Based on the given corner in the map(position A), I want to generate more coordinates towards position B by adding some small values (distances) in the given latitude and longitude. For instance:
There are 6 houses from position A to B in a map. If I know the
latitude, Longitude of 1 house ( 143.5689855, -38.328956999999996), how can I create the coordinates for the remaining 5?
I tried to achieve this by adding some small numbers in coordinates of a given corner as shown in below script. But the code only output for 1 house. How can I create a loop in my code that will automatically add the given small number and displays new coordinates for the rest of houses or even for bigger area?
What I have tried:
from arcgis.gis import GIS
from arcgis.geocoding import geocode
from arcgis.geocoding import reverse_geocode
import pprint
# Create an anonymous connection to ArcGIS Online
gis = GIS()
#45-Stodart-St (given corner)
geocode_home = geocode(address="45 Stodart St, Colac VIC 3250")
location = [geocode_home[0]["location"]['x'], geocode_home[0]["location"]['y']]
#Add some small numbers in origanal location. This will give us coordinates of next house i.e 43-Stodart-St
new_loc = [location[0]+0.0002215*1,location[1]*0.999999]
Assuming you have the 2 locations of house A and house B as loc_A and loc_B.
Assuming you know the house numbers of A and B. --> You know the number of houses.
The following code will iterate over the house numbers and create a list of locations:
longitude_diff = loc_B[0] - loc_A[0]
latitude_diff = loc_B[1] - loc_A[1]
house_locations = []
for i in range(1, house_number_B - house_number_A):
house_locations.append([loc_B[0] + i * longitude_diff/(house_number_B - house_number_A),
loc_B[1] + i * latitude_diff/(house_number_B - house_number_A)])
I am attempting to calculate the distance between two Positions using SRID(32148)
Here are my two points
Lat:46.489767 Long:-119.043221
Lat:47.610902 Long:-122.336422
This website states that the distance in miles b/w these two points is 173.388 however from the code below the result I am getting is 0.002161632093865483
This is the code that I am using
employeeloc = modelEmployee.objects.filter(user__first_name="adam")[0].location
employerloc = modelEmployer.objects.filter(user__first_name="adam")[0].location
meters = employerloc.distance(employeeloc)
#Caluclate in miles
dobj = Distance(m=meters)
mi = dobj.mi
This is a little more detail with debugging results attached
Any suggestions on why my result is so different ?
I tried transforming the position using the following code using SRID 4326. However the results are still incorrect
You appear to have used the lon / lat coordinates as SRID(32148) ones; you need to transform them.
This incorrect query gives your result 3.47m, because the coordinates don't match the SRID:
-- 3.47880964046985
This query gives you the 173.71 mi result you expect:
--279558.106935732m (=173.71mi)
And that is similar to the result of this query:
--279522.55326056 m (= 173.69 mi)
I'm trying geopandas to manipulate some points data. My final GeoDataFrame is represented there :
In order to use an other Python module which calculates the shortest road between two points with OSM data, I must sort my points like a tour.
If not, the next Python module which calculates shortest road, but not necessarily between the nearest points. And the main problem is the constraint of a tour.
If my points were only in a line, a basic sorting function on latitudes and longitudes of each point should be enough, like :
df1 = pd.read_csv("file.csv", sep = ",")
df1 = df1.sort_values(['Latitude','Longitude'], ascending = [1,1])
# (I'm starting with pandas df before GeoDataFrame conversion)
If we start from the "upper" point of previous picture following this sorting, the second point of DataFrame will be the nearest of it, etc... Until the fifth point, wich is on the right of the picture (so not the nearest anymore)...
So my question is : does someone know how achieve this special kind of sorting, or must I change my index manually ?
If I understand your question correctly, you want to rearrange the order of points in a way that they would create the shortest possible path.
I have run into the same problem also.
Here is the function that accepts regular dataframe (= with separate fields for each coordinate. I am sure you will be able to modify either function in order to accept geodataframe or dataframe in order to split geometry field into x and y fields.
def autoroute_points_df(points_df, x_col="e",y_col="n"):
Function, that converts a list of random points into ordered points, searching for the shortest possible distance between the points.
Author: Marjan Moderc, 2016
points_list = points_df[[x_col,y_col]].values.tolist()
# arrange points in by ascending Y or X
points_we = sorted(points_list, key=lambda x: x[0])
points_sn = sorted(points_list, key=lambda x: x[1])
# Calculate the general direction of points (North-South or West-East) - In order to decide where to start the path!
westmost_point = points_we[0]
eastmost_point = points_we[-1]
deltay = eastmost_point[1] - westmost_point[1]
deltax = eastmost_point[0] - westmost_point[0]
alfa = math.degrees(math.atan2(deltay, deltax))
azimut = (90 - alfa) % 360
# If main directon is towards east (45°-135°), take westmost point as starting line.
if (azimut > 45 and azimut < 135):
points_list = points_we
elif azimut > 180:
raise Exception("Error while computing the azimuth! It cant be bigger then 180 since first point is west and second is east.")
points_list = points_sn
# Create output (ordered df) and populate it with the first one already.
ordered_points_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=points_df.columns)
ordered_points_df = ordered_points_df.append(points_df.ix[(points_df[x_col]==points_list[0][0]) & (points_df[y_col]==points_list[0][1])])
for iteration in range(0, len(points_list) - 1):
already_ordered = ordered_points_df[[x_col,y_col]].values.tolist()
current_point = already_ordered[-1] # current point
possible_candidates = [i for i in points_list if i not in already_ordered] # list of candidates
distance = 10000000000000000000000
best_candidate = None
for candidate in possible_candidates:
current_distance = Point(current_point).distance(Point(candidate))
if current_distance < distance:
best_candidate = candidate
distance = current_distance
ordered_points_df = ordered_points_df.append(points_df.ix[(points_df[x_col]==best_candidate[0]) & (points_df[y_col]==best_candidate[1])])
return ordered_points_df
Hope it solves your problem!
I currently have a list of coordinates
[(52.14847612092221, 0.33689512047881015),
(52.14847612092221, 0.33689512047881015),
(52.95756796776235, 0.38027099942700493),
(51.78723479900971, -1.4214854900618064)
I would like to split this list into 3 separate lists/datafames corresponding to which city they are closest to (in this case the coordinates are all in the UK and the 3 cities are Manchester, Cardiff and London)
So at the end result I would like the current single list of coordinates to be split into either separate lists ideally or it could be a dataframe with 3 columns would be fine eg:
leeds cardiff london
(51.78723479900971, (51.78723479900971, (51.78723479900971,
-1.4214854900618064) -1.4214854900618064) -1.4214854900618064)
(those are obiously not correct coordinates!)
-Hope that makes sense. It doesn't have to be overly accurate (don't need to take into consideration the curvature of the earth or anything like that!)
I'm really not sure where to start with this - I'm very new to python and would appreciate any help!
Thanks in advance
This will get you started:
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
geolocator = Nominatim()
places = ['london','cardiff','leeds']
coordinates = {}
for i in places:
coordinates[i] = ((geolocator.geocode(i).latitude, geolocator.geocode(i).longitude))
>>>print coordinates
{'cardiff': (51.4816546, -3.1791933), 'leeds': (53.7974185, -1.543794), 'london': (51.5073219, -0.1276473)}
You can now hook up the architecture for putting this in a pandas dataframe, calculating the distance metric between your coordinates and the above.
Ok so now we want to do distances between what is a very small array (the coordinates).
Here's some code:
import numpy as np
single_point = [3, 4] # A coordinate
points = np.arange(20).reshape((10,2)) # Lots of other coordinates
dist = (points - single_point)**2
dist = np.sum(dist, axis=1)
dist = np.sqrt(dist)
From here there is any number of things you can do. You can sort it using numpy, or you can place it in a pandas dataframe and sort it there (though that's really just a wrapper for the numpy function I believe). Whichever you're more comfortable with.
This is a pretty brute force approach, and not too adaptable. However, that can be the easiest to understand and might be plenty efficient for the problem at hand. It also uses only pure python, which may help you to understand some of python's conventions.
points = [(52.14847612092221, 0.33689512047881015), (52.14847612092221, 0.33689512047881015), (52.95756796776235, 0.38027099942700493), (51.78723479900971, -1.4214854900618064), ...]
cardiff = (51.4816546, -3.1791933)
leeds = (53.7974185, -1.543794)
london = (51.5073219, -0.1276473)
def distance(pt, city):
return ((pt[0] - city[0])**2 + (pt[1] - city[1])**2)**0.5
cardiff_pts = []
leeds_pts = []
london_pts = []
undefined_pts = [] # for points equidistant between two/three cities
for pt in points:
d_cardiff = distance(pt, cardiff)
d_leeds = distance(pt, leeds)
d_london = distance(pt, london)
if (d_cardiff < d_leeds) and (d_cardiff < d_london):
elif (d_leeds < d_cardiff) and (d_leeds < d_london):
elif (d_london < d_cardiff) and (d_london < d_leeds):
Note that this solution assumes the values are on a cartesian reference frame, which latitude longitude pairs are not.
I have a polygon shapefile of the U.S. made up of individual states as their attribute values. In addition, I have arrays storing latitude and longitude values of point events that I am also interested in. Essentially, I would like to 'spatial join' the points and polygons (or perform a check to see which polygon [i.e., state] each point is in), then sum the number of points in each state to find out which state has the most number of 'events'.
I believe the pseudocode would be something like:
Read in US.shp
Read in lat/lon points of events
Loop through each state in the shapefile and find number of points in each state
print 'Here is a list of the number of points in each state: '
Any libraries or syntax would be greatly appreciated.
Based on what I can tell, the OGR library is what I need, but I am having trouble with the syntax:
dsPolygons = ogr.Open('US.shp')
polygonsLayer = dsPolygons.GetLayer()
#Iterating all the polygons
polygonFeature = polygonsLayer.GetNextFeature()
while polygonFeature:
k = k + 1
print "processing " + polygonFeature.GetField("STATE") + "-" + str(k) + " of " + str(polygonsLayer.GetFeatureCount())
geometry = polygonFeature.GetGeometryRef()
#Read in some points?
geomcol = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbGeometryCollection)
point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint)
print point.ExportToWkt()
print point
while pointFeature:
if pointFeature.GetGeometryRef().Within(geometry):
numCounts = numCounts + 1
pointFeature = pointsLayer.GetNextFeature()
polygonFeature = polygonsLayer.GetNextFeature()
#Loop through to see how many events in each state
I like the question. I doubt I can give you the best answer, and definitely can't help with OGR, but FWIW I'll tell you what I'm doing right now.
I use GeoPandas, a geospatial extension of pandas. I recommend it — it's high-level and does a lot, giving you everything in Shapely and fiona for free. It is in active development by twitter/#kajord and others.
Here's a version of my working code. It assumes you have everything in shapefiles, but it's easy to generate a geopandas.GeoDataFrame from a list.
import geopandas as gpd
# Read the data.
polygons = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file('polygons.shp')
points = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file('points.shp')
# Make a copy because I'm going to drop points as I
# assign them to polys, to speed up subsequent search.
pts = points.copy()
# We're going to keep a list of how many points we find.
pts_in_polys = []
# Loop over polygons with index i.
for i, poly in polygons.iterrows():
# Keep a list of points in this poly
pts_in_this_poly = []
# Now loop over all points with index j.
for j, pt in pts.iterrows():
if poly.geometry.contains(pt.geometry):
# Then it's a hit! Add it to the list,
# and drop it so we have less hunting.
pts = pts.drop([j])
# We could do all sorts, like grab a property of the
# points, but let's just append the number of them.
# Add the number of points for each poly to the dataframe.
polygons['number of points'] = gpd.GeoSeries(pts_in_polys)
The developer tells me that spatial joins are 'new in the dev version', so if you feel like poking around in there, I'd love to hear how that goes! The main problem with my code is that it's slow.
import geopandas as gpd
# Read the data.
polygons = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file('polygons.shp')
points = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file('points.shp')
# Spatial Joins
pointsInPolygon = gpd.sjoin(points, polygons, how="inner", op='intersects')
# Add a field with 1 as a constant value
# Group according to the column by which you want to aggregate data
**The column ['const'] will give you the count number of points in your multipolygons.**
#If you want to see others columns as well, just type something like this :
pointsInPolygon = pointsInPolygon.groupby('statename').agg({'columnA':'first', 'columnB':'first', 'const':'sum'}).reset_index()
I am using Google Places API to search for Restaurants in a given area.
How do I to define the given area? e.g. I want to search in the district of Mumbai, Maharashtra. Now this is approx. 5000 sq. km and there is no way that I will get all the results from Google in one go.
So for doing incremental searching the solution is to do incremental searches by increasing the lat and long values from a given start point and keep on searching.
Sample Code -
lat_NW = 53.4017872352
lng_NW = 5.954233125
lat_SE = 51.9766032969
lng_SE = 10.032130575
lat_curr = lat_NW
lng_curr = lng_NW
total_calls = 0
lat_incr = -.29
lng_incr = .29
while lng_curr<lng_SE:
lng_curr = lng_NW
while lat_curr > lng_SE:
curr_location = str(lat_curr) + "," + str(lng_curr)
print curr_location
url='' + curr_location + '&sensor=false&key=' + GOOGLE_API_KEY + '&radius=20000&types=restaurant&name=mcdonalds'
response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
result =
d = simplejson.loads(result)
print d
lng_curr += lng_incr
lat_curr += lat_incr
PS (I got this sample code at itself.)
Question - But the problem with this is that is assumes the area to be rectangular. Is there a way that we can
Identify the Lat, Long Boundaries of a city - e.g. Boston, MA from Google Maps itself? Obviously this will be polygon with a range of values and not just 4 points of a rectangle
If yes on the above, then the search can be made incrementally from the center point of the polygon using the a fix increment unto the max radius from the center and then pull all the information...
I looked at Google Documentation for google.maps.LatLngBounds class and unfortunately (as I understood it), it talk about NE and SW corners resulting in a rectangle.
I searched for this on other posts on this forum and what I got is -
City: Boston, Massachusetts
Latitude/Longitude: 42.31435000000000, -70.96997850000000
Lat/Lon Northwest: 42.40082000000000, -71.19115500000000
Lat/Lon Southeast: 42.22788000000000, -70.74880200000000
---- Rectangle Again
Seems that for now there is no open source database for cities and their polygonal boundaries.
Thanks for the help.