I have an application that loads millions of documents to a collection, using 30-80 workers to simultaneously load the data. Sometimes, I find that the loading process didn't complete smoothly, and with other databases I can simply delete the table and start over, but not with Firestore collections. I have to list the documents and delete them, and I've not found a way to scale this with the same capacity as my loading process. What I'm doing now is that I have two AppEngine hosted Flask/Python methods, one to get a page of 1000 documents and pass to another method to delete them. This way the process to list documents is not blocked by the process to delete them. It's still taking days to complete which is too long.
Method to get list of documents and create a task to delete them, which is single threaded:
#app.route('/delete_collection/<collection_name>/<batch_size>', methods=['POST'])
def delete_collection(collection_name, batch_size):
batch_size = int(batch_size)
coll_ref = db.collection(collection_name)
print('Received request to delete collection {} {} docs at a time'.format(
num_docs = batch_size
while num_docs >= batch_size:
docs = coll_ref.limit(batch_size).stream()
found = 0
deletion_request = {
'doc_ids': []
for doc in docs:
found += 1
num_docs = found
print('Creating request to delete docs: {}'.format(
# Add to task queue
queue = tasks_client.queue_path(PROJECT_ID, LOCATION, 'database-manager')
task_meet = {
'app_engine_http_request': { # Specify the type of request.
'http_method': 'POST',
'relative_uri': '/delete_documents/{}'.format(
'body': json.dumps(deletion_request).encode(),
'headers': {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
task_response_meet = tasks_client.create_task(queue, task_meet)
print('Created task to delete {} docs: {}'.format(
Here is the method I use to delete the documents, which can scale. In effect it only processes 5-10 at a time, limited by the rate which the other method passes pages of doc_ids to delete. Separating the two helps, but not that much.
#app.route('/delete_documents/<collection_name>', methods=['POST'])
def delete_documents(collection_name):
# Validate we got a body in the POST
if flask.request.json:
print('Request received to delete docs from :{}'.format(collection_name))
message = 'No json found in request: {}'.format(flask.request)
return message, 400
# Validate that the payload includes a list of doc_ids
doc_ids = flask.request.json.get('doc_ids', None)
if doc_ids is None:
return 'No doc_ids specified in payload: {}'.format(flask.request.json), 400
print('Received request to delete docs: {}'.format(doc_ids))
for doc_id in doc_ids:
return 'Finished'
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Set environment variables for running locally
app.run(host='', port=8080, debug=True)
I've tried running multiple concurrent executions of delete_collection(), but am not certain that even helps, as I'm not sure if every time it calls limit(batch_size).stream() that it gets a distinct set of documents or possibly is getting duplicates.
How can I make this run faster?
This is what I came up with. It's not super fast (120-150 docs per second), but all the other examples I found in python didn't work at all:
now = datetime.now()
then = now - timedelta(days=DOCUMENT_EXPIRATION_DAYS)
doc_counter = 0
commit_counter = 0
limit = 5000
while True:
docs = []
print('Getting next doc handler')
docs = [snapshot for snapshot in db.collection(collection_name)
.where('id.time', '<=', then)
.order_by('id.time', direction=firestore.Query.ASCENDING
batch = db.batch()
for doc in docs:
doc_counter = doc_counter + 1
if doc_counter % 500 == 0:
commit_counter += 1
print('Committing batch {} from {}'.format(commit_counter, doc.to_dict()['id']['time']))
if len(docs) == limit:
print('Deleted {} documents in {} seconds.'.format(doc_counter, datetime.now() - now))
As mentioned in the other comments, .stream() has a 60 second deadline. This iterative structure sets a limit of 5000 after which .stream() is called again, which keeps it under the 60 second limit. If anybody knows how to speed this up, let me know.
Here is my simple Python script that I used to test batch deletes. Like #Chris32 said, the batch mode will delete thousands of documents per second if latency isn't too bad.
from time import time
from uuid import uuid4
from google.cloud import firestore
DB = firestore.Client()
def generate_user_data(entries = 10):
print('Creating {} documents'.format(entries))
now = time()
batch = DB.batch()
for counter in range(entries):
# Each transaction or batch of writes can write to a maximum of 500 documents.
# https://cloud.google.com/firestore/quotas#writes_and_transactions
if counter % 500 == 0 and counter > 0:
user_id = str(uuid4())
data = {
"some_data": str(uuid4()),
"expires_at": int(now)
user_ref = DB.collection(u'users').document(user_id)
batch.set(user_ref, data)
print('Wrote {} documents in {:.2f} seconds.'.format(entries, time() - now))
def delete_one_by_one():
print('Deleting documents one by one')
now = time()
docs = DB.collection(u'users').where(u'expires_at', u'<=', int(now)).stream()
counter = 0
for doc in docs:
counter = counter + 1
print('Deleted {} documents in {:.2f} seconds.'.format(counter, time() - now))
def delete_in_batch():
print('Deleting documents in batch')
now = time()
docs = DB.collection(u'users').where(u'expires_at', u'<=', int(now)).stream()
batch = DB.batch()
counter = 0
for doc in docs:
counter = counter + 1
if counter % 500 == 0:
print('Deleted {} documents in {:.2f} seconds.'.format(counter, time() - now))
In this public documentation is described how using a callable Cloud Function you can take advantage of the firestore delete command in the Firebase Command Line Interface deleting up to 4000 documents per second.
Is it possible to use multi processing in Django on a request.
#so if I send a request to
def wallet_verify(request):
walelts = botactive.objects.all()
#here I check if the user want to be included in the process or not so if they set it to True then i'll include them else ignore.
for active in walelts:
check_active = active.active
if check_active == True:
user_is_active = active.user
#for the ones that want to be included I then go to get their key data.
I need to get both api and secret so then I loop through to get the data from active users.
database = Bybitapidatas.objects.filter(user=user_is_active)
for apikey in database:
apikey = apikey.apikey
for apisecret in database:
apisecret = apisecret.apisecret
#since I am making a request to an exchange endpoint I can only include one API and secret at a time . So for 1 person at a time this is why I want to run in parallel.
for a, b in zip(list(Bybitapidatas.objects.filter(user=user_is_active).values("apikey")), list(Bybitapidatas.objects.filter(user=user_is_active).values("apisecret"))):
session =spot.HTTP(endpoint='https://api-testnet.bybit.com/', api_key=a['apikey'], api_secret=b['apisecret'])
#here I check to see if they have balance to open trades if they have selected to be included.
GET_USDT_BALANCE = session.get_wallet_balance()['result']['balances']
if 'USDT' in i.values():
GET_USDT_BALANCE = session.get_wallet_balance()['result']['balances']
idx_USDT = GET_USDT_BALANCE.index(i)
GET_USDTBALANCE = session.get_wallet_balance()['result']['balances'][idx_USDT]['free']
#if they don't have enough balance I skip the user.
if round(float(GET_USDTBALANCE),2) < 11 :
How can I run this process in parallel while looping through the database to also get data for each individual user.
I am still new to coding so hope I explained that it makes sense.
I have tried multiprocessing and pools but then I get that the app has not started yet and I have to run it outside of wallet_verify is there a way to do it in wallet_verify
and when I send the Post Request.
Any help appreciated.
Filtering the Database to get Users who have set it to True
Listi - [1,3](these are user ID's Returned
processess = botactive.objects.filter(active=True).values_list('user')
listi = [row[0] for row in processess]
Get the Users from the listi and perform the action.
def wallet_verify(listi):
# print(listi)
database = Bybitapidatas.objects.filter(user = listi)
print("---------------------------------------------------- START")
for apikey in database:
apikey = apikey.apikey
for apisecret in database:
apisecret = apisecret.apisecret
start_time = time.time()
session =spot.HTTP(endpoint='https://api-testnet.bybit.com/', api_key=apikey, api_secret=apisecret)
GET_USDT_BALANCE = session.get_wallet_balance()['result']['balances']
if 'USDT' in i.values():
GET_USDT_BALANCE = session.get_wallet_balance()['result']['balances']
idx_USDT = GET_USDT_BALANCE.index(i)
GET_USDTBALANCE = session.get_wallet_balance()['result']['balances'][idx_USDT]['free']
if round(float(GET_USDTBALANCE),2) < 11 :
print ("My program took", time.time() - start_time, "to run")
print("---------------------------------------------------- END")
return HttpResponse("Wallets verified")
Verifyt is what I use for the multiprocessing since I don't want it to run without being requested to run. also initialiser starts apps for each loop
def verifyt(request):
with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=4, initializer=django.setup) as executor:
results = executor.map(wallet_verify, listi)
return HttpResponse("done")
My Problem:
The web app I'm building relies on real-time transcription of a user's voice along with timestamps for when each word begins and ends.
Google's Speech-to-Text API has a limit of 4 minutes for streaming requests but I want users to be able to run their mic's for as long as 30 minutes if they so choose.
Thankfully, Google provides its own code examples for how to make successive requests to their Speech-to-Text API in a way that mimics endless streaming speech recognition.
I've adapted their Python infinite streaming example for my purposes (see below for my code). The timestamps provided by Google are pretty accurate but the issue is that when I exceed the streaming limit (4 minutes) and a new request is made, the timestamped transcript returned by Google's API from the new request is off by as much as 5 seconds or more.
Below is an example of the output when I adjust the streaming limit to 10 seconds (so a new request to Google's Speech-to-Text API begins every 10 seconds).
The timestamp you see printed next to each transcribed response (the 'corrected_time' in the code) is the timestamp for the end of the transcribed line, not the beginning. These timestamps are accurate for the first request but are off by ~4 seconds in the second request and ~9 seconds in the third request.
In a Nutshell, I want to make sure that when the streaming limit is exceeded and a new request is made, the timestamps returned by Google for that new request are adjusted accurately.
My Code:
To help you understand what's going on, I would recommend running it on your machine (only takes a couple of minutes to get working if you have a Google Cloud service account).
I've included more detail on my current diagnosis below the code.
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Google Cloud Speech API sample application using the streaming API.
NOTE: This module requires the dependencies `pyaudio`.
To install using pip:
pip install pyaudio
Example usage:
# [START speech_transcribe_infinite_streaming]
import os
import re
import sys
import time
from google.cloud import speech
import pyaudio
from six.moves import queue
# Audio recording parameters
STREAMING_LIMIT = 20000 # 20 seconds (originally 4 mins but shortened for testing purposes)
CHUNK_SIZE = int(SAMPLE_RATE / 10) # 100ms
# Environment Variable set for Google Credentials. Put the json service account
# key in the root directory
def get_current_time():
"""Return Current Time in MS."""
return int(round(time.time() * 1000))
class ResumableMicrophoneStream:
"""Opens a recording stream as a generator yielding the audio chunks."""
def __init__(self, rate, chunk_size):
self._rate = rate
self.chunk_size = chunk_size
self._num_channels = 1
self._buff = queue.Queue()
self.closed = True
self.start_time = get_current_time()
self.restart_counter = 0
self.audio_input = []
self.last_audio_input = []
self.result_end_time = 0
self.is_final_end_time = 0
self.final_request_end_time = 0
self.bridging_offset = 0
self.last_transcript_was_final = False
self.new_stream = True
self._audio_interface = pyaudio.PyAudio()
self._audio_stream = self._audio_interface.open(
# Run the audio stream asynchronously to fill the buffer object.
# This is necessary so that the input device's buffer doesn't
# overflow while the calling thread makes network requests, etc.
def __enter__(self):
self.closed = False
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
self.closed = True
# Signal the generator to terminate so that the client's
# streaming_recognize method will not block the process termination.
def _fill_buffer(self, in_data, *args, **kwargs):
"""Continuously collect data from the audio stream, into the buffer."""
return None, pyaudio.paContinue
def generator(self):
"""Stream Audio from microphone to API and to local buffer"""
while not self.closed:
data = []
This statement runs when the streaming limit is hit and a new request is made.
if self.new_stream and self.last_audio_input:
chunk_time = STREAMING_LIMIT / len(self.last_audio_input)
if chunk_time != 0:
if self.bridging_offset < 0:
self.bridging_offset = 0
if self.bridging_offset > self.final_request_end_time:
self.bridging_offset = self.final_request_end_time
chunks_from_ms = round(
(self.final_request_end_time - self.bridging_offset)
/ chunk_time
self.bridging_offset = round(
(len(self.last_audio_input) - chunks_from_ms) * chunk_time
for i in range(chunks_from_ms, len(self.last_audio_input)):
self.new_stream = False
# Use a blocking get() to ensure there's at least one chunk of
# data, and stop iteration if the chunk is None, indicating the
# end of the audio stream.
chunk = self._buff.get()
if chunk is None:
# Now consume whatever other data's still buffered.
while True:
chunk = self._buff.get(block=False)
if chunk is None:
except queue.Empty:
yield b"".join(data)
def listen_print_loop(responses, stream):
"""Iterates through server responses and prints them.
The responses passed is a generator that will block until a response
is provided by the server.
Each response may contain multiple results, and each result may contain
multiple alternatives; Here we print only the transcription for the top
alternative of the top result.
In this case, responses are provided for interim results as well. If the
response is an interim one, print a line feed at the end of it, to allow
the next result to overwrite it, until the response is a final one. For the
final one, print a newline to preserve the finalized transcription.
for response in responses:
if get_current_time() - stream.start_time > STREAMING_LIMIT:
stream.start_time = get_current_time()
if not response.results:
result = response.results[0]
if not result.alternatives:
transcript = result.alternatives[0].transcript
result_seconds = 0
result_micros = 0
if result.result_end_time.seconds:
result_seconds = result.result_end_time.seconds
if result.result_end_time.microseconds:
result_micros = result.result_end_time.microseconds
stream.result_end_time = int((result_seconds * 1000) + (result_micros / 1000))
corrected_time = (
- stream.bridging_offset
+ (STREAMING_LIMIT * stream.restart_counter)
# Display interim results, but with a carriage return at the end of the
# line, so subsequent lines will overwrite them.
if result.is_final:
sys.stdout.write("FINAL RESULT # ")
sys.stdout.write(str(corrected_time/1000) + ": " + transcript + "\n")
stream.is_final_end_time = stream.result_end_time
stream.last_transcript_was_final = True
# Exit recognition if any of the transcribed phrases could be
# one of our keywords.
if re.search(r"\b(exit|quit)\b", transcript, re.I):
stream.closed = True
sys.stdout.write("INTERIM RESULT # ")
sys.stdout.write(str(corrected_time/1000) + ": " + transcript + "\r")
stream.last_transcript_was_final = False
def main():
"""start bidirectional streaming from microphone input to speech API"""
client = speech.SpeechClient()
config = speech.RecognitionConfig(
streaming_config = speech.StreamingRecognitionConfig(
config=config, interim_results=True
mic_manager = ResumableMicrophoneStream(SAMPLE_RATE, CHUNK_SIZE)
sys.stdout.write('\nListening, say "Quit" or "Exit" to stop.\n\n')
sys.stdout.write("End (ms) Transcript Results/Status\n")
with mic_manager as stream:
while not stream.closed:
"\n" + str(STREAMING_LIMIT * stream.restart_counter) + ": NEW REQUEST\n"
stream.audio_input = []
audio_generator = stream.generator()
requests = (
for content in audio_generator
responses = client.streaming_recognize(streaming_config, requests)
# Now, put the transcription responses to use.
listen_print_loop(responses, stream)
if stream.result_end_time > 0:
stream.final_request_end_time = stream.is_final_end_time
stream.result_end_time = 0
stream.last_audio_input = []
stream.last_audio_input = stream.audio_input
stream.audio_input = []
stream.restart_counter = stream.restart_counter + 1
if not stream.last_transcript_was_final:
stream.new_stream = True
if __name__ == "__main__":
# [END speech_transcribe_infinite_streaming]
My Current Diagnosis
The 'corrected_time' is not being set correctly when new requests are made. This is due to the 'bridging_offset' not being set correctly. So what we need to look at is the 'generator()' method in the 'ResumableMicrophoneStream' class.
In the 'generator()' method, there is an 'if' statement which is run when the streaming limit is hit and a new request is made
if self.new_stream and self.last_audio_input:
Its purpose appears to be to take any lingering audio data that wasn't finished being transcribed before the streaming limit was hit and add it to the buffer before any new audio chunks so that it's transcribed in the new request.
It is also the responsibility of this 'if' statement to set the 'bridging offset' but I'm not entirely sure what this offset represents. All I know is that however it is being set, it is not being set accurately.
Time offset values show the beginning and the end of each spoken word
that is recognized in the supplied audio. A time offset value
represents the amount of time that has elapsed from the beginning of
the audio, in increments of 100ms.
This tells us that the offset you are receiving for each of the timestamps that you are running within your project will always make the timestamps from start to finish. That would be my guess as to why it’s causing your application problems.
I have a setup where I need to extract data from Elasticsearch and store it on an Azure Blob. Now to get the data I am using Elasticsearch's _search and _scroll API. The indexes are pretty well designed and are formatted something like game1.*, game2.*, game3.* etc.
I've created a worker.py file which I stored in a folder called shared_code as Microsoft suggests and I have several Timer Trigger Functions which import and call worker.py. Due to the way ES was setup on our side I had to create a VNET and a static Outbound IP address which we've then whitelisted on ES. Conversely, the data is only available to be extracted from ES only on port 9200. So I've created an Azure Function App which has the connection setup and I am trying to create multiple Functions (game1-worker, game2-worker, game3-worker) to pull the data from ES running in parallel on minute 5. I've noticed if I add the FUNCTIONS_WORKER_PROCESS_COUNT = 1 setting then the functions will wait until the first triggered one finishes its task and then the second one triggers. If I don't add this app setting or increase the number, then once a function stopped because it finished working, it will try to start it again and then I get a OSError: [WinError 10048] Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted error. Is there a way I can make these run in parallel but not have the mentioned error?
Here is the code for the worker.py:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# # Elasticsearch to Azure Microservice
import json, datetime, gzip, importlib, os, re, logging
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
import azure.storage.blob as azsb
import azure.identity as azi
import os
import tempfile
def batch(game_name, env='prod'):
# #### Global Variables
env = env.lower()
connection_string = os.getenv('conn_storage')
lowerFormat = game_name.lower().replace(" ","_")
azFormat = re.sub(r'[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', '-', game_name).lower()
storageContainerName = azFormat
stateStorageContainerName = "azure-webjobs-state"
minutesOffset = 5
tempFilePath = tempfile.gettempdir()
curFileName = f"{lowerFormat}_cursor.py"
curTempFilePath = os.path.join(tempFilePath,curFileName)
curBlobFilePath = f"cursors/{curFileName}"
esUrl = os.getenv('esUrl')
# #### Connections
es = Elasticsearch(
def uploadJsonGzipBlob(filePathAndName, jsonBody):
blob = azsb.BlobClient.from_connection_string(
blob.upload_blob(gzip.compress(bytes(json.dumps(jsonBody), encoding='utf-8')))
def getAndLoadCursor(filePathAndName):
# Get cursor from blob
blob = azsb.BlobClient.from_connection_string(
# Stream it to Temp file
with open(curTempFilePath, "wb") as f:
data = blob.download_blob()
# Load it by path
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("cursor", curTempFilePath)
cur = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
return cur
def writeCursor(filePathAndName, body):
blob = azsb.BlobClient.from_connection_string(
blob.upload_blob(body, overwrite=True)
# Parameter and state settings
if os.getenv(f"{lowerFormat}_maxSizeMB") is None:
maxSizeMB = 10 # Default to 10 MB
maxSizeMB = int(os.getenv(f"{lowerFormat}_maxSizeMB"))
if os.getenv(f"{lowerFormat}_maxProcessTimeSeconds") is None:
maxProcessTimeSeconds = 300 # Default to 300 seconds
maxProcessTimeSeconds = int(os.getenv(f"{lowerFormat}_maxProcessTimeSeconds"))
cur = getAndLoadCursor(curBlobFilePath)
except Exception as e:
dtStr = f"{datetime.datetime.utcnow():%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:00}"
writeCursor(curBlobFilePath, f"# Please use format YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS\nlastPolled = '{dtStr}'")
logging.info(f"No cursor file. Generated {curFileName} file with date {dtStr}")
return 0
# # Scrolling and Batching Engine
lastRowDateOffset = cur.lastPolled
nrFilesThisInstance = 0
while 1:
# Offset the current time by -5 minutes to account for the 2-3 min delay in Elasticsearch
initTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
## Filter lt (less than) endDate to avoid infinite loops.
## Filter lt manually when compiling historical based on
endDate = initTime-datetime.timedelta(minutes=minutesOffset)
endDate = f"{endDate:%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S}"
doc = {
"query": {
"range": {
"baseCtx.date": {
"gt": lastRowDateOffset,
"lt": endDate
Index = lowerFormat + ".*"
if env == 'dev': Index = 'dev.' + Index
if nrFilesThisInstance == 0:
page = es.search(
index = Index,
sort = "baseCtx.date:asc",
scroll = "2m",
size = 10000,
body = doc
page = es.scroll(scroll_id = sid, scroll = "10m")
pageSize = len(page["hits"]["hits"])
data = page["hits"]["hits"]
sid = page["_scroll_id"]
totalSize = page["hits"]["total"]
print(f"Total Size: {totalSize}")
cnt = 0
# totalSize might be flawed as it returns at times an integer > 0 but array is empty
# To overcome this, I've added the below check for the array size instead
if pageSize == 0: break
while 1:
cnt += 1
page = es.scroll(scroll_id = sid, scroll = "10m")
pageSize = len(page["hits"]["hits"])
sid = page["_scroll_id"]
data += page["hits"]["hits"]
sizeMB = len(gzip.compress(bytes(json.dumps(data), encoding='utf-8'))) / (1024**2)
loopTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
processTimeSeconds = (loopTime-initTime).seconds
print(f"{cnt} Results pulled: {pageSize} -- Cumulative Results: {len(data)} -- Gzip Size MB: {sizeMB} -- processTimeSeconds: {processTimeSeconds} -- pageSize: {pageSize} -- startDate: {lastRowDateOffset} -- endDate: {endDate}")
if sizeMB > maxSizeMB: break
if processTimeSeconds > maxProcessTimeSeconds: break
if pageSize < 10000: break
lastRowDateOffset = max([x['_source']['baseCtx']['date'] for x in data])
lastRowDateOffsetDT = datetime.datetime.strptime(lastRowDateOffset, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
outFile = f"elasticsearch/live/{lastRowDateOffsetDT:%Y/%m/%d/%H}/{lowerFormat}_live_{lastRowDateOffsetDT:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}.json.gz"
uploadJsonGzipBlob(outFile, data)
writeCursor(curBlobFilePath, f"# Please use format YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS\nlastPolled = '{lastRowDateOffset}'")
nrFilesThisInstance += 1
logging.info(f"File compiled: {outFile} -- {sizeMB} MB\n")
# If the while loop ran for more than maxProcessTimeSeconds then end it
if processTimeSeconds > maxProcessTimeSeconds: break
if pageSize < 10000: break
logging.info(f"Closing Connection to {esUrl}")
return 0
And these are 2 of the timing triggers I am calling:
import logging
import datetime
import azure.functions as func
#from shared_code import worker
import importlib
def main(mytimer: func.TimerRequest) -> None:
utc_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(
if mytimer.past_due:
logging.info('The timer is past due!')
# Load a new instance of worker.py
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("worker", "shared_code/worker.py")
worker = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
logging.info('Python timer trigger function ran at %s', utc_timestamp)
import logging
import datetime
import azure.functions as func
#from shared_code import worker
import importlib
def main(mytimer: func.TimerRequest) -> None:
utc_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(
if mytimer.past_due:
logging.info('The timer is past due!')
# Load a new instance of worker.py
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("worker", "shared_code/worker.py")
worker = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
logging.info('Python timer trigger function ran at %s', utc_timestamp)
Based on what you described, multiple worker-processes share underlying runtime's resources (sockets).
For your usecase you just need to leave FUNCTIONS_WORKER_PROCESS_COUNT at 1. Default value is supposed to be 1, so not specifying it should mean the same as setting it to 1.
You need to understand how Azure Functions scale. It is very unnatural/confusing.
Assumes Consumption Plan.
Coding: You write Functions. Say F1 an F2. How you organize is up to you.
You create a Function App.
You deploy F1 and F2 to this App.
You start the App. (not function).
At start
Azure spawns one Function Host. Think of this as a container/OS.
Inside the Host, one worker-process is created. This worker-process will host one instance of App.
If you change FUNCTIONS_WORKER_PROCESS_COUNT to say 10 then Host will spawn 10 processes and run your App inside each of them.
When a Function is triggered (function could be triggered due to timer, or REST calls or message in Q, ...)
Each worker-process is capable of servicing one request at a time. Be it a request for F1 or F2. One at a time.
Each Host is capable servicing one request per worker-process in it.
If backlog of requests grows, then Azure load balancer would trigger scale-out and create new Function Hosts.
Based on limited info, it seems like bad design to create 3 functions. You could instead create a single timer-triggered function, which sends out 3 messages to a Q (Storage Q should be more than plenty for such minuscule traffic), which in turn triggers your actual Function/implementation (which is storage Q triggered Function). Message would be something like {"game_name": "game1"}.
So here is my use case:
I read from a database rows containing information to make a complex SOAP call (I'm using zeep to do these calls).
One row from the database corresponds to a request to the service.
There can be up to 20 thousand lines, so I don't want to read everything in memory before making the calls.
I need to process the responses - when the
response is OK, I need to store some returned information back into
my database, and when there is an exception I need to process the
exception for that particular request/response pair.
I need also to capture some external information at the time of the request creation, so that I know where to store the response from the request. In my current code I'm using the delightful property of gather() that makes the results come in the same order.
I read the relevant PEPs and Python documentation but I'm still very confused, as there seems to be multiple ways to solve the same problem.
I also went through countless exercises on the web, but the examples are all trivial - it's either asyncio.sleep() or some webscraping with a finite list of urls.
The solution that I have come up so far kinda works - the asyncio.gather() method is very, very, useful, but I have not been able to 'feed' it from a generator. I'm currently just counting to an arbitrary size and then starting a .gather() operation. I've transcribed the code, with boring parts left out and I've tried to anonymise the code
I've tried solutions involving semaphores, queues, different event loops, but I'm failing every time. Ideally I'd like to be able to create Futures 'continuously' - I think I'm missing the logic of 'convert this awaitable call to a future'
I'd be grateful for any help!
import asyncio
from asyncio import Future
import zeep
from zeep.plugins import HistoryPlugin
history = HistoryPlugin()
max_concurrent_calls = 5
provoke_errors = True
def export_data_async(db_variant: str, order_nrs: set):
st = time.time()
results = []
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
def get_client1(service_name: str, system: Systems = Systems.ACME) -> Tuple[zeep.Client, zeep.client.Factory]:
client1 = zeep.Client(wsdl=system.wsdl_url(service_name=service_name),
factory_ns2 = client1.type_factory(namespace='ns2')
return client1, factory_ns2
table = 'ZZZZ'
moveback_table = 'EEEEEE'
moveback_dict = create_default_empty_ordered_dict('attribute1 attribute2 attribute3 attribute3')
client, factory = get_client1(service_name='ACMEServiceName')
if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
zeep_log = logging.getLogger('zeep.transports')
with Db(db_variant) as db:
db.init_table_for_read(table, order_list=order_nrs)
counter_failures = 0
tasks = []
sids = []
results = []
def handle_future(future: Future) -> None:
def process_tasks_concurrently() -> None:
nonlocal tasks, sids, counter_failures, results
futures = asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True)
for i, response_or_fault in enumerate(results):
if type(response_or_fault) in [zeep.exceptions.Fault, zeep.exceptions.TransportError]:
counter_failures += 1
log_webservice_fault(sid=sids[i], db=db, err=response_or_fault, object=table)
{'sid': sids[i],
'attribute1': response_or_fault['XXX']['XXX']['xxx'],
'attribute2': response_or_fault['XXX']['XXX']['XXXX']['XXX'],
'attribute3': response_or_fault['XXXX']['XXXX']['XXX'],
tasks = []
sids = []
results = []
for row in db.rows(table):
if int(row.id) % 2 == 0 and provoke_errors:
payload = faulty_message_payload(row=row,
payload = message_payload(row=row,
if len(tasks) == max_concurrent_calls:
if tasks: # this is the remainder of len(db.rows) % max_concurrent_calls
if counter_failures:
log.info(f"{table :<25} Count failed: {counter_failures}")
print("time async: %.2f" % (time.time() - st))
return results
Failed attempt with Queue: (blocks at await client.service)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
counter = 0
results = []
async def payload_generator(db_variant: str, order_nrs: set):
# code that generates the data for the request
yield counter, row, payload
async def service_call_worker(queue, results):
while True:
counter, row, payload = await queue.get()
results.append(await client.service.myServicename(
print(colorama.Fore.BLUE + f'after result returned {counter}')
# Here do the relevant processing of response or error
async def main_with_q():
n_workers = 3
queue = asyncio.Queue(n_workers)
e = pprint.pformat(queue)
p = payload_generator(DB_VARIANT, order_list_from_args())
results = []
workers = [asyncio.create_task(service_call_worker(queue, results))
for _ in range(n_workers)]
async for c in p:
await queue.put(c)
await queue.join() # wait for all tasks to be processed
for worker in workers:
if __name__ == '__main__':
We have an application that is basically just a form submission for requesting a team drive to be created. It's hosted on Google App Engine.
This timeout error is coming from a single field in the form that simply does typeahead for an email address. All of the names on the domain are indexed in the datastore, about 300k entities - nothing is being pulled directly from the directory api. After 10 seconds of searching (via the Python Google Search API), it will time out. This is currently intermittent, but errors have been increasing in frequency.
Error: line 280, in get_result raise _ToSearchError(e) Timeout: Failed to complete request in 9975ms
Essentially, speeding up the searches will resolve. I looked at the code and I don't believe there is any room for improvement there. I am not sure if increasing the instance class will improve this, it is currently an F2. Or if perhaps there is another way to improve the index efficiency. I'm not entirely sure how one would do that however. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Search Code:
class LookupUsersorGrpService(object):
lookupUsersOrGrps accepts various params and performs search
def lookupUsersOrGrps(self,params):
search_results_json = {}
search_results = []
directory_users_grps = GoogleDirectoryUsers()
error_msg = 'Technical error'
query = ''
#Default few values if not present
if ('offset' not in params) or (params['offset'] is None):
params['offset'] = 0
params['offset'] = int(params['offset'])
if ('limit' not in params) or (params['limit'] is None):
params['limit'] = 20
params['limit'] = int(params['limit'])
#Search related to field name
query = self.appendQueryParam(q=query, p=params, qname='search_name', criteria=':', pname='query', isExactMatch=True,splitString=True)
#Search related to field email
query = self.appendQueryParam(q=query, p=params, qname='search_email', criteria=':', pname='query', isExactMatch=True, splitString=True)
#Perform search
log.info('Search initialized :\"{}\"'.format(query) )
# sort results by name ascending
expr_list = [search.SortExpression(expression='name', default_value='',direction=search.SortExpression.ASCENDING)]
# construct the sort options
sort_opts = search.SortOptions(expressions=expr_list)
#Prepare the search index
index = search.Index(name= "GoogleDirectoryUsers",namespace="1")
search_query = search.Query(
returned_fields = directory_users_grps.get_search_doc_return_fields()
#Execute the search query
search_result = index.search(search_query)
#Start collecting the values
total_cnt = search_result.number_found
params['limit'] = len(search_result.results)
#Prepare the response object
for teamdriveDoc in search_result.results:
teamdriveRecord = GoogleDirectoryUsers.query(GoogleDirectoryUsers.email==teamdriveDoc.doc_id).get()
if teamdriveRecord:
if teamdriveRecord.suspended == False:
search_results_json.update({"users" : search_results})
search_results_json.update({"limit" : params['limit'] if len(search_results)>0 else '0'})
search_results_json.update({"total_count" : total_cnt if len(search_results)>0 else '0'})
search_results_json.update({"status" : "success"})
except Exception as e:
log.exception("Error in performing search")
return search_results_json
''' Retrieves the given param from dict and adds to query if exists
def appendQueryParam(self, q='', p=[], qname=None, criteria='=', pname=None,
isExactMatch = False, splitString = False, defaultValue=None):
if (pname in p) or (defaultValue is not None):
if len(q) > 0:
q += ' OR '
q += qname
if criteria:
q += criteria
if defaultValue is None:
val = p[pname]
val = defaultValue
if splitString:
val = val.replace("", "~")[1: -1]
#Helps to retain passed argument as it is, example email
if isExactMatch:
q += "\"" +val + "\""
q += val
return q
An Index instance's search method accepts a deadline parameter, so you could use that to increase the time that you are willing to wait for the search to respond:
search_result = index.search(search_query, deadline=30)
The documentation doesn't specify acceptable value for deadline, but other App Engine services tend to accept values up to 60 seconds.