Celery's exception 'TimeLimitExceeded' with group of tasks - python

I have this celery's settings:
When i run group of tasks:
from celery import group, shared_task
from time import sleep
def do_something(arg):
return arg*2
group([do_something.s(i) for i in range(3)]).apply_async()
I'm geting TimeLimitExceeded inside of group and then worker is killed by celery at once. How can i handle it?

According to the documentation:
The soft time limit allows the task to catch an exception to clean up before it is killed: the hard timeout isn’t catch-able and force terminates the task.
Answer will be simple: do not use hard-time limits for tasks if you want to catch exception.


I am trying to run an endless worker thread (daemon) from within Django

I have a worker thread which only task is to query a list of active users every 10 minutes from the database, and to send them an SMS message if a certain condition is fulfilled (which is checked every minute); also the worker thread does not hinder the main application at all.
So far I managed to get the thread up and running and sending SMS works also just fine. However, for some reasons the thread stops/gets killed after some random time (hours). I run a try: except Exception as e: within a while True, to catch occurring errors. Additionally, I print out a messages saying what error occurred.
Well, I never see any message and the thread is definitely down. Therefore, I suspect Gunicorn or Django to kill my thread sort of gracefully.
I have put log and print statements all over the code but haven't found anything indicating why my thread is getting killed.
My wsgi.py function where I call the function to start my thread
WSGI config for django_web project.
It exposes the WSGI callable as a module-level variable named ``application``.
For more information on this file, see
import os
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'django_web.settings')
application = get_wsgi_application()
Start background services
Import has to happen after "get_wsgi_application()"; otherwise docker container crashes
from threading import Thread
from timesheet.admin import runWorkmateServices
except Exception as exp:
The function which is called from within the wsgi.py. I double check if the thread was started to avoid having two up and running.
def runWorkmateServices(request=None):
service_name = 'TimeKeeperWorkMateReminderService'
thread_found = False
for thread in threading.enumerate():
if service_name in thread.name:
thread_found = True
break # Leave loop now
if thread_found:
print(f'Service has already been started: {service_name}')
if request:
messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, f'Service has already been started:: {service_name}')
Thread(target=WorkMateReminders, args=(), name=service_name, daemon=True).start()
print(f'Started Service: {service_name}')
if request:
messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, f'Started Service: {service_name}')
The worker thread itself
def WorkMateReminders():
print('Thread Started: WorkMateReminders')
timer = 0
employees = User.objects.none()
while True:
# Update user list every n * sleep time (10 minutes)
if timer % 10 == 0:
timer = 0
# Get active employees
employees = User.objects.filter(is_active=True, profile__workmate_sms_reminders_activated=True)
print(f'Employees updated at {datetime.now().date()} - {datetime.now().time()}: {employees}')
timer += 1 # increment timer
except Exception as exp:
print(f'Error: {exp}')
time.sleep(60 * 1)
My goal is to have this worker thread running for as long as Django is up.
Most WSGI servers spawn workers that are killed/recycled fairly regularly, spawning threads from these workers is not the best solution to your problem. There are several ways to go about this
Create a management command that does what you want and configure cron to run it every 10 minutes
Set up a celery worker, this is a process that runs asynchronously to your Django application and using celerybeat you can have tasks run at intervals

django celery only calls 1 of 2 apply_async task

I need to call the following 2 apply_async tasks:
escalate.apply_async((e.id), countdown=3)
escalate.apply_async((e.id), countdown=3)
My tasks implementation looks like:
def escalate(id, group):
escalation_email, created = EscalationEmail.objects.get_or_create()
return 'sup email sent'
I run the work with the following command:
celery -A proj worker -l info --concurrency=10
The problem is that when I look at the worker, only 1 tasks is received and then only 1 succeeds. Also, only 1 email sends.
It seems that most of the time the second escalate task runs.
How can I ensure that these tasks both fire 100% of the time with reliability?
The problem was that I did not choose a queue to associate the task with.

periodic task using celery to delete a queryset result

I'm trying to execute a periodic task using celery to delete users who didn't activate their account in time. The screenshot bellow shows that the task is correctly discovered and executed, but when i check the database no changes are done.
The celery task :
from celery.task.schedules import crontab
from celery.decorators import periodic_task
from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
from .utils import unconfirmed_users_delete
logger = get_task_logger(__name__)
# A periodic task that will run every minute (the symbol "*" means every)
#periodic_task(run_every=(crontab(hour="*", minute="*", day_of_week="*")))
def delete_unconfirmed_users():
return unconfirmed_users_delete()
The queryset to execute (checked in django shell and correctly working) :
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.utils import timezone
def unconfirmed_users_delete():
return User.objects.filter(is_active=False).filter(profile__key_expires__lt=timezone.now()).delete()
The task is correctly called every minute :
What could be wrong ?
As #schillingt mentioned most of the time, we forget to (re)start worker process for the periodic task.
This happens because we have a beat scheduler which schedules the task and worker which executes the task.
celery -A my_task beat # schedule tasks
celery worker -A my_task -l info # consume tasks
A much better solution is to have a worker which schedules task & executes. You can do that using
celery worker -A my_task -l info --beat # schedule & consume tasks
This schedules the periodic task and consumes it.

Django celery task run at once on startup of celery server

I need to find how to specify a kind of initial celery task, that will start all other tasks in specially defined way. This initial task should be run immediately at once on celery server startup and never run again.
How about using celeryd_after_setup or celeryd_init signal?
Follwing example code from the documentation:
from celery.signals import celeryd_init
def configure_worker12(conf=None, **kwargs):
I found the way to do this. It has one negative side - impossible to specify current year and task will run after year again. But usually server restarts more often, then this period.
from celery.task import PeriodicTask
class InitialTasksStarter(PeriodicTask):
starttime = datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=1)
run_every = crontab(month_of_year=starttime.month, day_of_month=starttime.day, hour=starttime.hour, minute=starttime.minute)
def run(self, **kwargs):
return True

Celery task schedule (Ensuring a task is only executed one at a time)

I have a task, somewhat like this:
def async_work(info):
At any moment, I may call async_work with some info. For some reason, I need to make sure that only one async_work is running at a time, other calling request must wait for.
So I come up with the following code:
is_locked = False
def async_work(info):
while is_locked:
is_locked = True
is_locked = False
But it says it's invalid to access local variables...
How to solve it?
It is invalid to access local variables since you can have several celery workers running tasks. And those workers might even be on different hosts. So, basically, there is as many is_locked variable instances as many Celery workers are running
your async_work task. Thus, even though your code won't raise any errors you wouldn't get desired effect with it.
To achieve you goal you need to configure Celery to run only one worker. Since any worker can process a single task at any given time you get what you need.
According to Workers Guide > Concurrency:
By default multiprocessing is used to perform concurrent execution of
tasks, but you can also use Eventlet. The number of worker
processes/threads can be changed using the --concurrency argument
and defaults to the number of CPUs available on the machine.
Thus you need to run the worker like this:
$ celery worker --concurrency=1
Surprisingly there's another solution, moreover it is even in the official docs, see the Ensuring a task is only executed one at a time article.
You probably don't want to use concurrency=1 for your celery workers - you want your tasks to be processed concurrently. Instead you can use some kind of locking mechanism. Just ensure timeout for cache is bigger than time to finish your task.
import redis
from contextlib import contextmanager
redis_client = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6378)
def redis_lock(lock_name):
"""Yield 1 if specified lock_name is not already set in redis. Otherwise returns 0.
Enables sort of lock functionality.
status = redis_client.set(lock_name, 'lock', nx=True)
yield status
def async_work(info):
with redis_lock('my_lock_name') as acquired:
Example inspired by celery documentation
from contextlib import contextmanager
from django.core.cache import cache
def memcache_lock(lock_name):
status = cache.add(lock_name, 'lock')
yield status
def async_work(info):
with memcache_lock('my_lock_name') as acquired:
I have implemented a decorator to handle this. It's based on Ensuring a task is only executed one at a time from the official Celery docs.
It uses the function's name and its args and kwargs to create a lock_id, which is set/get in Django's cache layer (I have only tested this with Memcached but it should work with Redis as well). If the lock_id is already set in the cache it will put the task back on the queue and exit.
def no_simultaneous_execution(f):
Decorator that prevents a task form being executed with the
same *args and **kwargs more than one at a time.
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Create lock_id used as cache key
lock_id = '{}-{}-{}'.format(self.name, args, kwargs)
# Timeout with a small diff, so we'll leave the lock delete
# to the cache if it's close to being auto-removed/expired
timeout_at = monotonic() + CACHE_LOCK_EXPIRE - 3
# Try to acquire a lock, or put task back on queue
lock_acquired = cache.add(lock_id, True, CACHE_LOCK_EXPIRE)
if not lock_acquired:
self.apply_async(args=args, kwargs=kwargs, countdown=3)
f(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Release the lock
if monotonic() < timeout_at:
return wrapper
You would then apply it on any task as the first decorator:
#shared_task(bind=True, base=MyTask)
def sometask(self, some_arg):

