I use Python telegram bot API for my bot.
I want to generate photos locally and send them as inline results but InlineQueryResultPhoto accepts only photo URLs.
Suppose my project structure looks like this:
How do I send photo.jpg as an inline result?
Here is the code of main.py:
from uuid import uuid4
from telegram.ext import InlineQueryHandler, Updater
from telegram import InlineQueryResultPhoto
def handle_inline_request(update, context):
photo_url='', # WHAT DO I PUT HERE?
thumb_url='', # AND HERE?
updater = Updater('TELEGRAM_TOKEN', use_context=True)
There is no direct answer because Telegram Bot API doesn't provide it.
But there are two workaounds: you can use upload a photo to telegram servers and then use InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto or you can upload to any image server and then use InlineQueryResultPhoto.
This first option requires you to previously upload the photo to telegram servers before creating the result list. Which options do you have? The bot can message you the photo, get that information and use what you need. Another option is creating a private channel where your bot can post the photos it will reuse. The only detail of this method is getting to know the channel_id (How to obtain the chat_id of a private Telegram channel?).
Now lets see some code:
from config import tgtoken, privchannID
from uuid import uuid4
from telegram import Bot, InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto
bot = Bot(tgtoken)
def inlinecachedphoto(update, context):
query = update.inline_query.query
if query == "/CachedPhoto":
infophoto = bot.sendPhoto(chat_id=privchannID,photo=open('logo.png','rb'),caption="some caption")
thumbphoto = infophoto["photo"][0]["file_id"]
originalphoto = infophoto["photo"][-1]["file_id"]
results = [
when you send a photo to a chat/group/channel, you can obtain the file_id, the file_id of the thumbnail, the caption and other details I'm going to skip. What the problem? If you don't filter the right query, you may end up sending the photo multiple times to your private channel. It also means the autocomplete won't work.
The other alternative is upload the photo to internet and then use the url. Excluding options like your own hosting, you can use some free image hostings that provides APIs (for example: imgur, imgbb). For this code, generating your own key in imgbb is simpler than imgur. Once generated:
import requests
import json
import base64
from uuid import uuid4
from config import tgtoken, key_imgbb
from telegram import InlineQueryResultPhoto
def uploadphoto():
with open("figure.jpg", "rb") as file:
url = "https://api.imgbb.com/1/upload"
payload = {
"key": key_imgbb,
"image": base64.b64encode(file.read()),
response = requests.post(url, payload)
if response.status_code == 200:
return {"photo_url":response.json()["data"]["url"], "thumb_url":response.json()["data"]["thumb"]["url"]}
return None
def inlinephoto(update, context):
query = update.inline_query.query
if query == "/URLPhoto":
upphoto = uploadphoto()
if upphoto:
results = [
This code is similar to the previous method (and that includes the same problems): uploading multiple times if you don't filter the query and you won't have the autocomplete when writing the inline.
Both code were written thinking the images you want to upload are generated at the moment you receive the query, otherwise you can do the work previous to receiving the query, saving that info in a database.
You can run your own bot to get the channel_id of your private channel with pyTelegramBotAPI
import telebot
bot = telebot.TeleBot(bottoken)
def chatid(message):
bot.reply_to(message,'channel_id = {!s}'.format(message.chat.id))
To get the id you need to write in the channel /getchannelid#botname
I'm a noobie at Python and was just messing around, but now I'm really curious why it isn't working. I'm currently trying to build a telegram bot that generates an image based on the text given to the bot. I think there might be a problem with my DeepAI api? When I click this link: https://api.deepai.org/api/text2img i always get the error
{"err": "error processing given inputs from request"}
. The bot is linked but gives me the error as in the code below. My code below:
import requests
import json
from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, MessageHandler, Filters
def text_to_image(update, context):
# Get the text from the user
text = update.message.text
# Set up the DeepAI API request
api_key = "{{ api }}"
headers = {
"api-key": api_key
data = {
"text": text
# Make the request to the DeepAI API
response = requests.post("https://api.deepai.org/api/text2img", headers=headers, json=data)
if response.status_code != 200:
update.message.reply_text("An error occurred while generating the image. Please try again later.")
# Get the generated image from the response
response_json = response.json()
image_url = response_json["output_url"]
# Send the generated image to the user
context.bot.send_photo(chat_id=update.effective_chat.id, photo=image_url)
def main():
# Set up the Telegram bot
updater = Updater(token="{{ api }}", use_context=True)
dispatcher = updater.dispatcher
# Add the text_to_image handler
text_to_image_handler = MessageHandler(Filters.text, text_to_image)
# Start the bot
if __name__ == '__main__':
I've tried changing code and different things but nothing seems to work, i'm really stuck right now
From the looks of it, it's an error on the API side of things. The status code of the API server depends on traffic and account/key.
Things to do:
Check if your API key is valid and wait when server works on google, then try to run your code
Im building a Telegram bot using the official API and python with the requests lib
I`ve add a command named text, that return "example text" when it is called. Until here all ok, but the bot only send a response when the python script is executed
So I do that the script execute indefinitely with a white True condition.
The problem is that if I execute indefinitely the script it will be making requests all the time to the API, so if I check the last message all the time with the script, the last message will be /text until I write another message.
How can do that the function that read the command will execute only one time when a new command will requested?
The code is the next:
import requests as req
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from pprint import pprint
import re
import os
config = load_dotenv(".env")
teletoken = os.environ.get("telegram_token")
uri = f"https://api.telegram.org/bot{teletoken}/"
# Dynamic Telegram API method
def method(method):
return f"{uri}{method}"
# Response to a command
def get_and_response(chat_id: str or int):
updates = req.get(method("getUpdates"))
response = updates.json()
command_regex = re.findall("^/text*", response["result"][-1]["message"]["text"])
if command_regex == ["/text"]:
req.post(method("sendMessage"), data={"chat_id": chat_id, "text": "Example text"})
if __name__ == "__main__":
while True:
from pyrogram import Client, filters
from pyrogram.types import CallbackQuery, InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup
app = Client(api_id=int(""), api_hash="", bot_token="")
def start(client, message):
query = message.text.split(maxsplit=1)[-1]
buttons = [[InlineKeyboardButton("test", "test")]]
app.send_message(chat_id=message.chat.id, text="test", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons))
def csearch(client, CallbackQuery):
#some code
I wanted to use query from search function, in csearch function.
I tried doing it with using global keyword but it doesn't work properly for multiple users. Is there any other way to do it?
I am attempting to create a small dataset by pulling messages/responses from a slack channel I am a part of. I would like to use python to pull the data from the channel however I am having trouble figuring out my api key. I have created an app on slack but I am not sure how to find my api key. I see my client secret, signing secret, and verification token but can't find my api key
Here is a basic example of what I believe I am trying to accomplish:
import slack
sc = slack.SlackClient("api key")
I am willing to just download the data manually if that is possible as well. Any help is greatly appreciated.
See below for is an example code on how to pull messages from a channel in Python.
It uses the official Python Slack library and calls
conversations_history with paging. It will therefore work with
any type of channel and can fetch large amounts of messages if
The result will be written to a file as JSON array.
You can specify channel and max message to be retrieved
Note that the conversations.history endpoint will not return thread messages. Those have to be retrieved additionaly with one call to conversations.replies for every thread you want to retrieve messages for.
Threads can be identified in the messages for each channel by checking for the threads_ts property in the message. If it exists there is a thread attached to it. See this page for more details on how threads work.
This script will not replace IDs with names though. If you need that here are some pointers how to implement it:
You need to replace IDs for users, channels, bots, usergroups (if on a paid plan)
You can fetch the lists for users, channels and usergroups from the API with users_list, conversations_list and usergroups_list respectively, bots need to be fetched one by one with bots_info (if needed)
IDs occur in many places in messages:
user top level property
bot_id top level property
as link in any property that allows text, e.g. <#U12345678> for users or <#C1234567> for channels. Those can occur in the top level text property, but also in attachments and blocks.
Example code
import os
import slack
import json
from time import sleep
CHANNEL = "C12345678"
# init web client
client = slack.WebClient(token=os.environ['SLACK_TOKEN'])
# get first page
page = 1
print("Retrieving page {}".format(page))
response = client.conversations_history(
assert response["ok"]
messages_all = response['messages']
# get additional pages if below max message and if they are any
while len(messages_all) + MESSAGES_PER_PAGE <= MAX_MESSAGES and response['has_more']:
page += 1
print("Retrieving page {}".format(page))
sleep(1) # need to wait 1 sec before next call due to rate limits
response = client.conversations_history(
assert response["ok"]
messages = response['messages']
messages_all = messages_all + messages
"Fetched a total of {} messages from channel {}".format(
# write the result to a file
with open('messages.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
This is using the slack webapi. You would need to install requests package. This should grab all the messages in channel. You need a token which can be grabbed from apps management page. And you can use the getChannels() function. Once you grab all the messages you will need to see who wrote what message you need to do id matching(map ids to usernames) you can use getUsers() functions. Follow this https://api.slack.com/custom-integrations/legacy-tokens to generate a legacy-token if you do not want to use a token from your app.
def getMessages(token, channelId):
print("Getting Messages")
# this function get all the messages from the slack team-search channel
# it will only get all the messages from the team-search channel
slack_url = "https://slack.com/api/conversations.history?token=" + token + "&channel=" + channelId
messages = requests.get(slack_url).json()
return messages
def getChannels(token):
function returns an object containing a object containing all the
channels in a given workspace
channelsURL = "https://slack.com/api/conversations.list?token=%s" % token
channelList = requests.get(channelsURL).json()["channels"] # an array of channels
channels = {}
# putting the channels and their ids into a dictonary
for channel in channelList:
channels[channel["name"]] = channel["id"]
return {"channels": channels}
def getUsers(token):
# this function get a list of users in workplace including bots
users = []
channelsURL = "https://slack.com/api/users.list?token=%s&pretty=1" % token
members = requests.get(channelsURL).json()["members"]
return members
Trying to send message with callback keybord attached to it, bot no good. Tels me
TypeError: must be str, not ReplyKeyboardMarkup
Can't find any exemples how to do it correctly.
keyboard = [[InlineKeyboardButton("Выполнено", callback_data='Done')],
[InlineKeyboardButton("MAC", callback_data='MAC'),
InlineKeyboardButton("Phone", callback_data='Phone'),
InlineKeyboardButton("История", callback_data='History')]]
reply_markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard)
'sendMessage?chat_id=' + str(query.message.chat_id) + '&text="TEST"&reply_markup=' + reply_markup)
Firstly, you should use InlineKeyboardMarkup instead of ReplyKeyboardMarkup to craete the markup object made of InlineKeyboardButtons.
Then, you probably should simply use the bot object to send the message with bot.send_message(query.message.chat_id, 'TEST', reply_markup=reply_markup).
Lastly, if you really really need to use requests to do manual HTTP request, you should provide the parameters in the requests.post()'s data.
import json
import requests
from telegram import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup
keyboard = [[InlineKeyboardButton("Выполнено", callback_data='Done')],
[InlineKeyboardButton("MAC", callback_data='MAC'),
InlineKeyboardButton("Phone", callback_data='Phone'),
InlineKeyboardButton("История", callback_data='History')]]
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard)
data = {"chat_id": query.message.chat_id,
"text": "TEST",
"reply_markup": json.dumps(reply_markup.to_dict())}
requests.post(url='https://api.telegram.org/bot{blah}/sendMessage', data=data)