Sipgate how to handle incoming VOIP calls Python - python

I Have been wondering , how can we handle incoming calls with sipgate API using python. I am able to initiate calls but I've no idea how to handle incoming calls , i can't even find anything on api doc.
After doing some research I came to know that , we can handle incoming calls via If anyone have any previous experience with it , please help me to get start with incoming calls.
This is what i'm looking for in my app :
Handle incoming calls
Handle dtmf(when a user makes an entry of digits during a call like options 1-9)
on the basis of selection , Python script needs to perform some actions

To get DTMF data, you need to use the Push-API from
Your server needs to supply a URL, which can then be setup in the sipgate web interface.
Every time you get an incoming call, you will get an incoming Webhook (HTTP) request, which supplies you with information about the call, like its call-id.
The call-id can then be used in the REST-API.
After receiving the Webhook, send a Gather-Follow Up XML-response to get DTMF data.
Here is the example Response you can send to play a sound file and receive follow up events for DTMF data:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Gather onData="http://localhost:3000/dtmf" maxDigits="3" timeout="10000">
Afterwards you will receive onData-events.
In case node.js is an option for you, you could consider using the node-library.
There also exists an example for your use-case utilising the library.
To use the Push API, you have to book the package, that includes 100 free API Calls per Month.


make a decision based on response of webhook in mautic

I was wondering if there is any way to make decisions based on webhook responses in Mautic. To elaborate, I post a request via webhook and the corresponding API responds with an error (e.g. 411). I want to create a campaign that has a block depending on the response of that webhook if it receives 200 decision 1 is made and if it receives 411, another decision is made.
how can I implement this?
I don't think such feature exists by default, but there can be alternative ways to do this.
sending an api call from the system in question(like on success make a call do set some tag or field) same goes for error. However this is practical as long as you have control over that system.
Create a custom campaign Decision node which will listen to the responses of the webhook(in this case you will need to send the webhook using campaign only), Again the block here is that you will need to know how to code a custom campaign decision or will need to look for a developer who can do it.

Running python script concurrently based on trigger

What would be best way to solve following problem with Python ?
I have real-time data stream coming to my object-oriented storage from user application (json files being stored into S3 storage in Amazon).
Upon receiving of each JSON file, I have to within certain time (1s in this instance) process data in the file and generate response that is send back to the user. This data is being processed by simple Python script.
My issue is, that the real-time data stream can at the same time generate even few hundreds JSON files from user applications that I need to run trough my Python script and I don't know how to approach this the best way.
I understand, that way to tackle this would be to use trigger based Lambdas that would execute job on the top of every file once uploaded from real-time stream in server-less environment, however this option is quite expensive compared to have single server instance running and somehow triggering jobs inside.
Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.
Serverless can actually be cheaper than using a server. It is much cheaper when there are periods of no activity because you don't need to pay for a server doing nothing.
The hardest part of your requirement is sending the response back to the user. If an object is uploaded to S3, there is no easy way to send back a response and it isn't even obvious who is the user that sent the file.
You could process the incoming file and then store a response back in a similarly-named object, and the client could then poll S3 for the response. That requires the upload to use a unique name that is somehow generated.
An alternative would be for the data to be sent to AWS API Gateway, which can trigger an AWS Lambda function and then directly return the response to the requester. No server required, automatic scaling.
If you wanted to use a server, then you'd need a way for the client to send a message to the server with a reference to the JSON object in S3 (or with the data itself). The server would need to be running a web server that can receive the request, perform the work and provide back the response.
Bottom line: Think about the data flow first, rather than the processing.

Paho-mqtt subscribe one-time message

Is there an elegant way to pull one message off the broker without having to:
create an on_message()
receive the message
I ask because we are using a json message which has multiple fields. When new data comes in I want to ONLY update that particular field in the json message but not remove the rest of the data. Since we have a TON of these json topics, we don't really want to keep all of them in program memory (also in case the program has to be relaunched). On top of that, this program could be running for months without supervision.
So ideally, I'd like to post the json message to an ID'd topic with the retain flag set to True. Then when new data comes in for that ID, I do a pull of the info on that topic, update that particular field in the json message and repost to the same topic.
I can post example code but I'm hoping there is a simple function that I am unaware of.
Thanks, in advance, for any suggestions.
The Paho Python client comes with a set of help classes that do this single shot type of pattern for you.
Doc here
e.g. the following connects to a broker, subscribes to a topic and returns on receipt of the first message on that topic.
import paho.mqtt.subscribe as subscribe
msg = subscribe.simple("paho/test/simple", hostname="")
print("%s %s" % (msg.topic, msg.payload))
And the matching publish call:
import paho.mqtt.publish as publish
publish.single("paho/test/single", "payload", hostname="")
I don't think that is possible. You say "When new data comes in..." That's exacty why you need to subscribe and use the callback function. That's basically a "pull when something is actually there".
Just to get an idea of how it should work: you are sending that json message via MQTT, right? And you are re-sending it when it changes?
But you don't have to keep them all in the RAM. You could use a retained message in combination with a fixed topic (not ID'ed) and send the ID in the message.
If you use retained messages with ID'ed topics, that might fill the memory.
What does the ID stand for? A uniqie number? Something like a timestamp? A hash? The sender?
I think you can solve that problem by clearly separating your things, e.g. say in data and message, where data is something you maintain in Python (e.g. a database or something in RAM) and message is something that you acually send / receive via MQTT.
Then you can add / send / update data depending on what is received in MQTT and you don't have to send / update the complete set.

WSHttpBinding: Entropy.BinarySecret role in message encryption

I am writing a simple SOAP client application in Python.
WSDL file can be found here:
Unfortunately the server declared usage of wsHttpBinding in its WSDL file and I had to learn how many troubles it brings to not-.NET developers.
I have working C# code (and it is pretty simple there) and used Fiddler to capture the traffic and analyze messages. Now I know the structure to follow. Client sends 2 subsequental messages.
I managed to create and send first request and receive a response from the server. BUT second request is a way more complex. I have found a library signxml which helped me to create <Signature> structure with all the fields that should present (as per captured traffic).
But the server continues to answer with "Error 500: An error occurred when verifying security for the message."
I realized that in the first message I put just random values for the following structure:
<trust:RequestSecurityToken xmlns:trust="">
The value of BinarySecret is just a random string encoded with Base64. I think this should be an issue on this stage. I also do not use the same parameters from server's response.
Could anyone explain how should I use Entropy.BinarySecret - should it take part in the calculations of Signature and how it is used?
Answering my own question. Yes, the issue was in improper usage of Entropy parameter.
To sign the message you need to generate a key, it consists of two parts (client entropy and server's entropy). They get combined with P_SHA1 algorithm into a key.
To anyone who find this post in the future: for Python have a look on signxml library and section 4 of ws-trust spec.

Testing Django Responses to Stripe Webhooks

I'm trying to figure out an effective way to test how my server handles webhooks from Stripe. I'm setting up a system to add multiple subscriptions to a customer's credit card, which is described on Stripe's website:
The issue I'm having is figuring out how to effectively test that my server is executing the scripts correctly (i.e., adding the correct subscriptions to the invoice, recording the events in my database, etc.). I'm not too concerned about automating the test right now, I'm just struggling to effectively run any good test on the script. Has anyone done this with Django previously? What resources and tools did you use to run these tests?
I did not use any tools to run the tests. Impact the stripe has a FULL API REFERENCE which display the information you have send to them and they also display the error. Stripe is very easy to setup, cheap, and have full details in documentation.
What I did is?
First I create a stripe account. In that account, they will give you:
TEST_SECRET_KEY: use for sending payment and information in stripe (for testing)
TEST_PUBS_KEY: identifies your website when communicating with Stripe (for testing)
LIVE_SECRET_KEY: use for sending payment and information in stripe (for live)
LIVE_PUBS_KEY: identifies your website when communicating with Stripe (for live)
API_VERSION: "2012-11-07" //this is the version for testing only
When you login you will see Documentation at the top. Click the documentation and they will give you step by step tutorial on how to create a form, how to create subscription, how to handle errors and many more.
To check if your script is executing and connecting to stripe. Click FULL API REFERENCE then choose Python. In that page you will see the information you have send and error that you have encountered.
What I really like is, if the Stripe detect an error the system will point out that and give you a solution. The solution is in the left side and checking the information send is on the right side.
Stripe is divided into two worlds: the test mode and the live. In test mode, you can perform creating new customer, add new invoices, set up your subscription, and many more. What ever you do in test mode, is the same when your Stripe is live.
I really love that stripe provides the logs for the web hooks, however, it is difficult to view the error responses from them, so I set up a script using the Requests library. First, I went to the Stripe dashboard and copied one of the requests they were sending.
Events & Webhooks --> click on one of the requests --> copy the entire request
import requests
# insert the appropriate url/endpoint below
res ="http://localhost:8000/stripe_hook/", data=data).text
output = open("hook_result.html", "w")
Now I could open hook_result.html and see any django errors that may have come up (given DEBUG=True in django).
In django-stripe-payments I have a test suite that while far from comprehensive is meant to be a start at getting there. What I do is just copy a real webhook's data, scrub it for sensitive data and add it as a data to the test.
testing stripe webhooks is a pain. I don't use Django, so my answer will be more general.
My php webhook handler parses the webhook data and dispatches handler functions accordingly. In my handler class, I set up class properties with legitimate data for all the ids that the test webhooks mangles. Then I have a condition in each of my handler functions that tests for livemode. If false, I replace the mangled ids with legit test ids.
I also have another class property called $fakeLiveMode, which I set to true when I'm testing. This allows me to force the code to process as though in live mode.
So, for example, when testing the customer.subscription.updated event, the plan id and customer id get botched. So in that handler I would do this:
if ($event->livemode === true || $this->fakeLivemode)
if ($this->fakeLivemode)
// override botched data returned by test webhook
$event->data->object->plan->id = $this->testPlanId;
$event->data->object->customer = $this->testCustomerId;
// process webhook
Does that help?

