Python Comprehension - Replace Nested Loop - python

Working on the 'two-sum' problem..
Input: An unsorted array A (of integers), and a target sum t
The goal: to return a list of tuple pairs (x,y) where x + y = t
I've implemented a hash-table H to store the contents of A. Through use of a nested loop to iterate through H, I'm achieving the desired output. However, in the spirit of learning the art of Python, I'd like to replace the nested loop with a nice 1-liner using comprehension & a maybe lambda function? Suggestions?
Source Code:
import csv
with open('/Users/xxx/Developer/Algorithms/Data Structures/_a.txt') as csvfile:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter ='\n')
hash_table = {int(num[0]):int(num[0]) for(num) in csv_reader} #{str:int}
def two_sum(hash_table, target):
pairs = list()
for x in hash_table.keys():
for y in hash_table.keys():
if x == y:
if x + y == target:
return pairs

When you have two ranges and you want to loop both of them separately to get all the combinations as in your case, you can combine the loops into one using itertools.product. You can replace the code below
range1 = [1,2,3,4]
range2 = [3, 4, 5]
for x in range1:
for y in range2:
print(x, y)
from itertools import product
for x, y in product(range1, range2):
print(x, y)
Both code blocks produce
1 3
1 4
1 5
2 3
2 4
2 5
3 3
3 4
3 5
4 3
4 4
4 5
But you would still need the if check with this construct. However, what product returns is a generator and you can pass that as the iterable to map or filter along with a lambda function.
In your case you only want to include pairs that meet the criteria. Thus, filter is what you want. In my simple example, if we only want combinations whose sum is even, then we could do something like
gen = product(range1, range2)
f = lambda i: (i[0] + i[1]) % 2 == 0
desired_pairs = filter(f, gen)
This can be written as a one-liner like
desired_pairs = filter(lambda i: (i[0] + i[1]) % 2 == 0, product(range1, range2))
without being too complicated for being understood.
Note that like product and map, what filter returns is a generator, which is good if you are just going to loop over it later to do some other work. If you really need a list just do convert it to a list as
desired_pairs = list(filter(lambda i: (i[0] + i[1]) % 2 == 0, product(range1, range2)))
If we print this we get
[(1, 3), (1, 5), (2, 4), (3, 3), (3, 5), (4, 4)]


How make a especific combinations in python?

I'm trying to make a specific combination so that it adds up to "4" by adding the following specs:
a+a+a+a+a+a+a+a = 0.5 per/unit = (In total it sum:) 4
b+b+b+b = 1 per/unit = (In total it sum:) 4
c+c = 2 per/unit = (In total it sum:) 4
That way I want to know the result and print the combinations on the screen:
a+a+a+a+a+a+a+a = 4
a+a+a+a+a+a+b = 4
a+a+a+a+b+b = 4
a+a+b+b+b = 4
a+a+a+a+a+a+c = 4
a+a+b+c = 4
a+a+c+b = 4
b+a+a+a+a+a+a = 4
b+b+a+a+a+a = 4
b+b+b+a+a = 4
b+b+c = 4
b+c+a+a = 4
b+a+c = 4
b+c+a = 4
c+a+a+a+a = 4
c+b+a+a = 4
c+a+a+b = 4
My code:
from itertools import combinations
for c in combinations(numbers, 3):
Is there a way to do it that specific way?
Thanks very much for readme.
I'll try to answer you question in a didactically fashion without supplying the full code (as you requested in the comment above).
combinatory approach
The straight forward solution would be to just look at possible combinations of the numbers array for different lengths. Looping over the lengths as well as over the combinations you can check whether the sum over these elements gives your solution.
You should look at the function itertools.combinations_with_replacement as it allows multiple occurrances of each element.
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
for length in [3]:
for c in combinations_with_replacement(numbers, length):
print(c, f"sum {sum(c)}")
> (2, 2, 2) sum 6
> (2, 2, 4) sum 8
> (2, 2, 8) sum 12
> (2, 4, 4) sum 10
> (2, 4, 8) sum 14
> (2, 8, 8) sum 18
> (4, 4, 4) sum 12
> (4, 4, 8) sum 16
> (4, 8, 8) sum 20
> (8, 8, 8) sum 24
You would have to specify the length-array accordingly and add an if-clause for printing.
functional approach:
Assume the function you are looking for is defined as def calcComb(sum,numbers): ... which returns a string of combinations you have tried.
The typical functional solution to this problem is recursively calling an inner function rec(sumRest,numRest,textComb) that keeps track of the sum your building up as well as the combination (here in string format) you are testing. The skeletal structure would be something like:
def rec(sumRest,numRest,textComb):
if ... : return ...
elif ... : return ...
else :
newText = ...
return rec(sumRest-numRest[0],numRest,textComb+newText)
+ rec(sumRest,numRest[1:],textComb)
edit :
The above approaches are straight-forward implementations of the problem and are not optimized with respect to performance. If your problem scales up you might be interested to save the state of previous calculation steps (dynamic approach) or cache intermediate results in a dicationary (memoization).

how to group near points in list in python

I am getting a list using a list comprehension. lat say I am getting this list using this line of code bellow:
quality, angle, distance = measurements[i]
new_data = [each_value for each_value in measurements[i:i + 20] if angle <= each_value[1] <= angle + 30 and
distance - 150 <= each_value[2] <= distance + 150]
where measurements is a big data set which contains (quality, angle, distance) pair. from that, I am getting those value.
desired_list= [(1,2,3)(1,5,3),(1,8,3)(1,10,3),(1,16,3),(1,17,3)]]
Now how can I add a new condition in my list comprehension so that I will only get the value if the angle is within some offset value? let say if the difference between two respective angles is less then or equal to 5 then put them in desired_list.
with this condition my list should be like so:
desired_list= [(1,2,3)(1,5,3),(1,8,3)(1,10,3)]
cause from 2 to 5, 5 to 8, 8 to 10 the distance is less than or equal to 5.
But the last two points are not included as they break the condition after (1,10,3) and they don't need to check.
How can I achieve this? please help me
Note: it doesn't need to be in the same list comprehension.
You mention the data set is large. Depending how large you many wish to avoid creating a new list from scratch and just search for the relavant index.
data = [(1,2,3), (1,5,3), (1,8,3), (1,10,3), (1,16,3), (1,17,3)]
def angles_within_range(x, y):
return abs(x[1] - y[1]) <= MAXIMUM_ANGLE
def first_angle_break_index():
for i in range(len(data) - 1):
if not angles_within_range(data[i], data[i+1]):
return i+1
def valid_angles_list():
return data[:first_angle_break_index()]
If you means traverse from start to end, and break out when one neighor pairs break the rule.
here is a way without list comprehension:
desired_list = [(1, 2, 3), (1, 5, 3), (1, 8, 3), (1, 10, 3), (1, 16, 3), (1, 17, 3)]
res = [desired_list[0]]
for a, b in zip(desired_list[:-1], desired_list[1:]):
if abs(a[1] - b[1]) > 5:
res += [b]
[(1, 2, 3), (1, 5, 3), (1, 8, 3), (1, 10, 3)]
if you insist on using list comprehension with break, here is a solution of recording last pair:
res = [last.pop() and last.append(b) or b for last in [[desired_list[0]]] for a, b in
zip([desired_list[0]] + desired_list, desired_list) if abs(a[1] - b[1]) <= 5 and a == last[0]]
another version use end condition:
res = [b for end in [[]] for a, b in zip([desired_list[0]] + desired_list, desired_list) if
(False if end or abs(a[1] - b[1]) <= 5 else end.append(42)) or not end and abs(a[1] - b[1]) <= 5]
Note: This is a bad idea. (just for fun : ))

how to sum adjacent tuples/list

I apologise for the terrible description and if this is a duplicated, i have no idea how to phrase this question. Let me explain what i am trying to do. I have a list consisting of 0s and 1s that is 3600 elements long (1 hour time series data). i used itertools.groupby() to get a list of consecutive keys. I need (0,1) to be counted as (1,1), and be summed with the flanking tuples.
which should become
right now, what i have is
def counter(file):
list1 = list(dict[file]) #make a list of the data currently working on
graph = dict.fromkeys(list(range(0,3601))) #make a graphing dict, x = key, y = value
for i in list(range(0,3601)):
graph[i] = 0 # set all the values/ y from none to 0
for i in list1:
graph[i] +=1 #populate the values in graphing dict
x,y = zip(*graph.items()) # unpack graphing dict into list, x = 0 to 3600 and y = time where it bite
z = [(x[0], len(list(x[1]))) for x in itertools.groupby(y)] #make a new list z where consecutive y is in format (value, count)
z[:] = [list(i) for i in z]
for i in z[:]:
if i == [0,1]:
dict is a dictionary where the keys are filenames and the values are a list of numbers to be used in the function counter(). and this gives me something like this but much longer
[[1,8],[0,9],[1,5], [1,1], [1,3],[0,3]]
solved it with the help of a friend,
while (0,1) in z:
if idx == len(z)-1:
z[idx] = (1,1+z[idx-1][1] + z[idx+1][1])
del z[idx+1]
del z[idx-1]
Not sure what exactly is that you need. But this is my best attempt of understanding it.
def do_stuff(original_input):
new_original = []
for el in original_input[1:]:
if el == (0, 1):
el = (1, 1)
if el[0] != new_original[-1][0]:
(a, b) = new_original[-1]
new_original[-1] = (a, b + el[1])
return new_original
# check
print (do_stuff([(1,8),(0,9),(1,5),(0,1),(1,3),(0,3)]))

How can I sort tuples?

Im trying to write a program that has 2 variables (Integer) and that based on those variables print´s them joined and by order (Smaller number to Higher):
Like this:
printing the following:
The code:
def together(s,t):
y = s + t
z = 0
if sorted(y) == y:
print (y)
for i in range(len(y)-1):
if y[z] > y[z+1]:
y[z+1] = y[z]
return (y)
print y
If variables are set like the following:
s=1,23,40 and t=9,90
I´m getting this:
(1, 23, 40, 9, 90)
which is out of order as you can see it should appear the following:
Why not just append both tuples and then sort them:
def together(s,t):
return tuple(sorted(s + t))
T = ((0,39,100,210),(4,20))
print tuple( sorted( reduce(tuple.__add__, T) ) )
This can combine and sort N number of tuples within a tuple, so it's not limited to two tuples

How to split a list into subsets with no repeating elements in python

I need code that takes a list (up to n=31) and returns all possible subsets of n=3 without any two elements repeating in the same subset twice (think of people who are teaming up in groups of 3 with new people every time):
and returns
but not:
because 1 and 7 have appeared together already (likewise, 3 and 9).
I would also like to do this for subsets of n=2.
Thank you!!
Here's what I came up with:
from itertools import permutations, combinations, ifilter, chain
people = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
#get all combinations of 3 sets of 3 people
combos_combos = combinations(combinations(people,3), 3)
#filter out sets that don't contain all 9 people
valid_sets = ifilter(lambda combo:
len(set(chain.from_iterable(combo))) == 9,
#a set of people that have already been paired
already_together = set()
for sets in valid_sets:
#get all (sorted) combinations of pairings in this set
pairings = list(chain.from_iterable(combinations(combo, 2) for combo in sets))
pairings = set(map(tuple, map(sorted, pairings)))
#if all of the pairings have never been paired before, we have a new one
if len(pairings.intersection(already_together)) == 0:
print sets
This prints:
~$ time python
((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9))
((1, 4, 7), (2, 5, 8), (3, 6, 9))
((1, 5, 9), (2, 6, 7), (3, 4, 8))
((1, 6, 8), (2, 4, 9), (3, 5, 7))
real 0m0.182s
user 0m0.164s
sys 0m0.012s
Try this:
from itertools import permutations
lst = list(range(1, 10))
n = 3
triplets = list(permutations(lst, n))
triplets = [set(x) for x in triplets]
def array_unique(seq):
checked = []
for x in seq:
if x not in checked:
return checked
triplets = array_unique(triplets)
result = []
m = n * 3
for x in triplets:
for y in triplets:
for z in triplets:
if len(x.union(y.union(z))) == m:
result += [[x, y, z]]
def groups(sets, i):
result = [sets[i]]
for x in sets:
flag = True
for y in result:
for r in x:
for p in y:
if len(r.intersection(p)) >= 2:
flag = False
if flag == False:
if flag == True:
return result
for i in range(len(result)):
print('%d:' % (i + 1))
for x in groups(result, i):
Output for n = 10:
Here's my attempt of a fairly general solution to your problem.
from itertools import combinations
n = 3
l = range(1, 10)
def f(l, n, used, top):
if len(l) == n:
if all(set(x) not in used for x in combinations(l, 2)):
yield [l]
for group in combinations(l, n):
if any(set(x) in used for x in combinations(group, 2)):
for rest in f([i for i in l if i not in group], n, used, False):
config = [list(group)] + rest
if top:
# Running at top level, this is a valid
# configuration. Update used list.
for c in config:
used.extend(set(x) for x in combinations(c, 2))
yield config
for i in f(l, n, [], True):
print i
However, it is very slow for high values of n, too slow for n=31. I don't have time right now to try to improve the speed, but I might try later. Suggestions are welcome!
My wife had this problem trying to arrange breakout groups for a meeting with nine people; she wanted no pairs of attendees to repeat.
I immediately busted out itertools and was stumped and came to StackOverflow. But in the meantime, my non-programmer wife solved it visually. The key insight is to create a tic-tac-toe grid:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
And then simply take 3 groups going down, 3 groups going across, and 3 groups going diagonally wrapping around, and 3 groups going diagonally the other way, wrapping around.
You can do it just in your head then.
- : 123,456,789
| : 147,258,368
\ : 159,267,348
/ : 168,249,357
I suppose the next question is how far can you take a visual method like this? Does it rely on the coincidence that the desired subset size * the number of subsets = the number of total elements?

