I want to build a program to add a basketball lineup.
Ideally I want the output to be (as an example):
Center, John
Point Guard, Jack
Shooting Guard, James
This would depend on how many values you add and what you type for the name. I am struggling to pull these values that are entered. I am not getting an error - just not getting the results I am looking for. For example, instead of "Point Guard", it says "". I am also not returning a value for the Entry fields. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
root = Tk()
menu = Menu(root)
combovalues = ['Center' , 'Point Guard' , 'Shooting Guard' , 'Power Forward' , 'Small Forward' ]
startinglineup = []
entry_values = []
root.counter = 2
my_lineup = []
string_var = tk.StringVar()
def addlineup():
Label(root, text='Lineup Name').grid(row=0)
e1 = Entry(root)
e1.grid(row=0, column=1)
combobox = ttk.Combobox(root, values=combovalues)
combobox.grid(column=0, row=1)
e2 = Entry(root)
e2.grid(row=1, column=1)
addbutton = tk.Button(root, text='Add', width=25, command=add)
addbutton.grid(column=0, row=14)
confirmbutton = tk.Button(root, text='Confirm', width=25, command=save)
confirmbutton.grid(column=0, row=15)
def save():
number = root.counter
def add():
root.counter += 1
combobox = ttk.Combobox(root, values=combovalues)
combobox.grid(column=0, row=root.counter)
entry = Entry(root)
entry.grid(row=root.counter, column=1)
for stringvar in entry_values:
text = string_var.get()
if text:
my_lineup.append([text, combobox])
# --- main menu ---
filemenu = Menu(menu)
menu.add_cascade(label='File', menu=filemenu)
# --- lineups ----
lineupmenu = Menu(menu)
menu.add_cascade(label='Lineups', menu=lineupmenu)
lineupmenu.add_command(label='Add Lineup', command=addlineup)
lineupmenu.add_command(label='View Lineups')
To get results from an entry:
Create a StringVar() (If you want to store the result in a different variable and not the Entry itself)
string_var = tk.StringVar()
Creat an Entry
entry = tk.Entry(root, textvariable=string_var)
Remember to add string_var to the parameter textvariable, textvariable=string_var.
Finally, get the result (it can be done at any time)
result = string_var.get()
Or, you can just do (If you don't care to store the result in the Entry itself) :
entry = tk.Entry(root)
result = entry.get()
You don't actually need a StringVar
In my code, I have tried to get the user input through text fields, store them in variables and finally print them in a tabular form.
The problem I am facing is that none of the values I enter through the text fields get displayed; when I try printing the variables, they come up empty.
Here's part of my code:
from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as tktrv
root = tk.Tk()
lb1 = Label(root, text="SPASC \n Welcomes You !!!", fg="red", bg="sky blue"
, font=('Arial Black', 20), width=22, anchor=CENTER)
lb2 = Label(root, text="What would you like to compare?",
font=('Arial', 18), anchor=CENTER)
space1 = Label(root, text="\n\n")
hpw, mil = StringVar(), StringVar()
def bt_cars():
w1 = Toplevel()
w1.title("Choose Features")
lb3 = Label(w1, text="Choose features for comparison", bg="yellow"
, font=('Arial Black', 18), width=25)
lb4 = Label(w1, text=" ", anchor=CENTER)
fr1 = LabelFrame(w1, width=20, padx=100)
hpw_cb = Checkbutton(fr1, text="Horsepower", variable=hpw, anchor='w', onvalue="Horsepower", offvalue="")
mil_cb = Checkbutton(fr1, text="Mileage", variable=mil, anchor='w', onvalue="Mileage", offvalue="")
var_stor = [hpw, mil]
var_fill = []
for itr1 in var_stor:
if itr1 != "":
def car_1():
name1 = StringVar()
c1 = Toplevel()
c1.title("Car 1")
car1_lb1 = Label(c1, text="Car Name:")
name1_ifl = Entry(c1)
name1 = name1_ifl.get()
elm_var_fill = len(var_fill)
ct1 = 0
car1_val = []
for itr2 in var_fill:
if ct1 == elm_var_fill:
lb5 = Label(c1, text=itr2.get())
#Creating text field
ftr1_ifl = Entry(c1)
car1_ftr = ftr1_ifl.get()
car1_ftr = None
lb5.grid(row=ct1 + 2, column=1)
ftr1_ifl.grid(row=ct1 + 2, column=2)
ct1 += 1
def display():
dp = Toplevel()
car1_pt = 0
car2_pt = 0
car_tree = tktrv.Treeview(dp)
car_tree["columns"] = ("car1col")
car_tree.column("#0", width=120, minwidth=30)
car_tree.column("car1col", width=120, minwidth=30)
car_tree.heading("#0", text="Features" )
car_tree.heading("car1col", text=str(name1))
done1_bt = Button(c1, text="Continue", command=display)
name1_ifl.grid(row=0, column=2)
car1_lb1.grid(row=0, column=1)
done_bt = Button(w1, text="Done", command=car_1)
done_bt.grid(row=3, column=1)
lb3.grid(row=0, column=1)
lb4.grid(row=1, column=1)
fr1.grid(row=2, column=1)
bt1 = Button(root, text="CARS", width=5, font=('Calibri', 15), command=bt_cars)
space2 = Label(root, text="\n\n")
I am facing trouble with the variables named: hpw, mil, name1.
Any help would be welcome.
NOTE:- Please excuse the amount of code; I wanted others to replicate the error and see it for themselves
For the variables hpw and mil, these variables are empty strings that's why you are not getting any value from those checkboxes. To get values from the checkboxes replace these lines of code:
var_stor = [hpw, mil]
var_stor = [hpw_cb.cget('onvalue'), mil_cb.cget('onvalue')]
since you want the onvalue then you must use cget() method to access those values.
also, replace
lb5 = Label(c1, text=itr2.get())
lb5 = Label(c1, text=itr2)
because now you have required values (not objects) in a list, so just need to access those values.
For the variable name1 you can use #BokiX's method.
The problem is you are using get() wrong. You cannot use get() right after Entry() because as soon as entry is created it's getting the input before the user can even input something.
Use this code:
def get_input(text):
e = Entry(root)
b = Button(root, text="Print input", command=lambda: get_input(e.get()))
Now get() method will not be executed before you click the button.
I'm trying to make an example for some high school students using tkinter with multiple forms, and accessing form data in different functions. I'm trying to keep the example simple, but having a small problem. The sv3 & sv4 variables are not getting the values from the second form. Any suggestions or ideas?
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
sv1 = StringVar()
sv2 = StringVar()
sv3 = StringVar()
sv4 = StringVar()
#first function - this DOES NOT take text from entry widgets and displays, but should
def callback2():
test2 = sv3.get()
print (sv4.get())
print("show second form entry widgets values")
return True
#first function - this takes text from entry widgets and displays
def callback():
test = sv1.get()
print (sv2.get())
print("show first form entry widgets values")
return True
#new form
def new_form():
newfrm = Tk()
entry3 = Entry(newfrm, textvariable=sv3).pack()
entry4 = Entry(newfrm, textvariable=sv4).pack()
button = Button(newfrm, text="Click Me", command=callback2).pack()
#initial form
def main_form():
entry1 = Entry(root, textvariable=sv1).pack()
entry2 = Entry(root, textvariable=sv2).pack()
button = Button(root, text="Click Me", command=callback).pack()
Here how to avoid using multiple Tk instances and manually transfers the values from the first two Entrys to the second pair. See lines with #### comments.
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
sv1 = StringVar()
sv2 = StringVar()
sv3 = StringVar()
sv4 = StringVar()
#first function - this now take text from entry widgets and displays as it should.
def callback2():
test2 = sv3.get()
print (sv4.get())
print("show second form entry widgets values")
return True
#first function - this takes text from entry widgets and displays
def callback():
test = sv1.get()
print (sv2.get())
print("show first form entry widgets values")
return True
#new form
def new_form():
#### newfrm = Tk()
newfrm = Toplevel() #### Instead.
sv3.set(sv1.get()) #### Trasfer value.
sv4.set(sv2.get()) #### Trasfer value.
entry3 = Entry(newfrm, textvariable=sv3).pack()
entry4 = Entry(newfrm, textvariable=sv4).pack()
button = Button(newfrm, text="Click Me", command=callback2).pack()
#initial form
def main_form():
entry1 = Entry(root, textvariable=sv1).pack()
entry2 = Entry(root, textvariable=sv2).pack()
button = Button(root, text="Click Me", command=callback).pack()
I'm trying to create a function in tkinter where I can print out what the user writes in a Entry box. I'm able to print out ask_an_entry_get, but when I try to print what_is_answer_entry_get
, I get nothing my empty spaces.
Please find out the problem here. Also I'm using the Entry widget, along with the get() function, to get input from the user.
def answer_quizmaker_score():
I made a lot of global variables so I could use them all around my code.
global what_is_answer_entry
what_is_answer_entry = Entry(root4)
I then used the get() function to retrieve what the user typed.
global what_is_answer_entry_get
what_is_answer_entry_get = what_is_answer_entry.get()
This is the exact process I did for both ask_an_entry_get and what_is_answer_entry_get. However for some reason only ask_an_entry_get is printed, while what_is_answer_entry_get is printing nothing in the console.
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
txt1 = StringVar()
txt2 = StringVar()
def txt_printer():
x = Entry(root, textvariable=txt1, width=20)
x.place(x=0, y=0)
y = Entry(root, textvariable=txt2, width=20)
y.place(x=0, y=50)
btn_print = Button(root, text="print", command=txt_printer)
btn_print.place(x=0, y=100)
# Or if you want to show the txt on window then:
def txt_on_window():
lb1 = Label(root, text=txt1.get())
lb1.place(x=0, y=200)
lb2 = Label(root, text=txt2.get())
lb2.place(x=0, y=235)
btn_print_on_window = Button(root, text="print on screen", command=txt_on_window)
btn_print_on_window.place(x=0, y=150)
Ok, so basic story. I have created an entry. After you introduce text, you have to click a button to store the inputted text into a variable that is later printed.
Here is the code:
from Tkinter import *
def myClick(entry_name, var):#defines function to get input from entry and store into var
var = entry_name.get()
root = Tk()#creates initial tk
lbl1 = Label(root, text = "hello")#before entry label
lbl1.grid(row = 0, column = 0)#label griding
ent = Entry(root, width = 15)# the entry
ent.grid(row = 1, column = 0)#entry gridding
hello = None #variable to store entry input
bt1 = Button(root, command = myClick(ent, hello))#button 1 creation and function attribution
bt1.grid(row = 3, column = 0)#button 1 griding
It is very unclear to me why the function does not get the input from the entry.
bt1 = Button(root, command = myClick(ent, hello))
In this line, you call myClick function with parameters, not just pass it. That means that myClick is executed once after the module is launched and then it does nothing. If you want to print the entry input, I recommend you do the following:
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
lbl1 = Label(root, text="hello")
lbl1.grid(row=0, column=0)
ent = Entry(root, width=15)
ent.grid(row=1, column=0)
def myClick():
var = ent.get()
bt1 = Button(root, command=myClick)
bt1.grid(row=3, column=0)
Also code after root.mainloop() doesn't excecute.
just define a normal function :
from tkinter import *
def blinta():
var = ent.get()
root = Tk()#creates initial tk
lbl1 = Label(root, text = "hello")#before entry label
lbl1.grid(row = 0, column = 0)#label griding
ent = Entry(root, width = 15)# the entry
ent.grid(row = 1, column = 0)#entry gridding
bt1 = Button(root, command = blinta)
bt1.grid(row = 3, column = 0)
This will work I'm sure.
I'm trying to make a label that will change when I enter text into the entry box and click the button.
I've tried doing some research but can't seem to find out how to do it .
from tkinter import *
master = Tk()
master.title("Part 3")
v = StringVar()
v.set("Please change me")
lb= Label(master, textvariable=v, fg="red",bg="black").grid(row=0,column=0)
ent= Entry(master, textvariable=v,).grid(row=1,column=2)
b1= Button(master, text="Click to change", fg="red",bg="black").grid(row=1,column=0)
to do so, you first need to define a callback that changes the value. (example below)
You should also use two Variables of type StringVar to store the different Values
from tkinter import *
master = Tk()
master.title("Part 3")
lText = StringVar()
lText.set("Please change me")
eText = StringVar()
def ChangeLabelText(event=None):
global lText
global eText
Then, bind the callback to the button
lb = Label(master, textvariable=lText, fg="red",bg="black").grid(row=0,column=0)
ent = Entry(master, textvariable=eText).grid(row=1,column=2)
b1 = Button(master, text="Click to change", fg="red",bg="black", command=ChangeLabelText).grid(row=1,column=0)