I am currently working on a project where we are solving a system of PDE's in FEniCs. I have created the following code in order to solve the system but I get an invalid syntax error on
a = a0 + a1
I am not that good in Python and I have never used FEniCS before. I am also using a windows subsystem in order to run it which makes it extra complicated for me to understand any error that I might have made. I appreciate any suggestions you may have and I apologize in advance if I ask obvious questions!
from fenics import *
# Create mesh and define function space
mesh = Mesh (" circle.xml ")
# Construct the finite element space
V = VectorFunctionSpace (mesh , 'P', 1)
# Define parameters :
T = 150
dt = 0.5
alpha = 0.4
beta = 2
gamma = 0.8
delta = 1
# Class representing the intial conditions
class InitialConditions ( UserExpression ):
def eval (self , values , x):
values [0] = Expression(("(4/25)-2*pow(10,-7)*(x[0]-0.1*x[1]-225)*(x[0]-0.1*x[1]-675)"),degree=2)
values [1] = Expression(("(22/45)-3*pow(10,-5)*(x[0]-450)-1.2*pow(10,-4)*(x[1]-150)"),degree=2)
def value_shape ( self ):
return (2 ,)
# Define initial condition
indata = InitialConditions(degree =2)
u0 = Function (V)
u0 = interpolate (indata,V)
# Test and trial functions
u,v = TrialFunction(V), TestFunction(V)
# Create bilinear and linear forms
a0 = (u[0]*v[0]*dx) + (0.5*delta*dt*inner(grad(u[0]),grad(v[0]))*dx)
a1 = (u[1]*v[1]*dx) + (0.5*delta*dt*inner(grad(u[1]),grad(v[1]))*dx)
L0 = (u0[0]*v[0]*dx) - (0.5*delta*dt*inner(grad(u0[0]),grad(v[0]))*dx) - (dt*u0[0]*v[0]*dx*(((u0[0]*u0[1])/(u0[0]+alpha))-u0[0]*(1-u0[0]))*dx)
L1 = (u0[1]*v[1]*dx) - (0.5*delta*dt*inner(grad(u0[1]),grad(v[1]))*dx) - (dt*u0[1]*v[1]*dx*(-beta*((u0[0]*u0[1])/(u0[0]+alpha))-gamma*u0[1]*dx)
a = a0 + a1
L = L0 + L1
#Set up boundary condition
g = Constant([0.0,0.0])
bc = DirichletBC(V,u_initial,DirichletBoundary())
bc = [] #NEUMANN
#Assemble matrix
A = assemble(a)
# Set an output file
out_file = File("Results.pvd","compressed")
# Set initial condition
u = Function(V)
t = 0.0
out_file << (u,t)
u_initial = Function(V)
t_save = 0
num_samples = 20
# Time - stepping
while t < T:
# assign u0
#Assemble vector and apply boundary conditions
A = assemble(a)
b = asseble(L)
t_save += dt
if t_save > T/ num_samples or t >= T-dt:
#Save the solution to file
out_file << (uv,t)
t_save = 0
#Move to next interval and adjust boundary condition
t += dt
There's a typo in your line b = asseble(L) --> b=assemble(L)
Perhaps this tiny error is giving you the issue? Although I'd imagine the error message would be more descriptive.
I am new to programming in general, however I am trying really hard for a project to randomly choose some outcomes depending on the probability of that outcome happening for lotteries that i have generated and i would like to use a loop to get random numbers each time.
This is my code:
import numpy as np
p = np.arange(0.01, 1, 0.001, dtype = float)
alpha = 0.5
alpha = float(alpha)
alpha = np.zeros((1, len(p))) + alpha
def w(alpha, p):
return np.exp(-(-np.log(p))**alpha)
w = w(alpha, p)
def P(w):
return np.exp(np.log2(w))
prob_win = P(w)
prob_lose = 1 - prob_win
E = 10
E = float(E)
E = np.zeros((1, len(p))) + E
b = 0
b = float(b)
b = np.zeros((1, len(p))) + b
def A(E, b, prob_win):
return (E - b * (1 - prob_win)) / prob_win
a = A(E, b, prob_win)
a = a.squeeze()
prob_array = (prob_win, prob_lose)
prob_matrix = np.vstack(prob_array).T.squeeze()
outcomes_array = (a, b)
outcomes_matrix = np.vstack(outcomes_array).T
outcome_pairs = np.vsplit(outcomes_matrix, len(p))
outcome_pairs = np.array(outcome_pairs).astype(np.float)
prob_pairs = np.vsplit(prob_matrix, len(p))
prob_pairs = np.array(prob_pairs)
nominalized_prob_pairs = [outcome_pairs / np.sum(outcome_pairs) for
outcome_pairs in np.vsplit(prob_pairs, len(p)) ]
The code works fine but I would like to use a loop or something similar for the next line of code as I want to get for each row/ pair of probabilities to get 5 realizations. When i use size = 5 i just get a really long list but I do not know which values still belong to the pairs as when size = 1
realisations = np.concatenate([np.random.choice(outcome_pairs[i].ravel(),
size=1 , p=nominalized_prob_pairs[i].ravel()) for i in range(len(outcome_pairs))])
or if I use size=5 as below how can I match the realizations to the initial probabilities? Do i need to cut the array after every 5th element and then store the values in a matrix with 5 columns and a new row for every 5th element of the initial array? if yes how could I do this?
realisations = np.concatenate([np.random.choice(outcome_pairs[i].ravel(),
size=1 , p=nominalized_prob_pairs[i].ravel()) for i in range(len(outcome_pairs))])
What are you trying to produce exactly ? Be more concise.
Here is a starter clean code where you can produce linear data.
import numpy as np
def generate_data(n_samples, variance):
# generate 2D data
X = np.random.random((n_samples, 1))
# adding a vector of ones to ease calculus
X = np.concatenate((np.ones((n_samples, 1)), X), axis=1)
# generate two random coefficients
W = np.random.random((2, 1))
# construct targets with our data and weights
y = X # W
# add some noise to our data
y += np.random.normal(0, variance, (n_samples, 1))
return X, y, W
if __name__ == "__main__":
X, Y, W = generate_data(10, 0.5)
# check random value of x for example
for x in X:
print(x, end=' --> ')
if x[1] <= 0.4:
print('prob <= 0.4')
print('prob > 0.4')
I have thousands of recording, that I use for an app I am building.
Lately I noticed that some of the recording has a weird echo.
The recording are in .wav format and i am using python to process them.
I saw many questions in which pepole try to cancel the echo, but I only need to locate those files.
Is there a tool or code I can use to find those files (no need to cancel the echo).
I tried to write some code to cancel the echo, and see if this helps me understand when a file has echo, but it didn't work.
The resultant file was just noise, so I guess my algorithm is wrong.
def nlms(u, d, M, step, eps=0.001, leak=0, initCoeffs=None, N=None, returnCoeffs=False):
# Initialization
if N is None:
N = len(u)-M+1
if initCoeffs is None:
initCoeffs = np.zeros(M)
y = np.zeros(N) # Filter output
e = np.zeros(N) # Error signal
w = initCoeffs # Initial filter coeffs
leakstep = (1 - step*leak)
if returnCoeffs:
W = np.zeros((N, M)) # Matrix to hold coeffs for each iteration
# Perform filtering
for n in xrange(N):
x = np.flipud(u[n:n+M]) # Slice to get view of M latest datapoints
y[n] = np.dot(x, w)
e[n] = d[n+M-1] - y[n]
normFactor = 1./(np.dot(x, x) + eps)
w = leakstep * w + step * normFactor * x * e[n]
y[n] = np.dot(x, w)
if returnCoeffs:
W[n] = w
if returnCoeffs:
w = W
return y, e, w
def CancelEcho(file_path):
audio_file = wave.open(file_path, 'r')
audio_params = audio_file.getparams()
new_frames = []
u = 'a'
while u != " ":
data = audio_file.readframes(1024)
u = np.fromstring(data, np.int16)
u = np.float64(u)
if len(u) ==0:
# Generate received signal d(n) using randomly chosen coefficients
coeffs = np.concatenate(([0.8], np.zeros(8), [-0.7], np.zeros(9),
[0.5], np.zeros(11), [-0.3], np.zeros(3),
[0.1], np.zeros(20), [-0.05]))
coeffs.dtype = np.int16
d = np.convolve(u, coeffs)
# Add background noise
v = np.random.randn(len(d)) * np.sqrt(5000)
d += v
# Apply adaptive filter
M = 100 # Number of filter taps in adaptive filter
step = 0.1 # Step size
y, e, w = nlms(u, d, M, step, returnCoeffs=True)
audio_file = wave.open(out_file, 'w')
An idea would be to take a portion of the file and then move that through the rest of the file and find the multiplying factor that it would take for one signal to turn into the other.
Code attribution:
This may work:
def echocancel(outputdata, inputdata):
pos = audioop.findmax(outputdata, 800) # one tenth second
out_test = outputdata[pos*2:]
in_test = inputdata[pos*2:]
ipos, factor = audioop.findfit(in_test, out_test)
# Optional (for better cancellation):
# factor = audioop.findfactor(in_test[ipos*2:ipos*2+len(out_test)],
# out_test)
return factor
The closer the factor is to 1.0, the more likely there is an echo
This code is taking more than half an hour for a data set of 200000 floats.
import numpy as np
import progressbar
pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=[progressbar.Percentage(),
progressbar.Counter('%5d'), progressbar.Bar(), progressbar.ETA()])
pbar = list
block_length = np.loadtxt('bb.txt.gz') # get data file from http://filebin.ca/29LbYfKnsKqJ/bb.txt.gz (2MB, 200000 float numbers)
N = len(block_length) - 1
# arrays to store the best configuration
best = np.zeros(N, dtype=float)
last = np.zeros(N, dtype=int)
log = np.log
# Start with first data cell; add one cell at each iteration
for R in pbar(range(N)):
# Compute fit_vec : fitness of putative last block (end at R)
#fit_vec = fitfunc.fitness(
T_k = block_length[:R + 1] - block_length[R + 1]
#N_k = np.cumsum(x[:R + 1][::-1])[::-1]
N_k = np.arange(R + 1, 0, -1)
fit_vec = N_k * (log(N_k) - log(T_k))
prior = 4 - log(73.53 * 0.05 * ((R+1) ** -0.478))
A_R = fit_vec - prior #fitfunc.prior(R + 1, N)
A_R[1:] += best[:R]
i_max = np.argmax(A_R)
last[R] = i_max
best[R] = A_R[i_max]
# Now find changepoints by iteratively peeling off the last block
change_points = np.zeros(N, dtype=int)
i_cp = N
ind = N
while True:
i_cp -= 1
change_points[i_cp] = ind
if ind == 0:
ind = last[ind - 1]
change_points = change_points[i_cp:]
print edges[change_points] # show result
The first loop is very slow because the length of arrays is R at every iteration, i.e. increasing, leading to N^2 complexity.
Is there any way to optimize this code further, e.g. through pre-computation? I am also happy with solutions using other programming languages.
I can replicate A_R (up to the fit-prior step) as a upper triangular NxN matrix with:
def trilog(n):
nn = n[:-1,None]-n[None,1:]
return nn
T_k = trilog(block_length)
N_k = trilog(-np.arange(N+1))
fit_vec = N_k * (np.log(N_k) - np.log(T_k))
R = np.arange(N)+1
prior = 4 - log(73.53 * 0.05 * (R ** -0.478))
A_R = fit_vec - prior
A_R = np.triu(A_R,0)
I haven't worked through the logic of calculation and applying best.
I've only done this with small arrays. For your full problem, the corresponding matrix is too large for my memory.
So just from memory considerations you might be stuck with the for R in range(N) iteration.
I'm doing a Python project in which I'd like to use the Viterbi Algorithm. Does anyone know of a complete Python implementation of the Viterbi algorithm? The correctness of the one on Wikipedia seems to be in question on the talk page. Does anyone have a pointer?
Here's mine. Its paraphrased directly from the psuedocode implemenation from wikipedia. It uses numpy for conveince of their ndarray but is otherwise a pure python3 implementation.
import numpy as np
def viterbi(y, A, B, Pi=None):
Return the MAP estimate of state trajectory of Hidden Markov Model.
y : array (T,)
Observation state sequence. int dtype.
A : array (K, K)
State transition matrix. See HiddenMarkovModel.state_transition for
B : array (K, M)
Emission matrix. See HiddenMarkovModel.emission for details.
Pi: optional, (K,)
Initial state probabilities: Pi[i] is the probability x[0] == i. If
None, uniform initial distribution is assumed (Pi[:] == 1/K).
x : array (T,)
Maximum a posteriori probability estimate of hidden state trajectory,
conditioned on observation sequence y under the model parameters A, B,
T1: array (K, T)
the probability of the most likely path so far
T2: array (K, T)
the x_j-1 of the most likely path so far
# Cardinality of the state space
K = A.shape[0]
# Initialize the priors with default (uniform dist) if not given by caller
Pi = Pi if Pi is not None else np.full(K, 1 / K)
T = len(y)
T1 = np.empty((K, T), 'd')
T2 = np.empty((K, T), 'B')
# Initilaize the tracking tables from first observation
T1[:, 0] = Pi * B[:, y[0]]
T2[:, 0] = 0
# Iterate throught the observations updating the tracking tables
for i in range(1, T):
T1[:, i] = np.max(T1[:, i - 1] * A.T * B[np.newaxis, :, y[i]].T, 1)
T2[:, i] = np.argmax(T1[:, i - 1] * A.T, 1)
# Build the output, optimal model trajectory
x = np.empty(T, 'B')
x[-1] = np.argmax(T1[:, T - 1])
for i in reversed(range(1, T)):
x[i - 1] = T2[x[i], i]
return x, T1, T2
I found the following code in the example repository of Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Is something like this what you're looking for?
def viterbi_segment(text, P):
"""Find the best segmentation of the string of characters, given the
UnigramTextModel P."""
# best[i] = best probability for text[0:i]
# words[i] = best word ending at position i
n = len(text)
words = [''] + list(text)
best = [1.0] + [0.0] * n
## Fill in the vectors best, words via dynamic programming
for i in range(n+1):
for j in range(0, i):
w = text[j:i]
if P[w] * best[i - len(w)] >= best[i]:
best[i] = P[w] * best[i - len(w)]
words[i] = w
## Now recover the sequence of best words
sequence = []; i = len(words)-1
while i > 0:
sequence[0:0] = [words[i]]
i = i - len(words[i])
## Return sequence of best words and overall probability
return sequence, best[-1]
Hmm I can post mine. Its not pretty though, please let me know if you need clarification. I wrote this relatively recently for specifically part of speech tagging.
class Trellis:
trell = []
def __init__(self, hmm, words):
self.trell = []
temp = {}
for label in hmm.labels:
temp[label] = [0,None]
for word in words:
def fill_in(self,hmm):
for i in range(len(self.trell)):
for token in self.trell[i][1]:
word = self.trell[i][0]
if i == 0:
self.trell[i][1][token][0] = hmm.e(token,word)
max = None
guess = None
c = None
for k in self.trell[i-1][1]:
c = self.trell[i-1][1][k][0] + hmm.t(k,token)
if max == None or c > max:
max = c
guess = k
max += hmm.e(token,word)
self.trell[i][1][token][0] = max
self.trell[i][1][token][1] = guess
def return_max(self):
tokens = []
token = None
for i in range(len(self.trell)-1,-1,-1):
if token == None:
max = None
guess = None
for k in self.trell[i][1]:
if max == None or self.trell[i][1][k][0] > max:
max = self.trell[i][1][k][0]
token = self.trell[i][1][k][1]
guess = k
token = self.trell[i][1][token][1]
return tokens
I have just corrected the pseudo implementation of Viterbi in Wikipedia. From the initial (incorrect) version, it took me a while to figure out where I was going wrong but I finally managed it, thanks partly to Kevin Murphy's implementation of the viterbi_path.m in the MatLab HMM toolbox.
In the context of an HMM object with variables as shown:
hmm = HMM()
hmm.priors = np.array([0.5, 0.5]) # pi = prior probs
hmm.transition = np.array([[0.75, 0.25], # A = transition probs. / 2 states
[0.32, 0.68]])
hmm.emission = np.array([[0.8, 0.1, 0.1], # B = emission (observation) probs. / 3 obs modes
[0.1, 0.2, 0.7]])
The Python function to run Viterbi (best-path) algorithm is below:
def viterbi (self,observations):
"""Return the best path, given an HMM model and a sequence of observations"""
# A - initialise stuff
nSamples = len(observations[0])
nStates = self.transition.shape[0] # number of states
c = np.zeros(nSamples) #scale factors (necessary to prevent underflow)
viterbi = np.zeros((nStates,nSamples)) # initialise viterbi table
psi = np.zeros((nStates,nSamples)) # initialise the best path table
best_path = np.zeros(nSamples); # this will be your output
# B- appoint initial values for viterbi and best path (bp) tables - Eq (32a-32b)
viterbi[:,0] = self.priors.T * self.emission[:,observations(0)]
c[0] = 1.0/np.sum(viterbi[:,0])
viterbi[:,0] = c[0] * viterbi[:,0] # apply the scaling factor
psi[0] = 0;
# C- Do the iterations for viterbi and psi for time>0 until T
for t in range(1,nSamples): # loop through time
for s in range (0,nStates): # loop through the states #(t-1)
trans_p = viterbi[:,t-1] * self.transition[:,s]
psi[s,t], viterbi[s,t] = max(enumerate(trans_p), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
viterbi[s,t] = viterbi[s,t]*self.emission[s,observations(t)]
c[t] = 1.0/np.sum(viterbi[:,t]) # scaling factor
viterbi[:,t] = c[t] * viterbi[:,t]
# D - Back-tracking
best_path[nSamples-1] = viterbi[:,nSamples-1].argmax() # last state
for t in range(nSamples-1,0,-1): # states of (last-1)th to 0th time step
best_path[t-1] = psi[best_path[t],t]
return best_path
This is an old question, but none of the other answers were quite what I needed because my application doesn't have specific observed states.
Taking after #Rhubarb, I've also re-implemented Kevin Murphey's Matlab implementation (see viterbi_path.m), but I've kept it closer to the original. I've included a simple test case as well.
import numpy as np
def viterbi_path(prior, transmat, obslik, scaled=True, ret_loglik=False):
'''Finds the most-probable (Viterbi) path through the HMM state trellis
Z[t] := Observation at time t
Q[t] := Hidden state at time t
prior: np.array(num_hid)
prior[i] := Pr(Q[0] == i)
transmat: np.ndarray((num_hid,num_hid))
transmat[i,j] := Pr(Q[t+1] == j | Q[t] == i)
obslik: np.ndarray((num_hid,num_obs))
obslik[i,t] := Pr(Z[t] | Q[t] == i)
scaled: bool
whether or not to normalize the probability trellis along the way
doing so prevents underflow by repeated multiplications of probabilities
ret_loglik: bool
whether or not to return the log-likelihood of the best path
path: np.array(num_obs)
path[t] := Q[t]
num_hid = obslik.shape[0] # number of hidden states
num_obs = obslik.shape[1] # number of observations (not observation *states*)
# trellis_prob[i,t] := Pr((best sequence of length t-1 goes to state i), Z[1:(t+1)])
trellis_prob = np.zeros((num_hid,num_obs))
# trellis_state[i,t] := best predecessor state given that we ended up in state i at t
trellis_state = np.zeros((num_hid,num_obs), dtype=int) # int because its elements will be used as indicies
path = np.zeros(num_obs, dtype=int) # int because its elements will be used as indicies
trellis_prob[:,0] = prior * obslik[:,0] # element-wise mult
if scaled:
scale = np.ones(num_obs) # only instantiated if necessary to save memory
scale[0] = 1.0 / np.sum(trellis_prob[:,0])
trellis_prob[:,0] *= scale[0]
trellis_state[:,0] = 0 # arbitrary value since t == 0 has no predecessor
for t in xrange(1, num_obs):
for j in xrange(num_hid):
trans_probs = trellis_prob[:,t-1] * transmat[:,j] # element-wise mult
trellis_state[j,t] = trans_probs.argmax()
trellis_prob[j,t] = trans_probs[trellis_state[j,t]] # max of trans_probs
trellis_prob[j,t] *= obslik[j,t]
if scaled:
scale[t] = 1.0 / np.sum(trellis_prob[:,t])
trellis_prob[:,t] *= scale[t]
path[-1] = trellis_prob[:,-1].argmax()
for t in range(num_obs-2, -1, -1):
path[t] = trellis_state[(path[t+1]), t+1]
if not ret_loglik:
return path
if scaled:
loglik = -np.sum(np.log(scale))
p = trellis_prob[path[-1],-1]
loglik = np.log(p)
return path, loglik
if __name__=='__main__':
# Assume there are 3 observation states, 2 hidden states, and 5 observations
priors = np.array([0.5, 0.5])
transmat = np.array([
[0.75, 0.25],
[0.32, 0.68]])
emmat = np.array([
[0.8, 0.1, 0.1],
[0.1, 0.2, 0.7]])
observations = np.array([0, 1, 2, 1, 0], dtype=int)
obslik = np.array([emmat[:,z] for z in observations]).T
print viterbi_path(priors, transmat, obslik) #=> [0 1 1 1 0]
print viterbi_path(priors, transmat, obslik, scaled=False) #=> [0 1 1 1 0]
print viterbi_path(priors, transmat, obslik, ret_loglik=True) #=> (array([0, 1, 1, 1, 0]), -7.776472586614755)
print viterbi_path(priors, transmat, obslik, scaled=False, ret_loglik=True) #=> (array([0, 1, 1, 1, 0]), -8.0120386579275227)
Note that this implementation does not use emission probabilities directly but uses a variable obslik. Generally, emissions[i,j] := Pr(observed_state == j | hidden_state == i) for a particular observed state i, making emissions.shape == (num_hidden_states, num_obs_states).
However, given a sequence observations[t] := observation at time t, all the Viterbi Algorithm requires is the likelihood of that observation for each hidden state. Hence, obslik[i,t] := Pr(observations[t] | hidden_state == i). The actual value the of the observed state isn't necessary.
I have modified #Rhubarb's answer for the condition where the marginal probabilities are already known (e.g by computing the Forward Backward algorithm).
def viterbi (transition_probabilities, conditional_probabilities):
# Initialise everything
num_samples = conditional_probabilities.shape[1]
num_states = transition_probabilities.shape[0] # number of states
c = np.zeros(num_samples) #scale factors (necessary to prevent underflow)
viterbi = np.zeros((num_states,num_samples)) # initialise viterbi table
best_path_table = np.zeros((num_states,num_samples)) # initialise the best path table
best_path = np.zeros(num_samples).astype(np.int32) # this will be your output
# B- appoint initial values for viterbi and best path (bp) tables - Eq (32a-32b)
viterbi[:,0] = conditional_probabilities[:,0]
c[0] = 1.0/np.sum(viterbi[:,0])
viterbi[:,0] = c[0] * viterbi[:,0] # apply the scaling factor
# C- Do the iterations for viterbi and psi for time>0 until T
for t in range(1, num_samples): # loop through time
for s in range (0,num_states): # loop through the states #(t-1)
trans_p = viterbi[:, t-1] * transition_probabilities[:,s] # transition probs of each state transitioning
best_path_table[s,t], viterbi[s,t] = max(enumerate(trans_p), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
viterbi[s,t] = viterbi[s,t] * conditional_probabilities[s][t]
c[t] = 1.0/np.sum(viterbi[:,t]) # scaling factor
viterbi[:,t] = c[t] * viterbi[:,t]
## D - Back-tracking
best_path[num_samples-1] = viterbi[:,num_samples-1].argmax() # last state
for t in range(num_samples-1,0,-1): # states of (last-1)th to 0th time step
best_path[t-1] = best_path_table[best_path[t],t]
return best_path