I am trying to open Spyder on root and I get the following error message:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'IPython.core.inputtransformer2'
This error has been shown after trying to install a package with pip (and Spyder crashed).
I have even uninstalled Anaconda completely and reinstalled but the problem persists.
I had created a virtual environment where at least I can launch Spyder from here. But on root I just cant.
Any suggestions?
Had the same problem a while ago. You can upgrade IPython using the following command. Hope it resolves your issue.
conda update IPython -n envname
envname is the name of the environment you are trying to work in. Also, you might want to install sudo in the correct environment too if you haven't done already.
conda install -c odsp-test sudo
check all the requirements from the spyder installation page,
update or install the requirements that are missing. This should work for you.
I updated my Spyder today to Spyder 5.1, and now it keeps showing me this error message:
Your Python environment or installation doesn't have the spyder‑kernels module or the right version of it installed (>= 2.1.0 and < 2.2.0). Without this module is not possible for Spyder to create a console for you.
You can install it by running in a system terminal:
conda install spyder‑kernels=2.1
pip install spyder‑kernels==2.1.*
I already tried both commands, the pip one works but I still get the error message, the conda command does not even work and shows me
The following packages are not available from current channels
Normally I use conda for all packages that are availabel on conda, so maybe someone faced the same issue?
Version 2.1 is only available through Conda Forge at this time. Try
conda install -c conda-forge spyder-kernels=2.1
So far I've had to remove spyder-kernels from any env from any env that has it before I'm able to get it to install on any other env. I'm using conda. It seems I can't have more than one env available for use without constantly swapping where spyder-kernels is installed. This is the case for Windows 10 and MacOS. The spyder docs say to just ignore the issue - and that it was allegedly fixed by now - but I don't know how to ignore an error that makes it impossible to start a python console.
Correction: After erasing all envs and starting over from scratch (zero envs), I am now able to install spyder-kernels on multiple newly-created envs and each one functions in console without an issue.
I recently installed pynini using "conda install -c conda-forge pynini". It seems to have been installed since I checked with conda list and it was there. However, when I tried it out through PyCharm or Spyder (both with Python Interpreter to be Anaconda3), I kept getting:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pynini'
despite having installed it. I don't know where I went wrong here so any insights or help would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Which conda environment did you install?
conda install -c conda-forge pynini will install on the current active environment.
On PyCharm, check which conda environment you are on.
I think it might be "PATH" problem. You should check PATH or env.
OR... remove and install conda environment.
I have just tried to update my anaconda environment to the latest version and I am now receiving errors. I opened the conda environment as an admin, and the commands issued were:
conda update conda
conda update anaconda
First command finished fine. Second command produced error:
pythonw.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point ?PyWinObject_FromULARGE_INTEGER##YAPEAU_object##AEAT_ULARGE_INTEGER###Z could not be located in the dynamic link library c:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\pythoncom37.dll
I have found a reference to this sort of error that requires me to copy a file libssl-1-1-x64.dll from Anaconda3/Library/bin with the one from Anaconda3/DLLs.
How to Fix Entry Point Not Found while installing libraries in conda environment
However, I do not have that file, in the source location. Is there any commands I can issue to download this file again, or somewhere online I can safely download that one file from?
Got the same error, when updating conda.
However, the file pythoncom37.dll was located in C:\Windows\System32.
Turns out the file was a left-over from a previous update of Python 3.7.5 to Python 3.8,
i.e. not related to the installation of conda itself. My guess is that conda registered with Python 3.7 and then failed to use the dll from an incompatible installation.
Solution: Removed pythoncom37.dll and pywintypes37 from C:\Windows\System32.
I had the same problem while updating tensorflow and other packages using anaconda python3 with sublime text3.
To solve this, I've deleted all the pythoncom37.dll in directory shown from the error window.
Replacing the file from other directory did not work.
Also reinstalling conda, upgrading conda, reinstalling sublimetext3 or tensorflow did not help as well.
Given that there seem to be a lot of answers and some work for for different people with different setups, python versions and circumstances, a quick summary of things to try.
Go to [envpath]\Scripts and run py pywin32_postinstall.py -install to update the pywin32 dependencies
Copy both files found in [anacondaPath]\Lib\site-packages\pywin32_system32 to C:\Windows\System32
Install pywin32 with conda instead of pip with conda install pywin32
Force pywin32 to a particular version (e.g. 224 for Python 3.7) pip install --upgrade pywin32==224
Add \Lib\site-packages\pywin32_system32 to your path environment variables
Uninstall pypiwin32 and install pywin32. pip uninstall and pip install pywin32
Download the latest Visual C++ version and restart the computer (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads-2647da03-1eea-4433-9aff-95f26a218cc0)
Downgrade to e.g. Python 3.6 if possible for your purposes
If any of those worked, commenting which one in your case may be helpful to understand what works when:)
List item
Sorry all - the clue was in the error message. The entry on how to fix entry point led me in the right direction. but it was the pythoncom37.dll file I needed to copy.
That's what you get for blindly following instructions.
Many thanks.
When I had this error, it did not show a path for the entry point.
I tried reinstalling anaconda and it didn't resolve the issue.
I found the path by doing pip install win32, which stated the path to the library that was was in use. It turned out it was connecting to a corrupt roaming profile version, so renaming the roaming profile folder (to _OLD) resolved the issue.
Had the same problem as on the picture above, solved it using these steps.
removed the file pythoncom37.dll from the environment in question
removed the file C:\tools\Anaconda3\Library\bin\pythoncom37.dll
run conda install --force-reinstall nb_conda_kernels ipykernel
repeat per environment.
Be aware that this will also upgrade all environment packages in the active environment.
I had the same problem. But my virtual environments all worked okay, so I had a workaround:
Create a new virtual environment called 'env_base' with all standard anaconda packages
conda create -n env_base anaconda python=3.7
Activate it
conda activate env_base
Create the kernel
conda install -c anaconda ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=env_base
Then use this virtual environment as the base jupyter notebook. You can replace your launch shortcut with the link for this one and it is as good as having the actual Jupyter notebook working with base packages.
It doesn't fix the problem, but it sidesteps it effectively.
This is my first post here, so if I need to give more info, could you ask me?
I installed Anaconda 2018.12 python 3.7 version, adding anaconda to my path environment variable. I made a new environment with "create -n py2.7 python=2.7 anaconda", and installing netcdf4 (conda install -c conda-forge netcdf4) and basemap(conda install -c conda-forge basemap) in the new environment.
However, soon after installing basemap, the command prompt gave Runtime error R6034. Then, the error started to repeat happening even when I just tried "conda list" in the new environment. The base environment seems working fine.
Could anyone help me to solve this issue? I cannot open even spyder in this situation either from start menu or command prompt.
Version: windows10, anaconda 2018-12
The following was what I tried to solve the issue, so far.
I re-installed anaconda multiple times, but it did not work.
Using "Process Explorer" and found msvcr90.dll in folders relating to the python process. Then, changing the name to msvcr90.dll_hihi. I found this way in Youtube, but gave another error: CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 Connection Failed.
I re-installed without adding anaconda to my path environmental variable. However, this did not work, either.
I am totally confused and so depressed not to be able to use anaconda for my research. I really appreciate it if anyone could help me.
I had a similar problem with Anaconda3 and Python27. I solved this problem via executing the following command in cmd, outside of any conda environment:
conda install msvc_runtime
After installing the packages, open a new command and test if the R6034 error still appears.
I am currently trying to work basic python - jupyter projects.
I am stuck on following error during matplotlib:
screenshot on jupyter-error
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'matplotlib'
I tried to update, reinstall matplotlib aswell in conda and in pip but it still not working.
happy over every constructive feedback
In a Notebook's cell type and execute the code:
import sys
!{sys.executable} -m pip install --user matplotlib
and reload the kernel
(src: http://jakevdp.github.io/blog/2017/12/05/installing-python-packages-from-jupyter/ )
open terminal and change the directory to Scripts folder where python installed. Then type the following command and hit enter
pip install matplotlib
Hope this will solve the issue.
I was facing the exact issue. It turns out that it was using the system Python version despite me having activated my virtual environment.
This is what eventually worked.
If you are using a virtual environment which has a name say myvenv, first activate it using command:
source activate myvenv
Then install module ipykernel using the command:
pip install ipykernel
Finally run (change myvenv in code below to the name of your environment):
ipykernel install --user --name myvenv --display-name "Python (myvenv)"
Now restart the notebook and it should pick up the Python version on your virtual environment.
While #Frederic's top-voted solution is based on JakeVDP's blog post from 2017, it completely neglects the %pip magic command mentioned in the blog post. Since 2017, that has landed in mainline IPython and the easiest way to access the correct pip instance connected to your current IPython kernel and environment from within a Jupyter notebook is to do
%pip install matplotlib
Take a look at the list of currently available magic commands at IPython's docs.
generally speaking you should try to work within python virtual environments. and once you do that, you then need to tell JupyterLab about it. for example:
# create a virtual environment
# use the exact python you want to work with in this step
python3.9 -m venv myvenv
# 'activate' (or 'enter') it
source myvenv/bin/activate
# install the exact stuff you want to use in that environment
pip install matplotlib
# now tell JupyterLabs about the environment
python -m ipykernel install --user --name="myenv" --display-name="My project (myenv)"
# start it up
jupyter notebook mynotebook
# if you now look under 'Kernel->Change kernel', your 'myenv' should be there
# select it (restart kernel etc if needed) and you should be good
The issue with me was that jupyter was taking python3 for me, you can always check the version of python jupyter is running on by looking on the top right corner (attached screenshot).
When I was doing pip install it was installing the dependencies for python 2.7 which is installed on mac by default.
It got solved by doing:
> pip3 install matplotlib
Having the same issue, installing matplotlib before to create the virtualenv solved it for me. Then I created the virtual environment and installed matplotlib on it before to start jupyter notebook.
in jupter notebook type
this gave me the following
open terminal, go into the folder
type the following:
python3 -m pip install matplotlib
restart jupyter notebook (mine is vs code mac ox)
If module installed an you are still getting this error, you might need to run specific jupyter:
python -m jupyter notebook
and this is also works
sudo jupyter notebook --allow-root