Is there some seed for choice from np.random distributions? - python

I want to model wiener process and I want to add some implementation of elementary result, so I want to write something like this:
# w is elementary result
def W(T, w = 0, dt = 0.001):
x = [0]
for t in np.arange(0, T, dt):
x.append(x[-1] + np.random.normal(0,dt, w))
return x
and I expect that with same w I got same output of W. But np.random.normal doesn't support such thing. How can I implement it?

Maybe clarity on how set seed works.
import numpy as np
>> array([0.00176405]) #My output
>> array([0.00176405]) #Same output
Every time you want the same results, you have to reset the seed again.


Numpy only computation of mathematical expression involving a nested sum of functions over the same array

I need help to compute a mathematical expression using only numpy operations. The expression I want to compute is the following :
Where : x is an (N, S) array and f is a numpy function (that can work with broadcastable arrays e.g np.maximum, np.sum,, ...). If that is of importance, in my case f is a symetric function.
So far my code looks like this:
s = 0
for xp in x: # Loop over N...
s += np.sum(, x), axis=1))
And still has loop that I'd like to get rid of.
Typically N is "large" (around 30k) but S is small (less than 20) so if anyone can find a trick to only loop over S this would still be a major improvement.
I belive the problem is easy by N-plicating the array but one of size (32768, 32768, 20) requires 150Go of RAM that I don't have. However, (32768, 32768) fits in memory though I would appreciate a solution that does not allocate such array.
Maybe a use of np.einsum with well-chosen arrays is possible?
Thanks for your replies. If any information is missing let me know!
Have a nice day !
Edit 1 :
Form of f I'm interested in includes (for now) : f(x, y) = |x - y|, f(x, y) = |x - y|^2, f(x, y) = 2 - max(x, y).
Your loop is very efficient. Some possible ways are
Method-1 (looping over S)
import numpy as np
def f(x,y):
return np.abs(x-y)
N = 200
S = 20
x_data = random.rand(N,S) #(i,s)
y_data = random.rand(N,S) #(i',s)
product = f(broadcast_to(x_data[:,0][...,None],(N,N)) ,broadcast_to(y_data[:,0][...,None],(N,N)).T)
for i in range(1,S):
product *= f(broadcast_to(x_data[:,i][...,None],(N,N)) ,broadcast_to(y_data[:,i][...,None],(N,N)).T)
sum = np.sum(product)
Method-2 (dispatching S number of blocks)
import numpy as np
def f(x,y):
x1 = np.broadcast_to(x[:,None,...],(x.shape[0],y.shape[0],x.shape[1]))
y1 = np.broadcast_to(y[None,...],(x.shape[0],y.shape[0],x.shape[1]))
return np.abs(x1-y1)
def f1(x1,y1):
return np.abs(x1-y1)
N = 5000
S = 20
x_data = np.random.rand(N,S) #(i,s)
y_data = np.random.rand(N,S) #(i',s)
def fun_new(x_data1,y_data1):
s = 0
pp =np.split(x_data1,S,axis=0)
for xp in pp:
s += np.sum(, y_data1), axis=2))
return s
def fun_op(x_data1,y_data1):
s = 0
for xp in x_data1: # Loop over N...
s += np.sum(, y_data1), axis=1))
return s

Wrong optimization with scipy (maximize)

I'm trying to use scipy.optimize to identify the optimal values for 3 parameters(variable). I am starting with a very simple optimization function that sums the analyzed parameters together with some predefined (past) values. The values are bound using some fixed values. I set the value of the sign parameter to -1 as I am dealing with a maximization problem. However, scipy returns [0, 0, 0] as optimal values (same as setting sign=1), while the correct solution is [2, 2, 2]. Am I setting something wrong? What am I missing?
import scipy.optimize as optimize
import numpy as np
old = [1,1,1]
def f(params,sign=-1.0):
first, second, third = params
return sum(old+[first, second, third])
initial_guess = [2,2,2]
in1 = 1
in2 = 2
in3 = 1
bnds = ((0, in1+2), (0, in2+2), (0, in3+2))
result = optimize.minimize(f, initial_guess, bounds=bnds)
print result.x
In general when performing nonlinear optimization, libraries like your function to take only a single parameter vector. A good idea, generally, if you want to maximize a function is to minimize its inverse. If you simply want to maximize the value of x1+x2+x3, I would write things out this way:
from scipy.optimize import minimize
def f(x):
return 1/sum(x)
guess = [2,2,2]
x1bnds = (0, 3)
x2bnds = (0, 4)
x3bnds = (0, 5)
bnds = (x1bnds, x2bnds, x3bnds)
result = minimize(f, guess, bounds=bnds)
print(result.x) will give you [3,4,5] because the optimizer hit the bounds.
If you want to operate on the distance between your input parameters and some other values, I would modify the setup as so:
from functools import partial
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import numpy as np
other_values = np.asarray([3,4,5])
def f(x, other_pts):
x_lcl = np.asarray(x)
difference = x_lcl-other_pts
return 1/difference.sum()
guess = [2,2,2]
x1bnds = (0, 3)
x2bnds = (0, 4)
x3bnds = (0, 5)
bnds = (x1bnds, x2bnds, x3bnds)
f_opt = partial(f, other_values)
result = minimize(f_opt, guess, bounds=bnds)
print(result.x) will give you [0,0,0] because the optimizer hit the bounds.
It is a good idea to make the function you optimize not depend on external data (globals) -- using a partial will make everything a little nicer.
If you don't want to use numpy, you could use a list comprehension to do the elementwise subtraction of x and the other parameter vector, but this way things are a little nicer.

Efficient way to implement simple filter with varying coeffients in Python/Numpy

I am looking for an efficient way to implement a simple filter with one coefficient that is time-varying and specified by a vector with the same length as the input signal.
The following is a simple implementation of the desired behavior:
def myfilter(signal, weights):
output = np.empty_like(weights)
val = signal[0]
for i in range(len(signal)):
val += weights[i]*(signal[i] - val)
output[i] = val
return output
weights = np.random.uniform(0, 0.1, (100,))
signal = np.linspace(1, 3, 100)
output = myfilter(signal, weights)
Is there a way to do this more efficiently with numpy or scipy?
You can trade in the overhead of the loop for a couple of additional ops:
import numpy as np
def myfilter(signal, weights):
output = np.empty_like(weights)
val = signal[0]
for i in range(len(signal)):
val += weights[i]*(signal[i] - val)
output[i] = val
return output
def vectorised(signal, weights):
wp = np.r_[1, np.multiply.accumulate(1 - weights[1:])]
sw = weights * signal
sw[0] = signal[0]
sws = np.add.accumulate(sw / wp)
return wp * sws
weights = np.random.uniform(0, 0.1, (100,))
signal = np.linspace(1, 3, 100)
print(np.allclose(myfilter(signal, weights), vectorised(signal, weights)))
On my machine the vectorised version is several times faster. It uses a "closed form" solution of your recurrence equation.
Edit: For very long signal / weight (100,000 samples, say) this method doesn't work because of overflow. In that regime you can still save a bit (more than 50% on my machine) using the following trick, which has the added bonus that you needn't solve the recurrence formula, only invert it.
from scipy import linalg
def solver(signal, weights):
rw = 1 / weights[1:]
v = np.r_[1, rw, 1-rw, 0]
v.shape = 2, -1
return linalg.solve_banded((1, 0), v, signal)
This trick uses the fact that your recurrence is formally similar to a Gauss elimination on a matrix with only one nonvanishing subdiagonal. It piggybacks on a library function that specialises in doing precisely that.
Actually, quite proud of this one.

How to real-time filter with scipy and lfilter?

Disclaimer: I am probably not as good at DSP as I should be and therefore have more issues than I should have getting this code to work.
I need to filter incoming signals as they happen. I tried to make this code to work, but I have not been able to so far.
Referencing scipy.signal.lfilter doc
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lib import fnlib
samples = 100
x = np.linspace(0, 7, samples)
y = [] # Unfiltered output
y_filt1 = [] # Real-time filtered
nyq = 0.5 * samples
f1_norm = 0.1 / nyq
f2_norm = 2 / nyq
b, a = scipy.signal.butter(2, [f1_norm, f2_norm], 'band', analog=False)
zi = scipy.signal.lfilter_zi(b,a)
zi = zi*(np.sin(0) + 0.1*np.sin(15*0))
This sets zi as zi*y[0 ] initially, which in this case is 0. I have got it from the example code in the lfilter documentation, but I am not sure if this is correct at all.
Then it comes to the point where I am not sure what to do with the few initial samples.
The coefficients a and b are len(a) = 5 here.
As lfilter takes input values from now to n-4, do I pad it with zeroes, or do I need to wait until 5 samples have gone by and take them as a single bloc, then continuously sample each next step in the same way?
for i in range(0, len(a)-1): # Append 0 as initial values, wrong?
step = 0
for i in xrange(0, samples): #x:
tmp = np.sin(x[i]) + 0.1*np.sin(15*x[i])
# What to do with the inital filterings until len(y) == len(a) ?
if (step> len(a)):
y_filt, zi = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, y[-len(a):], axis=-1, zi=zi)
y = y[4:]
y_filt2 = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, y) # Offline filtered
plt.plot(x, y, x, y_filt1, x, y_filt2)
I think I had the same problem, and found a solution on
from scipy import zeros, signal, random
def filter_sbs():
data = random.random(2000)
b = signal.firwin(150, 0.004)
z = signal.lfilter_zi(b, 1) * data[0]
result = zeros(data.size)
for i, x in enumerate(data):
result[i], z = signal.lfilter(b, 1, [x], zi=z)
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
result = filter_sbs()
The idea is to pass the filter state z in each subsequent call to lfilter. For the first few samples the filter may give strange results, but later (depending on the filter length) it starts to behave correctly.
The problem is not how you are buffering the input. The problem is that in the 'offline' version, the state of the filter is initialized using lfilter_zi which computes the internal state of an LTI so that the output will already be in steady-state when new samples arrive at the input. In the 'real-time' version, you skip this so that the filter's initial state is 0. You can either initialize both versions to using lfilter_zi or else initialize both to 0. Then, it doesn't matter how many samples you filter at a time.
Note, if you initialize to 0, the filter will 'ring' for a certain amount of time before reaching a steady state. In the case of FIR filters, there is an analytic solution for determining this time. For many IIR filters, there is not.
This following is correct. For simplicity's sake I initialize to 0 and feed the input on sample at a time. However, any non-zero block size will produce equivalent output.
from scipy import signal, random
from numpy import zeros
def filter_sbs(data, b):
z = zeros(b.size-1)
result = zeros(data.size)
for i, x in enumerate(data):
result[i], z = signal.lfilter(b, 1, [x], zi=z)
return result
def filter(data, b):
result = signal.lfilter(b,1,data)
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
data = random.random(20000)
b = signal.firwin(150, 0.004)
result1 = filter_sbs(data, b)
result2 = filter(data, b)
print(result1 - result2)
[ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 ... -5.55111512e-17
0.00000000e+00 1.66533454e-16]

Apply non-linear regression for multi dimension data samples in Python

I have installed Numpy and SciPy, but I'm not quite understand their documentation about polyfit.
For exmpale, Here's my three data samples:
[-0.042780748663101636, -0.0040771571786609945, -0.00506567946276074]
[0.042780748663101636, -0.0044771571786609945, -0.10506567946276074]
[0.542780748663101636, -0.005771571786609945, 0.30506567946276074]
[-0.342780748663101636, -0.0304077157178660995, 0.90506567946276074]
The first two columns are sample features, the third column is output, My target is to get a function that could take two parameters(first two columns) and return its prediction(the output).
Any simple example ?
====================== EDIT ======================
Note that, I need to fit something like a curve, not only straight lines. The polynomial should be something like this ( n = 3):
a*x1^3 + b*x2^2 + c*x3 + d = y
a*x1 + b*x2 + c*x3 + d = y
x1, x2, x3 are features of one sample, y is the output
Try something like
edit: added an example function that used results of linear regression to estimate output.
import numpy as np
data =np.array(
[[-0.042780748663101636, -0.0040771571786609945, -0.00506567946276074],
[0.042780748663101636, -0.0044771571786609945, -0.10506567946276074],
[0.542780748663101636, -0.005771571786609945, 0.30506567946276074],
[-0.342780748663101636, -0.0304077157178660995, 0.90506567946276074]])
coefficient = data[:,0:2]
dependent = data[:,-1]
x,residuals,rank,s = np.linalg.lstsq(coefficient,dependent)
def f(x,u,v):
return u*x[0] + v*x[1]
for datum in data:
print f(x,*datum[0:2])
Which gives
>>> x
array([ 0.16991146, -30.18923739])
>>> residuals
array([ 0.07941146])
>>> rank
>>> s
array([ 0.64490113, 0.02944663])
and the function created with your coefficients gave
More info can be found at the documentation I posted as a comment.
edit 2: fitting your data to an arbitrary model.
edit 3: made my model a function for ease of understanding.
edit 4: made code more easily read/ changed model to a quadratic fit, but you should be able to read this code and know how to make it minimize any residual you want now.
contrived example:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
data =np.array(
[[-0.042780748663101636, -0.0040771571786609945, -0.00506567946276074],
[0.042780748663101636, -0.0044771571786609945, -0.10506567946276074],
[0.542780748663101636, -0.005771571786609945, 0.30506567946276074],
[-0.342780748663101636, -0.0304077157178660995, 0.90506567946276074]])
coefficient = data[:,0:2]
dependent = data[:,-1]
def model(p,x):
a,b,c = p
u = x[:,0]
v = x[:,1]
return (a*u**2 + b*v + c)
def residuals(p, y, x):
a,b,c = p
err = y - model(p,x)
return err
p0 = np.array([2,3,4]) #some initial guess
p = leastsq(residuals, p0, args=(dependent, coefficient))[0]
def f(p,x):
return p[0]*x[0] + p[1]*x[1] + p[2]
for x in coefficient:
print f(p,x)

