Trying to work together with groupby and Anova - python

I have a data set with categorical values for Family size (1 to 4) and Loan taken (0 and 1). I want to know if there is significant diff between the mean of family size and loan taken.
I did groupby to get the count of Loan by family size as :
gp = df.groupby(["Family", "Personal Loan"])["Personal Loan"].count()
with output
Family Personal Loan
1 0 1365
1 107
2 0 1190
1 106
3 0 877
1 133
4 0 1088
1 134
Now I need to apply f_two way anova to see if there is significant difference between the loan taken and family size. Need help how to go about it.

You cannot do an two way anova with count data and binary response. What you can do is a chisq test, to test that the proportions of loan==1 are not equal across all families:
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency
I have to get back something like your original df:
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Personal Loan':np.repeat([0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1],
gp = df.groupby(["Family","Personal Loan"])["Personal Loan"].count()
Family Personal Loan
1 0 1365
1 107
2 0 1190
1 106
3 0 877
1 133
4 0 1088
1 134
Name: Personal Loan, dtype: int64
Now we do the chi-sq using crosstab:
contingency = pd.crosstab(df['Family'],df['Personal Loan'])
test = chi2_contingency(contingency)
(29.676116414854746, 1.6144121228248757e-06, 3, array([[1330.688, 141.312],
[1171.584, 124.416],
[ 913.04 , 96.96 ],
[1104.688, 117.312]]))
The 2nd value, 1.614e-06 is the p-value of your test that all the loan == 1 ratios are equal


How do meet a specific criteria for column in panda data frame as well as checking whether the value is more than equal to 10,000

Hello am doing my assignment and I have encountered a question that I can't answer. The question is to create another DataFrame df_urban consisting of all columns of the original dataset but comprising of only applicants with Urban status in their Property_Area attribute (exclude Rural and Semiurban) with ApplicantIncome of at least S$10,000. Reset the row index and display the last 10 rows of this DataFrame.
Picture of the question
My code however will not meet the criteria of Applicant Income of at least 10,000 as well as only urban status in the area.
df_urban = df
I Was wondering what is the solution to the question.
Data picture
you can use the '&' operator to limit the data by multiple column conditions:
df_urban = df[(df[col]==<condition>) & (df[col] >= <condition>)]
Following is a simple code snippet performing a proof of principle in extracting a subset of the primary data frame to produce a subset data frame of only "Urban" locations.
import pandas as pd
df_urban = df[(df['Property_Area'] == 'Urban')]
Using a simply built CSV file, here is a sample of the output.
ApplicantIncome CoapplicantIncome LoanAmount Loan_Term Credit_History Property_Area
0 4583 1508 128000 360 1 Rural
1 1222 0 55000 360 1 Rural
2 8285 0 64000 360 1 Urban
3 3988 1144 75000 360 1 Rural
4 2588 0 84700 360 1 Urban
5 5248 0 48550 360 1 Rural
6 7488 0 111000 360 1 SemiUrban
7 3252 1112 14550 360 1 Rural
8 1668 0 67500 360 1 Urban
ApplicantIncome CoapplicantIncome LoanAmount Loan_Term Credit_History Property_Area
2 8285 0 64000 360 1 Urban
4 2588 0 84700 360 1 Urban
8 1668 0 67500 360 1 Urban
Hope that helps.
See below. I leave it to you to work out how to reset index. You might want to look at .tail() to display last rows.
df_urban = df[(df['ApplicantIncome'] > 10000) & (df['Property_Area'] == 'Urban')]

Errors attempting to use linearmodels.panel.PanelOLS entity effects (not time effects)

I have a Pandas DataFrame like (abridged):
I want to run a linear regression with fixed effects by county entity (not by time) to balance check my control and treatment groups for an experimental design, such that my dependent variable is membership in the treatment group (control = 1) or not (control = 0).
In order to do this, so far as I have seen I need to use linearmodels.panel.PanelOLS and set my entity field (county) as my index.
So far as I'm aware my model should look like this:
# set index on entity effects field:
to_model = to_model.set_index(["county"])
# implement fixed effects linear model
model = PanelOLS.from_formula("control ~ age + gender + EntityEffects", to_model)
When I try to do this, I get the below error:
ValueError: The index on the time dimension must be either numeric or date-like
I have seen a lot of implementations of such models online and they all seem to use a temporal effect, which is not relevant in my case. If I try to encode my county field using numerics, I get a different error.
# create a dict to map county values to numerics
county_map = dict(zip(to_model["county"].unique(), range(len(to_model.county.unique()))))
# create a numeric column as alternative to county
to_model["county_numeric"] = to_model["county"].map(county_map)
# set index on numeric entity effects field
to_model = to_model.set_index(["county_numeric"])
FactorEvaluationError: Unable to evaluate factor `control`. [KeyError: 'control']
How am I able to implement this model using the county as a unit fixed effect?
Assuming you have multiple entries for each county, then you could use the following. The key step is to use a groupby transform to create a distinct numeric index for each county which can be used as a fake time index.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import string
import linearmodels as lm
# Generate randomd DF
rs = np.random.default_rng(1213892)
counties = rs.choice([c for c in string.ascii_lowercase], (1000, 3))
counties = np.array([["".join(c)] * 10 for c in counties]).ravel()
age = rs.integers(18, 65, (10 * 1000))
gender = rs.choice(["m", "f"], size=(10 * 1000))
control = rs.integers(0, 2, size=10 * 1000)
df = pd.DataFrame(
{"counties": counties, "age": age, "gender": gender, "control": control}
# Construct a dummy numeric index for each county
numeric_index = df.groupby("counties").age.transform(lambda c: np.arange(len(c)))
df["numeric_index"] = numeric_index
df = df.set_index(["counties","numeric_index"])
# Take a look
age gender control
counties numeric_index
qbt 0 51 m 1
1 36 m 0
2 28 f 1
3 28 m 0
4 47 m 0
5 19 m 1
6 32 m 1
7 54 m 0
8 36 m 1
9 52 m 0
nub 0 19 m 0
1 57 m 0
2 49 f 0
3 53 m 1
4 30 f 0
This just shows that the model can be estimated.
# Fit the model
# Note: Results are meaningless, just shows that this works
lm.PanelOLS.from_formula("control ~ age + gender + EntityEffects", data=df)
mod = lm.PanelOLS.from_formula("control ~ age + gender + EntityEffects", data=df)
PanelOLS Estimation Summary
Dep. Variable: control R-squared: 0.0003
Estimator: PanelOLS R-squared (Between): 0.0005
No. Observations: 10000 R-squared (Within): 0.0003
Date: Thu, May 12 2022 R-squared (Overall): 0.0003
Time: 11:08:00 Log-likelihood -6768.3
Cov. Estimator: Unadjusted
F-statistic: 1.4248
Entities: 962 P-value 0.2406
Avg Obs: 10.395 Distribution: F(2,9036)
Min Obs: 10.0000
Max Obs: 30.000 F-statistic (robust): 2287.4
P-value 0.0000
Time periods: 30 Distribution: F(2,9036)
Avg Obs: 333.33
Min Obs: 2.0000
Max Obs: 962.00
Parameter Estimates
Parameter Std. Err. T-stat P-value Lower CI Upper CI
age -0.0002 0.0004 -0.5142 0.6072 -0.0010 0.0006
gender[T.f] 0.5191 0.0176 29.559 0.0000 0.4847 0.5535
gender[T.m] 0.5021 0.0175 28.652 0.0000 0.4678 0.5365
F-test for Poolability: 0.9633
P-value: 0.7768
Distribution: F(961,9036)
Included effects: Entity
PanelEffectsResults, id: 0x2246f38a9d0

Selecting top % of rows in pandas

I have a sample dataframe as below (actual dataset is roughly 300k entries long):
user_id revenue
----- --------- ---------
0 234 100
1 2873 200
2 827 489
3 12 237
4 8942 28934
... ... ...
96 498 892384
97 2345 92
98 239 2803
99 4985 98332
100 947 4588
which displays the revenue generated by users. I would like to select the rows where the top 20% of the revenue is generated (hence giving the top 20% revenue generating users).
The methods that come closest to mind for me is calculating the total number of users, working out 20% of this ,sorting the dataframe with sort_values() and then using head() or nlargest(), but I'd like to know if there is a simpler and elegant way.
Can anybody propose a way for this?
Thank you!
Suppose You have dataframe df:
user_id revenue
234 21
2873 20
827 23
12 23
8942 28
498 22
2345 20
239 24
4985 21
947 25
I've flatten revenue distribution to show the idea.
Now calculating step by step:
df = pd.read_clipboard()
df = df.sort_values(by = 'revenue', ascending = False)
df['revenue_cum'] = df['revenue'].cumsum()
df['%revenue_cum'] = df['revenue_cum']/df['revenue'].sum()
user_id revenue revenue_cum %revenue_cum
4 8942 28 28 0.123348
9 947 25 53 0.233480
7 239 24 77 0.339207
2 827 23 100 0.440529
3 12 23 123 0.541850
5 498 22 145 0.638767
0 234 21 166 0.731278
8 4985 21 187 0.823789
1 2873 20 207 0.911894
6 2345 20 227 1.000000
Only 2 top users generate 23.3% of total revenue.
This seems to be the case for df.quantile, from pandas documentation if you are looking for the top 20% all you need to do is pass the correct quantile value you desire.
A case example from your dataset:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'user_id':[234,2873,827,12,8942],
This would print the top 2 rows in value:
user_id revenue
0.8 2873 489
1.0 8942 28934
I usually find useful to use sort_values to see the cumulative effect of every row and then keep rows up to some threshold:
# Sort values from highest to lowest:
df = df.sort_values(by='revenue', ascending=False)
# Add a column with aggregated effect of the row:
df['cumulative_percentage'] = 100*df.revenue.cumsum()/df.revenue.sum()
# Define the threshold I need to analyze and keep those rows:
min_threshold = 30
top_percent = df.loc[df['cumulative_percentage'] <= min_threshold]
The original df will be nicely sorted with a clear indication of the top contributing rows and the created 'top_percent' df will contain the rows that need to be analyzed in particular.
I am assuming you are looking for the cumulative top 20% revenue generating users. Here is a function that will help you get the expected output and even more. Just specify your dataframe, column name of the revenue and the n_percent you are looking for:
import pandas as pd
def n_percent_revenue_generating_users(df, col, n_percent):
df.sort_values(by=[col], ascending=False, inplace=True)
df[f'{col}_cs'] = df[col].cumsum()
df[f'{col}_csp'] = 100*df[f'{col}_cs']/df[col].sum()
df_ = df[df[f'{col}_csp'] > n_percent]
index_nearest = (df_[f'{col}_csp']-n_percent).abs().idxmin()
threshold_revenue = df_.loc[index_nearest, col]
output = df[df[col] >= threshold_revenue].drop(columns=[f'{col}_cs', f'{col}_csp'])
return output
n_percent_revenue_generating_users(df, 'revenue', 20)

Facebook Prophet: Providing different data sets to build a better model

My data frame looks like that. My goal is to predict event_id 3 based on data of event_id 1 & event_id 2
ds tickets_sold y event_id
3/12/19 90 90 1
3/13/19 40 130 1
3/14/19 13 143 1
3/15/19 8 151 1
3/16/19 13 164 1
3/17/19 14 178 1
3/20/19 10 188 1
3/20/19 15 203 1
3/20/19 13 216 1
3/21/19 6 222 1
3/22/19 11 233 1
3/23/19 12 245 1
3/12/19 30 30 2
3/13/19 23 53 2
3/14/19 43 96 2
3/15/19 24 120 2
3/16/19 3 123 2
3/17/19 5 128 2
3/20/19 3 131 2
3/20/19 25 156 2
3/20/19 64 220 2
3/21/19 6 226 2
3/22/19 4 230 2
3/23/19 63 293 2
I want to predict sales for the next 10 days of that data:
ds tickets_sold y event_id
3/24/19 20 20 3
3/25/19 30 50 3
3/26/19 20 70 3
3/27/19 12 82 3
3/28/19 12 94 3
3/29/19 12 106 3
3/30/19 12 118 3
So far my model is that one. However, I am not telling the model that these are two separate events. However, it would be useful to consider all data from different events as they belong to the same organizer and therefore provide more information than just one event. Is that kind of fitting possible for Prophet?
# Load data
df = pd.read_csv('event_data_prophet.csv')
df.drop(columns=['tickets_sold'], inplace=True, axis=0)
# The important things to note are that cap must be specified for every row in the dataframe,
# and that it does not have to be constant. If the market size is growing, then cap can be an increasing sequence.
df['cap'] = 500
# growth: String 'linear' or 'logistic' to specify a linear or logistic trend.
m = Prophet(growth='linear')
# periods is the amount of days that I look in the future
future = m.make_future_dataframe(periods=20)
future['cap'] = 500
forecast = m.predict(future)
forecast[['ds', 'yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper']].tail()
fig1 = m.plot(forecast)
Start dates of events seem to cause peaks. You can use holidays for this by setting the starting date of each event as a holiday. This informs prophet about the events (and their peaks). I noticed event 1 and 2 are overlapping. I think you have multiple options here to deal with this. You need to ask yourself what the predictive value of each event is related to event3. You don't have too much data, that will be the main issue. If they have equal value, you could change the date of one event. For example 11 days earlier. The unequal value scenario could mean you drop 1 event.
events = pd.DataFrame({
'holiday': 'events',
'ds': pd.to_datetime(['2019-03-24', '2019-03-12', '2019-03-01']),
'lower_window': 0,
'upper_window': 1,
m = Prophet(growth='linear', holidays=events)
Also I noticed you forecast on the cumsum. I think your events are stationary therefor prophet probably benefits from forecasting on the daily ticket sales rather than the cumsum.

Create subcolumns in pandas dataframe python

I have a dataframe with multiple columns
df = pd.DataFrame({"cylinders":[2,2,1,1],
cylinders horsepower weight
0 2 120 5400
1 2 100 6200
2 1 80 7200
3 1 70 1200
i would like to create a new dataframe and make two subcolumns of weight with the median and mean while gouping it by cylinders.
cylinders horsepower median mean
0 1 100 5299 5000
1 1 120 5100 5200
2 2 70 7200 6500
3 2 80 1200 1000
For my example tables i have used random values. I cant manage to achieve that.
I know how to get median and mean its described here in this stackoverflow question.
df.groupby('cylinders') #groupby cylinders
But how to create this subcolumn?
The following code fragment adds the two requested columns. It groups the rows by cylinders, calculates the mean and median of weight, and combines the original dataframe and the result:
result = df.join(df.groupby('cylinders')['weight']\
.agg(['mean', 'median']))\
.sort_values(['cylinders', 'mean']).ffill()
# cylinders horsepower weight mean median
#2 1 80 7200 5800.0 5800.0
#3 1 70 1200 5800.0 5800.0
#1 2 100 6200 4200.0 4200.0
#0 2 120 5400 4200.0 4200.0
You cannot have "subcolumns" for select columns in pandas. If a column has "subcolumns," all other columns must have "subcolumns," too. It is called multiindexing.

