Setting Wn for analog Bessel model in scipy.signal - python

I have been trying to implement an analog Bessel filter with a cutoff frequency 2kHz using scipy.signal, and I am confused about what value of Wn to set, as the documentation states Wn (for analog filters) should be set to angular frequency (12000 rad/s approximately). But if I implement this to my 1 second of dummy data, with half a second pulse sampled at 500 000 Hz, I get a string of 0s and nans. What is it that I am missing?
import numpy as np
import scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.signal
def make_signal(pulse_length, rate = 500000):
new_x = np.zeros(rate)
end_signal = 250000+pulse_length
new_x[250000:end_signal] = 1
data = new_x
print (np.shape(data))
# pad on both sides
return data
def conv_time(t):
pulse_length = t * 500000
pulse_length = int(pulse_length)
return pulse_length
def make_data(ti): #give time in seconds
print (pulse_length)
data = make_signal(pulse_length)
return data
time_scale = np.linspace(0,1,500000)
data = make_data(0.5)
[b,a] = scipy.signal.bessel(4, 12566.37, btype='low', analog=True, output='ba', norm='phase', fs=None)
output_signal = scipy.signal.filtfilt(b, a, data)
When plotting response using freqs, it doesn't seem that bad to me; where am I making a mistake?

You are passing an analog filter to a function, scipy.signal.filtfilt, that expects a digital (i.e. discrete time) filter. If you are going to use filtfilt or lfilter, the filter must be digital.
To work with continuous time systems, take a look at the functions
scipy.signal.impulse (scipy.signal.impulse2)
scipy.signal.step (scipy.signal.step2)
scipy.signal.lsim (scipy.signal.lsim2)
(The 2 versions solve the same mathematical problem as the version without 2 but use a different method. In most cases, the version without 2 is fine and is much faster than the 2 version.)
Other related functions and classes are listed in the section Continuous-Time Linear Systems of the SciPy documentation.
For example, here's a script that plots the impulse and step responses of your Bessel filter:
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import bessel, step, impulse
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
order = 4
Wn = 2*np.pi * 2000
b, a = bessel(order, Wn, btype='low', analog=True, output='ba', norm='phase')
# Note: the upper limit for t was chosen after some experimentation.
# If you don't give a T argument to impulse or step, it will choose a
# a "pretty good" time span.
t = np.linspace(0, 0.00125, 2500, endpoint=False)
timp, yimp = impulse((b, a), T=t)
tstep, ystep = step((b, a), T=t)
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot(timp, yimp, label='impulse response')
plt.legend(loc='upper right', framealpha=1, shadow=True)
plt.title('Impulse and step response of the Bessel filter')
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.plot(tstep, ystep, label='step response')
plt.legend(loc='lower right', framealpha=1, shadow=True)
The script generates this plot:


How to De-Trend a waveform which is piece-wise linear or non-linear?

I'm trying to remove the trend present in the waveform which looks like the following:
For doing so, I use scipy.signal.detrend() as follows:
autocorr = scipy.signal.detrend(autocorr)
But I don't see any significant flattening in trend. I get the following:
My objective is to have the trend completely eliminated from the waveform. And I need to also generalize it so that it can detrend any kind of waveform - be it linear, piece-wise linear, polynomial, etc.
Can you please suggest a way to do the same?
Note: In order to replicate the above waveform, you can simply run the following code that I used to generate it:
#Loading Libraries
import warnings
import json
import sys, os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import glob
import pickle
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller, acf, pacf
from scipy.signal import find_peaks, square
from import plot_acf, plot_pacf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Generating a function with Dual Seasonality:
def white_noise(mu, sigma, num_pts):
""" Function to generate Gaussian Normal Noise
sigma: std value
num_pts: no of points
mu: mean value
generated Gaussian Normal Noise
noise = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, num_pts)
return noise
def signal_line_plot(input_signal: pd.Series, title: str = "", y_label: str = "Signal"):
""" Function to plot a time series signal
input_signal: time series signal that you want to plot
title: title on plot
y_label: label of the signal being plotted
signal plot
# Square with two periodicities of daily and weekly. With #15min sampling frequency it means 4*24=96 samples and 4*24*7=672
t_week = np.linspace(1,480, 480)
T=96 #Time Period
x_weekday = 10*square(2*np.pi*t_week/T, duty=0.7)+10 + white_noise(0, 1,480)
x_weekend = 2*square(2*np.pi*t_weekend/T, duty=0.7)+2 + white_noise(0,1,192)
x_daily_weekly = np.concatenate((x_weekday, x_weekend))
x_daily_weekly_long = np.concatenate((x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly))
#Finding Autocorrelation & Lags for the signal [WHICH THE FINAL PARAMETERS WHICH ARE TO BE PLOTTED]:
#Determining Autocorrelation & Lag values
import scipy.signal as signal
autocorr = signal.correlate(x_daily_weekly_long, x_daily_weekly_long, mode="same")
#Normalize the autocorr values (such that the hightest peak value is at 1)
autocorr = (autocorr-min(autocorr))/(max(autocorr)-min(autocorr))
lags = signal.correlation_lags(len(x_daily_weekly_long), len(x_daily_weekly_long), mode = "same")
f = plt.figure()
plt.plot(lags, autocorr)
autocorr = scipy.signal.detrend(autocorr)
f = plt.figure()
plt.plot(lags, autocorr)
Since it's an auto-correlation, it will always be even; so detrending with a breakpoint at lag=0 should get you part of the way there.
An alternative way to detrend is to use a high-pass filter; you could do this in two ways. What will be tricky is deciding what the cut-off frequency should be.
Here's a possible way to do this:
#Loading Libraries
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Generating a function with Dual Seasonality:
def white_noise(mu, sigma, num_pts):
""" Function to generate Gaussian Normal Noise
sigma: std value
num_pts: no of points
mu: mean value
generated Gaussian Normal Noise
noise = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, num_pts)
return noise
# High-pass filter via discrete Fourier transform
# Drop all components from 0th to dropcomponent-th
def dft_highpass(x, dropcomponent):
fx = np.fft.rfft(x)
fx[:dropcomponent] = 0
return np.fft.irfft(fx)
# Square with two periodicities of daily and weekly. With #15min sampling frequency it means 4*24=96 samples and 4*24*7=672
t_week = np.linspace(1,480, 480)
T=96 #Time Period
x_weekday = 10*signal.square(2*np.pi*t_week/T, duty=0.7)+10 + white_noise(0, 1,480)
x_weekend = 2*signal.square(2*np.pi*t_weekend/T, duty=0.7)+2 + white_noise(0,1,192)
x_daily_weekly = np.concatenate((x_weekday, x_weekend))
x_daily_weekly_long = np.concatenate((x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly))
#Finding Autocorrelation & Lags for the signal [WHICH THE FINAL PARAMETERS WHICH ARE TO BE PLOTTED]:
#Determining Autocorrelation & Lag values
autocorr = signal.correlate(x_daily_weekly_long, x_daily_weekly_long, mode="same")
#Normalize the autocorr values (such that the hightest peak value is at 1)
autocorr = (autocorr-min(autocorr))/(max(autocorr)-min(autocorr))
lags = signal.correlation_lags(len(x_daily_weekly_long), len(x_daily_weekly_long), mode = "same")
# detrend w/ breakpoints
dautocorr = signal.detrend(autocorr, bp=len(lags)//2)
# detrend w/ high-pass filter
# use `filtfilt` to get zero-phase
b, a = signal.butter(1, 1e-3, 'high')
fautocorr = signal.filtfilt(b, a, autocorr)
# detrend with DFT HPF
rautocorr = dft_highpass(autocorr, len(autocorr) // 1000)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3)
for i in range(3):
ax[i].plot(lags, autocorr, label='orig')
ax[0].plot(lags, dautocorr, label='detrend w/ bp')
ax[1].plot(lags, fautocorr, label='HPF')
ax[2].plot(lags, rautocorr, label='DFT')
for i in range(3):

Frequency domain of a sine wave with frequency 1000Hz

I'm starting DSP on Python and I'm having some difficulties:
I'm trying to define a sine wave with frequency 1000Hz
I try to do the FFT and find its frequency with the following piece of code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sampling_rate = int(10e3)
n = int(10e3)
sine_wave = [100*np.sin(2 * np.pi * 1000 * x/sampling_rate) for x in range(0, n)]
s = np.array(sine_wave)
s_fft = np.fft.fft(s)
frequencies = np.abs(s_fft)
So first plot makes sense to me.
Second plot (FFT) shows two frequencies:
i) 1000Hz, which is the one I set at the beggining
ii) 9000Hz, unexpectedly
freqeuncy domain
Your data do not respect Shannon criterion. you do not set a correct frequencies axis.
It's easier also to use rfft rather than fft when the signal is real.
Your code can be adapted like :
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sampling_rate = 10000
n = 10000
signal_freq = 4000 # must be < sampling_rate/2
amplitude = 100
sine_wave = amplitude*np.sin(2 * np.pi *signal_freq*t)
spectrum = 2/n*np.abs(np.fft.rfft(sine_wave))
frequencies = np.fft.rfftfreq(n,1/sampling_rate)
Output :
There is no information loss, even if a human eye can be troubled by the temporal representation.

How to validate the downsampling is as intended

how to validate whether the down sampled output is correct. For example, I had make some example, however, I am not sure whether the output is correct or not?
Any idea on the validation
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # For ploting
from scipy import signal
import mne
fs = 100 # sample rate
rsample=50 # downsample frequency
fTwo=400 # frequency of the signal
x = np.arange(fs)
y = [ np.sin(2*np.pi*fTwo * (i/fs)) for i in x]
f_res = signal.resample(y, rsample)
xnew = np.linspace(0, 100, f_res.size, endpoint=False)
# ##############################
plt.stem(x, y)
plt.stem(xnew, f_res, 'r')
Plotting the data is a good first take at a verification. Here I made regular plot with the points connected by lines. The lines are useful since they give a guide for where you expect the down-sampled data to lie, and also emphasize what the down-sampled data is missing. (It would also work to only show lines for the original data, but lines, as in a stem plot, are too confusing, imho.)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # For ploting
from scipy import signal
fs = 100 # sample rate
rsample=43 # downsample frequency
fTwo=13 # frequency of the signal
x = np.arange(fs, dtype=float)
y = np.sin(2*np.pi*fTwo * (x/fs))
print y
f_res = signal.resample(y, rsample)
xnew = np.linspace(0, 100, f_res.size, endpoint=False)
# ##############################
plt.plot(x, y, 'o')
plt.plot(xnew, f_res, 'or')
A few notes:
If you're trying to make a general algorithm, use non-rounded numbers, otherwise you could easily introduce bugs that don't show up when things are even multiples. Similarly, if you need to zoom in to verify, go to a few random places, not, for example, only the start.
Note that I changed fTwo to be significantly less than the number of samples. Somehow, you need at least more than one data point per oscillation if you want to make sense of it.
I also remove the loop for calculating y: in general, you should try to vectorize calculations when using numpy.
The spectrum of the resampled signal should have a tone at the same frequency as the input signal just in a smaller nyquist bandwidth.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import signal
import scipy.fftpack as fft
fs = 100 # sample rate
rsample=50 # downsample frequency
fTwo=10 # frequency of the signal
n = np.arange(1024)
y = np.sin(2*np.pi*fTwo/fs*n)
y_res = signal.resample(y, len(n)/2)
Y = fft.fftshift(fft.fft(y))
f = -fs*np.arange(-512, 512)/1024
Y_res = fft.fftshift(fft.fft(y_res, 1024))
f_res = -fs/2*np.arange(-512, 512)/1024
plt.stem(f, abs(Y))
plt.stem(f_res, abs(Y_res))
The tone is still at 10.
IF you down sample a signal both signals will still have the exact same value and a given time , so just loop through "time" and check that the values are the same. In your case you go from a sample rate of 100 to 50. Assuming you have 1 seconds worth of data from building your x from fs, then just loop through t = 0 to t=1 in 1/50'th increments and make sure that Yd(t) = Ys(t) where Yd d is the down sampled f and Ys is the original sampled frequency. Or to say it simply Yd(n) = Ys(2n) for n = 1,2,3,...n=total_samples-1.

Analyzing seasonality of Google trend time series using FFT

I am trying to evaluate the amplitude spectrum of the Google trends time series using a fast Fourier transformation. If you look at the data for 'diet' in the data provided here it shows a very strong seasonal pattern:
I thought I could analyze this pattern using a FFT, which presumably should have a strong peak for a period of 1 year.
However when I apply a FFT like this (a_gtrend_ham being the time series multiplied with a Hamming window):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fft, fftshift
import pandas as pd
gtrend = pd.read_csv('multiTimeline.csv',index_col=0)
gtrend.index = pd.to_datetime(gtrend.index, format='%Y-%m')
# Sampling rate
fs = 12 #Points per year
a_gtrend_orig = gtrend['diet: (Worldwide)']
N_gtrend_orig = len(a_gtrend_orig)
length_gtrend_orig = N_gtrend_orig / fs
t_gtrend_orig = np.linspace(0, length_gtrend_orig, num = N_gtrend_orig, endpoint = False)
a_gtrend_sel = a_gtrend_orig.loc['2005-01-01 00:00:00':'2017-12-01 00:00:00']
N_gtrend = len(a_gtrend_sel)
length_gtrend = N_gtrend / fs
t_gtrend = np.linspace(0, length_gtrend, num = N_gtrend, endpoint = False)
a_gtrend_zero_mean = a_gtrend_sel - np.mean(a_gtrend_sel)
ham = np.hamming(len(a_gtrend_zero_mean))
a_gtrend_ham = a_gtrend_zero_mean * ham
N_gtrend = len(a_gtrend_ham)
ampl_gtrend = 1/N_gtrend * abs(fft(a_gtrend_ham))
mag_gtrend = fftshift(ampl_gtrend)
freq_gtrend = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, len(ampl_gtrend))
response_gtrend = 20 * np.log10(mag_gtrend)
response_gtrend = np.clip(response_gtrend, -100, 100)
My resulting amplitude spectrum does not show any dominant peak:
Where is my misunderstanding of how to use the FFT to get the spectrum of the data series?
Here is a clean implementation of what I think you are trying to accomplish. I include graphical output and a brief discussion of what it likely means.
First, we use the rfft() because the data is real valued. This saves time and effort (and reduces the bug rate) that otherwise follows from generating the redundant negative frequencies. And we use rfftfreq() to generate the frequency list (again, it is unnecessary to hand code it, and using the api reduces the bug rate).
For your data, the Tukey window is more appropriate than the Hamming and similar cos or sin based window functions. Notice also that we subtract the median before multiplying by the window function. The median() is a fairly robust estimate of the baseline, certainly more so than the mean().
In the graph you can see that the data falls quickly from its intitial value and then ends low. The Hamming and similar windows, sample the middle too narrowly for this and needlessly attenuate a lot of useful data.
For the FT graphs, we skip the zero frequency bin (the first point) since this only contains the baseline and omitting it provides a more convenient scaling for the y-axes.
You will notice some high frequency components in the graph of the FT output.
I include a sample code below that illustrates a possible origin of those high frequency components.
Okay here is the code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import rfft, rfftfreq
from scipy.signal import tukey
from numpy.fft import fft, fftshift
import pandas as pd
gtrend = pd.read_csv('multiTimeline.csv',index_col=0,skiprows=2)
gtrend.index = pd.to_datetime(gtrend.index, format='%Y-%m')
a_gtrend_orig = gtrend['diet: (Worldwide)']
t_gtrend_orig = np.linspace( 0, len(a_gtrend_orig)/12, len(a_gtrend_orig), endpoint=False )
a_gtrend_windowed = (a_gtrend_orig-np.median( a_gtrend_orig ))*tukey( len(a_gtrend_orig) )
plt.subplot( 2, 1, 1 )
plt.plot( t_gtrend_orig, a_gtrend_orig, label='raw data' )
plt.plot( t_gtrend_orig, a_gtrend_windowed, label='windowed data' )
plt.xlabel( 'years' )
a_gtrend_psd = abs(rfft( a_gtrend_orig ))
a_gtrend_psdtukey = abs(rfft( a_gtrend_windowed ) )
# Notice that we assert the delta-time here,
# It would be better to get it from the data.
a_gtrend_freqs = rfftfreq( len(a_gtrend_orig), d = 1./12. )
# For the PSD graph, we skip the first two points, this brings us more into a useful scale
# those points represent the baseline (or mean), and are usually not relevant to the analysis
plt.subplot( 2, 1, 2 )
plt.plot( a_gtrend_freqs[1:], a_gtrend_psd[1:], label='psd raw data' )
plt.plot( a_gtrend_freqs[1:], a_gtrend_psdtukey[1:], label='windowed psd' )
plt.xlabel( 'frequency ($yr^{-1}$)' )
And here is the output displayed graphically. There are strong signals at 1/year and at 0.14 (which happens to be 1/2 of 1/14 yrs), and there is a set of higher frequency signals that at first perusal might seem quite mysterious.
We see that the windowing function is actually quite effective in bringing the data to baseline and you see that the relative signal strengths in the FT are not altered very much by applying the window function.
If you look at the data closely, there seems to be some repeated variations within the year. If those occur with some regularity, they can be expected to appear as signals in the FT, and indeed the presence or absence of signals in the FT is often used to distinguish between signal and noise. But as will be shown, there is a better explanation for the high frequency signals.
Okay, now here is a sample code that illustrates one way those high frequency components can be produced. In this code, we create a single tone, and then we create a set of spikes at the same frequency as the tone. Then we Fourier transform the two signals and finally, graph the raw and FT data.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import rfft, rfftfreq
t = np.linspace( 0, 1, 1000. )
y = np.cos( 50*3.14*t )
y2 = [ 1. if 1.-v < 0.01 else 0. for v in y ]
plt.subplot( 2, 1, 1 )
plt.plot( t, y, label='tone' )
plt.plot( t, y2, label='spikes' )
plt.subplot( 2, 1, 2 )
plt.plot( rfftfreq(len(y),d=1/100.), abs( rfft(y) ), label='tone' )
plt.plot( rfftfreq(len(y2),d=1/100.), abs( rfft(y2) ), label='spikes' )
Okay, here are the graphs of the tone, and the spikes, and then their Fourier transforms. Notice that the spikes produce high frequency components that are very similar to those in our data.
In other words, the origin of the high frequency components is very likely in the short time scales associated with the spikey character of signals in the raw data.

Python interp1d vs. UnivariateSpline

I'm trying to port some MatLab code over to Scipy, and I've tried two different functions from scipy.interpolate, interp1d and UnivariateSpline. The interp1d results match the interp1d MatLab function, but the UnivariateSpline numbers come out different - and in some cases very different.
f = interp1d(row1,row2,kind='cubic',bounds_error=False,fill_value=numpy.max(row2))
return f(interp)
f = UnivariateSpline(row1,row2,k=3,s=0)
return f(interp)
Could anyone offer any insight? My x vals aren't equally spaced, although I'm not sure why that would matter.
I just ran into the same issue.
Short answer
Use InterpolatedUnivariateSpline instead:
f = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(row1, row2)
return f(interp)
Long answer
UnivariateSpline is a 'one-dimensional smoothing spline fit to a given set of data points' whereas InterpolatedUnivariateSpline is a 'one-dimensional interpolating spline for a given set of data points'. The former smoothes the data whereas the latter is a more conventional interpolation method and reproduces the results expected from interp1d. The figure below illustrates the difference.
The code to reproduce the figure is shown below.
import scipy.interpolate as ip
#Define independent variable
sparse = linspace(0, 2 * pi, num = 20)
dense = linspace(0, 2 * pi, num = 200)
#Define function and calculate dependent variable
f = lambda x: sin(x) + 2
fsparse = f(sparse)
fdense = f(dense)
ax = subplot(2, 1, 1)
#Plot the sparse samples and the true function
plot(sparse, fsparse, label = 'Sparse samples', linestyle = 'None', marker = 'o')
plot(dense, fdense, label = 'True function')
#Plot the different interpolation results
interpolate = ip.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(sparse, fsparse)
plot(dense, interpolate(dense), label = 'InterpolatedUnivariateSpline', linewidth = 2)
smoothing = ip.UnivariateSpline(sparse, fsparse)
plot(dense, smoothing(dense), label = 'UnivariateSpline', color = 'k', linewidth = 2)
ip1d = ip.interp1d(sparse, fsparse, kind = 'cubic')
plot(dense, ip1d(dense), label = 'interp1d')
ylim(.9, 3.3)
legend(loc = 'upper right', frameon = False)
#Plot the fractional error
subplot(2, 1, 2, sharex = ax)
plot(dense, smoothing(dense) / fdense - 1, label = 'UnivariateSpline')
plot(dense, interpolate(dense) / fdense - 1, label = 'InterpolatedUnivariateSpline')
plot(dense, ip1d(dense) / fdense - 1, label = 'interp1d')
ylabel('Fractional error')
legend(loc = 'upper left', frameon = False)
The reason why the results are different (but both likely correct) is that the interpolation routines used by UnivariateSpline and interp1d are different.
interp1d constructs a smooth B-spline using the x-points you gave to it as knots
UnivariateSpline is based on FITPACK, which also constructs a smooth B-spline. However, FITPACK tries to choose new knots for the spline, to fit the data better (probably to minimize chi^2 plus some penalty for curvature, or something similar). You can find out what knot points it used via g.get_knots().
So the reason why you get different results is that the interpolation algorithm is different. If you want B-splines with knots at data points, use interp1d or splmake. If you want what FITPACK does, use UnivariateSpline. In the limit of dense data, both methods give same results, but when data is sparse, you may get different results.
(How do I know all this: I read the code :-)
Works for me,
from scipy import allclose, linspace
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, UnivariateSpline
from numpy.random import normal
from pylab import plot, show
n = 2**5
x = linspace(0,3,n)
y = (2*x**2 + 3*x + 1) + normal(0.0,2.0,n)
i = interp1d(x,y,kind=3)
u = UnivariateSpline(x,y,k=3,s=0)
m = 2**4
t = linspace(1,2,m)
print allclose(i(t),u(t)) # evaluates to True
This gives me,
UnivariateSpline: A more recent
wrapper of the FITPACK routines.
this might explain the slightly different values? (I also experienced that UnivariateSpline is much faster than interp1d.)

