Taking "'int' object is not callable " (Done) - python

hope you are all in safe. I just wanted to get (20^5)-(1^5)/5(20-1)
myNum = ((20**5)-(1**5))/5(20-1)
I took the TypeError: 'int' object is not callable
Then I changed it like;
But I'm still getting same error. I checked the solutions but didn't understand what am I have to do.

Fix: ((20**5)-(1**5))/5/(20-1)
Error is that you can't omit multiply sign here: 5(20-1).
Interpreter considers you're trying to call function like f(...), but 5 is not a function, that's why you see error:
TypeError: 'int' object is not callable
^^^ ^^^^^^^^
5 (20-1)


type() call causing 'int object is not callable' error

I have been trying to check the type of an object and have been getting an ''int' object is not callable' error. As a test I have even removed the object completely and have replaced it with a constant, and am still getting the error.
This is pyqgis code but I don't think the GIS aspect is particularly relevant. I believe the issue is one of Python logic/syntax. This is the problem line:
QgsMessageLog.logMessage(type('1'), level=Qgis.Info)
I would have expected this to tell me that '1' is a string, but instead I get the error
TypeError: 'int' object is not callable
From what I know of this error I would have expected that this means that 'type' also exists as a property, but it doesn't as far as I am aware.
No, it means you've defined type somewhere earlier in your code. For example:
type = 1
You can resolve the issue by not shadowing built-in names.

Init object error TypeError: 'int' objecthas no attribute, python with generator

I have a fucntion like:
def image_process(ind):
return rotate(img[ind])
I am calling this function with Pool.imap to construct a generator
something like:
gen= pool.imap(image_process,[1,2,3,4,5,6],chunksize=100)
However, this generator seems to be empty. I can't run a forloop over it.
As soon as the interpreter reaches the following line:
for k,im in enumerate(gen) it throws an error: TypeError 'int' object has no attribute 'getitem'

'NoneType' object is not callable for an object that has a value?

I have the following two lines of code:
There is something being printed out by the code, namely the value of test. However, when I check the type of test through test.type(), i get the error TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable. How is this possible?
test.type is None.
Use type(test) instead.

Difficulty in understanding the error in python

I wrote a piece of code in python that reads a string, split it into 2 parts,the first being a string again and the second being an integer.
For example
ABDKEK 1255443
The code is as follows:
and it gives the following error
TypeError: 'int' object is not callable
I make the following change in the code:
and it works.
Can anyone explain what does the error 'int' object is not callable mean??
len is a function name which is already defined and should not be use as a variable. Try some other name instead.

Function object is not subscriptable in Python?

So I try to pass this through Python:
...and I get this in return:
TypeError: 'function' object is not subscriptable
What does this mean and how do I fix it?
It means that stats is a function instead of a sequence. Perhaps you forgot the parens on an earlier function call.

