I am able successfully connect using LDAP3 and retrieve my LDAP group members as below.
from ldap3 import Server, Connection, ALL, SUBTREE
from ldap3.extend.microsoft.addMembersToGroups import ad_add_members_to_groups as addMembersToGroups
>>> conn = Connection(Server('ldaps://ldap.****.com:***', get_info=ALL),check_names=False, auto_bind=False,user="ANT\*****",password="******", authentication="NTLM")
>>> conn.open()
>>> conn.search('ou=Groups,o=****.com', '(&(cn=MY-LDAP-GROUP))', attributes=['cn', 'objectclass', 'memberuid'])
it returns True and I can see members by printing
The above line says MY-LDAP-GROUP exists and returns TRUE while searching but throws LDAP group not found when I try to an user to the group as below
>>> addMembersToGroups(conn, ['myuser'], 'MY-LDAP-GROUP')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/Users/****/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ldap3/extend/microsoft/addMembersToGroups.py", line 69, in ad_add_members_to_groups
raise LDAPInvalidDnError(group + ' not found')
ldap3.core.exceptions.LDAPInvalidDnError: MY-LDAP-GROUP not found
The above line says MY-LDAP-GROUP exists and returns TRUE
Returning True just means that the search succeeded. It doesn't mean that anything was found. Is there anything in conn.entries?
But I suspect your real problem is something different. If this is the source code for ad_add_members_to_groups, then it is expecting the distinguishedName of the group (notice the parameter name group_dn), but you're passing the cn (common name). For example, your code should be something like:
addMembersToGroups(conn, ['myuser'], 'CN=MY-LDAP-GROUP,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com')
If you don't know the DN, then ask for the distinguishedName attribute from the search.
A word of warning: that code for ad_add_members_to_groups retrieves all the current members before adding the new member. You might run into performance problems if you're working with groups that have large membership because of that (e.g. if the group has 1000 members, it will load all 1000 before adding anyone). You don't actually need to do that (you can add a new member without looking at the current membership). I think what they're trying to avoid is the error you get when you try to add someone who is already in the group. But I think there are better ways to handle that. It might not matter to you if you're only working with small groups.
After so many trial and errors, I got frustrated and used the older python-ldap library to add existing users. Now my code is a mixture of ldap3 and ldap.
I know this is not what the OP has desired. But this may help someone.
Here the user Dinesh Kumar is already part of a group group1. I am trying to add him
to another group group2 which is successful and does not disturb the existing group
import ldap
import ldap.modlist as modlist
def add_existing_user_to_group(user_name, user_id, group_id):
# ldap expects a byte string.
converted_user_name = bytes(user_name, 'utf-8')
converted_user_id = bytes(user_id, 'utf-8')
converted_group_id = bytes(group_id, 'utf-8')
# Add all the attributes for the new dn
ldap_attr = {}
ldap_attr['uid'] = converted_user_name
ldap_attr['cn'] = converted_user_name
ldap_attr['uidNumber'] = converted_user_id
ldap_attr['gidNumber'] = converted_group_id
ldap_attr['objectClass'] = [b'top', b'posixAccount', b'inetOrgPerson']
ldap_attr['sn'] = b'Kumar'
ldap_attr['homeDirectory'] = b'/home/users/dkumar'
# Establish connection to server using ldap
conn = ldap.initialize(server_uri, bytes_mode=False)
bind_resp = conn.simple_bind_s("cn=admin,dc=testldap,dc=com", "password")
dn_new = "cn={},cn={},ou=MyOU,dc=testldap,dc=com".format('Dinesh Kumar','group2')
ldif = modlist.addModlist(ldap_attr)
response = conn.add_s(dn_new, ldif)
except ldap.error as e:
response = e
print(" The response is ", response)
return response
I'm currently developing locally an Azure function that communicates with Microsoft Sentinel, in order to fetch the alert rules from it, and more specifically their respective querys :
credentials = AzureCliCredential()
alert_rules_operations = SecurityInsights(credentials, SUBSCRIPTION_ID).alert_rules
list_alert_rules = alert_rules_operations.list(resource_group_name=os.getenv('RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME'), workspace_name=os.getenv('WORKSPACE_NAME'))
The issue is that when I'm looping over list_alert_rules, and try to see each rule's query, I get an error:
Exception: AttributeError: 'FusionAlertRule' object has no attribute 'query'.
Yet, when I check their type via the type() function:
list_alert_rules = alert_rules_operations.list(resource_group_name=os.getenv(
'RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME'), workspace_name=os.getenv('WORKSPACE_NAME'))
for rule in list_alert_rules:
##console: <class 'azure.mgmt.securityinsight.models._models_py3.ScheduledAlertRule'>
The weirder issue is that this error appears only when you don't print the attribute. Let me show you:
for rule in list_alert_rules:
query = rule.query
print('query', query)
##console: query YAY I GET WHAT I WANT
No print:
for rule in list_alert_rules:
query = rule.query
##console: Exception: AttributeError: 'FusionAlertRule' object has no attribute 'query'.
I posted the issue on the GitHub repo, but I'm not sure whether it's a package bug or a runtime issue. Has anyone ran into this kind of problems?
BTW I'm running Python 3.10.8
I've tried using a map function, same issue:
def format_list(rule):
query = rule.query
# print('query', query)
# query = query.split('\n')
# query = list(filter(lambda line: "//" not in line, query))
# query = '\n'.join(query)
return rule
def main(mytimer: func.TimerRequest) -> None:
# results = fetch_missing_data()
credentials = AzureCliCredential()
alert_rules_operations = SecurityInsights(
credentials, SUBSCRIPTION_ID).alert_rules
list_alert_rules = alert_rules_operations.list(resource_group_name=os.getenv(
'RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME'), workspace_name=os.getenv('WORKSPACE_NAME'))
list_alert_rules = list(map(format_list, list_alert_rules))
I have tried with same as you used After I changed like below; I get the valid response.
# Management Plane - Alert Rules
alertRules = mgmt_client.alert_rules.list_by_resource_group('<ResourceGroup>')
for rule in alertRules:
# Try this
test.query = rule.query //Get the result
if mytimer.past_due:
logging.info('The timer is past due!')
Instead of this
for rule in list_alert_rules:
query = rule.query
Try below
for rule in list_alert_rules:
# Try this
test.query = rule.query
Sorry for the late answer as I've been under tons of work these last few days.
Python has an excellent method called hasattr that checks if the object contains a specific key.
I've used it in the following way:
for rule in rules:
if hasattr(rule, 'query'):
The reason behind using this is because the method returns object of different classes, however inherited from the one same mother class.
Hope this helps.
So I am trying to create a bot that cross posts from a sub (r/pics) to (r/polpics) using a bit of code from u/GoldenSights. I upgraded to a new python distro and I get a ton of errors, I don't even know where to begin. Here is the code (formatting off, error lines bold):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\tonyc\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\Lib\site-
packages\praw\subdump.py", line 84, in <module>
r = praw.Reddit(USERAGENT)
File "C:\Users\tonyc\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\lib\site-
packages\praw\reddit.py", line 150, in __init__
raise ClientException(required_message.format(attribute))
praw.exceptions.ClientException: Required configuration setting 'client_id'
This setting can be provided in a praw.ini file, as a keyword argument to the `Reddit` class constructor, or as an environment variable.
This seems to be related to USERAGENT setting. I don't think I have that configured right.
# This is a short description of what the bot does. For example
"/u/GoldenSights' Newsletter bot"
SUBREDDIT = "pics"
# This is the sub or list of subs to scan for new posts.
# For a single sub, use "sub1".
# For multiple subs, use "sub1+sub2+sub3+...".
# For all use "all"
KEYWORDS = ["It looks like this post is about US Politics."]
# Any comment containing these words will be saved.
# If non-empty, linkposts must have these strings in their URL
This is the error line:
print('Logging in')
r = praw.Reddit(USERAGENT) <--here, this is error line 84
r.set_oauth_app_info(APP_ID, APP_SECRET, APP_URI)
Also in Reddit.py :
raise ClientException(required_message.format(attribute)) <--- error
praw.exceptions.ClientException: Required configuration setting 'client_id'
This setting can be provided in a praw.ini file, as a keyword argument to
the `Reddit` class constructor, or as an environment variable.
Firstly, you're going to want to have your API credentials stored externally in your praw.ini file. This makes things a lot more secure, and looks like it might go some way to fixing your issue. Here's what a completed praw.ini file looks like, including the useragent, so try to replicate this.
# A boolean to indicate whether or not to check for package updates.
# Object to kind mappings
# The URL prefix for OAuth-related requests.
# The URL prefix for regular requests.
# The URL prefix for short URLs.
user_agent=web:appname:1.0.0 (by /u/username)
Let me know how things go after you sort this out.
I have the following python code that is working ok to use reddit's api and look up the front page of different subreddits and their rising submissions.
from pprint import pprint
import requests
import json
import datetime
import csv
import time
subredditsToScan = ["Arts", "AskReddit", "askscience", "aww", "books", "creepy", "dataisbeautiful", "DIY", "Documentaries", "EarthPorn", "explainlikeimfive", "food", "funny", "gaming", "gifs", "history", "jokes", "LifeProTips", "movies", "music", "pics", "science", "ShowerThoughts", "space", "sports", "tifu", "todayilearned", "videos", "worldnews"]
ofilePosts = open('posts.csv', 'wb')
writerPosts = csv.writer(ofilePosts, delimiter=',')
ofileUrls = open('urls.csv', 'wb')
writerUrls = csv.writer(ofileUrls, delimiter=',')
for subreddit in subredditsToScan:
front = requests.get(r'http://www.reddit.com/r/' + subreddit + '/.json')
rising = requests.get(r'http://www.reddit.com/r/' + subreddit + '/rising/.json')
risingData = rising.json()
frontData = front.json()
for i in range(0, len(risingData['data']['children'])):
author = risingData['data']['children'][i]['data']['author']
score = risingData['data']['children'][i]['data']['score']
subreddit = risingData['data']['children'][i]['data']['subreddit']
gilded = risingData['data']['children'][i]['data']['gilded']
numOfComments = risingData['data']['children'][i]['data']['num_comments']
linkUrl = risingData['data']['children'][i]['data']['permalink']
timeCreated = risingData['data']['children'][i]['data']['created_utc']
writerPosts.writerow([author, score, subreddit, gilded, numOfComments, linkUrl, timeCreated])
for j in range(0, len(frontData['data']['children'])):
author = frontData['data']['children'][j]['data']['author'].encode('utf-8').strip()
score = frontData['data']['children'][j]['data']['score']
subreddit = frontData['data']['children'][j]['data']['subreddit'].encode('utf-8').strip()
gilded = frontData['data']['children'][j]['data']['gilded']
numOfComments = frontData['data']['children'][j]['data']['num_comments']
linkUrl = frontData['data']['children'][j]['data']['permalink'].encode('utf-8').strip()
timeCreated = frontData['data']['children'][j]['data']['created_utc']
writerPosts.writerow([author, score, subreddit, gilded, numOfComments, linkUrl, timeCreated])
It works well and scrapes the data accurately but it constantly gets interrupted, seemingly randomly, and has a run time crash, saying:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "dataGather1.py", line 27, in <module>
for i in range(0, len(risingData['data']['children'])):
KeyError: 'data'
I have no idea why this error is occuring on and off and not consistently. I thought maybe I am calling the API too much so it stops me from accessing it so I threw a sleep in my code but that did not help. Any ideas?
When there are no data on the response from the API there are is no key data on the dictionary so you get a keyError on some subreddits. You need to use a try catch
The json you are parsing doesn't contain the 'data' element. Thus you get an error. I think your hunch is correct though. It is probably rate limiting, or that you're asking for hidden/deleted entries.
Reddit is very strict about accessing their API without playing nice. Meaning you should register your app and use a meaningful user-agent to your requets, and you should probably use the python library for this kind of thing: https://praw.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Without registering it seems to my experience that the direct REST reddit API is even more strict than the 1 request per 2 seconds rule they have (had?).
Python raises a KeyError whenever a dict() object is requested (using the format a = adict[key]) and the key is not in the dictionary.
It seems like when you are getting this error, your data value is empty.
You might just try to get the length of the dictionary before you execute the for loop. If it’s empty, it will just not run. Some interesting error checking here might help.
size = len(risingData)
if size:
for i in range(0,size):
If you delete an user or group in windows AD, it will in "DElETE objects".
I want to use python ldap lib to get them.
import ldap
uri = "ldap://"
password = "XXXXXXXXXXXX"
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, 5)
ldap.protocol_version = 3
ldapClient = ldap.initialize(uri)
ldapClient.simple_bind_s(user, password)
filter = "(&(objectclass=person)(isDeleted=true)(!(objectclass=computer)))"
results = ldapClient.search_s("DC=xx,DC=com", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,filter)
for result in results:
print result
It can't show deleted objects.
What's wrong with this code?
You need to add an ldap control to your search : create the request control for the particular operation, and then pass a collection of controls to your search request as an optional parameter.
In your case, this OID for AD is 1.2.840.113556.1.4.417.
LDAP_SERVER_SHOW_DELETED_OID : 1.2.840.113556.1.4.417
Used with an LDAP operation to specify that tombstones and deleted-objects are visible to the operation.
tombstone_control = ('1.2.840.113556.1.4.417',criticality=1)
results = ldapClient.search_s("DC=xx,DC=com", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,filter, [tombstone_control])
You can also scope your search base to CN=Deleted Objects, DC=xx,DC=com as this is where all deleted objects end up. You should make sure your deleted objects are there first. You can use ldp.exe to check.
Anytime I try to run the "sort" function from python's "pattern" module. I get the follow error:
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pattern/web/init.py", line 391, in open
if e.code == 403: raise HTTP403Forbidden(src=e, url=url)
It's strange because my code used to run fine. Here's all I'm doing:
from pattern.web import sort
import json
search_terms = "chuck norris, mickey mouse"
context = "evil"
results = sort(
terms = search_terms.split(","),
context = context,
prefix = True)
print json.dumps(results)
anyone run into this before?
You have exceeded the daily quota of Google searches. That quota is shared among all people who use pattern with the default license key.
You need to specify your own license key, like so:
results = sort(
terms = search_terms.split(","),
context = context,
license = "abcd1234999999",
prefix = True)