I am having trouble adding timer to my code - python

I am working on this project with a motion sensor in which I would like to have the monitor turned off when there is no motion after a certain amount of time has passed. But every time there is a motion I would like the timer to reset.
I have the code working for turning the monitor on and off with motion, but how do I add the timer?
Any help will be appreciated. My code:
from gpiozero import MotionSensor
import time
from subprocess import call
pir = MotionSensor(4)
while True:
print("Screen On")
call(["/usr/bin/vcgencmd", "display_power", "1"])
print("Screen Off")
call(["/usr/bin/vcgencmd", "display_power", "0"])

As well as wait_for_motion(), gpiozero also provides a variable, motion_detected. The code below sets a variable, startpoint to the current time in seconds since 1/1/1970. It then starts a loop which:
Checks if motion is detected - if so, sets the startpoint variable back to the current time (which, of course, will be different to what it was previously) and turns on the display.
Checks if the startpoint variable is more than 30 seconds before the current time. Because every motion detection resets this variable, we know that there must have been at least 30 seconds since the last motion detection. If so, turns off the display.
startpoint = time.time()
while True:
if pir.motion_detected:
startpoint = time.time()
call(["/usr/bin/vcgencmd", "display_power", "1"])
print("Display on")
elif time.time() > (startpoint+30):
call(["/usr/bin/vcgencmd", "display_power", "0"])
print("Display off")

You could also use threading for this.
from enum import Enum
from gpiozero import MotionSensor
from subprocess import call
from threading import Timer
from time import sleep
from typing import Optional
pir = MotionSensor(4)
timer: Optional[Timer] = None
class MonitorState(Enum):
ON = "1"
OFF = "0"
def set_monitor_state(state: str):
call(["/usr/bin/vcgencmd", "display_power", state.value])
def start_timer():
global timer
if timer:
timer = Timer(30, set_monitor_state, (MonitorState.OFF,))
while True:
I'm not sure if the Timer actually counts as being done when the callback returns or before that. In the first case you could run into troubles when the set_monitor_state(MonitorState.ON) get called while the timer runs it's callback on another thread. You might want to use locking in this case.


Game: Create multiple obstacles flying towards your ship [duplicate]

I want to repeatedly execute a function in Python every 60 seconds forever (just like an NSTimer in Objective C or setTimeout in JS). This code will run as a daemon and is effectively like calling the python script every minute using a cron, but without requiring that to be set up by the user.
In this question about a cron implemented in Python, the solution appears to effectively just sleep() for x seconds. I don't need such advanced functionality so perhaps something like this would work
while True:
# Code executed here
Are there any foreseeable problems with this code?
If your program doesn't have a event loop already, use the sched module, which implements a general purpose event scheduler.
import sched, time
def do_something(scheduler):
# schedule the next call first
scheduler.enter(60, 1, do_something, (scheduler,))
print("Doing stuff...")
# then do your stuff
my_scheduler = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep)
my_scheduler.enter(60, 1, do_something, (my_scheduler,))
If you're already using an event loop library like asyncio, trio, tkinter, PyQt5, gobject, kivy, and many others - just schedule the task using your existing event loop library's methods, instead.
Lock your time loop to the system clock like this:
import time
starttime = time.time()
while True:
time.sleep(60.0 - ((time.time() - starttime) % 60.0))
If you want a non-blocking way to execute your function periodically, instead of a blocking infinite loop I'd use a threaded timer. This way your code can keep running and perform other tasks and still have your function called every n seconds. I use this technique a lot for printing progress info on long, CPU/Disk/Network intensive tasks.
Here's the code I've posted in a similar question, with start() and stop() control:
from threading import Timer
class RepeatedTimer(object):
def __init__(self, interval, function, *args, **kwargs):
self._timer = None
self.interval = interval
self.function = function
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.is_running = False
def _run(self):
self.is_running = False
self.function(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
def start(self):
if not self.is_running:
self._timer = Timer(self.interval, self._run)
self.is_running = True
def stop(self):
self.is_running = False
from time import sleep
def hello(name):
print "Hello %s!" % name
print "starting..."
rt = RepeatedTimer(1, hello, "World") # it auto-starts, no need of rt.start()
sleep(5) # your long-running job goes here...
rt.stop() # better in a try/finally block to make sure the program ends!
Standard library only, no external dependencies
start() and stop() are safe to call multiple times even if the timer has already started/stopped
function to be called can have positional and named arguments
You can change interval anytime, it will be effective after next run. Same for args, kwargs and even function!
You might want to consider Twisted which is a Python networking library that implements the Reactor Pattern.
from twisted.internet import task, reactor
timeout = 60.0 # Sixty seconds
def doWork():
#do work here
l = task.LoopingCall(doWork)
l.start(timeout) # call every sixty seconds
While "while True: sleep(60)" will probably work Twisted probably already implements many of the features that you will eventually need (daemonization, logging or exception handling as pointed out by bobince) and will probably be a more robust solution
Here's an update to the code from MestreLion that avoids drifiting over time.
The RepeatedTimer class here calls the given function every "interval" seconds as requested by the OP; the schedule doesn't depend on how long the function takes to execute. I like this solution since it doesn't have external library dependencies; this is just pure python.
import threading
import time
class RepeatedTimer(object):
def __init__(self, interval, function, *args, **kwargs):
self._timer = None
self.interval = interval
self.function = function
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.is_running = False
self.next_call = time.time()
def _run(self):
self.is_running = False
self.function(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
def start(self):
if not self.is_running:
self.next_call += self.interval
self._timer = threading.Timer(self.next_call - time.time(), self._run)
self.is_running = True
def stop(self):
self.is_running = False
Sample usage (copied from MestreLion's answer):
from time import sleep
def hello(name):
print "Hello %s!" % name
print "starting..."
rt = RepeatedTimer(1, hello, "World") # it auto-starts, no need of rt.start()
sleep(5) # your long-running job goes here...
rt.stop() # better in a try/finally block to make sure the program ends!
import time, traceback
def every(delay, task):
next_time = time.time() + delay
while True:
time.sleep(max(0, next_time - time.time()))
except Exception:
# in production code you might want to have this instead of course:
# logger.exception("Problem while executing repetitive task.")
# skip tasks if we are behind schedule:
next_time += (time.time() - next_time) // delay * delay + delay
def foo():
print("foo", time.time())
every(5, foo)
If you want to do this without blocking your remaining code, you can use this to let it run in its own thread:
import threading
threading.Thread(target=lambda: every(5, foo)).start()
This solution combines several features rarely found combined in the other solutions:
Exception handling: As far as possible on this level, exceptions are handled properly, i. e. get logged for debugging purposes without aborting our program.
No chaining: The common chain-like implementation (for scheduling the next event) you find in many answers is brittle in the aspect that if anything goes wrong within the scheduling mechanism (threading.Timer or whatever), this will terminate the chain. No further executions will happen then, even if the reason of the problem is already fixed. A simple loop and waiting with a simple sleep() is much more robust in comparison.
No drift: My solution keeps an exact track of the times it is supposed to run at. There is no drift depending on the execution time (as in many other solutions).
Skipping: My solution will skip tasks if one execution took too much time (e. g. do X every five seconds, but X took 6 seconds). This is the standard cron behavior (and for a good reason). Many other solutions then simply execute the task several times in a row without any delay. For most cases (e. g. cleanup tasks) this is not wished. If it is wished, simply use next_time += delay instead.
The easier way I believe to be:
import time
def executeSomething():
#code here
while True:
This way your code is executed, then it waits 60 seconds then it executes again, waits, execute, etc...
No need to complicate things :D
I ended up using the schedule module. The API is nice.
import schedule
import time
def job():
print("I'm working...")
while True:
Alternative flexibility solution is Apscheduler.
pip install apscheduler
from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BlockingScheduler
def print_t():
sched = BlockingScheduler()
sched.add_job(print_t, 'interval', seconds =60) #will do the print_t work for every 60 seconds
Also, apscheduler provides so many schedulers as follow.
BlockingScheduler: use when the scheduler is the only thing running in your process
BackgroundScheduler: use when you’re not using any of the frameworks below, and want the scheduler to run in the background inside your application
AsyncIOScheduler: use if your application uses the asyncio module
GeventScheduler: use if your application uses gevent
TornadoScheduler: use if you’re building a Tornado application
TwistedScheduler: use if you’re building a Twisted application
QtScheduler: use if you’re building a Qt application
I faced a similar problem some time back. May be http://cronus.readthedocs.org might help?
For v0.2, the following snippet works
import cronus.beat as beat
beat.set_rate(2) # run twice per second
while beat.true():
# do some time consuming work here
beat.sleep() # total loop duration would be 0.5 sec
The main difference between that and cron is that an exception will kill the daemon for good. You might want to wrap with an exception catcher and logger.
If drift is not a concern
import threading, time
def print_every_n_seconds(n=2):
while True:
thread = threading.Thread(target=print_every_n_seconds, daemon=True)
Which asynchronously outputs.
#Tue Oct 16 17:29:40 2018
#Tue Oct 16 17:29:42 2018
#Tue Oct 16 17:29:44 2018
If the task being run takes appreciable amount of time, then the interval becomes 2 seconds + task time, so if you need precise scheduling then this is not for you.
Note the daemon=True flag means this thread won't block the app from shutting down. For example, had issue where pytest would hang indefinitely after running tests waiting for this thead to cease.
Simply use
import time
while True:
print("this will run after every 30 sec")
#Your code here
One possible answer:
import time
while True:
if time.time()-t>10:
#run your task here
I use Tkinter after() method, which doesn't "steal the game" (like the sched module that was presented earlier), i.e. it allows other things to run in parallel:
import Tkinter
def do_something1():
global n1
n1 += 1
if n1 == 6: # (Optional condition)
print "* do_something1() is done *"; return
# Do your stuff here
# ...
print "do_something1() "+str(n1)
tk.after(1000, do_something1)
def do_something2():
global n2
n2 += 1
if n2 == 6: # (Optional condition)
print "* do_something2() is done *"; return
# Do your stuff here
# ...
print "do_something2() "+str(n2)
tk.after(500, do_something2)
tk = Tkinter.Tk();
n1 = 0; n2 = 0
do_something1() and do_something2() can run in parallel and in whatever interval speed. Here, the 2nd one will be executed twice as fast.Note also that I have used a simple counter as a condition to terminate either function. You can use whatever other contition you like or none if you what a function to run until the program terminates (e.g. a clock).
Here's an adapted version to the code from MestreLion.
In addition to the original function, this code:
1) add first_interval used to fire the timer at a specific time(caller need to calculate the first_interval and pass in)
2) solve a race-condition in original code. In the original code, if control thread failed to cancel the running timer("Stop the timer, and cancel the execution of the timer’s action. This will only work if the timer is still in its waiting stage." quoted from https://docs.python.org/2/library/threading.html), the timer will run endlessly.
class RepeatedTimer(object):
def __init__(self, first_interval, interval, func, *args, **kwargs):
self.timer = None
self.first_interval = first_interval
self.interval = interval
self.func = func
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.running = False
self.is_started = False
def first_start(self):
# no race-condition here because only control thread will call this method
# if already started will not start again
if not self.is_started:
self.is_started = True
self.timer = Timer(self.first_interval, self.run)
self.running = True
except Exception as e:
log_print(syslog.LOG_ERR, "timer first_start failed %s %s"%(e.message, traceback.format_exc()))
def run(self):
# if not stopped start again
if self.running:
self.timer = Timer(self.interval, self.run)
self.func(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
def stop(self):
# cancel current timer in case failed it's still OK
# if already stopped doesn't matter to stop again
if self.timer:
self.running = False
Here is another solution without using any extra libaries.
def delay_until(condition_fn, interval_in_sec, timeout_in_sec):
"""Delay using a boolean callable function.
`condition_fn` is invoked every `interval_in_sec` until `timeout_in_sec`.
It can break early if condition is met.
condition_fn - a callable boolean function
interval_in_sec - wait time between calling `condition_fn`
timeout_in_sec - maximum time to run
Returns: None
start = last_call = time.time()
while time.time() - start < timeout_in_sec:
if (time.time() - last_call) > interval_in_sec:
if condition_fn() is True:
last_call = time.time()
I use this to cause 60 events per hour with most events occurring at the same number of seconds after the whole minute:
import math
import time
import random
TICK = 60 # one minute tick size
TICK_TIMING = 59 # execute on 59th second of the tick
TICK_MINIMUM = 30 # minimum catch up tick size when lagging
def set_timing():
now = time.time()
elapsed = now - info['begin']
minutes = math.floor(elapsed/TICK)
tick_elapsed = now - info['completion_time']
if (info['tick']+1) > minutes:
wait = max(0,(TICK_TIMING-(time.time() % TICK)))
print ('standard wait: %.2f' % wait)
elif tick_elapsed < TICK_MINIMUM:
wait = TICK_MINIMUM-tick_elapsed
print ('minimum wait: %.2f' % wait)
print ('skip set_timing(); no wait')
drift = ((time.time() - info['begin']) - info['tick']*TICK -
TICK_TIMING + info['begin']%TICK)
print ('drift: %.6f' % drift)
info['tick'] = 0
info['begin'] = time.time()
info['completion_time'] = info['begin'] - TICK
while 1:
print('hello world')
#random real world event
info['tick'] += 1
info['completion_time'] = time.time()
Depending upon actual conditions you might get ticks of length:
but at the end of 60 minutes you'll have 60 ticks; and most of them will occur at the correct offset to the minute you prefer.
On my system I get typical drift of < 1/20th of a second until need for correction arises.
The advantage of this method is resolution of clock drift; which can cause issues if you're doing things like appending one item per tick and you expect 60 items appended per hour. Failure to account for drift can cause secondary indications like moving averages to consider data too deep into the past resulting in faulty output.
e.g., Display current local time
import datetime
import glib
import logger
def get_local_time():
current_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M")
logger.info("get_local_time(): %s",current_time)
return str(current_time)
def display_local_time():
logger.info("Current time is: %s", get_local_time())
return True
# call every minute
glib.timeout_add(60*1000, display_local_time)
timed-count can do that to high precision (i.e. < 1 ms) as it's synchronized to the system clock. It won't drift over time and isn't affected by the length of the code execution time (provided that's less than the interval period of course).
A simple, blocking example:
from timed_count import timed_count
for count in timed_count(60):
# Execute code here exactly every 60 seconds
You could easily make it non-blocking by running it in a thread:
from threading import Thread
from timed_count import timed_count
def periodic():
for count in timed_count(60):
# Execute code here exactly every 60 seconds
thread = Thread(target=periodic)
''' tracking number of times it prints'''
import threading
global timeInterval
def printit():
threading.Timer(timeInterval, printit).start()
print( "Hello, World!")
global count
if __name__ == "__main__":
timeInterval= int(input('Enter Time in Seconds:'))
I think it depends what you want to do and your question didn't specify lots of details.
For me I want to do an expensive operation in one of my already multithreaded processes. So I have that leader process check the time and only her do the expensive op (checkpointing a deep learning model). To do this I increase the counter to make sure 5 then 10 then 15 seconds have passed to save every 5 seconds (or use modular arithmetic with math.floor):
def print_every_5_seconds_have_passed_exit_eventually():
opts = argparse.Namespace(start=time.time())
next_time_to_print = 0
while True:
current_time_passed = time.time() - opts.start
if current_time_passed >= next_time_to_print:
next_time_to_print += 5
print(f'worked and {current_time_passed=}')
print(f'{current_time_passed % 5=}')
print(f'{math.floor(current_time_passed % 5) == 0}')
starting __main__ at __init__
worked and current_time_passed=0.0001709461212158203
current_time_passed % 5=0.0001709461212158203
worked and current_time_passed=5.0
current_time_passed % 5=0.0
worked and current_time_passed=10.0
current_time_passed % 5=0.0
worked and current_time_passed=15.0
current_time_passed % 5=0.0
To me the check of the if statement is what I need. Having threads, schedulers in my already complicated multiprocessing multi-gpu code is not a complexity I want to add if I can avoid it and it seems I can. Checking the worker id is easy to make sure only 1 process is doing this.
Note I used the True print statements to really make sure the modular arithemtic trick worked since checking for exact time is obviously not going to work! But to my pleasant surprised the floor did the trick.

Python threading class for GPIO Led blink

I come here after after trying in all directions to come out of this problem without any results, unfortunately.
What I have in mind:
I need a class, named Led, that in the constructor simply accept a GPIO pin and offer method for:
Light On
Light Off
What I do:
I have build this class in this way:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import threading
from threading import Thread
class Led(Thread):
def __init__(self, led_pin):
self.pin_stop = threading.Event()
self.__led_pin = led_pin
GPIO.setup(self.__led_pin, GPIO.OUT)
def low(self, pin):
GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(pin, GPIO.LOW)
def blink(self, time_on=0.050, time_off=1):
pin = threading.Thread(name='ledblink',target=self.__blink_pin, args=(time_on, time_off, self.pin_stop))
def __blink_pin(self, time_on, time_off, pin_stop):
while not pin_stop.is_set():
GPIO.output(self.__led_pin, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(self.__led_pin, GPIO.LOW)
def __stop(self):
def reset(self):
def off(self):
def on(self):
GPIO.output(self.__led_pin, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(self.__led_pin, GPIO.HIGH)
where the blink method is responsible to indefinitely blink the led until an Off or On method call.
And run this simple code:
from classes.leds import Led
import time
from random import randint
Led16 = Led(16)
def main():
while True:
if (randint(0, 1) == 1):
if __name__ == "__main__":
What happens:
The Led object seem to spawn a new thread every time that a method is called with the effect that GPIO line become shared between multiple threads.
What is my wish:
I want to keep blinking led asynchronous (obviously) and have the control on Led16() object status, maybe without creating new threads each time I cal its method, but at reached this point I am bit confused.
Thank to help me understanding how to reach this goal.
You are creating lots of threads because your blink() creates a new thread every time it is called and the old one isn't stopped.
I suppose there are a couple of options with the thread:
Create the thread just once - for example in __init__() - and it runs continuously on the blinking time intervals (i.e. sleeping most of the time) reading an instance variable and setting the LED correspondingly. To change the led state, the blink(), on() and off() control the led by setting this instance variable to on/off/blinking.
In the blink routine, if the thread is already running either don't create a new thread, or stop the old thread (and wait for it to finish) and then start a new one.
Things you will have to handle are that you want the behaviour to be that:
If the led is off then the led turns on as soon as on() or blink() is called
If the led is blinking and blink() is called again the blinking on/off sequence is not disturbed
If blinking and off() is called I would want the on-cycle if it has started to run to completion, i.e. the led should not be turned off immediately because that might be a very short flash which would look odd.
The catch with creating a new thread is waiting for the old one to finish, and it just feels simplest to create the thread just once in __init__() and have it running continuously. When the led is on or off, the time period is shortened (to value FAST_CYCLE) so that when the led is turned off or on it reacts quickly because the sleep() is for a short time.
Some other points about your code:
I don't think you need to make your class inherit from Thread - you are creating a new thread in the pin=... line.
If you add comments as you write the code, usually makes it easier to understand what is going on when reading the code.
If you keep a reference to the thread (i.e. self.pin = threading.Thread not pin = threading.Thread) then in the reset() you can use join() to make sure it has exited before you continue
As the blink time periods can change and the thread has to use the latest values, use self to read them every time rather than pass them as arguments to the __blink_pin() routine, and if doing that you might as well use self to get the pin_stop semaphore too.
Something like this (untested):
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import threading
from threading import Thread
class Led(object):
LED_ON = 1
# the short time sleep to use when the led is on or off to ensure the led responds quickly to changes to blinking
def __init__(self, led_pin):
# create the semaphore used to make thread exit
self.pin_stop = threading.Event()
# the pin for the LED
self.__led_pin = led_pin
# initialise the pin and turn the led off
GPIO.setup(self.__led_pin, GPIO.OUT)
# the mode for the led - off/on/flashing
self.__ledmode = Led.LED_OFF
# make sure the LED is off (this also initialises the times for the thread)
# create the thread, keep a reference to it for when we need to exit
self.__thread = threading.Thread(name='ledblink',target=self.__blink_pin)
# start the thread
def blink(self, time_on=0.050, time_off=1):
# blinking will start at the next first period
# because turning the led on now might look funny because we don't know
# when the next first period will start - the blink routine does all the
# timing so that will 'just work'
self.__ledmode = Led.LED_FLASHING
self.__time_on = time_on
self.__time_off = time_off
def off(self):
self.__ledmode = LED_OFF
# set the cycle times short so changes to ledmode are picked up quickly
self.__time_on = Led.FAST_CYCLE
self.__time_off = Led.FAST_CYCLE
# could turn the LED off immediately, might make for a short flicker on if was blinking
def on(self):
self.__ledmode = LED_ON
# set the cycle times short so changes to ledmode are picked up quickly
self.__time_on = Led.FAST_CYCLE
self.__time_off = Led.FAST_CYCLE
# could turn the LED on immediately, might make for a short flicker off if was blinking
def reset(self):
# set the semaphore so the thread will exit after sleep has completed
# wait for the thread to exit
# now clean up the GPIO
# below here are private methods
def __turnledon(self, pin):
GPIO.output(pin, GPIO.LOW)
def __turnledoff(self, pin):
GPIO.output(pin, GPIO.HIGH)
# this does all the work
# If blinking, there are two sleeps in each loop
# if on or off, there is only one sleep to ensure quick response to blink()
def __blink_pin(self):
while not self.pin_stop.is_set():
# the first period is when the LED will be on if blinking
if self.__ledmode == Led.LED_ON or self.__ledmode == Led.LED_FLASHING:
# this is the first sleep - the 'on' time when blinking
# only if blinking, turn led off and do a second sleep for the off time
if self.__ledmode == Led.LED_FLASHING:
# do an extra check that the stop semaphore hasn't been set before the off-time sleep
if not self.pin_stop.is_set():
# this is the second sleep - off time when blinking
For who need this in the future I have do some little adjustment to the proposed code and seem to work fine as expected.
Again thanks to #barny
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import threading
class Led(object):
LED_ON = 1
# the short time sleep to use when the led is on or off to ensure the led responds quickly to changes to blinking
def __init__(self, led_pin):
# create the semaphore used to make thread exit
self.pin_stop = threading.Event()
# the pin for the LED
self.__led_pin = led_pin
# initialise the pin and turn the led off
GPIO.setup(self.__led_pin, GPIO.OUT)
# the mode for the led - off/on/flashing
self.__ledmode = Led.LED_OFF
# make sure the LED is off (this also initialises the times for the thread)
# create the thread, keep a reference to it for when we need to exit
self.__thread = threading.Thread(name='ledblink',target=self.__blink_pin)
# start the thread
def blink(self, time_on=0.050, time_off=1):
# blinking will start at the next first period
# because turning the led on now might look funny because we don't know
# when the next first period will start - the blink routine does all the
# timing so that will 'just work'
self.__ledmode = Led.LED_FLASHING
self.__time_on = time_on
self.__time_off = time_off
def off(self):
self.__ledmode = self.LED_OFF
# set the cycle times short so changes to ledmode are picked up quickly
self.__time_on = Led.FAST_CYCLE
self.__time_off = Led.FAST_CYCLE
# could turn the LED off immediately, might make for a short flicker on if was blinking
def on(self):
self.__ledmode = self.LED_ON
# set the cycle times short so changes to ledmode are picked up quickly
self.__time_on = Led.FAST_CYCLE
self.__time_off = Led.FAST_CYCLE
# could turn the LED on immediately, might make for a short flicker off if was blinking
def reset(self):
# set the semaphore so the thread will exit after sleep has completed
# wait for the thread to exit
# now clean up the GPIO
I'm not sure it will be helpfull, but I came up with that (using gpiozero)
from gpiozero import LED
import time
import threading
class LEDplus():
def __init__(self,pinnumber):
self.led = LED(pinnumber)
self.__loop = True
self.__threading = threading.Thread(target=self.__blink)
def on(self,):
self.__loop = False
def off(self, ):
self.__loop = False
def maybejoin(self,):
if self.__threading.isAlive():
def blink(self, pitch):
self.__threading = threading.Thread(target=self.__blink, args=(pitch, ))
def __blink(self, pitch=.25):
self.__loop = True
while self.__loop:
green = LEDplus(18)
On the answer of Alessandro Mendolia, just missing the private methods of the class. Added below with some fixes. The __turnledon() does not need an argument - it can access the self.__led_pin already stored in initialization.
# below here are private methods
def __turnledon(self):
GPIO.output(self.__led_pin, GPIO.LOW)
def __turnledoff(self):
GPIO.output(self.__led_pin , GPIO.HIGH)
# this does all the work
# If blinking, there are two sleeps in each loop
# if on or off, there is only one sleep to ensure quick response to blink()
def __blink_pin(self):
while not self.pin_stop.is_set():
# the first period is when the LED will be on if blinking
if self.__ledmode == BlinkerLed.LED_ON or self.__ledmode == BlinkerLed.LED_FLASHING:
# this is the first sleep - the 'on' time when blinking
# only if blinking, turn led off and do a second sleep for the off time
if self.__ledmode == BlinkerLed.LED_FLASHING:
# do an extra check that the stop semaphore hasn't been set before the off-time sleep
if not self.pin_stop.is_set():
# this is the second sleep - off time when blinking

Async / Multi-Threading with blinker

I have a raspberry pi which I have hooked up with a 4 button keypad. Using the signal stuff from blinker I hooked it up to run some methods.
while True:
if buttonIsDown == True: signal.send()
def sayHI():
This works fine, however when I push the button for the second time (Within 10 seconds of the previous button press) it does not fire the method as the thread is paused in the time.sleep(10).
How can I get it to fire the method again while the it is still paused(possibly in another thread)
It is an old question, but still it may be useful for someone else.
You can start a new thread every time the signal is emitted, in that way you will be able to catch all the events as soon as they happen. Remember that in your code, since you have a while True, the signal is never connected to the function, you should have defined them in the opposite order.
Here is a working example, based on your code:
import threading
from blinker import signal
from time import sleep
custom_signal = signal(name='custom')
def slot(sender):
def say_hello():
while True:
value = int(input('Press 1 to continue: '))
if value == 1:

Timer not resetting

I have a simple program to detect when a file is created in a directory. It is supposed to check every minute if there is a new file, then reset the timer if there isn't a new file.
import os
import threading
import time
import sys
def detector():
filenames = os.listdir('/home/username/Documents/')
if filenames:
for i in filenames:
#do things
print('I started a thread!')
def start_timer():
print('I started a threaded timer at', t.ctime())
threading.Timer(60, detector)
#UI stuff here
When run with no files in the directory, the script just prints out:
I started a thread!
I started a timer at [insert time here]
But only once. Which makes me think that there is something wrong with my threading (I have never used threading before). I don't know if it must be threaded, but the program can't wait for a normal timer because a timer makes the UI hang until the timer is done.
Here's a simple example of what I think you want:
import os
import threading
def list_dir(my_dir, secs):
filenames = os.listdir(my_dir)
# print(filenames)
# Do your stuff here!!!
# Setting a new timer: call list_dir in secs seconds
threading.Timer(secs, list_dir, args=[my_dir, secs]).start()
def start_timer():
print('timer started!')
seconds = 60 # 60 seconds
directory = "/my/beloved/dir" # insert here the directory
threading.Timer(seconds, list_dir, args=[directory, seconds]).start()
Notice that Timer only calls its callback once (after the amount of seconds that you specify as first parameter), and this is why we create and start another Timer inside list_dir.

Set handler for GPIO state change using python signal module

I want to detect change in gpio input of raspberry pi and set handler using signal module of python. I am new to signal module and I can't understand how to use it. I am using this code now:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
from datetime import datetime
import picamera
camera= picamera.PiCamera()
camera.resolution = (640, 480)
# handle the button event
def buttonEventHandler (pin):
global j
print "handling button event"
camera.capture( 'clicked%02d.jpg' %j )
def main():
# RPIO.add_interrupt_callback(2,buttonEventHandler,falling,RPIO.PUD_UP,False,None)
while True:
global i
print "Hello world! {0}".format(i)
# if(GPIO.input(2)==GPIO.LOW):
# GPIO.cleanup()
if __name__=="__main__":
I just changed code in a different manner tough you are free to implement same using SIGNAL module.You can start new thread and poll or register call back event their, by using following code and write whatever your functional logic in it's run() method.
import threading
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import time
from datetime import datetime
import picamera
camera= picamera.PiCamera()
camera.resolution = (640, 480)
PIN = 2
class GPIOThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
def run(self):
while True:
if GPIO.input(PIN) == False: # adjust this statement as per your pin status i.e HIGH/LOW
global j
print "handling button event"
camera.capture( 'clicked%02d.jpg' %j )
def main():
gpio_thread = GPIOThread()
while True:
global i
print "Hello world! {0}".format(i)
if __name__=="__main__":
The above code will iterate until PIN input goes high, so once PIN goes high the condition in while loop inside run method breaks and picture is captured.
So, in order to call above thread do this.
gpio_thread = GPIOThread()
this will call the thread constructor init and will initialize the variable inside constructor if any, and execute the run method.
You can also call join() method , to wait until thread completes it's execution.
This always works for me, so Cheers!!

