OpenCV: Find similar object with contours matching - python

I have a bundle of different images with birds but some of them contains feathers, slightly visible birds etc. I need to find images where the bird visible well and remove images with feathers, far distant birds, etc.
I already tried ORB, simple template matching, Canny edge detection. And I cannot use neural nets.
Now i try with such algorithm:
Binarize template image to get shapes
Slide window over another binarized image with sliding window and calculate matchShape with template in every window
Find best match
As you can see this method gives me strange result
Binary template
Shape on the other binary image, for example:
I calculated matchShapes in different parts of this image and the best result ~ 0.05 I got in this part:
which is obviously not similar to original shape.
Code for sliding window:
import cv2
SCALE_RATIO = [0.5, 1]
def get_scaled_list(img_path, template):
matcher_list = []
img = cv2.imread(img_path)
img = preprocess(resize_image(img))
height, width = img.shape
# building size of scale window
for scaler in SCALE_RATIO:
x_point = 0
y_point = 0
x1_point = int(width * scaler)
y1_point = x1_point
if x1_point > height:
y1_point = height
while y1_point <= height:
while x1_point <= width:
img1 = img[y_point:y1_point, x_point:x1_point]
#Comparing template and part of image
diff = cv2.matchShapes(template, img1, cv2.CONTOURS_MATCH_I1, 0)
data_tuple = (img_path, x_point, y_point, int(width * scaler), diff)
x_point += OFFSET
x1_point += OFFSET
x_point = 0
x1_point = int(width * scaler)
y_point += OFFSET
y1_point += OFFSET
return matcher_list
How can I perform correct shape matching and why is the best result performs here?

The naive window sliding method with a rigid template will work very poorly. In particular, the sizes are different making correct overlap impossible.
What you are trying to achieve is difficult because you only have edge information and the edges are complex, broken in several independent arcs and with junctions.
You can find many solutions when you have a single closed curve (lookup "elastic contour matching" for instance), but not for your case. This would be a case of "approximate elastic graph matching".
Other possible approaches are by special distance functions such as the chamfer or Hausdorff distances, but you can still be stuck because of the size mismatch.


How to treat different size images in ML pipeline

I'm here asking a general question about image processing applied to a machine learning pipeline. In this post, I will refer to ML as every algorithm that is not deep learning (therefore it doesn't use a neural network).
I'm developing a classifier to catalog different clothes .png images. I have labels (for each image I know the category) so it's a supervised learning problem.
My objective is to use PCA to reduce the problem's dimensionality and then use bag of visual words to perform the classification. I'm using python for this project.
The problem is that each photo has a different size and a different ratio between width and height (therefore I can't only resize them because I wouldn't have a unique height value for each image).
My, inelegant, solution is to fix the width at 200 px and then pad a bunch of zeros rows to each image (each image is a NumPy array of maximum_h rows and each row is width long).
Here the script:
#help function to convert images in array
def get_image(image_path: str, resize=True, w=300):
:param image_path: string, path of the image
:param resize: boolean, if True the image is resized. Default: True
:param w: integer, specify the width of the resized image
:return: numpy array of the greyscale version of the image
image ="L")
if resize:
wpercent = (w/float(image.size[0]))
hsize = int((float(image.size[1])*float(wpercent)))
image = image.resize((w,hsize), Image.ANTIALIAS)
#pixel_values = np.array(image.getdata())
return image
#AI19/04442.png corrupted
#AI18/02971.png corrupted
return None
def extract_images(paths:list, categories: list, w: int, maximum_h: int):
A = np.zeros([len(paths), w * maximum_h])
y = []
counter = 0
for image_path, label in tqdm(zip(paths, categories)):
im = get_image(image_path, w=w)
if im:
#adapt images to fit
h,w = np.array(im).shape
delta_h = maximum_h-h
zeros_ = np.zeros((delta_h, w), dtype=int)
im = np.concatenate((im, zeros_), axis=0)
A[counter, :] = im.reshape(1, -1)
counter += 1
return (A,y)
The problem here is the classifier performs badly (20%) because I add a significant amount of zeros to each image that increases the dimensionality but doesn't add information.
Looking at the biggest eigenvectors of the PCA algorithm I see that a lot of information is concentrated in these "padding" area (and this confirm my impression).
Is there a better way to handle different size images in python?

How to delete or clear contours from image?

I'm working with license plates, what I do is apply a series of filters to it, such as:
The problem is when I doing this, there are some contour like this image at borders, how can I clear them? or make it just black color (masked)? I used this code but sometimes it falls.
# invert image and detect contours
inverted = cv2.bitwise_not(image_binary_and_dilated)
contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(inverted,cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
# get the biggest contour
biggest_index = -1
biggest_area = -1
i = 0
for c in contours:
area = cv2.contourArea(c)
if area > biggest_area:
biggest_area = area
biggest_index = i
i = i+1
print("biggest area: " + str(biggest_area) + " index: " + str(biggest_index))
cv2.drawContours(image_binary_and_dilated, contours, biggest_index, [0,0,255])
center, size, angle = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[biggest_index])
rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1.)
dst = cv2.warpAffine(inverted, rot_mat, (int(size[0]), int(size[1])))
mask = dst * 0
x1 = max([int(center[0] - size[0] / 2)+1, 0])
y1 = max([int(center[1] - size[1] / 2)+1, 0])
x2 = int(center[0] + size[0] / 2)-1
y2 = int(center[1] + size[1] / 2)-1
point1 = (x1, y1)
point2 = (x2, y2)
cv2.rectangle(dst, point1, point2, [0,0,0])
cv2.rectangle(mask, point1, point2, [255,255,255], cv2.FILLED)
masked = cv2.bitwise_and(dst, mask)
Some results:
The original plates were:
Good result 1
Good result 2
Good result 3
Good result 4
Bad result 1
Bad result 2
Binary plates are:
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5 - Bad result 1
Image 6 - Bad result 2
How can I fix this code? only that I want to avoid that bad result or improve it.
What you are asking starts to become complicated, and I believe there is not anymore a right or wrong answer, just different ways to do this. Almost all of them will yield positive and negative results, most likely in a different ratio. Having a 100% positive result is quite a challenging task, and I do believe my answer does not reach it. Yet it can be the basis for a more sophisticated work towards that goal.
So, I want to make a different proposal here.
I am not 100% sure why you are doing all the steps, and I believe some of them could be unnecessary.
Let's start from the problem: you want to remove the white parts on the borders (which are not numbers).
So, we need an idea about how to distinguish them from the letters, in order to correctly tackle them.
If we just try to contour and warp, it is likely to work on some images and not on others, because not all of them look the same. This is the hardest problem to have a general solution that works for many images.
What are the difference between the characteristics of the numbers and the characteristics of the borders (and other small points?):
after thinking about that, I would say: the shapes! That meaning, if you would imagine a bounding box around a letter/number, it would look like a rectangle, whose size is related to the image size. While in the case of the border, they are usually very large and narrow, or too small to be considered a letter/number (random points).
Therefore, my guess would be on segmentation, dividing the features via their shape. So we take the binary image, we remove some parts using the projection on their axes (as you correctly asked in the previous question and I believe we should use) and we get an image where each letter is separated from the white borders.
Then we can segment and check the shape of each segmented object, and if we think these are letters, we keep them, otherwise we discard them.
I wrote the code before as an example on your data. Some of the parameters are tuned on this set of images, so they may have to be relaxed for a larger dataset.
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
# do this for all the images
num_images = 6
for k in range(num_images):
# read the image
binary_image = cv2.imread("binary_image/img{}.png".format(k), cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
# just for visualization purposes, I create another image with the same shape, to show what I am doing
new_intermediate_image = np.zeros((binary_image.shape), np.uint8)
new_intermediate_image += binary_image
# here we will copy only the cleaned parts
new_cleaned_image = np.zeros((binary_image.shape), np.uint8)
h_projection = np.array([ x/rows for x in binary_image.sum(axis=0)])
threshold_h = (np.max(h_projection) - np.min(h_projection)) / 10
print("we will use threshold {} for horizontal".format(threshold))
# select the black areas
black_areas_horizontal = np.where(h_projection < threshold_h)
for j in black_areas_horizontal:
new_intermediate_image[:, j] = 0
v_projection = np.array([ x/cols for x in binary_image.sum(axis=1)])
threshold_v = (np.max(v_projection) - np.min(v_projection)) / 10
print("we will use threshold {} for vertical".format(threshold_v))
black_areas_vertical = np.where(v_projection < threshold_v)
for j in black_areas_vertical:
new_intermediate_image[j, :] = 0
# define the features we are looking for
# this parameters can also be tuned
min_width = binary_image.shape[1] / 14
max_width = binary_image.shape[1] / 2
min_height = binary_image.shape[0] / 5
max_height = binary_image.shape[0]
print("we look for feature with width in [{},{}] and height in [{},{}]".format(min_width, max_width, min_height, max_height))
# segment the iamge
labeled_array, num_features = ndimage.label(new_intermediate_image)
# loop over all features found
for i in range(num_features):
# get a bounding box around them
slice_x, slice_y = ndimage.find_objects(labeled_array==i)[0]
roi = labeled_array[slice_x, slice_y]
# check the shape, if the bounding box is what we expect, copy it to the new image
if roi.shape[0] > min_height and \
roi.shape[0] < max_height and \
roi.shape[1] > min_width and \
roi.shape[1] < max_width:
new_cleaned_image += (labeled_array == i)
# print all images on a grid
that produces the output (in the grid, left image are the input images, central one are the images after the mask based on histogram projections, and on the right are the cleaned images):
As said above, this method does not yield 100% positive results. The last picture has lower quality and some parts are unconnected, and they are lost in the process. I personally believe this is a price to pay to get cleaner image, and if you have a lot of images, it won't be a problem, and you can remove those kind of images. Overall, I think this method returns quite clear images, where all other parts that are not letters or numbers are correctly removed.
the image is clean, nothing more than letters or numbers are kept
the parameters can be tuned, and should be consistent across images
in case of problem, using some prints or some debugging on the loop that chooses the features to keep should make it easier to understand where are the problem and correct them
it may fail in some cases where letters and numbers touch the white borders, which seems quite possible. It is handled from the black_areas created using the projection, but I am not so confident this will work 100% of the time.
some small parts of the numbers can be lost during the process, as in the last picture.

Extracting same point from images

Hope you guys are doing well.
I have a question about opencv and extracting the same point from number of images.
Say, we have a dataset of around 100 images. (maybe more but for this purpose it will suffice).
Image will look something like:
As you can see in the image, there is an area marked in RED. I have marked that using Paint for this purpose. It indicates the highest point of the heap of soil. All the 100 images we have look more or less the same (without that crane in the background. But it can be removed using some opencv techniques, so that is not an issue). But this heap of soil can be either on the left hand side or the right hand side. According to its position, the coordinate of the highest point in the heap will change.
So, my question is, how to find this position given that the heap can be either on left or right side?
Note that this position can be relative to some object (for example in this image, midpoint of the crane) or if the images are of different size than we can resize the images to have same dimensions and take the coordinates of the point w.r.t the image itself.
How do we find out the highest point of the heap though? Should we manually go through each image, label that point and make a dataset with the images and bounding boxes? Or is there another decent soulution to this?
Also, if the soil heap is labelled manually (Like shading the required area i.e. heap of an image) using Paint or some other software, would that help too? But I cannot think of anything to do after this.
Thank You.
So I am sure this can be done in a better way than my answer, but here goes:
"Also, if the soil heap is labelled manually (Like shading the required area i.e. heap of an image) using Paint or some other software, would that help too? But I cannot think of anything to do after this."
In regards to that particular statement if you mark out the region of interest in a distinctive color and shape, like you have done in the above example. You can use opencv to detect that particular region of interest and its coordinates within the image.
I think the best solution is deep learning because detective always has different backgrounds. You can use Faster rcnn, or if you want speed, you can make nice detectives with a good training using Yolo algorithm. You can find Github repo easily. The mathematics of work is described in these links.
Faster RCNN
basically you can resize image. Keep aspect ratio!
def image_resize(image, width = None, height = None, inter = cv2.INTER_AREA):
dim = None
(h, w) = image.shape[:2]
if width is None and height is None:
return image
if width is None:
# calculate the ratio of the height and construct the
# dimensions
r = height / float(h)
dim = (int(w * r), height)
# calculate the ratio of the width and construct the
# dimensions
r = width / float(w)
dim = (width, int(h * r))
# resize the image
resized = cv2.resize(image, dim, interpolation = inter)
# return the resized image
return resized
image = image_resize(image, height = ..What you want..)

How to detect good features for rotationally aligning microscope images to a template

I'm working on a project to automatically rotate microscope image stacks of a fluid experiment so that they are lined up with images of the CAD template for the microfluidic chip. I am using the OpenCV package in Python for image processing. Having the correct rotational orientation is necessary so that the images can be masked properly for analysis. Our chips have markers filled with fluorescent dye that are visible in every frame. The template and a sample image look like the following (the template can be scaled to arbitrary size, but the relevant region of the images is typically ~100x100 pixels or so):
I have not been able to rotationally align the image to the CAD template. Typically, the misalignment between the CAD template and the images is less than a few degrees, which is still sufficient to interfere with analysis, so I need to be able to measure the rotational difference even if it is relatively small.
Following examples online I am using the following procedure:
Scale up the image to approximately the same size as the template using cubic interpolation (~800 x 800)
Threshold both images using Otsu's method
Find keypoints and extract descriptors using a built-in method (I've tried ORB, AKAZE, and BRIEF).
Match descriptors using a brute-force matcher with Hamming distance.
Take the best matches and use them to compute a partial affine transformation matrix
Use that matrix to infer a rotational shift, warping the one image to the other as a check.
Here's a sample of my code (borrowed in part from here):
import numpy as np
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def alignImages(im1, im2,returnpoints=False):
# Detect ORB features and compute descriptors.
size1 = int(0.1*(np.mean(np.shape(im1))))
size2 = int(0.1*(np.mean(np.shape(im2))))
orb1 = cv2.ORB_create(MAX_FEATURES,edgeThreshold=size1,patchSize=size1)
orb2 = cv2.ORB_create(MAX_FEATURES,edgeThreshold=size2,patchSize=size2)
keypoints1, descriptors1 = orb1.detectAndCompute(im1, None)
keypoints2, descriptors2 = orb2.detectAndCompute(im2, None)
matcher = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING,crossCheck=True)
matches = matcher.match(descriptors1,descriptors2)
# Sort matches by score
matches.sort(key=lambda x: x.distance, reverse=False)
# Remove not so good matches
numGoodMatches = int(len(matches) * GOOD_MATCH_PERCENT)
matches = matches[:numGoodMatches]
# Draw top matches
imMatches = cv2.drawMatches(im1, keypoints1, im2, keypoints2, matches, None)
cv2.imwrite("matches.jpg", imMatches)
# Extract location of good matches
points1 = np.zeros((len(matches), 2), dtype=np.float32)
points2 = np.zeros((len(matches), 2), dtype=np.float32)
for i, match in enumerate(matches):
points1[i, :] = keypoints1[match.queryIdx].pt
points2[i, :] = keypoints2[match.trainIdx].pt
# Find homography
M, inliers = cv2.estimateAffinePartial2D(points1,points2)
height, width = im2.shape
im1Reg = cv2.warpAffine(im1,M,(width,height))
return im1Reg, M
if __name__ == "__main__":
test_template = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread("test_CAD_cropped.png"),cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
test_image = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread("test_CAD_cropped.png"),cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
fx = fy = 88/923
test_image_big = cv2.resize(test_image,(0,0),fx=1/fx,fy=1/fy,interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
ret, imRef_t = cv2.threshold(test_template,0,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY+cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
ret, test_big_t = cv2.threshold(test_image_big,0,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY+cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
imReg, M = alignImages(test_big_t,imRef_t)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2,ncols=2,figsize=(8,8))
ax[1,0].set_title("Warped Image")
ax[0,1].set_title("Thresholded Image")
ax[1,1].imshow(imRef_t - imReg)
In this example, I get the following bad transformation because there are only 3 matching keypoints and they are all incorrect:
I find that regardless of my keypoint/descriptor parameters I tend to get too few "good" features. Is there anything I can do to pre-process my images better to get good features more reliably, or is there a better method to align my images to this template that doesn't involve keypoint matching? The specific application of this experiment means that I can't use the patented keypoint extractor/descriptors like SURF and SIFT.
A good method to align two images based on rotation, translation and scaling only is the Fourier Mellin transform.
Here is an example using the implementation in DIPlib (disclosure: I'm an author):
import diplib as dip
# load data
image = dip.ImageRead('image.png')
template = dip.ImageRead('template.png')
template = template.TensorElement(0) # this one is RGB, take any one channel
# pad the two images with zeros so they have equal sizes
sz = [max(image.Size(0), template.Size(0)), max(image.Size(1), template.Size(1))]
image = image.Pad(sz)
template = template.Pad(sz)
# match
res = dip.FourierMellinMatch2D(template, image)
# display
However, there are many other approaches. A key thing here is that both the template and the image are quite simple, and very similar. This makes registration very easy.
For example, assuming you have the proper scaling of the template (this should not be a problem I presume), all you need to do is find the rotation and the translation. You can brute-force the rotations, simply rotating the image over a set of small angles, and matching each of the results with the template (cross-correlation). The one with the best match (largest cross-correlation value) has the appropriate rotation. If you need to have a very precise rotation estimation, you can do a second set of angles close to the best choice in the first set.
Cross-correlation is cheap and easy to compute, and leads to high precision translation estimates (the Fourier Mellin method makes extensive use of it). Don't just find the pixel with the largest value in the cross-correlation output, you can fit a parabola to the few pixels around this one and use the location of the maximum of the fitted parabola. This leads to sub-pixel estimates of translation.

Detect if an OCR text image is upside down

I have some hundreds of images (scanned documents), most of them are skewed. I wanted to de-skew them using Python.
Here is the code I used:
import numpy as np
import cv2
from skimage.transform import radon
filename = 'path_to_filename'
# Load file, converting to grayscale
img = cv2.imread(filename)
I = cv2.cvtColor(img, COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
h, w = I.shape
# If the resolution is high, resize the image to reduce processing time.
if (w > 640):
I = cv2.resize(I, (640, int((h / w) * 640)))
I = I - np.mean(I) # Demean; make the brightness extend above and below zero
# Do the radon transform
sinogram = radon(I)
# Find the RMS value of each row and find "busiest" rotation,
# where the transform is lined up perfectly with the alternating dark
# text and white lines
r = np.array([np.sqrt(np.mean(np.abs(line) ** 2)) for line in sinogram.transpose()])
rotation = np.argmax(r)
print('Rotation: {:.2f} degrees'.format(90 - rotation))
# Rotate and save with the original resolution
M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((w/2,h/2),90 - rotation,1)
dst = cv2.warpAffine(img,M,(w,h))
cv2.imwrite('rotated.jpg', dst)
This code works well with most of the documents, except with some angles: (180 and 0) and (90 and 270) are often detected as the same angle (i.e it does not make difference between (180 and 0) and (90 and 270)). So I get a lot of upside-down documents.
Here is an example:
The resulted image that I get is the same as the input image.
Is there any suggestion to detect if an image is upside down using Opencv and Python?
PS: I tried to check the orientation using EXIF data, but it didn't lead to any solution.
It is possible to detect the orientation using Tesseract (pytesseract for Python), but it is only possible when the image contains a lot of characters.
For anyone who may need this:
import cv2
import pytesseract
If the document contains enough characters, it is possible for Tesseract to detect the orientation. However, when the image has few lines, the orientation angle suggested by Tesseract is usually wrong. So this can not be a 100% solution.
Python3/OpenCV4 script to align scanned documents.
Rotate the document and sum the rows. When the document has 0 and 180 degrees of rotation, there will be a lot of black pixels in the image:
Use a score keeping method. Score each image for it's likeness to a zebra pattern. The image with the best score has the correct rotation. The image you linked to was off by 0.5 degrees. I omitted some functions for readability, the full code can be found here.
# Rotate the image around in a circle
angle = 0
while angle <= 360:
# Rotate the source image
img = rotate(src, angle)
# Crop the center 1/3rd of the image (roi is filled with text)
h,w = img.shape
buffer = min(h, w) - int(min(h,w)/1.15)
roi = img[int(h/2-buffer):int(h/2+buffer), int(w/2-buffer):int(w/2+buffer)]
# Create background to draw transform on
bg = np.zeros((buffer*2, buffer*2), np.uint8)
# Compute the sums of the rows
row_sums = sum_rows(roi)
# High score --> Zebra stripes
score = np.count_nonzero(row_sums)
# Image has best rotation
if score <= min(scores):
# Save the rotatied image
print('found optimal rotation')
best_rotation = img.copy()
k = display_data(roi, row_sums, buffer)
if k == 27: break
# Increment angle and try again
angle += .75
How to tell if the document is upside down? Fill in the area from the top of the document to the first non-black pixel in the image. Measure the area in yellow. The image that has the smallest area will be the one that is right-side-up:
# Find the area from the top of page to top of image
_, bg = area_to_top_of_text(best_rotation.copy())
right_side_up = sum(sum(bg))
# Flip image and try again
best_rotation_flipped = rotate(best_rotation, 180)
_, bg = area_to_top_of_text(best_rotation_flipped.copy())
upside_down = sum(sum(bg))
# Check which area is larger
if right_side_up < upside_down: aligned_image = best_rotation
else: aligned_image = best_rotation_flipped
# Save aligned image
cv2.imwrite('/home/stephen/Desktop/best_rotation.png', 255-aligned_image)
Assuming you did run the angle-correction already on the image, you can try the following to find out if it is flipped:
Project the corrected image to the y-axis, so that you get a 'peak' for each line. Important: There are actually almost always two sub-peaks!
Smooth this projection by convolving with a gaussian in order to get rid of fine structure, noise, etc.
For each peak, check if the stronger sub-peak is on top or at the bottom.
Calculate the fraction of peaks that have sub-peaks on the bottom side. This is your scalar value that gives you the confidence that the image is oriented correctly.
The peak finding in step 3 is done by finding sections with above average values. The sub-peaks are then found via argmax.
Here's a figure to illustrate the approach; A few lines of you example image
Blue: Original projection
Orange: smoothed projection
Horizontal line: average of the smoothed projection for the whole image.
here's some code that does this:
import cv2
import numpy as np
# load image, convert to grayscale, threshold it at 127 and invert.
page = cv2.imread('Page.jpg')
page = cv2.cvtColor(page, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
page = cv2.threshold(page, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)[1]
# project the page to the side and smooth it with a gaussian
projection = np.sum(page, 1)
gaussian_filter = np.exp(-(np.arange(-3, 3, 0.1)**2))
gaussian_filter /= np.sum(gaussian_filter)
smooth = np.convolve(projection, gaussian_filter)
# find the pixel values where we expect lines to start and end
mask = smooth > np.average(smooth)
edges = np.convolve(mask, [1, -1])
line_starts = np.where(edges == 1)[0]
line_endings = np.where(edges == -1)[0]
# count lines with peaks on the lower side
lower_peaks = 0
for start, end in zip(line_starts, line_endings):
line = smooth[start:end]
if np.argmax(line) < len(line)/2:
lower_peaks += 1
print(lower_peaks / len(line_starts))
this prints 0.125 for the given image, so this is not oriented correctly and must be flipped.
Note that this approach might break badly if there are images or anything not organized in lines in the image (maybe math or pictures). Another problem would be too few lines, resulting in bad statistics.
Also different fonts might result in different distributions. You can try this on a few images and see if the approach works. I don't have enough data.
You can use the Alyn module. To install it:
pip install alyn
Then to use it to deskew images(Taken from the homepage):
from alyn import Deskew
d = Deskew(
display_image='preview the image on screen',
output_file='path_for_deskewed image',
Note that Alyn is only for deskewing text.

