calling the function first and attempting to print the return values I receive "[variable] not defined". However, if I run "print(qb_stat_filler())" it prints the results in a tuple. I need the individual variables returned to use in a separate function.
For Example
outputs: (0, 11, 24, 24.2024, 39.1143, 293.0, 1.9143000000000001, 0.2262, 97.84333355313255)
but when trying
outputs: NameError: name 'cmp_avg' is not defined
Process finished with exit code 1
I've tried establishing the variables outside of the function, then passing and returning them and that did not work either. Any thoughts?
def qb_stat_filler():
n_input = input('Player name: ')
t_input = input('Players team: ')
loc_input = input('H or #: ')
o_input = input('Opponent: ')
# convert index csv to dictionary of player values
q = pd.read_csv('Models\\QB Indexes\\QBname.csv')
q = q[['Player', 'Num']]
qb_dict = dict(q.values)
name = qb_dict.get('{}'.format(n_input))
t = pd.read_csv('Models\\QB Indexes\\Tmname.csv')
t = t[['Tm', 'Num']]
tm_dict = dict(t.values)
team = tm_dict.get('{}'.format(t_input))
loc = 0
if loc_input == '#':
loc = 0
elif loc_input == 'H':
loc = 1
z = pd.read_csv('Models\\QB Indexes\\Oppname.csv')
z = z[['Opp', 'Num']]
opp_dict = dict(z.values)
opp = opp_dict.get('{}'.format(o_input))
*there are several lines of code here that involve SQL
queries and data cleansing*
cmp_avg = (cmp_match + cmpL4) / 2
att_avg = (patt_match + pattL4) / 2
pyds_avg = (py_match + pydsL4) / 2
ptd_avg = (ptdL4 + ptd_match) / 2
int_avg = (intL4 + int_match) / 2
qbr_avg = (qbr_match + qbrL4) / 2
return name, team, opp, cmp_avg, att_avg, pyds_avg, ptd_avg,
int_avg, qbr_avg
You might consider:
def qb_stat_filler():
stats = {}
stats['name'] = name
z = z[['Opp', 'Num']]
opp_dict = dict(z.values)
stats['opp'] = opp_dict.get('{}'.format(o_input))
stats['cmp_avg'] = (cmp_match + cmpL4) / 2
stats['att_avg'] = (patt_match + pattL4) / 2
stats['pyds_avg'] = (py_match + pydsL4) / 2
stats['ptd_avg'] = (ptdL4 + ptd_match) / 2
stats['int_avg'] = (intL4 + int_match) / 2
stats['qbr_avg'] = (qbr_match + qbrL4) / 2
return stats
stats = qb_stat_filler()

How to reuse class from another file

I import into and want to reuse the variable sl and tp from the class instance process_candles.
If a constant number is given to sl and tp in, the script is able to work. However, the desired result is to get variable sl and tp which is calculated in the class instance process_candles. from
snippet as below:
df['PAIR'] = self.pair
decision = NONE
tp = 0
sl = 0
if c[-2]>o[-2]:
if ca[-1]>h[-2]+0.0010:
decision = BUY
tp = ca[-1]+0.010
sl = l[-2]-0.010
elif o[-2]>c[-2]:
if cb[-1]<l[-2]-0.0010:
decision = SELL
tp = cb[-1]-0.010
sl = h[-2]+0.010
decision = NONE
def process_pairs(self):
trades_to_make = []
for pair in self.trade_pairs:
if self.timings[pair].ready == True:
self.log_message(f"Ready to trade {pair}")
techs = Technicals(self.settings[pair], self.api, pair, GRANULARITY, log=self.tech_log)
decision = techs.get_trade_decision(self.timings[pair].last_candle)
print ("process decision")
print (decision)
units = decision * self.settings[pair].units
#tp = "154"
#sl = "153"
if units != 0:
trades_to_make.append({'pair': pair, 'units': units,'take_profit':tp, 'stop_loss':sl})
Full script are as below:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from defs import BUY, SELL, NONE
class Technicals():
def __init__(self, settings, api, pair, granularity, log=None):
self.settings = settings
self.log = log
self.api = api
self.pair = pair
self.granularity = granularity
def log_message(self, msg):
if self.log is not None:
def fetch_candles(self, row_count, candle_time):
status_code, df = self.api.fetch_candles(self.pair, count=row_count, granularity=self.granularity)
if df is None:
self.log_message(f"Error fetching candles for pair:{self.pair} {candle_time}, df None")
return None
elif df.iloc[-1].time != candle_time:
self.log_message(f"Error fetching candles for pair:{self.pair} {candle_time} vs {df.iloc[-1].time}")
return None
return df
def process_candles(self, df):
open = df.mid_o
o = np.array(open,dtype='float')
#print (o)
high = df.mid_h
h = np.array(high,dtype='float')
#print (h)
low = df.mid_l
l = np.array(low,dtype='float')
#print (l)
close = df.mid_c
c = np.array(close,dtype='float')
print (c)
close_ask = df.ask_c
ca = np.array(close_ask,dtype='float')
print (ca)
close_bid = df.bid_c
cb = np.array(close_bid,dtype='float')
print (cb)
df['PAIR'] = self.pair
decision = NONE
tp = 0
sl = 0
if c[-2]>o[-2]:
if ca[-1]>h[-2]+0.0010:
decision = BUY
tp = ca[-1]+0.010
sl = l[-2]-0.010
elif o[-2]>c[-2]:
if cb[-1]<l[-2]-0.0010:
decision = SELL
tp = cb[-1]-0.010
sl = h[-2]+0.010
decision = NONE
log_cols = ['time','volume','PAIR','bid_c','ask_c','mid_o','mid_h','mid_l','mid_c']
return decision
def get_trade_decision(self, candle_time):
max_rows = self.settings.long_ma + 2
self.log_message(f"get_trade_decision() pair:{self.pair} max_rows:{max_rows}")
df = self.fetch_candles(max_rows, candle_time)
print ("xxxx")
print (df)
if df is not None:
return self.process_candles(df)
print("get trade decision")
return NONE
import pprint
import time
from settings import Settings
from log_wrapper import LogWrapper
from timing import Timing
from oanda_api import OandaAPI
from technicals import Technicals
from defs import NONE, BUY, SELL
from trade_manager import TradeManager
SLEEP = 10.0
class TradingBot():
def __init__(self):
self.log = LogWrapper("Bot")
self.tech_log = LogWrapper("Technicals")
self.trade_log = LogWrapper("Trade")
self.trade_pairs = Settings.get_pairs()
self.settings = Settings.load_settings()
self.api = OandaAPI()
self.trade_manager = TradeManager(self.api, self.settings, self.trade_log)
self.timings = { p: Timing(self.api.last_complete_candle(p, GRANULARITY)) for p in self.trade_pairs }
self.log_message(f"Bot started with\n{pprint.pformat(self.settings)}")
self.log_message(f"Bot Timings\n{pprint.pformat(self.timings)}")
print (self.api)
def log_message(self, msg):
def update_timings(self):
for pair in self.trade_pairs:
current = self.api.last_complete_candle(pair, GRANULARITY)
self.timings[pair].ready = False
if current > self.timings[pair].last_candle:
self.timings[pair].ready = True
self.timings[pair].last_candle = current
self.log_message(f"{pair} new candle {current}")
def process_pairs(self):
trades_to_make = []
for pair in self.trade_pairs:
if self.timings[pair].ready == True:
self.log_message(f"Ready to trade {pair}")
techs = Technicals(self.settings[pair], self.api, pair, GRANULARITY, log=self.tech_log)
decision = techs.get_trade_decision(self.timings[pair].last_candle)
print ("process decision")
print (decision)
units = decision * self.settings[pair].units
#tp = "154"
#sl = "153"
if units != 0:
trades_to_make.append({'pair': pair, 'units': units,'take_profit':tp, 'stop_loss':sl})
if len(trades_to_make) > 0:
def run(self):
while True:
if __name__ == "__main__":
b = TradingBot()
API_KEY = "xxxx"
ACCOUNT_ID = "xyz"
'Authorization': f'Bearer {API_KEY}',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
BUY = 1
SELL = -1
NONE = 0
Instead of just returning the decision, also return the take profit and stop loss values:
return decision, tp, sl
Then you can unpack the tuple in process_pairs:
decision, tp, sl = techs.get_trade_decision(self.timings[pair].last_candle)
You can define your tp and sl as class variables of Technicals.
class Technicals(object):
tp: int = 0
sl: int = 0
and use them within Technicals as: = ... # if you are inside class-method = ... # if you are inside instance-method
And in the TradingBot you can then simple import Technicals and use the class-Vars like:
tp = # you can use the class
tp = # or the instance you already have

Key Error: None of the [Index[Columns] are in the Columns

import pandas as pd
customer_master_loc = r"D:\LOC_RUN\LOC_2021\2021_SP_INPUT_FILES\loc_cust_master_new_rules_09072021.txt"
customer_master_df = pd.read_csv(customer_master_loc,sep = '|',error_bad_lines=False,dtype = str)
customer_master_df = customer_master_df[['CUSTOMER_NUM','CUSTOMER_NAME','CUSTOMER_NAME2','CUSTOMER_ADDR_LN1', \

Maya script that renders to frame buffer keeps grabbing focus on windows

I have a script in Maya (python) that renders a series of frames to the V-ray frame buffer, one for each render layer. It is working well, but when switching render layers and launching the next render, Maya grabs focus, interrupting whatever task the artist had moved on to while the script was running. I would like this to be a background task. Maya is running on Windows.
import maya
import maya.cmds as cmds
import re
from functools import partial
import sys
from datetime import datetime
global cancel
cancel = 0
print 'batch_review'
def no_cam_window_popup(no_cam_set_list):
#print no_cam_set_list
cmds.window(title = 'WARNING: NO CAMERAS LINKED TO LAYERS', width = 300, height = 75, sizeable = False)
cmds.columnLayout("mainColumn", adjustableColumn = True)
cmds.rowLayout("nameRowLayout01", numberOfColumns = 15, parent = "mainColumn")
cmds.text(label = ("no cam set for layers:"))
for layer in no_cam_set_list:
cmds.text(label = ('' + layer + ', '),font = 'boldLabelFont')
def renderThumbs(checkBoxLow,checkBoxMid,checkBoxHigh,checkBoxRenderRegion,intField_res,floatField_thrhld,*args):
global cancel
cams = = "camera")
cancel = 0
popup_win = 0
no_cam_set_list = []
cmds.loadPlugin('vrayformaya', quiet=True)
cmds.pluginInfo('vrayformaya', edit=True, autoload=True)
cmds.setAttr("", "vray", type = "string")
curLay = cmds.editRenderLayerGlobals( currentRenderLayer = True, query = True )
changeLay = curLay
rls = = "renderLayer")
renCams = = "camera")
renCam = "persp"
lowBut = cmds.checkBox(checkBoxLow,value = True, query = True)
midBut = cmds.checkBox(checkBoxMid,value = True, query = True)
highBut = cmds.checkBox(checkBoxHigh,value = True, query = True)
globopt_cache_geom_plugins = cmds.getAttr('vraySettings.globopt_cache_geom_plugins')
#print 'globopt_cache_geom_plugins = ',globopt_cache_geom_plugins
print " "
print "-- batch_review --"
res = cmds.intField(intField_res, v = True, query = True)
thr = cmds.floatField(floatField_thrhld, v = True,query = True)
if lowBut == 1:
cmds.setAttr("vraySettings.width", res)
cmds.setAttr("vraySettings.height", res)
print " "
print "---"
print "quality = %s, dmcThreshold = %s"%(res,thr)
if midBut == 1:
cmds.setAttr("vraySettings.width", res)
cmds.setAttr("vraySettings.height", res)
print " "
print "---"
print "quality = %s, dmcThreshold = %s"%(res,thr)
if highBut == 1:
cmds.setAttr("vraySettings.width", res)
cmds.setAttr("vraySettings.height", res)
print " "
print "---"
print "quality = %s, dmcThreshold = %s"%(res,thr)
print "--- "
print " "
for rl in rls:
found_cam = 0
if rl != "defaultRenderLayer" and cancel == 0:
rlState = cmds.getAttr(rl + ".renderable")
if rlState == 1:
print ' '
print "rende layer = ",rl
cmds.editRenderLayerGlobals( currentRenderLayer = rl )
for cam in cams:
camState = cmds.getAttr(cam + ".renderable")
if camState == 1:
rrState = cmds.checkBox(checkBoxRenderRegion,value = True,query = True)
reg = cmds.vray("vfbControl","-getregion")
if rrState == 0:
if rrState == 1:
mayaString = "renderWindowRenderCamera render renderView " + cam
print 'using ' + cam + ' for ' + rl
cmds.vray("vfbControl", "-historysave")
cmds.vray("vfbControl", "-historyselect",0)
dte ='%H:%M:%S')
editStr = dte + " ,render layer: " + rl + " , " + "cam: " + cam
cmds.vray("vfbControl", "-historycomment", editStr)
print " "
found_cam = 1
if found_cam == 0:
print 'no camera link found, using persp cam for ',rl
cam = 'persp'
rrState = cmds.checkBox(checkBoxRenderRegion,value = True,query = True)
reg = cmds.vray("vfbControl","-getregion")
if rrState == 0:
if rrState == 1:
mayaString = "renderWindowRenderCamera render renderView " + cam
cmds.vray("vfbControl", "-historysave")
cmds.vray("vfbControl", "-historyselect",0)
dte ='%H:%M:%S')
editStr = dte + " ,render layer: " + rl + " , " + "cam: " + cam
cmds.vray("vfbControl", "-historycomment", editStr)
popup_win = 1
#if popup_win == 1:
def checkBoxCheckLow(checkBoxLow,checkBoxMid,checkBoxHigh,intField_res,floatField_thrhld,*args):
global cancel
lowButVal = cmds.checkBox(checkBoxLow,value = True, query = True)
midButVal = cmds.checkBox(checkBoxMid,value = True, query = True)
highButVal = cmds.checkBox(checkBoxHigh,value = True, query = True)
cmds.checkBox(checkBoxMid,value = False, edit = True)
cmds.checkBox(checkBoxHigh,value = False, edit = True)
cmds.intField(intField_res, v = 800,edit = True)
cmds.floatField(floatField_thrhld, v = .1,edit = True )
cancel = 0
def checkBoxCheckMid(checkBoxLow,checkBoxMid,checkBoxHigh,intField_res,floatField_thrhld,*args):
global cancel
lowButVal = cmds.checkBox(checkBoxLow,value = True, query = True)
midButVal = cmds.checkBox(checkBoxMid,value = True, query = True)
highButVal = cmds.checkBox(checkBoxHigh,value = True, query = True)
cmds.checkBox(checkBoxLow,value = False, edit = True)
cmds.checkBox(checkBoxHigh,value = False, edit = True)
cmds.intField(intField_res, v = 1000,edit = True)
cmds.floatField(floatField_thrhld, v = .5,edit = True )
cancel = 0
def checkBoxCheckHigh(checkBoxLow,checkBoxMid,checkBoxHigh,intField_res,floatField_thrhld,*args):
global cancel
lowButVal = cmds.checkBox(checkBoxLow,value = True, query = True)
midButVal = cmds.checkBox(checkBoxMid,value = True, query = True)
highButVal = cmds.checkBox(checkBoxHigh,value = True, query = True)
cmds.checkBox(checkBoxLow,value = False, edit = True)
cmds.checkBox(checkBoxMid,value = False, edit = True)
cmds.intField(intField_res, v = 2000,edit = True)
cmds.floatField(floatField_thrhld, v = .008,edit = True )
cancel = 0
def checkBoxAOVchange(checkBoxAOV,*args):
checkBoxAOVval = cmds.checkBox(checkBoxAOV,value = True,query = True)
if checkBoxAOVval == 1:
cmds.setAttr("vraySettings.relements_enableall", 1)
if checkBoxAOVval == 0:
cmds.setAttr("vraySettings.relements_enableall", 0)
def rrCheckbox(checkBoxRenderRegion,reg,*args):
global gReg
zeroes = ['0','0','0','0']
tRes = cmds.vray("vfbControl","-getregion")
if tRes != zeroes:
gReg = tRes
rrstate = cmds.checkBox(checkBoxRenderRegion,value = True,query = True)
if rrstate == 0:
if gReg != zeroes:
if rrstate == 1:
if gReg != zeroes:
def cancelOPs(*args):
global cancel
cancel = 1
raise Exception("quitting renders")
def set_threshhold(floatField_thrhld,*args):
threshhold_value = cmds.floatField(floatField_thrhld,value = True,query = True)
def set_resolution(intField_res,*args):
intField_res_value = cmds.intField(intField_res,value = True,query = True)
def renthumbsWin():
name = "Batch_Review"
global gReg
gReg = ('0','0','0','0')
zeroes = ('0','0','0','0')
windowSize = (200,100)
if (cmds.window(name, exists = True)):
window = cmds.window(name, title = name, width = 350, height = 50,bgc = (.2,.2,.2), s = False)
cmds.columnLayout("mainColumn", adjustableColumn = True)
cmds.rowLayout("nameRowLayout01", numberOfColumns = 15, parent = "mainColumn")
cmds.text(label = "preset quality: ")
checkBoxLow = cmds.checkBox(label = "low", value = False)
checkBoxMid = cmds.checkBox(label = "mid", value = True,)
checkBoxHigh = cmds.checkBox(label = "high", value = False)
cmds.text(label = " ")
cmds.text(label = "resolution: ")
intField_res = cmds.intField(v = 1000,width = 45)
#print 'intField_res = ',intField_res
cmds.intField(intField_res, changeCommand = partial(set_resolution,intField_res),edit = True)
cmds.text(label = " ")
cmds.text(label = "threshold: ")
floatField_thrhld = cmds.floatField(v = .5,width = 45)
cmds.floatField(floatField_thrhld, changeCommand = partial(set_threshhold,floatField_thrhld),edit = True)
cmds.checkBox(checkBoxLow, changeCommand = partial(checkBoxCheckLow,checkBoxLow,checkBoxMid,checkBoxHigh,intField_res,floatField_thrhld), edit = True)
cmds.checkBox(checkBoxMid, changeCommand = partial(checkBoxCheckMid,checkBoxLow,checkBoxMid,checkBoxHigh,intField_res,floatField_thrhld),edit = True)
cmds.checkBox(checkBoxHigh, changeCommand = partial(checkBoxCheckHigh,checkBoxLow,checkBoxMid,checkBoxHigh,intField_res,floatField_thrhld),edit = True)
cmds.rowLayout("nameRowLayout02", numberOfColumns = 10, parent = "mainColumn")
cmds.text(label = " ")
cmds.rowLayout("nameRowLayout03", numberOfColumns = 5, parent = "mainColumn")
renderButton = cmds.button(label = "render",width = 100, bgc = (.6,.8,1) )
cmds.text(label = " ")
cmds.button(label = "cancel renders", command = partial(cancelOPs),bgc = (1,.3,.3) )
cmds.rowLayout("nameRowLayout04", numberOfColumns = 10, parent = "mainColumn")
cmds.text(label = " ")
cmds.rowLayout("nameRowLayout05", numberOfColumns = 10, parent = "mainColumn")
checkBoxRenderRegion = cmds.checkBox(label = "use render region", value = False)
cmds.text(label = " ")
cmds.text(label = " ")
reg = cmds.vray("vfbControl","-getregion")
if reg != gReg and reg != zeroes:
gReg = reg
cmds.checkBox(checkBoxRenderRegion,changeCommand = partial(rrCheckbox,checkBoxRenderRegion,reg),edit = True)
cmds.rowLayout("nameRowLayout06", numberOfColumns = 10, parent = "mainColumn")
AOVstate = cmds.getAttr("vraySettings.relements_enableall")
checkBoxAOV = cmds.checkBox(label = "elements", value = AOVstate)
cmds.checkBox(checkBoxAOV,changeCommand = partial(checkBoxAOVchange,checkBoxAOV),edit = True)
cmds.button(renderButton,command = partial(renderThumbs,checkBoxLow,checkBoxMid,checkBoxHigh,checkBoxRenderRegion,intField_res,floatField_thrhld),edit = True)
def main():

How do I use arguments?

I'm trying to select multiple curve cvs
these are my function's codes
this is setArg Func:
import maya.cmds as mc from functools import partial
def setArg(CTS, option, *args):
option = mc.radioButtonGrp(CTS, q=True, select=True)
if option == 1:
cvToSel = 'first'
print cvToSel
elif option == 2:
cvToSel = 'last'
print cvToSel
return cvToSel
this is execute Func:
def execute(cvToSel, *args):
newSel = []
curves = mc.listRelatives (type = 'nurbsCurve', shapes = True)
if not curves:
print ('no curves selected') = True)
#print curves
for crv in curves:
len = mc.getAttr(crv+'.cp', s=True, multiIndices=True)
cvSelect = mc.intFieldGrp('numberOfCvs', q = True, value1 = True)
numCv = len - cvSelect
if cvToSel == 'last':
newSel ='.cv[%d'%numCv +':%d]'%len, tgl = True)
elif cvToSel == 'first':
newSel ='.cv[0' + ':%d]'%cvSelect, tgl = True), replace = True)
this is ui Func:
def ui():
if mc.window('CV_Select', exists = True):
cvWin = mc.window('CV_Select', mxb = False)
mc.columnLayout( adjustableColumn = True )
mc.text( label = 'select curves' )
mc.intFieldGrp( 'numberOfCvs', label = 'Number Of Cvs', value1 = 10 )
ButtonOne = mc.radioButtonGrp( label='Type', labelArray2=['First CVs', 'Last CVs'], numberOfRadioButtons = 2)
mc.button( label = 'Select CVs', command = partial(execute, ButtonOne), align = 'center', aop = True)
How do I use arguments?
first dont use 'len' to store a variable. it is a python function really useful....
Here is a way to do it. You need to put your select function outside your loop
You could use -add flag but it can be really slow
Store first cvs into a variable :
(i dont have maya until Monday but I hope it will help)
sel_curves =, dag=1, type='nurbsCurve')
if sel_curves:
to_sel = []
cvSelect = mc.intFieldGrp('numberOfCvs', q = True, value1 = True)
for c in sel_curves:
cvs ='.cv[:]', fl=True)
nb_cvs = len(cvs)
if cvSelect > nb_cvs:
nb_cvs = cvSelect
if cvToSel == 'last':
to_sel += cvs[cvSelect:]
elif cvToSel == 'first':
to_sel += cvs[:cvSelect], tgl = True)
--- EDIT ---
Just to answer your comment question :
def execute(CTS,*args):
cvToSel = setArg(CTS)

