How to evaluate a single image in PyTorch model? - python

I used this code to train a model:
def train(model, epochs):
for epoch in range(epochs):
for idx, batch in enumerate(train_loader):
x, bndbox = batch # unpack batch
pred_bndbox = model(x)# forward pass
#print('label:', bndbox, 'prediction:', pred_bndbox)
loss = criterion(pred_bndbox, bndbox) # compute loss for this batch
optimiser.zero_grad()# zero gradients of optimiser
loss.backward() # backward pass (find rate of change of loss with respect to model parameters)
optimiser.step()# take optimisation step
print('Epoch:', epoch, 'Batch:', idx, 'Loss:', loss.item())
writer.add_scalar('DETECTION Loss/Train', loss, epoch*len(train_loader) + idx) # write loss to a graph
train(cnn, epochs), str(time.time()))# save model
def visualise(model, n):
for idx, batch in enumerate(test_loader):
x, y = batch
pred_bndbox = model(x), pred_bndbox=pred_bndbox)
if idx == n:
How do I evaluate the model prediction on a single image to check the operation of the neural network?

You can use:
model.eval() # turn the model to evaluate mode
with torch.no_grad(): # does not calculate gradient
class_index = model(single_image).argmax() #gets the prediction for the image's class
This code will save the network's prediction as the index of the class in the class_index variable. You have to save the image you would like to examine in the single_image variable in the right shape.
Hope that helps.


make pytorch faster on colab using GPU

I use colab(with gpu) to run my code but it took along time approximately 12 hours per epoch in another hand, when I used keras it took 1 hour per epoch .
I want to run the code in PyTorch to finetune it . so, how to make pytorch faster?
# function to train the model
def train():
total_loss, total_accuracy = 0, 0
# empty list to save model predictions
# iterate over batches
for step,batch in enumerate(train_dataloader):
# progress update after every 50 batches.
if step % 10 == 0 and not step == 0:
print(' Batch {:>5,} of {:>5,}.'.format(step, len(train_dataloader)))
# push the batch to gpu
#batch = [r for r in batch]
sent_id, mask, labels = batch['input_ids'],batch['attention_mask'],batch['labels']
# clear previously calculated gradients
# get model predictions for the current batch
preds = model(sent_id, mask, labels)
preds =torch.argmax(preds, dim=1)
labels = labels.detach().numpy()
ce_loss = dice_loss(preds, labels)
total_loss = total_loss + ce_loss
# clip the the gradients to 1.0. It helps in preventing the exploding gradient problem
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), 1.0)
# update parameters
total_accuracy += (preds == labels).sum()
# compute the training loss of the epoch
avg_loss = total_loss / len(traindataset)
avg_accuracy = total_accuracy / len(traindataset)
#returns the loss and predictions
return avg_loss, total_preds, avg_accuracy

How to do inference on a test dataset too large for RAM?

I'm training a network to classify audio. First I extract logmel-spectrograms from my audio data, save these in arrays and train my network using these. At each epoch I inference on my test data to get an accuracy estimate.
My training dataset is 24GB and test dataset is 6GB. Both are too large for the RAM. I found that I could extract the logmel-specs from my training data before running the network, save each minibatch in a pickle file, then load these one by one during training.
However, I use .eval() to get the accuracy from my my whole test data at once. This worked when I used smaller datasets as there was no need to split my data up into chunks using different pickle files. However, I'm now trying to figure out how to run the .eval() line or equivalent so that it provides accuracy for the whole test dataset, rather than the smaller chunks I've split it into. Is there a way I can get overall accuracy for my test data using pickle files or another method?
Here is the key component of code at the end where I think this can be done:
correct = tf.equal(tf.argmax(logits, 1), tf.argmax(labels_input, 1))
test_accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct, 'float')) #changes correct to type: float
test_accuracy1 = test_accuracy.eval({features_input:X_test, labels_input:y_test})
print('Test accuracy:', test_accuracy1)
Here is my entire codeblock for the network:
### Train NN, output results
r"""This uses the VGGish model definition within a larger model which adds two
layers on top, and then trains this larger model.
We input log-mel spectrograms (X_train) calculated above with associated labels
(y_train), and feed the batches into the model. Once the model is trained, it
is then executed on the test log-mel spectrograms (X_test) and the accuracy is output.
Alongside .csv file with the predictions for each 0.96s chunk and their true
class is also output for the test data. Column1 = the logit for the first class,
Column2 = the logit for the scond class etc. The final column is the true class.
num_min_batches = len(os.listdir(pickle_files_dir))/2
def main(X):
with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess:
# Define VGGish.
embeddings = vggish_slim.define_vggish_slim(training=FLAGS.train_vggish)
# Define a shallow classification model and associated training ops on top
# of VGGish.
with tf.variable_scope('mymodel'):
# Add a fully connected layer with 100 units. Add an activation function
# to the embeddings since they are pre-activation.
num_units = 100
fc = slim.fully_connected(tf.nn.relu(embeddings), num_units)
# Add a classifier layer at the end, consisting of parallel logistic
# classifiers, one per class. This allows for multi-class tasks.
logits = slim.fully_connected(
fc, _NUM_CLASSES, activation_fn=None, scope='logits')
tf.sigmoid(logits, name='prediction')
linear_out= slim.fully_connected(
fc, _NUM_CLASSES, activation_fn=None, scope='linear_out')
logits = tf.sigmoid(linear_out, name='logits')
# Add training ops.
with tf.variable_scope('train'):
global_step = tf.train.create_global_step()
# Labels are assumed to be fed as a batch multi-hot vectors, with
# a 1 in the position of each positive class label, and 0 elsewhere.
labels_input = tf.placeholder(
tf.float32, shape=(None, _NUM_CLASSES), name='labels')
# Cross-entropy label loss.
xent = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(
logits=logits, labels=labels_input, name='xent')
loss = tf.reduce_mean(xent, name='loss_op')
tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss)
# We use the same optimizer and hyperparameters as used to train VGGish.
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(
train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)
# Initialize all variables in the model, and then load the pre-trained
# VGGish checkpoint.
vggish_slim.load_vggish_slim_checkpoint(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint)
# The training loop.
features_input = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name(
validation_accuracy_scores = []
test_accuracy_scores = []
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
epoch_loss = 0
while i < num_min_batches:
#print('mini batch'+str(i))
X_pickle_file = pickle_files_dir + 'X_train_mini_batch_' + str(i)
with open(X_pickle_file, "rb") as fp: # Unpickling
batch_x = pickle.load(fp)
y_pickle_file = pickle_files_dir + 'y_train_mini_batch_' + str(i)
with open(y_pickle_file, "rb") as fp: # Unpickling
batch_y = pickle.load(fp)
_, c =[train_op, loss], feed_dict={features_input: batch_x, labels_input: batch_y})
epoch_loss += c
#print no. of epochs and loss
print('Epoch', epoch+1, 'completed out of', num_epochs,', loss:',epoch_loss)
#note this adds a small computational cost
correct = tf.equal(tf.argmax(logits, 1), tf.argmax(labels_input, 1))
test_accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct, 'float')) #changes correct to type: float
test_accuracy1 = test_accuracy.eval({features_input:X_test, labels_input:y_test})
print('Test accuracy:', test_accuracy1)
if __name__ == '__main__':

Pytorch error when launching two distinct backward

I am building a simple autoencoder followed by an MLP neural nets. Regarging the autoencoder I am not running into any problem
# ---- Prepare training set ----
x_data = train_set_categorical.drop(["churn"], axis=1).to_numpy()
labels = train_set_categorical.loc[:, "churn"].to_numpy()
dataset = TensorDataset(torch.Tensor(x_data), torch.Tensor(labels) )
loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=127)
# ---- Model Initialization ----
model = AE()
# Validation using MSE Loss function
loss_function = nn.MSELoss()
# Using an Adam Optimizer with lr = 0.1
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),
lr = 1e-1,
weight_decay = 1e-8)
epochs = 50
outputs = []
losses = []
for epoch in range(epochs):
for (image, _) in loader:
# Output of Autoencoder
embbeding, reconstructed = model(image)
# Calculating the loss function
loss = loss_function(reconstructed, image)
# The gradients are set to zero,
# the the gradient is computed and stored.
# .step() performs parameter update
# Storing the losses in a list for plotting
if epoch == 49:
But then I am feeding an MLP with the outcome of the autoencoder and this is where things starts to fail
class Feedforward(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.neural = torch.nn.Sequential(
torch.nn.Linear(33, 260),
torch.nn.Linear(260, 450),
torch.nn.Linear(450, 260),
torch.nn.Linear(260, 1),
def forward(self, x):
outcome = self.neural(x.float())
return outcome
modelz = Feedforward()
criterion = torch.nn.BCELoss()
opt = torch.optim.Adam(modelz.parameters(), lr = 0.01)
epoch = 20
for epoch in range(epoch):
# Forward pass
y_pred = modelz(x_train)
# Compute Loss
loss_2 = criterion(y_pred.squeeze(), torch.tensor(y_train).to(torch.float32))
#print('Epoch {}: train loss: {}'.format(epoch, loss.item()))
# Backward pass
I get the following error:
RuntimeError: Trying to backward through the graph a second time, but the saved intermediate results have already been freed. Specify retain_graph=True when calling .backward() or autograd.grad() the first time.
Of course I have tried to add "retain_graph=True" to both backwards or only the first one but it does not seem to solve the problem. If I launch both code independently from another It works but as a sequence I don't know why but it is not.
You should be able to disconnect the output of the auto-encoder from the model by calling embbeding.detach(), before appending it to outputs.

the Training is stopped for my PyTorch model

I am creating a model to identify names of items in RNN (LITMS)
i get data , then transform data then create Baches then create Model then create train function Correctly but the training is stop here(not working):
this this my code
for e in range(epochs):
# initialize hidden state
h = net.init_hidden(batch_size)
for x, y in get_batches(data, batch_size, seq_length):
print ("the login the loob get_batches is succressfuly")
counter += 1
# One-hot encode our data and make them Torch tensors
x = one_hot_encode(x, n_chars)
inputs, targets = torch.from_numpy(x), torch.from_numpy(y)
inputs, targets = inputs.cuda(), targets.cuda()
# Creating new variables for the hidden state, otherwise
# we'd backprop through the entire training history
h = tuple([ for each in h])
# zero accumulated gradients
# get the output from the model
output, h = net(inputs, h)
# calculate the loss and perform backprop
loss = criterion(output, targets.view(batch_size*seq_length))
# `clip_grad_norm` helps prevent the exploding gradient problem in RNNs / LSTMs.
nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(net.parameters(), clip)
# loss stats
if counter % print_every == 0:
# Get validation loss
val_h = net.init_hidden(batch_size)
val_losses = []
for x, y in get_batches(val_data, batch_size, seq_length):
# One-hot encode our data and make them Torch tensors
x = one_hot_encode(x, n_chars)
x, y = torch.from_numpy(x), torch.from_numpy(y)
# Creating new variables for the hidden state, otherwise
# we'd backprop through the entire training history
val_h = tuple([ for each in val_h])
inputs, targets = x, y
inputs, targets = inputs.cuda(), targets.cuda()
output, val_h = net(inputs, val_h)
val_loss = criterion(output, targets.view(batch_size*seq_length))
net.train() # reset to train mode after iterationg through validation data
print("Epoch: {}/{}...".format(e+1, epochs),
"Step: {}...".format(counter),
"Loss: {:.4f}...".format(loss.item()),
"Val Loss: {:.4f}".format(np.mean(val_losses)))
I don't know why.
some times i got this error after many trials
please help me if you can
You can find the notebook file here.
you duplicate this step
remove it then try again

Validation loss not moving with MLP in Regression

Given input features as such, just raw numbers:
tensor([0.2153, 0.2190, 0.0685, 0.2127, 0.2145, 0.1260, 0.1480, 0.1483, 0.1489,
0.1400, 0.1906, 0.1876, 0.1900, 0.1925, 0.0149, 0.1857, 0.1871, 0.2715,
0.1887, 0.1804, 0.1656, 0.1665, 0.1137, 0.1668, 0.1168, 0.0278, 0.1170,
0.1189, 0.1163, 0.2337, 0.2319, 0.2315, 0.2325, 0.0519, 0.0594, 0.0603,
0.0586, 0.0067, 0.0624, 0.2691, 0.0617, 0.2790, 0.2805, 0.2848, 0.2454,
0.1268, 0.2483, 0.2454, 0.2475], device='cuda:0')
And the expected output is a single real number output, e.g.
tensor(-34.8500, device='cuda:0')
Full code on
I've tried creating a simple 2 layer network with:
class MLP(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_size, output_size, hidden_size):
super(MLP, self).__init__()
self.linear = nn.Linear(input_size, hidden_size)
self.classifier = nn.Linear(hidden_size, output_size)
def forward(self, inputs, hidden=None, dropout=0.5):
inputs = F.dropout(inputs, dropout) # Drop-in.
# First Layer.
output = F.relu(self.linear(inputs))
# Matrix manipulation magic.
batch_size, sequence_len, hidden_size = output.shape
# Technically, linear layer takes a 2-D matrix as input, so more manipulation...
output = output.contiguous().view(batch_size * sequence_len, hidden_size)
# Apply dropout.
output = F.dropout(output, dropout)
# Put it through the classifier
# And reshape it to [batch_size x sequence_len x vocab_size]
output = self.classifier(output).view(batch_size, sequence_len, -1)
return output
And training as such:
# Training routine.
def train(num_epochs, dataloader, valid_dataset, model, criterion, optimizer):
losses = []
valid_losses = []
learning_rates = []
x_valid, y_valid = valid_dataset
for _e in range(num_epochs):
for batch in tqdm(dataloader):
# Zero gradient.
this_x = torch.tensor(batch['x'].view(len(batch['x']), 1, -1)).to(device)
this_y = torch.tensor(batch['y'].view(len(batch['y']), 1, 1)).to(device)
# Feed forward.
output = model(this_x)
prediction, _ = torch.max(output, dim=1)
loss = criterion(prediction, this_y.view(len(batch['y']), -1))
with torch.no_grad():
# Zero gradient.
output = model(x_valid.view(len(x_valid), 1, -1))
prediction, _ = torch.max(output, dim=1)
loss = criterion(prediction, y_valid.view(len(y_valid), -1))
plt.plot(losses, label='Train')
plt.plot(valid_losses, label='Valid')
Tuning several hyperparameters, it looks like the model doesn't train well, the validation loss doesn't move at all e.g.
hyperparams = Hyperparams(input_size=train_dataset.x.shape[1],
And it's loss curve:
Any idea what's wrong with the network?
Am I training the regression model with the wrong loss? Or I've just not yet found the right hyperparameters?
Or am I validating the model wrongly?
From the code you provided, it is tough to say why the validation loss is constant but I see several problems in your code.
Why do you validate for each training mini-batch? Instead, you should validate your model after you do the training for one complete epoch (iterating over your full dataset once). So, the skeleton should be like:
for _e in range(num_epochs):
for batch in tqdm(train_dataloader):
# training code
with torch.no_grad():
for batch in tqdm(valid_dataloader):
# validation code
# plot your loss values
Also, you can plot after each epoch, not after each mini-batch training.
Did you check whether the model parameters are getting updated after optimizer.step() during training? How many validation examples do you have? Why don't you use mini-batch computation during validation?
Why do you do: optimizer.zero_grad() during validation? It doesn't make sense because, during validation, you are not going to do anything related to optimization.
You should use model.eval() during validation to turn off the dropouts. See PyTorch documentation to learn about .train() and .eval() methods.
The learning rate is set to 1e-8, isn't it too small? Why don't you use the default learning rate for Adam (1e-3)?
The following requires some reasoning.
Why are you using such a large batch size? What is your training dataset size?
You can directly plot the MSELoss, instead of taking the square root.
My suggestion would be: use some existing resources for MLP in PyTorch. Don't do it from scratch if you do not have sufficient knowledge at this point. It would make you suffer a lot.

