Python Function to Compute a Beta Matrix - python

I'm looking for an efficient function to automatically produce betas for every possible multiple regression model given a dependent variable and set of predictors as a DataFrame in python.
For example, given this set of data:
The dependent variable is 'Cases per Capita' and the columns following are the predictor variables.
In a simpler example:
Student Grade Hours Slept Hours Studied ...
--------- -------- ------------- --------------- -----
A 90 9 1 ...
B 85 7 2 ...
C 100 4 5 ...
... ... ... ... ...
where the beta matrix output would look as such:
Regression Hours Slept Hours Studied
------------ ------------- ---------------
1 # N/A
2 N/A #
3 # #
The table size would be [2^n - 1] where n is the number of variables, so in the case with 5 predictors and 1 dependent, there would be 31 regressions, each with a different possible combination of beta calculations.
The process is described in greater detail here and an actual solution that is written in R is posted here.

I am not aware of any package that already does this. But you can create all those combinations (2^n-1), where n is the number of columns in X (independent variables), and fit a linear regression model for each combination and then get coefficients/betas for each model.
Here is how I would do it, hope this helps
from sklearn import datasets, linear_model
import numpy as np
from itertools import combinations
#test dataset
X, y = datasets.load_boston(return_X_y=True)
X = X[:,:3] # Orginal X has 13 columns, only taking n=3 instead of 13 columns
#create all 2^n-1 (here 7 because n=3) combinations of columns, where n is the number of features/indepdent variables
all_combs = []
for i in range(X.shape[1]):
# print 2^n-1 combinations
print('2^n-1 combinations are:')
## Create a betas/coefficients as zero matrix with rows (2^n-1) and columns equal to X
betas = np.zeros([len(all_combs), X.shape[1]])+np.NaN
## Fit a model for each combination of columns and add the coefficients into betas matrix
lr = linear_model.LinearRegression()
for regression_no, comb in enumerate(all_combs):[:,comb], y)
betas[regression_no, comb] = lr.coef_
## Print Coefficients of each model
print('Regression No'.center(15)+" ".join(['column {}'.format(i).center(10) for i in range(X.shape[1])]))
for index, beta in enumerate(betas):
print('{}'.format(index + 1).center(15), " ".join(['{:.4f}'.format(beta[i]).center(10) for i in range(X.shape[1])]))
results in
2^n-1 combinations are:
[(0,), (1,), (2,), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (0, 1, 2)]
Regression No column 0 column 1 column 2
1 -0.4152 nan nan
2 nan 0.1421 nan
3 nan nan -0.6485
4 -0.3521 0.1161 nan
5 -0.2455 nan -0.5234
6 nan 0.0564 -0.5462
7 -0.2486 0.0585 -0.4156


Pandas dataframe from numpy array with multiindex

I'm working with a numpy array called array_test with shape (5, 359, 2). This is checked with array_test.shape. The array reflects mean and uncertainty for observations in 5 repetitions of an experiment.
The goal of this is to be able to estimate the mean value of each observation across the 5 repetitions of the experiment, and to estimate the total uncertainty per observation also a mean across the 5 repetitions.
I would need to create a pandas dataframe from it, I believe with a multiindex in which the first level would have 5 values from the first dimension (named simply '1', '2', etc.), and a second one which would be 'mean' and 'uncertainty'.
Suggestions are more than welcome!
IIUC, you might want to aggregate in numpy, then construct a DataFrame and stack:
a = np.random.random((5, 359, 2))
out = pd.DataFrame(a.mean(1), index=range(1, a.shape[0]+1),
columns=['mean', 'uncertainty']).stack()
Output (a Series):
1 mean 0.499102
uncertainty 0.511757
2 mean 0.480295
uncertainty 0.473132
3 mean 0.500507
uncertainty 0.519352
4 mean 0.505443
uncertainty 0.493672
5 mean 0.514302
uncertainty 0.519299
dtype: float64
For a DataFrame:
out = pd.DataFrame(a.mean(1), index=range(1, a.shape[0]+1),
columns=['mean', 'uncertainty']).stack().to_frame('value')
1 mean 0.499102
uncertainty 0.511757
2 mean 0.480295
uncertainty 0.473132
3 mean 0.500507
uncertainty 0.519352
4 mean 0.505443
uncertainty 0.493672
5 mean 0.514302
uncertainty 0.519299
I would approach it by using a normal Dataframe, but adding columns for the observation and experiment number.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
a = np.random.rand(5, 10, 2)
# Get the shape
n_experiments, n_observations, n_values = a.shape
# Reshape array into a 2-dimensional array
# (stacking experiments on top of each other)
a = a.reshape(-1, n_values)
# Create Dataframe and add experiment and observation number
df = pd.DataFrame(a, columns=["mean", "uncertainty"])
# This returns an array, like [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, ..., 4, 4]
experiment = np.repeat(range(n_experiments), n_observations)
df["experiment"] = experiment
# This returns an array like [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, ..., 3, 4]
observation = np.tile(range(n_observations), n_experiments)
df["observation"] = observation
The Dataframe now looks like this:
mean uncertainty experiment observation
0 0.741436 0.775086 0 0
1 0.401934 0.277716 0 1
2 0.148269 0.406040 0 2
3 0.852485 0.702986 0 3
4 0.240930 0.644746 0 4
5 0.309648 0.914761 0 5
6 0.479186 0.495845 0 6
7 0.154647 0.422658 0 7
8 0.381012 0.756473 0 8
9 0.939797 0.764821 0 9
10 0.994342 0.019140 1 0
11 0.300225 0.992146 1 1
12 0.265698 0.823469 1 2
13 0.791907 0.555051 1 3
14 0.503281 0.249237 1 4
Now you can analyze the Dataframe (with groupby and mean):
# Only the mean
print(df[['observation', 'mean', 'uncertainty']].groupby(['observation']).mean())
mean uncertainty
0 0.699324 0.506369
1 0.382288 0.456324
2 0.333396 0.324469
3 0.690545 0.564583
4 0.365198 0.555231
5 0.453545 0.596149
6 0.526988 0.395162
7 0.565689 0.569904
8 0.425595 0.415944
9 0.731776 0.375612
Or with more advanced aggregate functions, which are probably useful for your usecase:
# Use aggregate function to calculate not only mean, but min and max as well
print(df[['observation', 'mean', 'uncertainty']].groupby(['observation']).aggregate(['mean', 'min', 'max']))
mean uncertainty
mean min max mean min max
0 0.699324 0.297030 0.994342 0.506369 0.019140 0.974842
1 0.382288 0.063046 0.810411 0.456324 0.108774 0.992146
2 0.333396 0.148269 0.698921 0.324469 0.009539 0.823469
3 0.690545 0.175471 0.895190 0.564583 0.260557 0.721265
4 0.365198 0.015501 0.726352 0.555231 0.249237 0.929258
5 0.453545 0.111355 0.807582 0.596149 0.101421 0.914761
6 0.526988 0.323945 0.786167 0.395162 0.007105 0.691998
7 0.565689 0.154647 0.813336 0.569904 0.302157 0.964782
8 0.425595 0.116968 0.567544 0.415944 0.014439 0.756473
9 0.731776 0.411324 0.939797 0.375612 0.085988 0.764821

How to find the optimal n cloumn vectors for minimum combination from 1000 vectors

The origianl data is about 1000 column vectors, my purpose is: firstly, choose n of them. secondly, generate the minimum vector of the n vectors and calculate the summary of the minimum vector. thirdly, I use the itertools to genertate the whole combinations of n in 1000 vectors. finally, after comparing all the summaries, the optimal n vectors are determined.
The question is: when n=1 or n=2, the calculation time is acceptable, using 0.3 and 18 seconds respeictively. but when n>=3, the calculation time rise exponentially, and all spent on the combinations. Is there any other suitable solutions?
import numpy as np
import itertools
from itertools import combinations
n = 2 # the chosen number of vectors
dic = np.load("data.npy",allow_pickle=True) # import the 1000 vetors, they are saved as dictionary
Summary = []
Index = []
for c in combinations(dic.keys(), n):
minvector = np.minimum(dic[c[0]] , dic[c[1]]) # two vectors because n=2, equals to n
# print(c)
Taking these vectors as example, if I choose vector1 and vector2, the minimum vector will be [5,2,1,4,3,3,6] and the summary will be 24. if I choose vector2 and vector999, the minimum vector will be [5,2,1,6,8,3,5] and the summary will be 30. After calculating all the combinations, I can get the optimal 2 vectors. However, when n=3, the question will consume a lot of time.

Assign list as new columns based on a condition

I have a dataframe df that looks like this:
ID Sequence
0 A->A
1 C->C->A
2 C->B->A
3 B->A
4 A->C->A
5 A->C->C
6 A->C
7 A->C->C
8 B->B
9 C->C and so on ....
I want to create a column called 'Outcome', which is binomial in nature.
Its value essentially depends on three lists that I am generating from below
Whenever 'A' occurs in a sequence, probability of "Outcome" being 1 is 2%
Whenever 'B' occurs in a sequence, probability of "Outcome" being 1 is 6%
Whenever 'C' occurs in a sequence, probability of "Outcome" being 1 is 1%
so here is the code which is generating these 3 (bi_A, bi_B, bi_C) lists -
for i in range(0,len(df)):
if('A' in df.sequence[i]):
if('B' in df.sequence[i]):
if('C' in df.sequence[i]):
bi_A = np.random.binomial(1, A, count_A)
bi_B = np.random.binomial(1, B, count_B)
bi_C = np.random.binomial(1, C, count_C)
What I am trying to do is to combine these 3 lists as an "output" column so that probability of Outcome being 1 when "A" is in sequence is 2% and so on. How to I solve for it as I understand there would be data overlap, where bi_A says one sequence is 0 and bi_B says it's 1, so how would we solve for this ?
End data should look like -
ID Sequence Output
0 A->A 0
1 C->C->A 1
2 C->B->A 0
3 B->A 0
4 A->C->A 0
5 A->C->C 1
6 A->C 0
7 A->C->C 0
8 B->B 0
9 C->C 0
and so on ....
Such that when I find probability of Outcome = 1 when A is in string, it should be 2%
you can generate the sequence data using this code-
import pandas as pd
import itertools
import numpy as np
import random
for i in range(1,len(alphabets)+1):
combinations.append(['->'.join(i) for i in itertools.product(alphabets, repeat = i)])
combinations=(sum(combinations, []))
'''n = len(combinations)
weights = [random.random() for _ in range(n)]
sum_weights = sum(weights)
weights = [w/sum_weights for w in weights]'''

How to calculate pairwise distances among all subjects in a matrix in Python

I have a feature matrix, where the subjects are in rows and features in columns. I want to calculate the pairwise distance (e.g. mean absolute distance) among all subjects (rows). What is the simplest and fastest way to do it?
Let the features be a matrix of size (100, 200).
features = pd.DataFrame(np.random.uniform(0, 1, (100,200)))
Desired outputs:
Distance data frame: similar to below
subject1 subject2 distance
0 1 0.124
0 2 0.453
Adjacency Matrix: My final purpose is to create Adjacency Matrix from calculated distances.
I am not sure this is exactly what you want, but wanted to post as I think parts will be used for the solution,
I use pairwise_distance from sklearn, and then melt to shape the output to your desired format, so
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
features = pd.DataFrame(np.random.uniform(0, 1, (100,200)))
and create distances with
distances = pd.DataFrame( pairwise_distances(features) )
distances['subject'] = distances.index
Which will return
subject variable value
0 0 0 0.000000
1 1 0 5.479917
2 2 0 5.696208
3 3 0 5.889866
4 4 0 5.851760
... ... ... ...
9995 95 99 5.571289
9996 96 99 5.588377
9997 97 99 5.794598
9998 98 99 6.021844
9999 99 99 0.000000
Duplicates/Zeros are still part of that, it is the whole sjabang!

Python Dataframe: Calculating R^2 and RMSE Using Groupby on One Column

I have the following Python dataframe:
Type Actual Predicted
A 4 3
A 10 18
A 13 11
B 3 10
B 4 2
B 8 33
C 20 17
C 40 33
C 87 80
C 32 30
I have the code to calculate R^2 and RMSE but I don't know how to calculate it by distinct "Type".
For now, my methodology is breaking the larger table into three smaller tables consisting of only A, B, C values and then calculating R^2 and RMSE off each smaller table...then appending them back together.
But the above method is inefficient and I believe there should be an easier way?
Below is the format I want the results to produce when things are grouped:
Type R^2 RMSE
A value value
B value value
C value value
Here is a groupby method:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score, mean_squared_error
def r2_rmse(g):
r2 = r2_score(g['Actual'], g['Predicted'])
rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(g['Actual'], g['Predicted']))
return pd.Series(dict(r2 = r2, rmse = rmse))

