in Java there is a rest-assured framework to make the API requests and validate the responses with various ways.
Is there any alternative in Python?
Or I should use the requests library to make the API calls and validate the responses e.g using JsonPath, XmlPath and other libraries.
Thanks in advance.
In order to simulate the same functionality as in Java's rest-assured, you can use:
Option 1
requests module along with pytest
Option 2
Use an available module pyhttptest
Here you just need to define your test-cases and request in a json file and run all your test cases using command line
And Last
My favorite and recommended one is pyresttest
pyresttest is tool for testing RESTful HTTP requests. It’s written in Python (hence the py prefix) but unless you intend to write extensions this does not require any Python programming. It will work just fine in a Ruby, Go, Node, or PHP project.
As a command line tool it works by specifying a root URL (host) address and then the path to a YAML configuration file. The configuration file enumerates a list of URLs to request and tests against the expected status code.
I am new to working with APIs in general and am writing code in python that needs to consume/interact with an API someone else has set up. I was wondering if there is any package out there that would build some sort of custom client class to interact with an API given a file outlining the API in some way (like a json or something where each available endpoint and http verb could be outlined in terms of stuff like allowed payload json schema for posts, general params allowed and their types, expected response json schema, the header key/value for a business verb, etc.). It would be helpful if I could have one master file outlining the endpoints available and then some package uses that to generate a client class we can use to consume the API as described.
In my googling most API packages I have found in python are much more focused on the generation of APIs but this isn't what I want.
Basically I believe you are looking for the built in requests package.
response = requests.get(f'{base_url}{endpoint}',
headers={'X-Api-Key': secret}
And from here, you can build you own class, pass it to a dataframe or whatever.
In the requests package is basically everything you need. Status handling, exception handling everything you need.
Please check the docs.
I am developing a DAG to be scheduled on Apache Airflow which main porpuse will be to post survey data (on json format) to an API and then getting a response (the answers to the surveys). Since this whole process is going to be automated, every part of it has to be programmed in the DAG, so I can´t use Postman or any similar app (unless there is a way to automate their usage, but I don't know if this is possible).
I was thinking of using the requests library for Python, and the function I've written for posting the json to the API looks like this:
def postFileToAPI(**context):
print('uploadFileToAPI() ------ ')
json_file = context['ti'].xcom_pull(task_ids='toJson') ## this pulls the json file from a previous task
print('--------------- Posting survey request to API')
r ='https://[request]', data = json_file)
(I haven't finished defining the http link for the request because my source data is incomplete.)
However, since this is my frst time working with APIs and the requests library, I don't know if this is enough. For example, I'm unsure if I need to provide a token from the API to perform the request.
I also don't know if there are other libraries that are better suited for this or that could be a good support.
In short: I don't know if what I'm doing will work as intended, what other information I need t provide my DAG or if there are any libraries to make my work easier.
The Python requests package that you're using is all you need, except if you're making a request that needs extra authorisation - then you should also import for example requests_jwt (then from requests_jwt import JWTAuth) if you're using JSON web tokens, or whatever relevant requests package corresponds for your authorisation style.
You make POST and GET requests and all individual requests separately.
Include the URL and data arguments as you have done and that should work!
You may also need headers and/or auth arguments to get through security,
eg for the GitLab api for a private repository you would include these extra arguments, where GITLAB_TOKEN is a GitLab web token.
If you just try it it should work, if it doesn't work then test the API with curl requests directly in the Terminal, or let us know :)
I need to get the list of all puppet nodes (basically output of puppet cert list --all). What is the best way to do the same using python (without using exec or similar things on the command itself) in puppet 2.6.18
puppet 2.7.0 onwards has HTTP API to achieve the same.
GET /{environment}/certificate_statuses/no_key
puppetdb also one api but am not sure if the env am working with has puppetdb. (checking on that).
Is there anything like ansible.runner for puppet?
Any other thoughts?
You first need to configure access to the REST API in auth.conf. Then you can use the built-in urllib2 or external requests library to query the API with the appropriate SSL client certificate for authentication.
If you don't want to deal with SSL client certificates, you can use allow_ip in auth.conf. I'd only do that if you're not interested in the more sensitive areas of the API (like requesting a catalog).
I wrote a Python wrapper around the Puppet REST API and posted it on GitHub: pypuppet.
For example,
>>> import puppet
>>> p = puppet.Puppet()
>>> print p.certificates()
See the README and example auth.conf for more info. Let me know how it works out for you.
I'm using the suds library as a SOAP client in some project.
I would like to know if there was a way to generate Python code according to the WSDL file.
For example, consider the following line to be from the WSDL file:
<operation name="GetLastTradePrice">
Then, I want to get in some .py file the auto-generated function
def GetLastTradePrice...
The purpose of that is to be able to know what are my possible functions and properties when I have a client. That means that if I will write:
from suds.client import Client
client = Client(SOME_URL)
Then, after typing the folloewing
I will get the option of auto-completion GetLastTradePrice.
Ye olde ZSI library can generate Python code from a WSDL definition but, compared to suds, it's quite painful to use and requires another really old module called PyXML. I'd stick to suds, auto-completion isn't worth all that.
There are many SOAP server implementations for python, some more usable than others, search for packages related to SOAP at PyPI or take a look at the wiki page about web services at There are essentially two types of SOAP servers for python:
Servers that can generate server stubs from WSDL files (like ZSI)
Servers that can produce WSDL from the service class methods directly (like soaplib, ladon)
I have read documentation about Windows Live API:
But how can I retrieve contacts from hotmail with python ?
Is there any example ?
Your program will first need to obtain "delegated authentication", for which the Python samples are here.
After that, the interface is REST-like: you only need to HTTP GET the appropriate URI (per the docs, that's '/LiveContacts/contacts' to retrieve all contacts. The REST Schema is documented here. You can make an HTTP GET request in Python with such standard library modules as urllib and urllib2, though the lower-level httplib module is also fine.
For those who are searching for the download link for the library