This code is supposed to take a string of r (red), b (blue) and y (yellow) values and combine them, pairwise, to find one resulting colour. For example, 'rybbry' -> 'brbyb' -> 'yyrr' -> 'ybr' -> 'ry' -> 'b'. It works for small inputs, but forever for big ones. Too many nested loops?
def colour_trio(colours):
while len(colours) > 1:
new_colours = ''
for i in range(len(colours) - 1):
if colours[i:i+2] == 'rr' or colours[i:i+2] == 'by' or colours[i:i+2] == 'yb':
new_colours = new_colours + 'r'
elif colours[i:i+2] == 'bb' or colours[i:i+2] == 'ry' or colours[i:i+2] == 'yr':
new_colours = new_colours + 'b'
new_colours = new_colours + 'y'
colours = new_colours
if len(colours) == 1:
if colours[0] == 'b':
return 'b'
if colours[0] == 'y':
return 'y'
if colours[0] == 'r':
return 'r'
Tried this as well. Still runtime is too long.
def colour_trio(colours):
colours = list(colours)
length = len(colours)
for i in range(length-1):
for k in range(length - 1 - i):
colours[k] = color_sum(colours[k:k+2])
return colours[0]
def color_sum(pair):
if pair[0] == pair[1]:
return pair[0]
if 'r' in pair:
if 'b' in pair:
return 'y'
return 'b'
return 'r'
Here is what the tester file looks like:
def colour_trio_generator(seed):
rng = random.Random(seed)
items = ''
for n in islice(pyramid(3, 4, 1), 10000):
items += rng.choice('ryb')
yield items
if len(items) == n:
items = rng.choice('ryb')
Your code makes use of repeated string concatencation. Each addition operation on a string takes O(n) time, because strings are immutable. This operation occurs O(n^2) times, so the runtime of your algorithm is O(n^3), where n is the length of the string.
One optimization is to use a list to store the letters, and then call ' '.join(), taking the runtime from O(n^3) to O(n^2):
def colour_trio(colours):
result = colours
while len(result) != 1:
letters = []
for fst, snd in zip(result, result[1:]):
if fst == snd:
[letter_to_add] = list(set('ryb') - set(fst) - set(snd))
result = ''.join(letters)
return result
print(colour_trio("rybbry")) # Prints "b"
I think this is faster than the last solution I posted and faster than other solutions, I think classes make everything tidy looking, but you can re-work it to become a single function.
PS. Thank you for the feedback #KellyBundy! Now the algorithm is correct, it took even fewer chars!
New Solution
colors = ['r', 'b', 'y']
def split(x):
return [f'{Couple(i)}' for i in [f'{x[i]}{x[i+1]}' for i in range(len(x)-1)]]
class Couple:
def __init__(self, x) -> None:
self.a = x[0]
self.b = x[1]
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self.a == self.b:
return self.a
return (set(colors).difference(set((self.a, self.b))).pop())
def ColoursTrio(x):
while len(x) > 1:
x = split(x)
return x[0]
or even shorter (and faster):
def ColoursTrio(x):
while len(x) > 1:
x = [f'''{i[0] if i[0] == i[1]
else set("rby").difference(set((i[0],
i[1]))).pop()}''' for i in [f'{x[i]}{x[i+1]}'
for i in range(len(x)-1)]]
return x[0]
Old Solution
This is almost a bit convoluted but I think it's faster, I also think it's very similar to the one posted by #BrokenBenchmark (and I think his is better) so I'll add his example string too!
COLORS = ['r','b','y']
class ColorsCouple:
def __init__(self, x:str, y:str) -> None:
self.x = x
self.y = y
def mix(self):
if self.x == self.y:
return f'{self.x}'
if 'y' in (self.x, self.y):
return set(COLORS).difference((self.x, self.y)).pop()
return 'y'
class Colors:
def __init__(self, colors:str) -> None:
self.colors = self.get_couples([*colors])
def get_couples(self, element):
return [(element[i],element[i+1]) for i in range(len(element)-1)]
def get_color(self):
colors = [ColorsCouple(*couples).mix() if len(couples)==2 else couples[0] for couples in self.colors]
while len(colors)>1:
colors = self.get_couples(colors)
colors = [ColorsCouple(*couples).mix() if len(couples)==2 else couples[0] for couples in colors]
return colors[0]
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'{self.get_color()}'
Another solution, first some benchmark results, with random strings of 70 to 560 letters (I think 140 is the maximum in the actual tests):
n= 70 n=140 n=280 n=560
0.03 0.06 0.11 0.24 Kelly_linear (I might show this one later)
0.47 1.71 6.58 25.85 Kelly (this is the one I am already showing)
0.77 3.17 12.50 52.57 Jacopo_2
1.59 6.38 25.62 107.81 Jacopo_1
1.69 7.09 27.93 110.67 Fabio
1.82 7.69 30.17 120.77 BrokenBenchmark
My solution is the function Kelly below. First I double every letter, then trim first and last letter. So rybbry becomes ryybbbbrry. Essentially that gives me all the pairs, if you think spaces into it then it would be ry yb bb br ry. Then I replace pairs of different letters with what that pair shall become, but in uppercase. So I get BRbbYB. Then replace pairs of equal letters with what that pair shall become: BRBYB. Then just go back to lower case. Repeat until done.
Full benchmark code (Try it online!):
def Kelly(colours):
while len(colours) != 1:
colours = (colours
.replace('b', 'bb')
.replace('r', 'rr')
.replace('y', 'yy')
.replace('br', 'Y').replace('rb', 'Y')
.replace('by', 'R').replace('yb', 'R')
.replace('ry', 'B').replace('yr', 'B')
.replace('bb', 'B')
.replace('rr', 'R')
.replace('yy', 'Y')
return colours
def Jacopo_1(colours):
while len(colours) > 1:
new_colours = ''
for i in range(len(colours) - 1):
if colours[i:i+2] == 'rr' or colours[i:i+2] == 'by' or colours[i:i+2] == 'yb':
new_colours = new_colours + 'r'
elif colours[i:i+2] == 'bb' or colours[i:i+2] == 'ry' or colours[i:i+2] == 'yr':
new_colours = new_colours + 'b'
new_colours = new_colours + 'y'
colours = new_colours
if len(colours) == 1:
if colours[0] == 'b':
return 'b'
if colours[0] == 'y':
return 'y'
if colours[0] == 'r':
return 'r'
def Jacopo_2(colours):
colours = list(colours)
length = len(colours)
for i in range(length-1):
for k in range(length - 1 - i):
colours[k] = color_sum(colours[k:k+2])
return colours[0]
def color_sum(pair):
if pair[0] == pair[1]:
return pair[0]
if 'r' in pair:
if 'b' in pair:
return 'y'
return 'b'
return 'r'
def BrokenBenchmark(colours):
result = colours
while len(result) != 1:
letters = []
for fst, snd in zip(result, result[1:]):
if fst == snd:
[letter_to_add] = list(set('ryb') - set(fst) - set(snd))
result = ''.join(letters)
return result
def Fabio(x):
while len(x) > 1:
x = [f'''{i[0] if i[0] == i[1]
else set("rby").difference(set((i[0],
i[1]))).pop()}''' for i in [f'{x[i]}{x[i+1]}'
for i in range(len(x)-1)]]
return x[0]
lengths = 70, 140, 280, 560
funcs = [
from timeit import default_timer as timer, repeat
import random
Tss = [[] for _ in funcs]
for length in lengths:
tss = [[] for _ in funcs]
for _ in range(5):
colours = ''.join(random.choices('bry', k=length))
def run():
global result
result = func(colours)
expect = None
for func, ts in zip(funcs, tss):
t = min(repeat(run, number=1))
if expect is None:
expect = result
assert result == expect
# print(*('%7.3f ms ' % (t * 1e3) for t in sorted(ts)[:3]), func.__name__)
# print()
print(*(f' n={length:3} ' for length in lengths))
for func, Ts, ts in zip(funcs, Tss, tss):
print(*('%6.2f ' % (t * 1e3) for t in Ts), func.__name__)
Hey Ive got a project where I'm generating random numbers between 1 and 4 49 times and adding them to a list. These numbers are supposed to represent a color of a smartie. Then I had to seperate the results of that list into lists of their own, which I also managed to do. But now it wants me to compare those lists by length and print out the name of the longest and shortest list. (Which color has the most, and which color has the least.) Heres what Ive tried. Im not sure how to go about this really.
list = open('list.txt', 'w')
fields = None
redList = []
blueList = []
yellowList = []
greenList = []
biggestList = 0
smallestList = 0
for count in range(49):
randNum = random.randint(1, 4)
if randNum == 1:
smartyColor = 'Red'
list.write('1 ')
elif randNum == 2:
smartyColor = 'Blue'
list.write('2 ')
elif randNum == 3:
smartyColor = 'Green'
list.write('3 ')
elif randNum == 4:
smartyColor = 'Yellow'
list.write('4 ')
list = open('list.txt', 'r')
for line in list:
fields = line.split()
for field in fields:
if field == '1':
elif field == '2':
elif field == '3':
elif field == '4':
if redList == blueList:
print("There are as many red smarties as blue smarties.")
elif redList == greenList:
print("There are as many red smarties as green smarties.")
elif redList == yellowList:
print("There are as may red smarties as yellow smarties.")
if blueList == greenList:
print("There are as many blue smarties as there are green smarties.")
elif blueList == yellowList:
print("There are as many blue smarties as yellow smarties.")
if greenList == yellowList:
print("There are as many green smarties as there are yellow smarties.")
if redList > biggestList:
biggestList = redList
elif blueList > biggestList:
biggestList = blueList
elif greenList > biggestList:
biggestList = greenList
biggestList = yellowList
print("The biggest list was ",biggestList,"." )
if redList < smallestList:
smallestList = redList.Length
elif blueList < smallestList:
smallestList = blueList
elif greenList < smallestList:
smallestList = greenList
smallestList = yellowList
print("The smallest list was ",smallestList,"." )
You can't use > with 2 lists, what you have to do is the following:
Where you have:
if list_a > list_b:
Replace by:
if len(list_a)>len(list_b):
Your question at its essence is:
Given a bunch of lists, how I print out the smallest and biggest of
them (by size)?
Here you go:
def print_biggest_and_smallest(mylists):
mylists.sort(key = lambda x:len(x))
smallest = mylists[0]
biggest = mylists[-1]
print(smallest, biggest)
l = []
for i in range(49):
colors = [[],[],[],[]]
for i in l:
length_colors= [len(i) for i in colors]
min, max = 0,0
for i in range(1,len(colors)):
if length_colors[min] > length_colors[i]:
min = i
elif length_colors[max] < length_colors[i]:
max = i
print("Biggest list = ", colors[max], ",with ", length_colors[max], " elements")
print("Smallest list = ", colors[min], "with ", length_colors[min], " elements")
It would help if you could use numpy, then you could just use np.argmax / np.argmin.
I am a brand new programmer, and from what I have read Python is easy to learn so I tried learning it. This is just a fun script I made in a few minutes and I was wondering if I could shorten it. In case you can't tell, this essentially just has the user input three variables, then picks one of them, repeat three times, and then combines the answers.
import random
import time
print("name three diffrent animals")
animal1 = input("1")
animal2 = input("2")
animal3 = input("3")
x = (random.randint(1,3))
if x == 1:
x = animal1
if x == 2:
x = animal2
if x == 3:
x = animal3
print("name three diffrent colors")
color1 = input("1")
color2 = input("2")
color3 = input("3")
y = (random.randint(1,3))
if y == 1:
y = color1
if y == 2:
y = color2
if y == 3:
y = color3
print("name three diffrent sports")
sport1 = input("1")
sport2 = input("2")
sport3 = input("3")
z = (random.randint(1,3))
if z == 1:
z = sport1
if z == 2:
z = sport2
if z == 3:
z = sport3
print("your dream animal is a.....")
print(y, ',' , z, 'playing', x,'!')
How about using packing-unpacking?
print("Name three different animals: ")
animals = input("1: "), input("2: "), input("3: ")
And using choice() instead of randint()?
x = random.choice(animals)
And (maybe) using f string for printing?
print(f"{y} {z} playing {x}!")
Here's a suggestion
# read a list of N animal names
animals = list(map(lambda i: input(str(i)), range(1, N)))
# read a small (fixed) number of animal names
animals = input("1"), input("2"), input("3")
# select a random animal from the list
x = animals[random.randint(0, len(animals) - 1)]
# or
x = random.choice(animals)
So I am programming a checkers game, and the problem I am having is with creating several pieces in a loop. I have the class creation part of the code, which I won't post here, and the rest, which I'm posting, but I don't know how to change the variable the loop is about to use. If you can lend me a hand and clear this out, I would be thankful.
Sorry for posting my code as image, I'm new to this website ( and programming) and couldn't format so that the website would accept my post. I really hope it's ok for you guys to help me!
Thanks for the help!
Further clarification: I need to use a different "piece" creation everytime the loop runs. That means the first loop has to create piece1, then piece2, then piece3... and so forward
EDIT: Posting whole code. I know format is wrong, can't help it. So, hope somebody can fix it.
class Piece:
def __init__(self, kind, yposition, xposition):
self.color = kind
self.ypos = xposition
self.xpos = yposition
def getColor(self):
return self.getColor
def adjustY(self, change):
self.ypos = self.ypos + change
def adjustX(self, change):
self.xpos = self.xpos + change
def getY(self):
return self.ypos
def getX(self):
return self.xpos
def mover(self, direction):
self.direc = direction
if self.direc == "right" and self.color == "white":
for n in alist:
if n.getY == (self.getY - 1) and n.getX == (self.getX + 1):
elif self.direc == "left" and self.color == "white":
for n in alist:
if n.getY == (self.getY - 1) and n.getX == (self.getX - 1):
elif self.direc == "right" and self.color == "black":
for n in alist:
if n.getY == (self.getY + 1) and n.getX == (self.getX + 1):
for n in alist:
if n.getY == (self.getY + 1) and n.getX == (self.getX - 1):
piece1 = 0
piece2 = 0
piece3 = 0
piece4 = 0
piece5 = 0
piece6 = 0
piece7 = 0
piece8 = 0
piece9 = 0
piece10 = 0
piece11 = 0
piece12 = 0
alistb1 = [piece1,piece2,piece3,piece4,piece5,piece6,piece7,piece8,piece9,piece10,piece11,piece12]
k = 2
for i in range(0,11):
if i >= 0 and i <5:
j = 8
m = 0
elif i >= 5 and i < 9:
j = 7
m = 1
j = 6
m = 0
alistb1[i] = Piece("white",j,(m + 1 + i * k))
# print(piece7.getY()) test reasons
PS: def mover is not ready yet.
You do not need to assign a variable for each piece. You are already using a list for your pieces. Instead of writing piece1, you can just write pieces[0]. (You do need to note that lists start with index 0.)
range has an exclusive right bound. This means that it is not included, your range ends with one less than that value. You want to use range(0,12).
In python, you can add to lists dynamically. You do not need to allocate enough spaces to fit your pieces. You can use the .append() method of lists.
One way to write your code now is this:
pieces = []
for i in range(0, 12): # 0-11
if i < 5:
pieces.append(Piece("white", 8, 1 + i*2))
elif i < 9:
pieces.append(Piece("white", 7, 2 + i*2))
pieces.append(Piece("white", 6, 1 + i*2))
I took the liberty of simplifying your conditional statements (i will always be >= 0 and if i < 5 is false, then the inverse, i >= 5, is true, so you don't need to restate it in your elif) and getting rid of j, k, and m which are unnecessary variables and can be replaced with literals to save memory.
One more thing: your implementation of getColor will return the function object itself. I think you wanted to do:
def getColor():
return self.color
Use a dictionary and a for loop:
pieces = {}
# I'm assuming you want 12 pieces since your list has 12 pieces
for i in range(1,13): # range starts at m so, range(m,n) iterates from m up to n-1
# I would suggest using more descriptive variable names if you can, row or column for example
if i >= 0 and i <5:
j = 8
m = 0
elif i >= 5 and i < 9:
j = 7
m = 1
j = 6
m = 0
pieces['piece{}'.format(i)] = Piece("white",j,(m + 1 + i * k))
This should do what you want unless I am misunderstanding you. Also this isn't C++ you don't need those get methods you can simply Piece.color to get the color attribute of a piece.
Use the dictionary to access the pieces, pieces['piece1'].whatever(). However for brevity's sake you don't need to pieces['piece{}.format(i)] you can just pieces[i] and the piece would be accessed pieces[1].whatever().
More info on dictionaries
What I have and it works with no errors:
class Piece:
def __init__(self, kind, yposition, xposition):
self.color = kind
self.ypos = xposition
self.xpos = yposition
def getColor(self):
return self.getColor
def adjustY(self, change):
self.ypos = self.ypos + change
def adjustX(self, change):
self.xpos = self.xpos + change
def getY(self):
return self.ypos
def getX(self):
return self.xpos
def mover(self, direction):
self.direc = direction
if self.direc == "right" and self.color == "white":
for n in alist:
if n.getY == (self.getY - 1) and n.getX == (self.getX + 1):
elif self.direc == "left" and self.color == "white":
for n in alist:
if n.getY == (self.getY - 1) and n.getX == (self.getX - 1):
elif self.direc == "right" and self.color == "black":
for n in alist:
if n.getY == (self.getY + 1) and n.getX == (self.getX + 1):
for n in alist:
if n.getY == (self.getY + 1) and n.getX == (self.getX - 1):
pieces = {}
# I'm assuming you want 12 pieces since your list has 12 pieces
for i in range(1,13): # range starts at m so, range(m,n) iterates from m up to n-1
# I would suggest using more descriptive variable names if you can, row or column for example
if i >= 0 and i <5:
j = 8
m = 0
elif i >= 5 and i < 9:
j = 7
m = 1
j = 6
m = 0
pieces['piece{}'.format(i)] = Piece("white",j,(m + 1 + i * k))
>>> pieces['piece1'].color
>>> pieces['piece3'].color
>>> pieces['piece3'].xpos
>>> for key in pieces:
print(key, pieces[key])
piece8 <__main__.Piece object at 0x000000000329A4E0>
piece9 <__main__.Piece object at 0x000000000329A550>
piece6 <__main__.Piece object at 0x000000000329A400>
piece7 <__main__.Piece object at 0x000000000329A470>
piece4 <__main__.Piece object at 0x000000000329A320>
piece5 <__main__.Piece object at 0x000000000329A390>
piece2 <__main__.Piece object at 0x0000000003287DA0>
piece3 <__main__.Piece object at 0x000000000329A2B0>
piece1 <__main__.Piece object at 0x00000000031D9CF8>
piece10 <__main__.Piece object at 0x000000000329A5C0>
piece11 <__main__.Piece object at 0x000000000329A630>
piece12 <__main__.Piece object at 0x000000000329A6A0>
>>> pieces['piece3'].mover('right')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#13>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:/Users/Hannah/Documents/", line 25, in mover
for n in alist:
NameError: global name 'alist' is not defined
>>> pieces['piece3'].xpos
>>> pieces['piece3'].adjustX(1)
>>> pieces['piece3'].xpos
Keep in mind dictionaries are unordered so the order they print in is arbitrary.
The traceback on mover is expected since I don't have alist in my version of the code. You will need to modify mover() to work with the dictionary. Some helpful ways to work with dicts:
>>> for n in pieces.values(): # iterates over the values in a dict
>>> for n in pieces.keys(): # iterates over the keys
Ok, so I am making a Texas Hold'em AI for my senior project. I've created the gui and betting/dealing procedures, but I have reached the part where I need to determine who won the hand, and I do not know the best way to approach this. I am using python btw. ATM i have 2 lists, one for the 7 player cards, one for the 7 computer cards. Currently all cards are stored as a struct in the list as {'Number': XX, 'Suit': x}, where number is 2-14, suit is 1-4. The way I was going to approach this, is make a function for each hand type, starting with the highest. Eg. self.CheckRoyal(playerCards), and manually go through the list and evaluate if a royal flush was achieved. There has to be a better, numerically way to do this.
Best algorithm you will get is 7 looks in lookup table of size 100 MB (if I remember correctly)
import itertools
from collections import Counter
# gets the most common element from a list
def Most_Common(lst):
data = Counter(lst)
return data.most_common(1)[0]
# gets card value from a hand. converts A to 14, is_seq function will convert the 14 to a 1 when necessary to evaluate A 2 3 4 5 straights
def convert_tonums(h, nums = {'T':10, 'J':11, 'Q':12, 'K':13, "A": 14}):
for x in xrange(len(h)):
if (h[x][0]) in nums.keys():
h[x] = str(nums[h[x][0]]) + h[x][1]
return h
# is royal flush
# if a hand is a straight and a flush and the lowest value is a 10 then it is a royal flush
def is_royal(h):
nh = convert_tonums(h)
if is_seq(h):
if is_flush(h):
nn = [int(x[:-1]) for x in nh]
if min(nn) == 10:
return True
return False
# converts hand to number valeus and then evaluates if they are sequential AKA a straight
def is_seq(h):
ace = False
r = h[:]
h = [x[:-1] for x in convert_tonums(h)]
h = [int(x) for x in h]
h = list(sorted(h))
ref = True
for x in xrange(0,len(h)-1):
if not h[x]+1 == h[x+1]:
ref = False
if ref:
return True, r
aces = [i for i in h if str(i) == "14"]
if len(aces) == 1:
for x in xrange(len(h)):
if str(h[x]) == "14":
h[x] = 1
h = list(sorted(h))
for x in xrange(0,len(h)-1):
if not h[x]+1 == h[x+1]:
return False
return True, r
# call set() on the suite values of the hand and if it is 1 then they are all the same suit
def is_flush(h):
suits = [x[-1] for x in h]
if len(set(suits)) == 1:
return True, h
return False
# if the most common element occurs 4 times then it is a four of a kind
def is_fourofakind(h):
h = [a[:-1] for a in h]
i = Most_Common(h)
if i[1] == 4:
return True, i[0]
return False
# if the most common element occurs 3 times then it is a three of a kind
def is_threeofakind(h):
h = [a[:-1] for a in h]
i = Most_Common(h)
if i[1] == 3:
return True, i[0]
return False
# if the first 2 most common elements have counts of 3 and 2, then it is a full house
def is_fullhouse(h):
h = [a[:-1] for a in h]
data = Counter(h)
a, b = data.most_common(1)[0], data.most_common(2)[-1]
if str(a[1]) == '3' and str(b[1]) == '2':
return True, (a, b)
return False
# if the first 2 most common elements have counts of 2 and 2 then it is a two pair
def is_twopair(h):
h = [a[:-1] for a in h]
data = Counter(h)
a, b = data.most_common(1)[0], data.most_common(2)[-1]
if str(a[1]) == '2' and str(b[1]) == '2':
return True, (a[0], b[0])
return False
#if the first most common element is 2 then it is a pair
# DISCLAIMER: this will return true if the hand is a two pair, but this should not be a conflict because is_twopair is always evaluated and returned first
def is_pair(h):
h = [a[:-1] for a in h]
data = Counter(h)
a = data.most_common(1)[0]
if str(a[1]) == '2':
return True, (a[0])
return False
#get the high card
def get_high(h):
return list(sorted([int(x[:-1]) for x in convert_tonums(h)], reverse =True))[0]
# FOR HIGH CARD or ties, this function compares two hands by ordering the hands from highest to lowest and comparing each card and returning when one is higher then the other
def compare(xs, ys):
xs, ys = list(sorted(xs, reverse =True)), list(sorted(ys, reverse = True))
for i, c in enumerate(xs):
if ys[i] > c:
return 'RIGHT'
elif ys[i] < c:
return 'LEFT'
return "TIE"
# categorized a hand based on previous functions
def evaluate_hand(h):
if is_royal(h):
return "ROYAL FLUSH", h, 10
elif is_seq(h) and is_flush(h) :
return "STRAIGHT FLUSH", h, 9
elif is_fourofakind(h):
_, fourofakind = is_fourofakind(h)
return "FOUR OF A KIND", fourofakind, 8
elif is_fullhouse(h):
return "FULL HOUSE", h, 7
elif is_flush(h):
_, flush = is_flush(h)
return "FLUSH", h, 6
elif is_seq(h):
_, seq = is_seq(h)
return "STRAIGHT", h, 5
elif is_threeofakind(h):
_, threeofakind = is_threeofakind(h)
return "THREE OF A KIND", threeofakind, 4
elif is_twopair(h):
_, two_pair = is_twopair(h)
return "TWO PAIR", two_pair, 3
elif is_pair(h):
_, pair = is_pair(h)
return "PAIR", pair, 2
return "HIGH CARD", h, 1
#this monster function evaluates two hands and also deals with ties and edge cases
# this probably should be broken up into separate functions but aint no body got time for that
def compare_hands(h1,h2):
one, two = evaluate_hand(h1), evaluate_hand(h2)
if one[0] == two[0]:
if one[0] =="STRAIGHT FLUSH":
sett1, sett2 = convert_tonums(h1), convert_tonums(h2)
sett1, sett2 = [int(x[:-1]) for x in sett1], [int(x[:-1]) for x in sett2]
com = compare(sett1, sett2)
if com == "TIE":
return "none", one[1], two[1]
elif com == "RIGHT":
return "right", two[0], two[1]
return "left", one[0], one[1]
elif one[0] == "TWO PAIR":
leftover1, leftover2 = is_twopair(h1), is_twopair(h2)
twm1, twm2 = max([int(x) for x in list(leftover1[1])]), max([int(x) for x in list(leftover2[1])])
if twm1 > twm2:
return "left", one[0], one[1]
elif twm1 < twm2:
return "right", two[0], two[1]
if compare(list(leftover1[1]), list(leftover2[1])) == "TIE":
l1 = [x[:-1] for x in h1 if x[:-1] not in leftover1[1]]
l2 = [x[:-1] for x in h2 if x[:-1] not in leftover2[1]]
if int(l1[0]) == int(l2[0]):
return "none", one[1], two[1]
elif int(l1[0]) > int(l2[0]):
return "left", one[0], one[1]
return "right", two[0], two[1]
elif compare(list(leftover1[1]), list(leftover2[1])) == "RIGHT":
return "right", two[0], two[1]
elif compare(list(leftover1[1]), list(leftover2[1])) == "LEFT":
return "left", one[0], one[1]
elif one[0] == "PAIR":
sh1, sh2 = int(is_pair(h1)[1]), int(is_pair(h2)[1])
if sh1 == sh2:
c1 = [int(x[:-1]) for x in convert_tonums(h1) if not int(sh1) == int(x[:-1])]
c2 = [int(x[:-1]) for x in convert_tonums(h2) if not int(sh1) == int(x[:-1])]
if compare(c1, c2) == "TIE":
return "none", one[1], two[1]
elif compare(c1, c2) == "RIGHT":
return "right", two[0], two[1]
return "left", one[0], one[1]
elif h1 > h2:
return "right", two[0], two[1]
return "left", one[0], one[1]
elif one[0] == 'FULL HOUSE':
fh1, fh2 = int(is_fullhouse(h1)[1][0][0]), int(is_fullhouse(h2)[1][0][0])
if fh1 > fh2:
return "left", one[0], one[1]
return "right", two[0], two[1]
elif one[0] == "HIGH CARD":
sett1, sett2 = convert_tonums(h1), convert_tonums(h2)
sett1, sett2 = [int(x[:-1]) for x in sett1], [int(x[:-1]) for x in sett2]
com = compare(sett1, sett2)
if com == "TIE":
return "none", one[1], two[1]
elif com == "RIGHT":
return "right", two[0], two[1]
return "left", one[0], one[1]
elif len(one[1]) < 5:
if max(one[1]) == max(two[1]):
return "none", one[1], two[1]
elif max(one[1]) > max(two[1]):
return "left", one[0], one[1]
return "right", two[0], two[1]
n_one, n_two = convert_tonums(one[1]), convert_tonums(two[1])
n_one, n_two = [int(x[:-1]) for x in n_one], [int(x[:-1]) for x in n_two]
if max(n_one) == max(n_two):
return "none", one[1], two[1]
elif max(n_one) > max(n_two):
return "left", one[0], one[1]
return "right", two[0], two[1]
elif one[2] > two[2]:
return "left", one[0], one[1]
return "right", two[0], two[1]
a = ['QD', 'KD', '9D', 'JD', 'TD']
b = ['JS', '8S', 'KS', 'AS', 'QS']
print compare_hands(a,b)
The method used in ralu's post is by far the best alternative I've seen. I used this method in my own project, and its very fast.
Do some preprocessing, to generate a table, containing one value for each distinct poker-hand. Make sure the table is sorted by hand-strength.
Each card-value has a corresponding prime-value. The table is indexed by the multiplication of each card-value in the hand. So to find the value of the hand AAAAK, you calculate the prime multiplication and use this as index for the table:
int prime = getPrime(hand); // Calculates A.getPrime()...*K.getPrime();
int value = table[prime];
(Sorry for the java syntax).
This way, AAAAK is the same hand as KAAAA, and you dont need a 5-dim table.
Note that you need to go through all combinations of the best 5 card hand, with the 7 cards you can choose from, to find the largest value, which is the real value of the hand.
You use a different table for flushes.
The table gets pretty beefy, as there are lots of wasted cells by this implementation. To counter this, you can create a map during preprocessing, which maps the large prime values to integer values, and use this as you source instead.
An example of a ready made Texas Hold'em 7- and 5-card evaluator can be found here and further explained here. This might help you with performance. All feedback welcome at the e-mail address found therein.
Monte Carlo? That's the first suggestion I see here. It's another senior project. Simple and slow, but otherwise you're probably looking at some complicated combinatorics that I won't pretend to know much about.