I am currently working on a 2D top down rogue-like game using Python. The map is a dungeon containing many open rectangular rooms (image), each with around 2-4 enemies inside. I am currently looking to implement a path-finding system where the enemies will move around each other and attempt to swarm the player.
So far, I have implemented an A* algorithm that does allow the enemies to navigate and swarm the player in this way. However, my approach is causing very low frame rates: generally around 15 FPS but it will go as low as under 1 FPS when an enemy has no path to the player. I feel it is very inefficient, since path-finding is being done for every enemy on each frame. Currently, other enemies are seen as obstacles for the A* algorithm, and the only optimization is that an enemy will move directly towards the player if there are no obstacles in its way. Here's the code:
import heapq
class Game:
def __init__(self):
self.pathfindingGranularity = 5
# Slope and line intersection functions are based on: https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/864704/Python-Line-Intersection-for-Pygame
def lineInRect(self, start, end, r):
if start in r and end in r: return True
if self.segmentIntersect(start, end, r.origin, Point(r.x + r.width, r.y)) is not None: return True
if self.segmentIntersect(start, end, Point(r.x, r.y + r.height), Point(r.x + r.width, r.y + r.height)) is not None: return True
if self.segmentIntersect(start, end, r.origin, Point(r.x, r.y + r.height)) is not None: return True
if self.segmentIntersect(start, end, Point(r.x + r.width, r.y), Point(r.x + r.width, r.y + r.height)) is not None: return True
return False
def slope(self, p1, p2):
if p2.x - p1.x == 0: return 1e10
return (p2.y - p1.y) / (p2.x - p1.x)
def yIntercept(self, slope, p1):
return p1.y - slope * p1.x
def lineIntersect(self, start1, end1, start2, end2):
min_allowed = 1e-5
big_value = 1e10
m1 = self.slope(start1, end1)
b1 = self.yIntercept(m1, start1)
m2 = self.slope(start2, end2)
b2 = self.yIntercept(m2, start2)
if abs(m1 - m2) < min_allowed: x = big_value if (b2 - b1 >= 0) else -big_value
else: x = (b2 - b1) / (m1 - m2)
y = m1 * x + b1
return Point(x, y)
def segmentIntersect(self, start1, end1, start2, end2):
intersection = self.lineIntersect(start1, end1, start2, end2)
def approx(f):
return round(f * 10000) / 10000
if not approx(start1.x) <= approx(intersection.x) <= approx(end1.x):
if not approx(end1.x) <= approx(intersection.x) <= approx(start1.x):
return None
if not approx(start2.x) <= approx(intersection.x) <= approx(end2.x):
if not approx(end2.x) <= approx(intersection.x) <= approx(start2.x):
return None
if not approx(start1.y) <= approx(intersection.y) <= approx(end1.y):
if not approx(end1.y) <= approx(intersection.y) <= approx(start1.y):
return None
if not approx(start2.y) <= approx(intersection.y) <= approx(end2.y):
if not approx(end2.y) <= approx(intersection.y) <= approx(start2.y):
return None
return intersection
class Enemy (Entity):
def update(self, game):
if not self.getRect().intersects(game.player.getRect()) and self.canMove():
if self.path:
# Move towards player
elif self.canMove():
# Hurt the player
def generatePath(self, game):
if not self.lineOccupied(Point(self.x, self.y), game.player.getCenterpoint(), game):
self.path = [game.player.getCenterpoint()]
frontier = PriorityQueue()
start = Point(self.x, self.y)
frontier.put(start, 0)
came_from = {}
came_from[start] = None
done = False
while not frontier.empty():
current = frontier.get()
if Rect(current.x + self.hitbox.x, current.y + self.hitbox.y, self.hitbox.w, self.hitbox.h).intersects(game.player.getRect()):
done = True
for next in self.findAdjacents(current, game):
if self.lineOccupied(current, next, game): continue
if next not in came_from:
priority = self.heuristic(next, game)
frontier.put(next, priority)
came_from[next] = current
if not done:
p = [current]
while came_from[p[-1]] is not None:
self.path = p[::-1][1:]
i = 0
def findAdjacents(self, currentPoint, game):
d = 1 / game.pathfindingGranularity
for x in (currentPoint.x - d, currentPoint.x, currentPoint.x + d):
for y in (currentPoint.y - d, currentPoint.y, currentPoint.y + d):
if x == currentPoint.x and y == currentPoint.y: continue
elif self.canWalkAtCoords(x, y, game):
yield Point(x, y)
def canWalkAtCoords(self, x, y, game):
for nx in (x, x + self.hitbox.w):
for ny in (y, y + self.hitbox.h):
if game.blockAt(nx, ny) != FLOOR:
return False
return True
def lineOccupied(self, start, end, game):
for e in self.room.enemies:
if e is self:
for xo in (self.hitbox.x, self.hitbox.x + self.hitbox.w):
for yo in (self.hitbox.y, self.hitbox.y + self.hitbox.h):
if game.lineInRect(start + Point(xo, yo), end + Point(xo, yo), e.getRect()):
return True
return False
I feel like there should be a much more efficient solution to this, especially seeing as the room is rectangular and there are no extra walls or obstacles that the enemies need to move around, but so far my searches for a solution have come up empty-handed. Are there some optimizations I could make to increase the performance of the program? Or if not, is there a better pathfinding method I should look into? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You should try to have you path finding start from your character and fan out using a breadth-first-search (with some adjustment for slopes). Every time you come across an enemy, you can compute its optimal path toward the player.
That way you only do one pass across the whole board rather than one for each enemy.
Let me know if you want more details.
Alright, I think it's finally time to call on every python user's best friend: Stack Overflow.
Bear in mind that I am at a bit of a beginner level in python, so obvious solutions and optimisations might not have occurred to me.
My Error:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'NSWindow drag regions should only be invalidated on the Main Thread!'
abort() called
terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
There is a stack overflow question on this error as well but under a different context but my attempts to fix the error using backend "Agg" with matplotlib didn't work. There were no longer any threading errors but matplotlib errors which didn't make any sense (as in they shouldn't have been there) appeared. This error was described in the link above in the apple developer support page and I couldn't implement those solutions either (prob cuz im a bad programmer).
Note: I'm using macOS, and this error only seems to happen on macOS with matplotlib.
Also the error shouldn't happen in my case because I'm trying to allow only the first thread to access the display function (which might be the part which is going wrong?)
I've been making this little evolution simulator (a little similar to this one) which I'm still on the starting stage of. Here is the code:
import random
import math
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import threading
class Element:
default_attr = {
"colour": "#000000",
"survival": 75,
"reproduction": 50,
"energy": 150,
"sensory_range": 100,
"genetic_deviation": 5,
"socialization": 20,
"position": (0, 0,),
"objective_attained": False,
"socialization_attained": False
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, **attributes):
Element.__slots__ = tuple((i + "s" for i in self.__slots__))
for key, value in self.default_attr.items():
setattr(self, key, value)
for key, value in self.default_attr.items():
setattr(Element, key + "s", getattr(Element, key + "s") + [value])
except AttributeError:
setattr(Element, key + "s", [value])
def move(self, objective_colour, delay, height, width, energy=None):
if energy is None:
energy = self.energy
lock = threading.RLock()
event = threading.Event()
objective_positions = tuple((p for i, p in enumerate(Element.positions) if Element.colours[i] == objective_colour))
positions = tuple((p for i, p in enumerate(Element.positions) if Element.colours[i] == self.colour and p != self.position))
objectives_in_range = []
for objective in objective_positions:
if ((objective[0] - self.position[0])**2 + (objective[1] - self.position[1])**2)**0.5 <= self.sensory_range:
objectives_in_range.append([objective[0] - self.position[0], objective[1] - self.position[1]])
objectives = tuple(sorted(objectives_in_range, key=lambda x: (x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)**0.5))
positions_in_range = []
for pos in positions:
if ((pos[0] - self.position[0])**2 + (pos[1] - self.position[1])**2)**0.5 <= self.sensory_range:
positions_in_range.append([pos[0] - self.position[0], pos[1] - self.position[1]])
positions = tuple(sorted(positions_in_range, key=lambda x: (x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)**0.5))
if positions:
cluster = [0, 0]
for pos in positions:
cluster[0] += pos[0] + self.position[0]
cluster[1] += pos[1] + self.position[0]
midpoint = (cluster[0] / len(positions) - self.position[0], cluster[1] / len(positions) - self.position[1],)
distance = 100 / (midpoint[0] ** 2 + midpoint[1] ** 2) ** 0.5 * (height if height > width else width) / 100
except ArithmeticError:
distance = 100
if self.socialization <= distance:
self.socialization_attained = True
if self.objective_attained is False and not objectives and self.socialization_attained is False and not positions and energy > self.energy*0.5:
direction = math.radians(random.uniform(0.0, 360.0))
old_position = self.position
self.position = (self.position[0] + math.sin(direction), self.position[1] + math.cos(direction),)
if 90 <= direction <= 270:
self.position = (self.position[0] * -1, self.position[1] * -1,)
for i, position in enumerate(Element.positions):
if position == old_position and Element.colours[i] == self.colour:
Element.positions[i] = self.position
with lock:
if not event.is_set():
display(delay, height, width)
self.move(objective_colour, delay, height, width, energy - 1)
elif self.objective_attained is False and energy > 0 and objectives:
x, y = math.sin(math.atan(objectives[0][0] / objectives[0][1])), math.cos(math.atan(objectives[0][0] / objectives[0][1]))
if objectives[0][1] < 0:
x *= -1
y *= -1
except ArithmeticError:
x, y = 1 if objectives[0][0] > 0 else -1, 0
old_position = self.position
self.position = tuple(map(lambda x, y: x + y, self.position, (x, y,)))
for i, position in enumerate(Element.positions):
if position == old_position and Element.colours[i] == self.colour:
Element.positions[i] = self.position
if (self.position[0] - old_position[0] - objectives[0][0])**2 + (self.position[1] - old_position[1] - objectives[0][1])**2 <= 1:
self.objective_attained = True
with lock:
for i, position in enumerate(Element.positions):
if [int(position[0]), int(position[1])] == [objectives[0][0] + old_position[0], objectives[0][1] + old_position[1]] and Element.colours[i] == objective_colour:
with lock:
if not event.is_set():
display(delay, height, width)
# a little confusion here, do threads pause over here until all threads have exited the with lock statement or not? If not I need to change the line below.
if self.objective_attained is True:
self.move(objective_colour, delay, height, width, (energy - 1) * 1.5)
self.move(objective_colour, delay, height, width, energy - 1)
elif self.socialization_attained is False and energy > 0 and positions and self.socialization > distance:
x, y = math.sin(math.atan(midpoint[0] / midpoint[1])), math.cos(math.atan(midpoint[0] / midpoint[1]))
if midpoint[1] < 0:
x *= -1
y *= -1
except ArithmeticError:
x, y = 1 if midpoint[0] > 0 else -1, 0
old_position = self.position
self.position = tuple(map(lambda x, y: x + y, self.position, (x, y,)))
for i, position in enumerate(Element.positions):
if position == old_position and Element.colours[i] == self.colour:
Element.positions[i] = self.position
with lock:
if not event.is_set():
display(delay, height, width)
self.move(objective_colour, delay, height, width, energy - 1)
for thread in globals() ["threads"]:
# a little confusion here too on whether this would wait till all threads reach this statement before joining them
def display(delay, height, width):
x = tuple((i[0] for i in Element.positions)) + (0, width,)
y = tuple((i[1] for i in Element.positions)) + (0, height,)
c = tuple(Element.colours) + ("#FFFFFF",) * 2
plt.scatter(x, y, c=c)
r = lambda x: random.randint(0, x)
elements = tuple((Element(position=(r(200), r(200),)) for i in range(10))) + tuple((Element(position=(r(200), r(200),), colour="#FF0000") for i in range(10)))
[Element(colour="#00FF00", position=(r(200), r(200),), energy=0, reproduction=0) for i in range(20)]
globals() ["threads"] = []
for organism in elements:
globals() ["threads"].append(threading.Thread(target=organism.move, args=("#00FF00", 0.02, 200, 200,)))
globals() ["threads"][-1].start()
This is a big chunk of code but this is my first time using multithreading so I don't know where the error could pop up, though I have narrowed it down to this section fs.
Sry for the eyesore, ik this is a really long question, but I would be really grateful
if u could help!
This issue goes by a few names, the most common of which is "cross-threading". This occurs when you perform GUI operations (in your case, matplotlib calls) from non-GUI threads. This is a no-no regardless of OS.
To solve the problem, ensure that you're making matplotlib calls from the main thread. A good starting point is on line 176: UserWarning: Starting a Matplotlib GUI outside of the main thread will likely fail.
I'm trying to solve the 15-Puzzle problem using IDA* algorithm and Manhattan heuristic.
I already implemented the algorithm from the pseudocode in this Wikipedia page (link).
Here's my code so far :
def IDA(initial_state, goal_state):
initial_node = Node(initial_state)
goal_node = Node(goal_state)
threshold = manhattan_heuristic(initial_state, goal_state)
path = [initial_node]
while 1:
tmp = search(path, goal_state, 0, threshold)
if tmp == True:
return path, threshold
elif tmp == float('inf'):
return False
threshold = tmp
def search(path, goal_state, g, threshold):
node = path[-1]
f = g + manhattan_heuristic(node.state, goal_state)
if f > threshold:
return f
if np.array_equal(node.state, goal_state):
return True
minimum = float('inf')
for n in node.nextnodes():
if n not in path:
tmp = search(path, goal_state, g + 1, threshold)
if tmp == True:
return True
if tmp < minimum:
minimum = tmp
return minimum
def manhattan_heuristic(state1, state2):
size = range(1, len(state1) ** 2)
distances = [count_distance(num, state1, state2) for num in size]
return sum(distances)
def count_distance(number, state1, state2):
position1 = np.where(state1 == number)
position2 = np.where(state2 == number)
return manhattan_distance(position1, position2)
def manhattan_distance(a, b):
return abs(b[0] - a[0]) + abs(b[1] - a[1])
class Node():
def __init__(self, state):
self.state = state
def nextnodes(self):
zero = np.where(self.state == 0)
y,x = zero
y = int(y)
x = int(x)
up = (y - 1, x)
down = (y + 1, x)
right = (y, x + 1)
left = (y, x - 1)
arr = []
for direction in (up, down, right, left):
if len(self.state) - 1 >= direction[0] >= 0 and len(self.state) - 1 >= direction[1] >= 0:
tmp = np.copy(self.state)
tmp[direction[0], direction[1]], tmp[zero] = tmp[zero], tmp[direction[0], direction[1]]
return arr
I'm testing this code with a 3x3 Puzzle and here's the infinite loop! Due to the recursion I have some trouble testing my code...
I think the error might be here : tmp = search(path, goal_state, g + 1, threshold) (in the search function). I'm adding only one to the g cost value. It should be correct though, because I can only move a tile 1 place away.
Here's how to call the IDA() function:
initial_state = np.array([8 7 3],[4 1 2],[0 5 6])
goal_state = np.array([1 2 3],[8 0 4],[7 6 5])
IDA(initial_state, goal_state)
Can someone help me on this ?
There are couple of issues in your IDA* implementation. First, what is the purpose of the variable path? I found two purposes of path in your code:
Use as a flag/map to keep the board-states that is already been visited.
Use as a stack to manage recursion states.
But, it is not possible to do both of them by using a single data structure. So, the first modification that your code requires:
Fix-1: Pass current node as a parameter to the search method.
Fix-2: flag should be a data structure that can perform a not in query efficiently.
Now, fix-1 is easy as we can just pass the current visiting node as the parameter in the search method. For fix-2, we need to change the type of flag from list to set as:
list's average case complexity for x in s is: O(n)
Average case complexity for x in s is: O(1)
Worst case complexity for x in s is: O(n)
You can check more details about performance for testing memberships: list vs sets for more details.
Now, to keep the Node information into a set, you need to implement __eq__ and __hash__ in your Node class. In the following, I have attached the modified code.
import timeit
import numpy as np
def IDA(initial_state, goal_state):
initial_node = Node(initial_state)
goal_node = Node(goal_state)
threshold = manhattan_heuristic(initial_state, goal_state)
#print("heuristic threshold: {}".format(threshold))
loop_counter = 0
while 1:
path = set([initial_node])
tmp = search(initial_node, goal_state, 0, threshold, path)
#print("tmp: {}".format(tmp))
if tmp == True:
return True, threshold
elif tmp == float('inf'):
return False, float('inf')
threshold = tmp
def search(node, goal_state, g, threshold, path):
#print("node-state: {}".format(node.state))
f = g + manhattan_heuristic(node.state, goal_state)
if f > threshold:
return f
if np.array_equal(node.state, goal_state):
return True
minimum = float('inf')
for n in node.nextnodes():
if n not in path:
tmp = search(n, goal_state, g + 1, threshold, path)
if tmp == True:
return True
if tmp < minimum:
minimum = tmp
return minimum
def manhattan_heuristic(state1, state2):
size = range(1, len(state1) ** 2)
distances = [count_distance(num, state1, state2) for num in size]
return sum(distances)
def count_distance(number, state1, state2):
position1 = np.where(state1 == number)
position2 = np.where(state2 == number)
return manhattan_distance(position1, position2)
def manhattan_distance(a, b):
return abs(b[0] - a[0]) + abs(b[1] - a[1])
class Node():
def __init__(self, state):
self.state = state
def __repr__(self):
return np.array_str(self.state.flatten())
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.__repr__())
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()
def nextnodes(self):
zero = np.where(self.state == 0)
y,x = zero
y = int(y)
x = int(x)
up = (y - 1, x)
down = (y + 1, x)
right = (y, x + 1)
left = (y, x - 1)
arr = []
for direction in (up, down, right, left):
if len(self.state) - 1 >= direction[0] >= 0 and len(self.state) - 1 >= direction[1] >= 0:
tmp = np.copy(self.state)
tmp[direction[0], direction[1]], tmp[zero] = tmp[zero], tmp[direction[0], direction[1]]
return arr
initial_state = np.array([[8, 7, 3],[4, 1, 2],[0, 5, 6]])
goal_state = np.array([[1, 2, 3],[8, 0, 4],[7, 6, 5]])
start = timeit.default_timer()
is_found, th = IDA(initial_state, goal_state)
stop = timeit.default_timer()
print('Time: {} seconds'.format(stop - start))
if is_found is True:
print("Solution found with heuristic-upperbound: {}".format(th))
print("Solution not found!")
Node: Please double check your Node.nextnodes() and manhattan_heuristic() methods as I did not pay much attention in those areas. You can check this GitHub repository for other algorithmic implementations (i.e., A*, IDS, DLS) to solve this problem.
Python Wiki: Time Complexity
TechnoBeans: Performance for testing memberships: list vs tuples vs sets
GitHub: Puzzle Solver (by using problem solving techniques)
my code below
I have a little knight's tour problem I'm trying to solve: find the smallest number of moves from point A to point B on an N*N chess board.
I created a board, and used a simple algorithm:
1. add point A to candidate list and start loop:
2. pop first element in candidate list and check it:
3. if end - return counter
4. else - add the candidate 's "sons" to end of candidate list
5. go to step 2 (counter is incremented after all previous level sons are popped)
This algorithm works as I expected (used it on a few test cases), but it was very slow:
The call f = Find_route(20, Tile(4,4), Tile(14,11)) (20 is the board dimensions, Tile(4,4) and Tile(14,11) are the start & end positions, respectively) checked 201590 (!!) tiles before reaching the answer.
I tried optimizing it by sorting the candidates list with sorted(tiles, key = lambda e : abs(e.x - end.x)+abs(e.y - end.y)) where tiles is the candidates list. That works for some of the cases but for some it is kind of useless.
helpful cases:
f = Find_route(20, Tile(1,4), Tile(1,10)) from 459 to 309 (~33% !!)
f = Find_route(20, Tile(7,0), Tile(1,11)) from 87738 to 79524 (~10% :( )
unhelpful cases:
f = Find_route(20, Tile(4,4), Tile(14,11)): from 201891 to 201590
f = Find_route(20, Tile(1,4), Tile(1,11)) from 2134 to 2111
I want eventually to have a list of near-end cases, from which the algorithm would know exactly what to do, (something like a 5 tiles radius), and I think that could help, but I am more interested in how to improve my optimize_list method. Any tips?
class Tile(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __str__(self):
tmp = '({0},{1})'.format(self.x, self.y)
return tmp
def __eq__(self, new):
return self.x == new.x and self.y == new.y
def get_horse_jumps(self, max_x , max_y):
l = [(1,2), (1,-2), (-1,2), (-1,-2), (2,1), (2,-1), (-2,1), (-2,-1)]
return [Tile(self.x + i[0], self.y + i[1]) for i in l if (self.x + i[0]) >= 0 and (self.y + i[1]) >= 0 and (self.x + i[0]) < max_x and (self.y + i[1]) < max_y]
class Board(object):
def __init__(self, n):
self.dimension = n
self.mat = [Tile(x,y) for y in range(n) for x in range(n)]
def show_board(self):
print('-'*20, 'board', '-'*20)
n = self.dimension
s = ''
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
s += self.mat[i*n + j].__str__()
s += '\n'
print(s,end = '')
print('-'*20, 'board', '-'*20)
class Find_route(Board):
def __init__(self, n, start, end):
super(Find_route, self).__init__(n)
self.start = start
self.end = end
def optimize_list(self, tiles, end):
return sorted(tiles, key = lambda e : abs(e.x - end.x)+abs(e.y - end.y))
def find_shortest_path(self, optimize = False):
counter = 0
sons = [self.start]
next_lvl = []
num_of_checked = 0
while True:
curr = sons.pop(0)
num_of_checked += 1
if curr == self.end:
print('checked: ', num_of_checked)
return counter
else: # check sons
next_lvl += curr.get_horse_jumps(self.dimension, self.dimension)
# sons <- next_lvl (optimize?)
# next_lvl <- []
if sons == []:
counter += 1
if optimize:
sons = self.optimize_list(next_lvl, self.end)
sons = next_lvl
next_lvl = []
optimize = True
f = Find_route(20, Tile(7,0), Tile(1,11))
I added another optimization level - optimize list at any insertion of new candidate tiles, and it seems to work like a charm, for some cases:
if optimize == 2:
if sons == []:
#counter += 1
sons = self.optimize_list(next_lvl, self.end)
sons = self.optimize_list(sons + next_lvl, self.end)
if sons == []:
counter += 1
if optimize == 1:
sons = self.optimize_list(next_lvl, self.end)
sons = next_lvl
next_lvl = []
optimize = 2
f = Find_route(20, Tile(1,4), Tile(8,18)) # from 103761 to 8 ( optimal!!! )
I have a problem with calculating the number-of-jumps because I don't know when to increment the counter (maybe at each check?), but it seems to at least converge faster. Also, for other cases (e.g. f = Find_route(20, Tile(1,4), Tile(8,17))) it does not improve at all (not sure if it stops...)
Don't reinvent the wheel.
Build a graph with tiles as vertices. Connect tiles with an edge if a knight can get from one tile to another in one step.
Use a standard path finding algorithm. The breadth-first search looks like the best option in you're looking for a shortest path in an unweighted graph.
I'm trying to do a snake game, where 2 snakes compete between each other. One snake simply follows the food, and avoids obstacles, the other, is the one, for which i'm writing the code, and is supposed to find the best way to get to the food. The food position, every bit of the map and the position of the other snake is known, and the position of the food changes, with every movement of the snakes.
If the map allows it, if there is no obstacle, the snake can traverse through the walls, to go to the other side of the map, like the map is a donut. The snake doesn't move diagonally, only vertically and horizontally, and it can't move backwards.
I'm using jump point search to find a way to the food, and it's working fine, although at 50fps some times the game slows down a bit.
The major problem i'm having, is finding a way to avoid dead ends. If the food gets in a dead end, i want to wait that it leaves the dead end, but what happens is that my snake, goes there, and then dies. Because i'm not avoiding dead ends, when my snake get's big enough, sometimes it crashes in its own body.
This is the code of the agent of my snake.
class AgentStudent(Snake, SearchDomain):
def __init__(self, body=[(0, 0)], direction=(1, 0), name="punkJD"):
super().__init__(body, direction, name=name)
self.count = 0;
#given the current state, and the next state, it returns a direction ( (1,0), (-1,0), (0,1), (0,-1) )
def dir(self, state, n_state):
if state[0] == 0 and n_state[0] == (self.mapsize[0] - 1):
return left
elif state[0] == (self.mapsize[0] - 1) and n_state[0] == 0:
return right
elif state[1] == 0 and n_state[1] == (self.mapsize[1] - 1):
return up
elif state[1] == (self.mapsize[1] - 1) and n_state == 0:
return down
return n_state[0] - state[0], n_state[1] - state[1]
#doesn't matter for the question
def update(self, points=None, mapsize=None, count=None, agent_time=None):
self.mapsize = mapsize
return None
#given current position and food position, it will create a class that will do the search. Seach code bellow
def search_food(self, pos, foodpos):
prob = SearchProblem(self, pos, foodpos, self.olddir)
my_tree = SearchTree(prob, self.mapsize, self.maze)
#doesn't matter, before i was using A*, but then i changed my whole search class
my_tree.strategy = 'A*'
return my_tree.search()
#given the current position and the direction the snake is faced it returns a list of all the possible directions the snake can take. If the current direction is still possible it will be put first in the list to be the first to be considered
def actions(self, pos, dir):
dirTemp = dir
invaliddir = [x for (x, y) in self.complement if y == dir]
validdir = [dir for dir in directions if not (dir in invaliddir)]
validdir = [dir for dir in validdir if
not (self.result(pos, dir) in self.maze.obstacles or self.result(pos, dir) in self.maze.playerpos)]
dirList = [dirTemp] if dirTemp in validdir else []
if dirList != []:
for a in range(len(validdir)):
if validdir[a] != dirTemp:
return dirList
return validdir
#given the current position and the current direction, it returns the new position
def result(self, a, b):
n_pos = a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1]
if n_pos[0] == -1:
n_pos = (self.mapsize[0] - 1), a[1] + b[1]
if n_pos[1] == -1:
n_pos = a[0] + b[0], (self.mapsize[1] - 1)
if n_pos[0] == (self.mapsize[0]):
n_pos = 0, a[1] + b[1]
if n_pos[1] == (self.mapsize[1]):
n_pos = a[0] + b[0], 0
return n_pos
#given the current position and food position it returns the manhattan distance heuristic
def heuristic(self, position, foodpos):
distancex = min(abs(position[0] - foodpos[0]), self.mapsize[0] - abs(position[0] - foodpos[0]))
distancey = min(abs(position[1] - foodpos[1]), self.mapsize[1] - abs(position[1] - foodpos[1]))
return distancex + distancey
#this function is called by the main module of the game, to update the position of the snake
def updateDirection(self, maze):
# this is the brain of the snake player
self.olddir = self.direction
position = self.body[0]
self.maze = maze
# new direction can't be up if current direction is down...and so on
self.complement = [(up, down), (down, up), (right, left), (left, right)]
self.direction = self.search_food(position, self.maze.foodpos)
Bellow is the code to do the search.
I reused a file i had with some classes to do a tree search, and changed it to use jump point search. And for every jump point i find i expand a node in the tree.
class SearchDomain:
def __init__(self):
def actions(self, state):
def result(self, state, action):
def cost(self, state, action):
def heuristic(self, state, goal_state):
class SearchProblem:
def __init__(self, domain, initial, goal,dir):
self.domain = domain
self.initial = initial
self.goal = goal
self.dir = dir
def goal_test(self, state):
return state == self.goal
# class that defines the nodes in the tree. It has some attributes that are not used due to my old aproach.
class SearchNode:
def __init__(self,state,parent,heuristic,dir,cost=0,depth=0):
self.state = state
self.parent = parent
self.heuristic = heuristic
self.depth = depth
self.dir = dir
self.cost = cost
if parent!=None:
self.cost = cost + parent.cost
def __str__(self):
return "no(" + str(self.state) + "," + str(self.parent) + "," + str(self.heuristic) + ")"
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
class SearchTree:
def __init__(self,problem, mapsize, maze, strategy='breadth'):
#attributes used to represent the map in a matrix
#represents obstacle
self.OBS = -1
#represents all the positions occupied by both snakes
self.PPOS = -2
#represents food position
self.FOODPOS = -3
#represents not explored
self.UNIN = -4
self.problem = problem
h = self.problem.domain.heuristic(self.problem.initial,self.problem.goal)
self.root = SearchNode(problem.initial, None,h,self.problem.dir)
self.open_nodes = [self.root]
self.strategy = strategy
self.blacklist = []
self.pqueue = FastPriorityQueue()
self.mapa = maze
#here i initialize the matrix to represent the map
self.field = []
for a in range(mapsize[0]):
for b in range(mapsize[1]):
for a,b in maze.obstacles:
self.field[a][b] = self.OBS
for a,b in maze.playerpos:
self.field[a][b] = self.PPOS
self.field[maze.foodpos[0]][maze.foodpos[1]] = self.FOODPOS
self.field[self.root.state[0]][self.root.state[1]] = self.UNIN
#function to add a jump point to the priority queue
def queue_jumppoint(self,node):
if node is not None:
self.pqueue.add_task(node, self.problem.domain.heuristic(node.state,self.problem.goal)+node.cost)
# given a node it returns the path until the root of the tree
def get_path(self,node):
if node.parent == None:
return [node]
path = self.get_path(node.parent)
path += [node]
#Not used in this approach
def remove(self,node):
if node.parent != None:
a = self.problem.domain.actions(node.parent.state, node.dir)
if a == []:
node = None
#Function that searches for the food
def search(self):
tempNode = self.root
count = 0
while not self.pqueue.empty():
node = self.pqueue.pop_task()
actions = self.problem.domain.actions(node.state,node.dir)
if count == 1:
tempNode = node
#for every possible direction i call the explore function that finds a jump point in a given direction
for a in range(len(actions)):
print (a)
print (actions[a])
jumpPoint = self.explore(node,actions[a])
if jumpPoint != None:
newnode = SearchNode((jumpPoint[0],jumpPoint[1]),node,self.problem.domain.heuristic(node.state,self.problem.goal),actions[a],jumpPoint[2])
if newnode.state == self.problem.goal:
return self.get_path(newnode)[1].dir
dirTemp = tempNode.dir
return dirTemp
#Explores the given direction, starting in the position of the given node, to find a jump point
def explore(self,node,dir):
pos = node.state
cost = 0
while (self.problem.domain.result(node.state,dir)) != node.state:
pos = self.problem.domain.result(pos, dir)
cost += 1
#Marking a position as explored
if self.field[pos[0]][pos[1]] == self.UNIN or self.field[pos[0]][pos[1]] == self.PPOS:
self.field[pos[0]][pos[1]] = 20
elif pos[0] == self.problem.goal[0] and pos[1] == self.problem.goal[1]: # destination found
return pos[0],pos[1],cost
return None
#if the snake is going up or down
if dir[0] == 0:
#if there is no obstacle/(or body of any snake) at the right but in the previous position there was, then this is a jump point
if (self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,0))[0]] [pos[1]] != self.OBS and self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,0))[0]] [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,-dir[1]))[1]] == self.OBS) or \
(self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,0))[0]] [pos[1]] != self.PPOS and self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,0))[0]] [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,-dir[1]))[1]] == self.PPOS):
return pos[0], pos[1],cost
#if there is no obstacle/(or body of any snake) at the left but in the previous position there was, then this is a jump point
if (self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-1,0))[0]] [pos[1]] != self.OBS and self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-1,0))[0]] [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,-dir[1]))[1]] == self.OBS) or \
(self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-1,0))[0]] [pos[1]] != self.PPOS and self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-1,0))[0]] [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,-dir[1]))[1]] == self.PPOS):
return pos[0], pos[1],cost
#if the snake is going right or left
elif dir[1] == 0:
#if there is no obstacle/(or body of any snake) at the upper part but in the previous position there was, then this is a jump point
if (self.field [pos[0]][self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,1))[1]] != self.OBS and self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-dir[0],dir[1]))[0]] [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,1))[1]] == self.OBS) or \
(self.field [pos[0]][self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,1))[1]] != self.PPOS and self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-dir[0],dir[1]))[0]] [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,1))[1]] == self.PPOS):
return pos[0], pos[1],cost
#if there is no obstacle/(or body of any snake) at the down part but in the previous position there was, then this is a jump point
if (self.field [pos[0]] [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-1,-1))[1]] != self.OBS and self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-dir[0],dir[1]))[0]] [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-1,-1))[1]] == self.OBS) or \
(self.field [pos[0]] [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-1,-1))[1]] != self.PPOS and self.field [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-dir[0],dir[1]))[0]] [self.problem.domain.result(pos,(-1,-1))[1]] == self.PPOS):
return pos[0], pos[1],cost
#if the food is aligned in some way with the snake head, then this is a jump point
if (pos[0] == self.mapa.foodpos[0] and node.state[0] != self.mapa.foodpos[0]) or \
(pos[1] == self.mapa.foodpos[1] and node.state[1] != self.mapa.foodpos[1]):
return pos[0], pos[1],cost
#if the food is in front of the head of the snake, right next to it, then this is a jump point
if self.field[self.problem.domain.result(pos,(dir[0],dir[1]))[0]][self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,dir[1]))[1]] == self.FOODPOS:
return pos[0], pos[1],cost
##if an obstacle is in front of the head of the snake, right next to it, then this is a jump point
if self.field[self.problem.domain.result(pos,(dir[0],dir[1]))[0]][ self.problem.domain.result(pos,(1,dir[1]))[1]] == self.OBS:
return pos[0], pos[1],cost
return None
class FastPriorityQueue:
def __init__(self):
self.pq = [] # list of entries arranged in a heap
self.counter = 0 # unique sequence count
def add_task(self, task, priority=0):
entry = [priority, self.counter, task]
heapq.heappush(self.pq, entry)
def pop_task(self):
while self.pq:
priority, count, task = heapq.heappop(self.pq)
return task
raise KeyError('pop from an empty priority queue')
def empty(self):
return len(self.pq) == 0
This is my code. I would appreciate any help to be able to avoid dead ends.
I searched for similar problems but couldn't find any that helped me.
StackOverflow is not a coding service, so I'm not going to write your code for you, but I can most definitely tell you what steps you would need to take to solve your issue.
In your comments, you said it would be nice if you could check for dead ends before the game starts. A dead end can be classified as any point that has three or more orthogonally adjacent walls. I'm assuming you want every point leading up to a dead end that is inescapable. Here is how you would check:
Check every point starting from one corner and moving to the other, in either rows or columns, it doesn't matter. Once you reach a point that has three or more orthogonally adjacent walls, mark that point as a dead end, and go to 2.
Find the direction of the empty space next to this point (if any), and check every point in that direction. For each of those points: if it has two or more adjacent walls, mark it as a dead end. If it has only one wall, go to 3. If it has no walls, stop checking in this direction and continue with number 1.
In every direction that does not have a wall, repeat number 2.
Follow these steps until step 1 has checked every tile on the grid.
If you need a programming example, just ask for one in the comments. I didn't have time to make one, but I can make one later if needed. Also, if you need extra clarification, just ask!
I Have Been Trying for days on how to do this. Basically You Control A Player, And zombies follow you.
Problem Is, I Cant Seem To Get The Zombies To Follow! I Tried If Statements For Example
if playerx > zombiex:
zombiex=zombiex - 2
aaaaaand That Didnt Work.... :/
Any Ideas?
Maybe this is what you searched for.
def length(x, y):
return (x ** 2 + y ** 2) ** .5
def norm(x, y):
_len = length(x, y)
return x / _len, y / _len
class ZombieController(object):
def __init__(self, zombie_view_range):
self._zombs = []
self.append = self._zombs.append
self._range = zombie_view_range
def NextFrame(self, player_pos):
px, py = player_pos
_range = self._range
for zombie in self._zombs:
x, y = zombie.position
dx, dy = px - x, py - y
_len = length(dx, dy)
if _len <= _range:
speed = zombie.speed
direction = norm(dx, dy)
zombie.positon = x + direction[0] * speed, y + direction[1] * speed
First, can't answer your whole questions as there's not enough information. How doesn't it work exactly?
Second, if you want the zombies to follow, you need thier coordinates to converge with the players so you need something like:
if playerx > zombiex:
zombiex = zombiex + max(zombiespeed, playerx - zombiex)
elif playerx < zombiex:
zombiex = zombiex - max(zombiespeed, zombiex - playerx)
I replace 2 with zombiespeed which you define elsewhere so you can change the speed in one place for future.
I use max() to ensure the zombie won't move PAST the player when very close.
You'd obviously do the same for the y direction too.