I'm implementing a generalized assignment problem using LINGO (in which I have experience to model mathematical problems) and Or-tools, but results were different.
Brief explanation of my assignment problem
I have a set of houses (called 'object' in the model) that need to be build. Each house needs a set of resources. To supply these resources, there are 3 suppliers. The resource cost varies by supplier.
The model should assign those suppliers to the houses in order to minimize the total cost of assignments.
resource_cost_per_supplier[i,j]: cost of resource i of supplier j.
resource_cost_factor_per_object[i,j]: matrix that signals the resources demanded by the objects (cost factor > 0). In addition, it contains the cost factor of resource i demanded by object j. This factor is calculated based on the duration of use of the resource during the construction of the object and also in others contractual factors.
supplier_budget_limit[j]: supplier budget limit of supplier j. Each supplier has a budget limit that should not be exceded (it's in the contract).
supplier_budget_tolerance_margin_limit[j]: supplier budget tolerance margin limit of supplier j. To the model works, I had to create this tolerance margin, that is applied in the supplier budget limit to create an acceptable range of supplier cost.
object_demand_attended_per_supplier[i,j]: binary matrix that signals if the supplier i has all the resources required by object j.
x[i,j]: binary variable that indicate if the supplier i will be (1) or not (0) assigned to the object j.
supplier_cost[j]: variable that represents the cost of supplier j in the market share. Its value is given by:
total_cost: variable that represents the total cost of market share. Its value is given by:
Objective function
min Z = total_cost
1 - Ensure that each object j will have only one supplier i.
2 - For each supplier i, the sum of the cost of all your assignments must be greater than or equal to your budget limit minus the tolerance margin.
3 - For each supplier j, the sum of the cost of all your assignments must be less than or equal to your budget limit plus the tolerance margin.
4 - Ensure that a supplier i will not assigned to an object j if the supplier i cannot provide all the resources of object j.
5 - Ensure that variable x is binary for every supplier i and object j.
Or-tools (Python)
from __future__ import print_function
from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp
import pandas as pd
import numpy
###### [START] parameters ######
num_objects = 252 #Number of objects
num_resources = 35 #Number of resources (not every object will use all resources. It depends of the type of the object and other things)
num_suppliers = 3 #Number of suppliers
resource_cost_per_supplier = pd.read_csv('', index_col = 0).to_numpy()
resource_cost_factor_per_object = pd.read_csv('', index_col = 0).to_numpy()
object_demand_attended_per_supplier = pd.read_csv('', index_col = 0).to_numpy()
supplier_budget_limit = pd.read_csv('', index_col = 0)['budget_limit'].values
supplier_budget_tolerance_margin_limit = pd.read_csv('', index_col = 0)['tolerance_margin'].values
###### [END] parameters ######
###### [START] variables ######
#Assignment variable
x = {}
supplier_cost = []
#Total cost of market share
total_cost = 0
###### [END] variables ######
def main():
#Declare the solver
solver = pywraplp.Solver('GeneralizedAssignmentProblem', pywraplp.Solver.CBC_MIXED_INTEGER_PROGRAMMING)
#Assignment variable
#x = {}
#Ensure that the assignment variable is binary
for i in range(num_suppliers):
for j in range(num_objects):
x[i, j] = solver.BoolVar('x[%i,%i]' % (i,j))
#Assigning an expression to each supplier_cost element
for j in range(num_suppliers):
supplier_cost.append(solver.Sum(solver.Sum(resource_cost_per_supplier[i,j] * resource_cost_factor_per_object[i,k] * x[j,k] for k in range(num_objects)) for i in range(num_resources)))
#Total cost of market share
total_cost = solver.Sum(supplier_cost[j] for j in range(num_suppliers))
#Objective function
###### [START] constraints ######
# 1 - Ensure that each object will have only one supplier
for j in range(num_objects):
solver.Add(solver.Sum([x[i,j] for i in range(num_suppliers)]) == 1)
# 2 - For each supplier j, the sum of the cost of all your allocations must be greater than or equal to your budget limit minus the tolerance margin
for j in range(num_suppliers):
solver.Add(supplier_cost[j] >= total_cost * (supplier_budget_limit[j] - supplier_budget_tolerance_margin_limit[j]))
# 3 - For each supplier j, the sum of the cost of all your allocations must be less than or equal to your budget limit plus the tolerance margin
for j in range(num_suppliers):
solver.Add(supplier_cost[j] <= total_cost * (supplier_budget_limit[j] + supplier_budget_tolerance_margin_limit[j]))
# 4 - Ensure that a supplier i will not assigned to an object j if the supplier i can not supply all resources demanded by object j
for i in range(num_suppliers):
for j in range(num_objects):
solver.Add(x[i,j] - object_demand_attended_per_supplier[i,j] <= 0)
###### [END] constraints ######
solution = solver.Solve()
#Print the result
if solution == pywraplp.Solver.OPTIMAL:
print('------- Solution -------')
print('Total cost =', round(total_cost.solution_value(), 2))
for i in range(num_suppliers):
print('Supplier', i)
print('-> cost:', round(supplier_cost[i].solution_value(), 2))
print('-> cost percentage:', format(supplier_cost[i].solution_value()/total_cost.solution_value(),'.2%'))
print('-> supplier budget limit:', format(supplier_budget_limit[i], '.0%'))
print('-> supplier budget tolerance margin limit:', format(supplier_budget_tolerance_margin_limit[i], '.0%'))
print('-> acceptable range: {0} <= cost percentage <= {1}'.format(format(supplier_budget_limit[i] - supplier_budget_tolerance_margin_limit[i], '.0%'), format(supplier_budget_limit[i] + supplier_budget_tolerance_margin_limit[i], '.0%')))
# print('-> objects: {0}'.format(i))
print('The problem does not have an optimal solution.')
#Generate a result to consult
assignment_result = pd.DataFrame(columns=['object','supplier','cost','assigned'])
for i in range(num_suppliers):
for j in range(num_objects):
assignment_result = assignment_result.append({'object': j, 'supplier': i, 'cost': get_object_cost(j, i), 'assigned': x[i, j].solution_value()}, ignore_index=True)
def get_object_cost(object_index, supplier_index):
object_cost = 0.0
for i in range(num_resources):
object_cost = object_cost + resource_cost_factor_per_object[i,object_index] * resource_cost_per_supplier[i,supplier_index]
return object_cost
#Run main
title: LINGO;
!Number of objects;
num_objects = #OLE('LINGO_input.xlsx',num_objects);
!Number of resources (not every object will use all resources. It depends of the type of the object and other things);
num_resources = #OLE('LINGO_input.xlsx',num_resources);
!Number of suppliers;
num_suppliers = #OLE('LINGO_input.xlsx',num_suppliers);
resource_cost_per_supplier = #OLE('LINGO_input.xlsx',resource_cost_per_supplier[cost]);
resource_cost_factor_per_object = #OLE('LINGO_input.xlsx',resource_cost_factor_per_object[cost_factor]);
supplier_budget_limit = #OLE('LINGO_input.xlsx',supplier_budget_limit[budget_limit_percentage]);
supplier_tolerance_margin_limit = #OLE('LINGO_input.xlsx',supplier_budget_tolerance_margin_limit[budget_tolerance_percentage]);
object_demand_attended_supplier = #OLE('LINGO_input.xlsx',object_demand_attended_per_supplier[supply_all_resources]);
!The array 'supplier_cost' was created to store the total cost of each supplier;
#FOR(suppliers(j):supplier_cost(j)= #SUM(resources(i):#SUM(objects(k):resource_cost_per_supplier(i,j)*resource_cost_factor_per_object(i,k)*x(j,k))));
!Total cost of market share;
total_cost = #SUM(suppliers(i):supplier_cost(i));
!Objective function;
min = total_cost;
!Ensure that each object will have only one supplier;
!For each supplier j, the sum of the cost of all your assignments must be greater than or equal to your budget limit minus the tolerance margin;
#FOR(suppliers(j):supplier_cost(j) >= total_cost*(supplier_budget_limit(j)-supplier_tolerance_margin_limit(j)));
!For each supplier j, the sum of the cost of all your assignments must be less than or equal to your budget limit plus the tolerance margin;
#FOR(suppliers(j):supplier_cost(j) <= total_cost*(supplier_budget_limit(j)+supplier_tolerance_margin_limit(j)));
!Ensure that a supplier j will not assigned to an object k if the supplier j can not supply all resources demanded by object k;
!Ensure that the assignment variable is binary;
The picture below shows the comparative result between Or-Tools and LINGO. I emphasize that the data used by the two implementations were exactly the same and I checked all the data several times.
Note that there is a difference of 1.876,20 between the two implementations. LINGO, that uses a Branch and Bound algorithm, found a better solution than Or-Tools. The difference is caused by the assignments inconsistencies shown below.
Regarding the processing time of the algorithms, LINGO took around 14 min and Or-Tools less than 1 min.
All the data used in the two implementations are in this repository: Data used by LINGO is in folder input_lingo and used by Or-Tools is in the folder input_prototype. In addition I uploaded the validation report.
After "cheating" a bit:
solver.Add(x[1, 177] == 1)
solver.Add(x[0, 186] == 1)
solver.Add(x[0, 205] == 1)
solver.Add(x[2, 206] == 1)
solver.Add(x[2, 217] == 1)
solver.Add(x[2, 66] == 1)
solver.Add(x[2, 115] == 1)
solver.Add(x[1, 237] == 1)
The solver returns a better objective, so I believe there is a bug either on the CBC binary or the OR-Tools interface to it (sounds like the former).
Can you try using the CP-SAT solver?
There have been quite a few problems with CBC
There are number of jobs to be assigned to number of resources each with a score (performance indicator) and cost. The resource assignment problem (RAP) objective is to maximize assignment scores considering the budget. Constraints: Each resource can handle at most one job and each job if it is filled should be done by one resource. Also, there is a limited budget to spend.
I have tackled the problem in two ways: CVXPY using gurobi solver and gurobi packages. My challenge is I can't program it in a memory-efficient way with cvxpy. There are hundreds of constraint list comprehensions! How can I can improve efficiency of my code in cvxpy? For example, is there a better way to define dictionary variables in cvxpy similar to gurobi?
ms is dictionary of format {('firstName lastName', 'job'), score_value}
cst is dictionary of format {('firstName lastName', 'job'), cost_value}
job is set of jobs
res is set of resources {'firstName lastName'}
G (or g in gurobi implementation) is a dictionary with jobs as keys and values of 0 or 1 whether that job is filled due to budget limit (0 if filled and 1 if not)
github link including codes and memory profiling comparison
gurobi implementation:
m = gp.Model("RAP")
assign = m.addVars(ms.keys(), vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="assign")
g = m.addVars(job, name="gap")
m.addConstrs((assign.sum("*", j) + g[j] == 1 for j in job), name="demand")
m.addConstrs((assign.sum(r, "*") <= 1 for r in res), name="supply")
m.addConstr( <= budget, name="Budget")
job_gap_penalty = 101 # penatly of not filling a job
m.setObjective( -job_gap_penalty*g.sum(), GRB.MAXIMIZE)
cvxpy implenentation:
X = {}
for a in ms.keys():
X[a] = cp.Variable(boolean=True, name="assign")
G = {}
for g in job:
G[g] = cp.Variable(boolean=True, name="gap")
constraints = []
for j in job:
X_r = 0
for r in res:
X_r += X[r, j]
constraints += [
X_r + G[j] == 1
for r in res:
X_j = 0
for j in job:
X_j += X[r, j]
constraints += [
X_j <= 1
constraints += [
np.array(list(cst.values())) # np.array(list(X.values())) <= budget,
obj = cp.Maximize(np.array(list(ms.values())) # np.array(list(X.values()))
- job_gap_penalty * cp.sum(list(G.values())))
prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)
prob.solve(solver=cp.GUROBI, verbose=False)
Here is the memory profiling comparison:
memeory profiling for cvxpy
memory profiling for gurobi
Previously, I tried to solve thru defining dictionary variables similar to gurobi but at is not available in cvxpy, the code was not efficient when scaling up. But now I solved it thru matrix variables and then converting to dictionary variables which super fast!
assign_scores = np.array(list(ms.values())).reshape(len(res), len(job))
assign_cost = np.array(list(cst.values())).reshape(len(res), len(job))
# make a bool matrix variable with the shape of number of resources and jobs
x = cp.Variable(shape=(len(res), len(job)), boolean=True, name="assign")
# make a bool vector variable with the shape of number of jobs
g = cp.Variable(shape=(len(job), ), boolean=True, name="gap")
constraints = []
# each job can be assigned to at most one resource or remains unfilled due to budget cap
constraints += [cp.sum(x[:, j]) + g[j] == 1 for j in range(len(job))]
# each resource can be assigned to at most one job
constraints += [cp.sum(x[r, :]) <= 1 for r in range(len(res))]
# budget cap
constraints += [cp.sum(cp.multiply(assign_cost, x)) <= budget]
# pentalty if a job is not filled
# objective is to maiximize performance score
obj = cp.Maximize(cp.sum(cp.multiply(assign_scores, x) - job_gap_penalty * cp.sum(g)))
prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)
prob.solve(solver=cp.GUROBI, verbose=True)
I'm doing a coursera' discrete optimization course
which, in the course a tool called Minizinc is used to solve the problems.
I want to translate class examples to python, starting for this one:
I'm using this example code reproduce the results:
v = {'hammer':6, 'wrench':10, 'screwdriver':8, 'towel':40}
w = {'hammer':13, 'wrench':21, 'screwdriver':17, 'towel':100}
q = {'hammer':1000, 'wrench':400, 'screwdriver':500, 'towel':150}
limit = 1000
items = list(sorted(v.keys()))
# Create model
m = LpProblem("Knapsack", LpMaximize)
# Variables
x = LpVariable.dicts('x', items, lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat=LpInteger)
# Objective
m += sum(v[i]*x[i] for i in items)
# Constraint
m += sum(w[i]*x[i] for i in items) <= limit
# Optimize
# Print the status of the solved LP
print("Status = %s" % LpStatus[m.status])
# Print the value of the variables at the optimum
for i in items:
print("%s = %f" % (x[i].name, x[i].varValue))
# Print the value of the objective
print("Objective = %f" % value(m.objective))
But this is giving a wrong answer since is only taken one of a kind.
How can I add the amount available for each item (dict q) into the constraints?
You need to make two very small changes to your code. Firstly you need to remove the upper bound you have set on your x variables. At the moments you have binary variables x[i] which can be only one or zero.
Secondly you need to add in the constraints which effectively set a custom upper bound for each of the items. Working code and resulting solution below - as you can see multiple wrenches (the highest v/w ratio) are chosen, with a single hammer to fill up the small amount of space left.
from pulp import *
v = {'hammer':6, 'wrench':10, 'screwdriver':8, 'towel':40}
w = {'hammer':13, 'wrench':21, 'screwdriver':17, 'towel':100}
q = {'hammer':1000, 'wrench':400, 'screwdriver':500, 'towel':150}
limit = 1000
items = list(sorted(v.keys()))
# Create model
m = LpProblem("Knapsack", LpMaximize)
# Variables
x = LpVariable.dicts('x', items, lowBound=0, cat=LpInteger)
# Objective
m += sum(v[i]*x[i] for i in items)
# Constraint
m += sum(w[i]*x[i] for i in items) <= limit
# Quantity of each constraint:
for i in items:
m += x[i] <= q[i]
# Optimize
# Print the status of the solved LP
print("Status = %s" % LpStatus[m.status])
# Print the value of the variables at the optimum
for i in items:
print("%s = %f" % (x[i].name, x[i].varValue))
# Print the value of the objective
print("Objective = %f" % value(m.objective))
print("Total weight = %f" % sum([x[i].varValue*w[i] for i in items]))
Which returns:
Status = Optimal
x_hammer = 1.000000
x_screwdriver = 0.000000
x_towel = 0.000000
x_wrench = 47.000000
Objective = 476.000000
Total weight = 1000.000000
This is a fairly simple script that is looking to achieve the following:
For a list of four Items, each has a Demand
For each of those items, there are four Vendors who have differing prices and quantities for each of those four items and fixed shipping costs
Shipping is only added once per checkout, regardless of the number of items ordered from the Vendor (although shipping will not be charged if nothing is ordered from that Vendor)
I've gotten so far as to returning the minimal cost and breakdown of what to order from where without shipping.
I'm currently stuck on how to working in the SUM(VendorVar[x]{0:1} * ShippingData[x]) portion, as I essentially need a way to switch the binary value to ON/1 if the quantity of items I'm ordering from a Seller is > 0
from pulp import *
items = ["Item1", "Item2", "Item3", "Item4"]
vendors = ["Vendor1", "Vendor2", "Vendor3", "Vendor4"]
# List containing lists for each Vendor and their Item costs for Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4 respectively:
costData = [[1.00,5.00,10.00,0.15],
# List containing lists for each Vendor and their Supply for Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4 respectively:
supplyData = [[0,2,4,1],
# Created nested dictionaries per Item per Vendor for Costs: {Item1: {Vendor1:Cost, Vendor2:Cost...}}
vendoritemcosts = makeDict([items,vendors],costData)
# Created nested dictionaries per Item per Vendor for Supply: {Item1: {Vendor1:Supply, Vendor2:Supply...}}
vendoritemsupply = makeDict([items,vendors],supplyData)
# Shipping costs per Vendor:
shippingData = {"Vendor1":0.99,
# Number of items desired:
demand = {"Item1":4,
# Number of items to purchase for each Vendor/Item combination:
vendoritemvar = LpVariable.dicts("item",(items,vendors),0,None,LpInteger)
# Binary flag that (hopefully) will determine if a Vendor is included in the final optimized formula or not:
vendorvar = LpVariable.dicts("vendor",vendors,0,1,LpBinary)
prob = LpProblem("cart",LpMinimize)
# Objective Function: Take the sum of quantity ordered of each unique Vendor+Item combination multiplied by its price
# For every Vendor included in the list, multiple {0:1} to their shipping costs, with 1 being used if they have any items in the first portion of the function above
prob += lpSum([vendoritemvar[a][b] * vendoritemcosts[a][b] for a in vendoritemvar for b in vendoritemvar[a]]) \
+ lpSum(vendorvar[c] * shippingData[c] for c in vendorvar)
for a in vendoritemvar:
# Sum total of each item must equal Demand
prob += lpSum(vendoritemvar[a]) == demand[a]
# Currently testing minimum checkout values which will be a future addition that isn't a fixed value:
prob += lpSum(vendoritemvar[a][b] * vendoritemcosts[a][b] for b in vendoritemvar[a]) >= 2.00
for b in vendoritemvar[a]:
# Non-negativity constraint
prob += vendoritemvar[a][b] >= 0
# Can't exceed available supply
prob += vendoritemvar[a][b] <= vendoritemsupply[a][b]
print("Status: %s" % LpStatus[prob.status])
for v in prob.variables():
print("%s = %s" % (,v.varValue))
print("Total cart = %s" % value(prob.objective))
I think you only need to add the implication
vendorvar[v] = 0 => vendoritemvar[i,v] = 0
This can be modeled with a big-M constraint:
vendoritemvar[i,v] ≤ M * vendorvar[v]
Good values for M can be derived from the supplyData/vendoritemsupply tables:
vendoritemvar[i,v] ≤ vendoritemsupply[i,v] * vendorvar[v]
I explain, I am trying to develop a program to optimize a system based on the parameters it receives. My program will have to vary these parameters to try to find the best possible combination.
here is a code to simplify my problem:
def MySysteme(param1,param2,param3,param4):
for i in range(0,len(param1)):
for i in range(0,len(param2)):
for i in range(0,len(param3)):
for i in range(0,len(param4)):
return result
#how to find the highest value?
I try to (try) find the highest number, without testing all the parameters naively. hence the use of a genetic algorithm. 1 parameter is a list contained in the list parameters, the contents of the list is a varariante of my parameter
knowing that in my function / my system, one should not have 2 times the same parameter, for example this should not happen: print (MySystem (parameters [1] [0], parameters [1] [0])) or this print (MySystem (parameters [2] [1], parameters [2] [0]))
on the other hand the number of parameters is included in 1 and 4 (there can be 1,2,3 or 4 parameters)
To solve my problem here is the data that I consider: Individual: it is a variant of parameter which carries a name ("toto1", "tata3", "toto2 = 12" ... etc.) Population: set of the variants of the parameters fitness : it is the result of the function according to the parameters a circuit: a set of parameters
but unlike the commercial traveler, I have no starting data => that is to say that I do not have GPS coordinates. and it is at this level that I am stuck for the resolution of my problem.
can anyone help me?
I have been looking some examples of how I could find the points at which a function achieves its maxium using a genetic algorithm approach in Python. I looked at this tutorial
my objective is to found the smaller number to "mySysteme" function
i set a new code :
je re-explique mon probleme plus simplement. J’ai mets un code plus complet, plus clair avec un algo génétique.
from random import randint, random
from operator import add
from functools import reduce
def individual(length, min, max):
return [ randint(min,max) for x in range(length) ]
def population(count, length, min, max):
return [ individual(length, min, max) for x in range(count) ]
def fitness(individual, target):
sum = reduce(add, individual, 0)
return abs(target-sum)
def grade(pop, target):
individu_number_parameters=randint(1, len(parameters)-1)
for j in range(0,individu_number_parameters):
position=randint(1, len(parameters)-1)
if isinstance(parameter, list):
parameter=parameters[position][randint(1, len(parameters[position])-1)]
for i in range(0,len(parameter)):
return result
def evolve(pop, target, retain=0.2, random_select=0.05, mutate=0.01):
graded = [ (fitness(x, target), x) for x in pop]
graded = [ x[1] for x in sorted(graded)]
retain_length = int(len(graded)*retain)
parents = graded[:retain_length]
for individual in graded[retain_length:]:
if random_select > random():
for individual in parents:
if mutate > random():
pos_to_mutate = randint(0, len(individual)-1)
individual[pos_to_mutate] = randint(
min(individual), max(individual))
parents_length = len(parents)
desired_length = len(pop) - parents_length
children = []
while len(children) < desired_length:
male = randint(0, parents_length-1)
female = randint(0, parents_length-1)
if male != female:
male = parents[male]
female = parents[female]
half = int(len(male) / 2)
child = male[:half] + female[half:]
return parents
target = 0
p_count = 100
i_length = 6
i_min = 0
i_max = 100
p = population(p_count, i_length, i_min, i_max)
fitness_history = [grade(p, target),]
for i in range(1000):
p = evolve(p, target)
fitness_history.append(grade(p, target))
for datum in fitness_history:
I updated with new code. My ask : i want that my program found smaller number
I am working on an Agent class in Python 2.7.11 that uses a Markov Decision Process (MDP) to search for an optimal policy π in a GridWorld. I am implementing a basic value iteration for 100 iterations of all GridWorld states using the following Bellman Equation:
T(s,a,s') is the probability function of successfully transitioning to successor state s' from current state s by taking action a.
R(s,a,s') is the reward for transitioning from s to s'.
γ (gamma) is the discount factor where 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1.
Vk(s') is a recursive call to repeat the calculation once s' has been reached.
Vk+1(s) is representative of how after enough k iterations have occured, the Vk iteration value will converge and become equivalent to Vk+1
This equation is derived from taking the maximum of a Q value function, which is what I am using within my program:
When constructing my Agent, it is passed an MDP, which is an abstract class containing the following methods:
# Returns all states in the GridWorld
def getStates()
# Returns all legal actions the agent can take given the current state
def getPossibleActions(state)
# Returns all possible successor states to transition to from the current state
# given an action, and the probability of reaching each with that action
def getTransitionStatesAndProbs(state, action)
# Returns the reward of going from the current state to the successor state
def getReward(state, action, nextState)
My Agent is also passed a discount factor, and a number of iterations. I am also making use of a dictionary to keep track of my values. Here is my code:
class IterationAgent:
def __init__(self, mdp, discount = 0.9, iterations = 100):
self.mdp = mdp = discount
self.iterations = iterations
self.values = util.Counter() # A Counter is a dictionary with default 0
for transition in range(0, self.iterations, 1):
states = self.mdp.getStates()
valuesCopy = self.values.copy()
for state in states:
legalMoves = self.mdp.getPossibleActions(state)
convergedValue = 0
for move in legalMoves:
value = self.computeQValueFromValues(state, move)
if convergedValue <= value or convergedValue == 0:
convergedValue = value
valuesCopy.update({state: convergedValue})
self.values = valuesCopy
def computeQValueFromValues(self, state, action):
successors = self.mdp.getTransitionStatesAndProbs(state, action)
reward = self.mdp.getReward(state, action, successors)
qValue = 0
for successor, probability in successors:
# The Q value equation: Q*(a,s) = T(s,a,s')[R(s,a,s') + gamma(V*(s'))]
qValue += probability * (reward + ( * self.values[successor]))
return qValue
This implementation is correct, though I am unsure why I need valuesCopy to accomplish a successful update to my self.values dictionary. I have tried the following to omit the copying, but it does not work since it returns slightly incorrect values:
for i in range(0, self.iterations, 1):
states = self.mdp.getStates()
for state in states:
legalMoves = self.mdp.getPossibleActions(state)
convergedValue = 0
for move in legalMoves:
value = self.computeQValueFromValues(state, move)
if convergedValue <= value or convergedValue == 0:
convergedValue = value
self.values.update({state: convergedValue})
My question is why is including a copy of my self.values dictionary necessary to update my values correctly when valuesCopy = self.values.copy() makes a copy of the dictionary anyways every iteration? Shouldn't updating the values in the original result in the same update?
There's an algorithmic difference in having or not having the copy:
# You update your copy here, so the original will be used unchanged, which is not the
# case if you don't have the copy
valuesCopy.update({state: convergedValue})
# If you have the copy, you'll be using the old value stored in self.value here,
# not the updated one
qValue += probability * (reward + ( * self.values[successor]))