I have created a flask application where it take excel file and it cleans the data and gives the output in excel file. basically what happens is user uploads the excel file after submitting browser should download the filtered excel file.
can someone suggest me references? I need to know how to set the path. I tried converting it into the HTML by using but this code doesn't download but it automatically saves the cleaned file as HTML.
data1 = df.to_html()
#write html to file
text_file = open("data1.html", "w")
return render_template("success.html", name = text_file)
I have an app that receive an input file, read it with pandas, process it (with a make_processing() function I created) and return it as .csv. Is almost the same for an excel file.
file = request.files['file']
content = file.read()
df = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(content))
df2 = make_processing(df)
si = io.StringIO()
df2.to_csv(si, index=False, encoding='utf8')
output = flask.make_response(si.getvalue())
output.headers["Content-Disposition"] = f"attachment; filename=periodicidad.csv"
output.headers["Content-type"] = "text/csv"
return output
I am reading an Excel file (.xlsx) with pysmb.
import tempfile
from smb.SMBConnection import SMBConnection
conn = SMBConnection(userID, password, client_machine_name, server_name, use_ntlm_v2 = True)
conn.connect(server_ip, 139)
file_obj = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
file_attributes, filesize = conn.retrieveFile(service_name, test.xlsx, file_obj)
This step works, I am able to transform the file in pandas.DataFrame
import pandas as pd
Next, I want to save the file, the file is saved but if I want to open it with Excel, I have an error message "Excel has run into an error"
Here the code to save the file
conn.storeFile(service_name, 'test_save.xlsx', file_obj)
How can I save correctly the file and open it with excel ?
Thank you
I tried with a .txt file file and it is working. An error occurs with .xlsx, .xls and .pdf files. I have also tried without extension, same issue, imossible to open the file.
I would like to save the file with .pdf and .xlsx extension, and open it.
Thank you.
I found a solution an I will post it here in case someone face a similar issue.
Excel can be save as a binary stream.
from io import BytesIO
df = pd.read_excel(file_obj)
output = BytesIO()
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine='xlsxwriter')
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='data', index = False)
conn.storeFile(service_name, 'test_save.xlsx', output)
Currently I am exporting an excel file, however, before it gets exported, I create an xls file on the host machine. To create the excel file, I use tablib. My export view looks like this:
def export_xls(request):
# some irrelevant code
data = convert_json_to_dataset(json_data)
table = data.export('xls')
with open('/tmp/students.xls', 'wb') as f:
response = FileResponse(open('/tmp/students.xls', 'rb'), as_attachment=True, filename="test.xls")
return response
What I am trying to achieve is to avoid writing always to /tmp/students.xls. I tried using BytesIO, however that did not work out.
def export_xls(request):
# some irrelevant code
data = convert_json_to_dataset(json_data)
table = data.export('xls')
buffer = BytesIO()
response = FileResponse(buffer.read(), as_attachment=True, filename="test.xls")
return response
Currently I am always overwriting the file, however, I will change the naming of the file and that will cause multiple files to be created, which I would like to avoid.
my jupyter notebook is saving a dataframe(having styles) to an excel file. then I have created a link to download this excel file:
df=df.to_excel('ABC.xlsx', index=True)
filename ='ABC.xlsx'
file_link = "<a href='{href}' download='ABC.xlsx'> Download ABC.xlsx</a>"
html = HTML(file_link.format(href=filename))
but when i click on link-Download ABC.xlsx, I am getting- Failed: Network error.
On the contrary it is working fine when i am downloading CSV file the same way
Adding csv code, there is some base64 encoding added in csv code without which csv code is also not working:
def func(df,title="Download csv file",filename="ABC.csv"):
b64 =base64.b64encode(csv.encode())
html = "{title}"
html = html.format(payload=payload,title=title,filename=filename)
return HTML(html)
i tried editing this function for excel file:
def func(df,title="Download excel file",filename="ABC.xlsx"):
b64 =base64.b64encode(xls.encode())
html = "{title}"
html = html.format(payload=payload,title=title,filename=filename)
return HTML(html)
for excel code it giving error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encode'
In you csv code, you use csv=df.to_csv(index=True), according to docs
If path_or_buf is None, returns the resulting csv format as a string.
Otherwise returns None.
here you didn't specify path_or_buf, so return value is csv content. this is why you can download csv.
Now to_excel doc desn't say it has any return value. so your payload don't contain anything at all.
To solve, you can manually open file again and read as base64 format string:
def file_to_base64(file):
#file should be the actual file name you wrote
with open(file, "rb") as image_file:
encoded_string = base64.b64encode(image_file.read())
return encoded_string.decode()
replace the two lines
b64 =base64.b64encode(xls.encode())
payload = file_to_base64(file)
I'd like to upload an excel file in my web app, read the contents of it and display some cells. So basically I don't need to save the file as it's a waste of time.
Relevant code:
if form.validate_on_submit():
f = form.xml_file.data.stream
xml = f.read()
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(xml)
sheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(0)
I can't wrap my mind around this as I keep getting filetype errors no matter what I try. I'm using Flask Uploads, WTF.file and xlrd for reading the file.
Reading the file works okay if I save it previously with f.save
To answer my own question, I solved it with
if form.validate_on_submit():
# Put the file object(stream) into a var
xls_object = form.xml_file.data.stream
# Open it as a workbook
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(file_contents=xls_object.read())
for example the following code creates the xlsx file first and then streams it as a download but I'm wondering if it is possible to send the xlsx data as it is being created. For example, imagine if a very large xlsx file needs to be generated, the user has to wait until it is finished and then receive the download, what I'd like is to start the xlsx file download in the user browser, and then send over the data as it is being generated. It seems trivial with a .csv file but not so with an xlsx file.
import cStringIO as StringIO
except ImportError:
import StringIO
from django.http import HttpResponse
from xlsxwriter.workbook import Workbook
def your_view(request):
# your view logic here
# create a workbook in memory
output = StringIO.StringIO()
book = Workbook(output)
sheet = book.add_worksheet('test')
sheet.write(0, 0, 'Hello, world!')
# construct response
response = HttpResponse(output.read(), mimetype="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet")
response['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=test.xlsx"
return response
Are you able to write tempfiles to disk while generating the XLSX?
If you are able to use tempfile you won't be memory bound, which is nice, but the download will still only start when the XLSX writer is done assembling the document.
If you can't write tempfiles, you'll have to follow this example http://xlsxwriter.readthedocs.org/en/latest/example_http_server.html and your code is unfortunately completely memory bound.
Streaming CSV is very easy, on the other hand. Here is code we use to stream any iterator of rows in a CSV response:
import csv
import io
def csv_generator(data_generator):
csvfile = io.BytesIO()
csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
def read_and_flush():
data = csvfile.read()
return data
for row in data_generator:
yield read_and_flush()
def csv_stream_response(response, iterator, file_name="xxxx.csv"):
response.content_type = 'text/csv'
response.content_disposition = 'attachment;filename="' + file_name + '"'
response.charset = 'utf8'
response.content_encoding = 'utf8'
response.app_iter = csv_generator(iterator)
return response
xlsx format is a zip file that contains several individual files, so you can't create it on the fly and send it out as it is being created.