not processing one message at a time - python

I am using connecting to a standard ACtiveMQ server. I am simulating cases where the receiver crashes and I want to be able to restart it and it continue running from the message after the one that caused it to crash.
I have created two sample scripts: - This will put 56 messages into the
destination - This will read messages from
the destination. If it reads the 6th message it will raise an
exception. Each message takes 1 second to process
Steps I take to run the test:
I run
I run - it processes 5 messages sucessfully and an exception is raised in message 6
I terminate (ctrl-c)
I run again
For the behaviour I want in step 4 I want it to start processing from message 7.
However I don't see this.
If reciever subscribes with ack='auto' then in step 4 it processes no messages - all the messages are gone from the queue and I have lost 50 messages!
If I use ack='client' or ack='client-individual' then on step 4 it starts again from the beginning then crashes again on message 6.
This seems to suggest that the reciever is not processing messages on at a time, instead it is taking every single message at once and running through each one. I don't want this behaviour because I would like to scale up to running 5 recievers and I want the load distributed. At the moment the first reciever I start takes all the messages and starts churning through them and recievers 2-4 just wait for new messages. I want the recievers to take messages one at a time instead!
Can anyone give any hints on how I am implementing this wrong:
import stomp
stompurl = ""
stompport = "61613"
stompuser = "admin"
stomppass = "admin"
destination = "/queue/testQueueWithCrash"
conn = stomp.Connection(host_and_ports=[(stompurl, stompport)])
for x in range(0,5):
conn.send(body="OK-BEFORE-CRASH", destination=destination)
conn.send(body="CRASH", destination=destination)
for x in range(0,50):
conn.send(body="OK-AFTER-CRASH", destination=destination)
import stomp
import time
stompurl = ""
stompport = "61613"
stompuser = "admin"
stomppass = "admin"
destination = "/queue/testQueueWithCrash"
conn = stomp.Connection(host_and_ports=[(stompurl, stompport)])
class StompConnectionListenerClass(stomp.ConnectionListener):
processMessage = None
def __init__(self, processMessage):
self.processMessage = processMessage
def on_error(self, headers, message):
print('XX received an error "%s"' % message)
def on_message(self, headers, message):
self.processMessage(headers, message)
def messageProcessingFunction(headers, message):
print('Main recieved a message "%s"' % message)
if (message=="CRASH"):
print("Message told processor to crash")
raise Exception("Reached message which crashes reciever")
time.sleep(1) # simulate processing message taking time
stompConnectionListener = StompConnectionListenerClass(processMessage=messageProcessingFunction)
conn.set_listener('', stompConnectionListener)
conn.subscribe(destination=destination, id=1, ack='auto')
#conn.subscribe(destination=destination, id=1, ack='client')
#conn.subscribe(destination=destination, id=1, ack='client-individual')
print("Terminate loop starting (Press ctrl+c when you want to exit)")
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('interrupted - so exiting!')
print("Reciever terminated")
Update 001
I managed to obtain the desired behavour described above by changing the receive function to use ack='client-individual' and to manually send ack messages. (See new version below)
But I am still unable to get the recievers to process one message at a time. This can be demonstrated in the following steps:
I run
I run - it will start processing
In a new terminal run
At first the second readMessagesFromQueue2 does nothing until the first one crashes, it then starts receiving messages. I want both instances of the reciever to read the messages from the start.
import stomp
import time
stompurl = ""
stompport = "61613"
stompuser = "admin"
stomppass = "admin"
destination = "/queue/testQueueWithCrash"
conn = stomp.Connection(host_and_ports=[(stompurl, stompport)])
class StompConnectionListenerClass(stomp.ConnectionListener):
processMessage = None
conn = None
def __init__(self, processMessage, conn):
self.processMessage = processMessage
self.conn = conn
def on_error(self, headers, message):
print('XX received an error "%s"' % message)
def on_message(self, headers, message):
self.processMessage(headers, message)
self.conn.ack(id=headers["message-id"], subscription=headers["subscription"])
def messageProcessingFunction(headers, message):
print('Main recieved a message "%s"' % message)
if (message=="CRASH"):
print("Message told processor to crash")
raise Exception("Reached message which crashes reciever")
time.sleep(1) # simulate processing message taking time
stompConnectionListener = StompConnectionListenerClass(processMessage=messageProcessingFunction, conn=conn)
conn.set_listener('', stompConnectionListener)
conn.subscribe(destination=destination, id=1, ack='client-individual')
print("Terminate loop starting (Press ctrl+c when you want to exit)")
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('interrupted - so exiting!')
print("Reciever terminated")

Lots of reading of diffent docs and I found the problem.
ActiveMQ has an option prefetch size -
If you have few messages that take a long time to process you can set it to 1. This is not apropiate in other situations.
I can do this in with the following line:
conn.subscribe(destination=destination, id=1, ack='client-individual', headers={'activemq.prefetchSize': 1})
So using manual or auto ack was neither here nor there. The key is limiting prefetch to 1.


Infinite loading on conn.recv python socket

I'm currently trying to make a socket connection between a server and multiple clients in Python.
In short, I have a function that is used to test if the clients are still online or dead.
To do so, i'm sending a white space to the client, and if no exception occures, it's all good, and if there is an exception I'm deleting the client from the client list.
Everything works fine, except when the client is switching network (for exemple I switch from a 2GHz network, to the same network in 5GHz). Then, the conn.recv is creating an infinite loading because the client is not receiving the data that was sent in conn.send. As a precision, both of the network where I was connected works well separately. The only solution that I found for now is restarting the server when such an event occurs..
Here is the part of the code that doesn't work (server):
# Check for clients availability
def check_clients(self, UUID):
invalid_conn = []
print(f"(UUID: {UUID}) Checking for dead clients")
if UUID not in self.all_connections: return False
# Delete dead clients for specific user (UUID)
self.socket.settimeout(2) # Also tried to set a timeout, doesn't work
print('setting timeout')
for i, conn in enumerate(self.all_connections[UUID]):
print('sending blank cmd')
conn.send(str.encode(' '))
cwd = str(conn.recv(20480)) # This is the line that causes infinite loop
print('got cwd:',cwd) # This is what we are excepting from the client
print('appening invalid conn to list:',conn)
print('removing timeout')
for i in invalid_conn:
client_id = self.all_connections[UUID].index(i)
print(f'(UUID: {UUID}) Could not reach client on conn list, removing {self.all_addresses[UUID][client_id]}')
del self.all_connections[UUID][client_id]
del self.all_addresses[UUID][client_id]
print(f"(UUID: {UUID}) Dead clients check finished")
And here is the part of the client that should receive the server information:
# Receive commands from server
def receive_commands(self):
while True:
print("Listening for commands")
output_str = None
data = self.sock.recv(1024)
if len(data) > 0:
cmd = data[:].decode("cp850")
# Do such and such events with cmd, this is a shortened version for demo
output_str = str(f'received: {cmd} from server', "cp850")
except Exception as e:
output_str = f"Command failed to execute: {str(e)}"
if output_str == None:
raise ConnectionError ("No response from server")
print(f"Input command: {data[:].decode('cp850')}")
print(f"Output -> {output_str}\n")
Please ask me if you need any more info, thank you for your help.

Python WebSocket Client connecting but not sending messages

While using websocket client to send test messages to a django server, I cannot get a script to work which can both send and receive messages.
The following python script is what I have attempted:
import websocket
import threading
import json
from time import sleep
# handle message event
def on_message(ws, message):
print("message recieved: %s" % message)
# handle close event
def on_close(ws):
print("channel closed")
# execute as main script
if __name__ == "__main__":
# new app object connecting to headstation
ws = websocket.WebSocketApp("ws://", on_message = on_message, on_close = on_close)
# run in a new thread - kill if script ends
ws_listener = threading.Thread(target=ws.run_forever())
ws_listener.daemon = True
# start second thread
# attempt connection 5 times
timeout = 5
while not ws.sock.connected and timeout:
timeout -= 1
# error on timeout
if (timeout == 0):
print("Connection to server timed out")
print("test 1")
# periodically send test message to server
message_num = 0
while ws.sock.connected:
# send node id and message
message = 'hello %d'%message_num
message_num += 1
This connections successfully, indicted by the server, and receives messages sent from the server, but does not send anything.
Periodically, something like this is displayed on the terminal:
send: b'\x8a\x84\xe2\xe9\xa8\xe2\x8f\xdc\xe2\x84'
If I simply use
ws = websocket.WebSocket()
then this works perfectly. Suggesting it is something wrong with my little python script displayed above.
Found the problem, stupid mistake of course:
ws_listener = threading.Thread(target=ws.run_forever())
should be:
ws_listener = threading.Thread(target=ws.run_forever)
without parentheses.
First one passes result of ws.run_forever to the target, second one sets ws.run_forever as the target, which was the intended outcome.

Retain Messages until a Subscription is Made using Python + Stomp

I am currently writing two scripts to subscribe to a message server using the stomp client library, to write data and to get data.
If I start first and then run, receives the messages correctly.
However, if I run first and then run, does not retrieve any messages previously sent to the server.
Below are relevant parts of the scripts.
How can I achieve that messages put into the queue by are being retained until subscribes and retrieves them?
def writeMQ(msg):
queue = '/topic/test'
conn = stomp.Connection(host_and_ports=[(MQ_SERVER, MQ_PORT)])
conn.connect(MQ_USER, MQ_PASSWD, wait=True)
conn.send(body=msg, destination=queue, persistent=True)
class MyListener(stomp.ConnectionListener):
def on_error(self, headers, message):
print ('received an error {0}'.format(message))
def on_message(self, headers, message):
print ('received an message {0}'.format(message))
def readMQ():
queue = '/topic/test'
conn = stomp.Connection(host_and_ports=[(MQ_SERVER, MQ_PORT)])
conn.set_listener("", MyListener())
conn.connect(MQ_USER, MQ_PASSWD, wait=True)
conn.subscribe(destination=queue, ack="auto", id=1)
stop = raw_input()
The problem is that the messages are being sent to a topic.
The Apollo Documentation describes the difference between topics and queues as follows:
Queues hold on to unconsumed messages even when there are no subscriptions attached, while a topic will drop messages when there are no connected subscriptions.
Thus, when is startet first and listening, the topic recognizes the subscription and forwards the message. But when is startet first the message is dropped because there is no subscribed client.
So you can use a queue instead of a topic. If the server is able to create a queue silently simply set
queue = '/queue/test' .
I don't know which version of stomp is being used, but I cannot find the parameter
send(..., persistent=True) .
Anyway persisting is not the right way to go since it still does not allow for messages to simply be retained for a later connection, but saves the messages in case of a server failure.
You can use the
header for topic messages instead.

How do I clear the buffer upon start/exit in ZMQ socket? (to prevent server from connecting with dead clients)

I am using a REQ/REP type socket for ZMQ communication in python. There are multiple clients that attempt to connect to one server. Timeouts have been added in the client script to prevent indefinite wait.
The problem is that when the server is not running, and a client attempts to establish connection, it's message gets added to the queue buffer, which should not even exist at this moment ideally. When the script starts running and a new client connects, the previous client's data is taken in first by the server. This should not happen.
When the server starts, it assumes a client is connected to it since it had tried to connect previously, and could not exit cleanly (since the server was down).
In the code below, when the client tries the first time, it gets ERR 03: Server down which is correct, followed by Error disconnecting. When server is up, I get ERR 02: Server Busy for the first client which connects. This should not occur. The client should be able to seamlessly connect with the server now that it's up and running.
Server Code:
import zmq
def server_fn():
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.REP)
while one == 1:
message = socket.recv()
#start process if valid new connection
if message == 'hello':
socket.send(message) #ACK
#keep session alive until application ends it.
while one == 1:
message = socket.recv()
print("Received request: ", message)
#exit connection
if message == 'bye':
#don't allow any client to connect if already busy
if message == 'hello':
socket.send ('ERR 00')
#do all data communication here
socket.send('ERR 01: Connection Error')
Client Code:
import zmq
class client:
def clientInit(self):
#zmq connection
self.context = zmq.Context()
print("Connecting to hello world server...")
self.socket = self.context.socket(zmq.REQ)
#RCVTIMEO to prevent forever block
self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, 5000)
#SNDTIME0 is needed since script may not up up yet
self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.SNDTIMEO, 5000)
print "Sending hello failed."
echo = self.socket.recv()
if hello == echo:
#connection established.
commStatus = 'SUCCESS'
elif echo == 'ERR 00':
#connection busy
commStatus = "ERR 00. Server busy."
#connection failed
commStatus="ERR 02"
commStatus = "ERR 03. Server down."
return commStatus
def clientQuit(self):
print "Error disconnecting."
cObj = client()
print commStatus
PS - I have a feeling the solution may lie in the correct usage of socket.bind and socket.connect.
Answering my own question-
The problem is that the first client sends a message which the server accepts when it starts running, regardless of the status of the client.
To prevent this, 2 things have to be done. The most important thing is to use socket.close() to close the client connection. Secondly, the LINGER parameter can be set to a low value or zero. This clears the buffer after the timeout value from the time the socket is closed.
class client:
def clientInit(self):
self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 100)
def clientQuit(self):
print "Error disconnecting."

Client socket not receiving data correctly

I've tried looking about for an answer but I can't seem to find one that answers my specific problem.
Perhaps I don't know how to articulate the problem correctly.
I think I've pinpointed what it is, but the thing is I just don't know how to fix it.
EDIT: I was trying to use two clients on one TCP Socket. Can't do that. I'll have to think of another way. Solved, I guess.
So what I've got is are
1: Two Clients
2: One Server
The objective is this:
Have the server distribute new usernames to all the clients as they connect.
This is what happens when I run the program:
Server: Define Host, and Port, initialize it. Check
Client 1: Connects to the server. Check
Client 1: Once connected, sends a string to the server. Check
Server: Receives a string, checks if the string is in a list is created. If it is: Pass, if it's not, send to everyone the new string. Check
Client 1: [Now waiting to receive data] Recieves data, checks if the string received matches the one it sent. If it does, print("It's one of ours!"), else, make the new string = to Client 2 Username. Check
Client 2: Connects to server: Check
Server: [If it receives a string, prints it.] (Works) Checks if the new string is in the list. [It isn't] So It sends the new username to everyone, and then prints ("Sent to everyone") Check
But, when client 2 receives the string, it prints it. However, client 1 never recives the string.
And when running client one in IDLE, I noticed something went wrong as Client 1 tried to receive the data. (The while loop that the data = s.recv began looping real fast, instead of waiting)
I've asked around in chat, but it seems nobody's around right now. I've tried looking this up but I really can't find an answer. What I suspect is happening is that when my server sends to 'connection' the second time, it somehow overrides the original client connection.
Here's my server code:
from socket import *
import threading
import os
import csv
Username_List = []
host = input("Host: ")
port = input("Port: ")
ss = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM)
while True:
connection,address = ss.accept()
data = connection.recv(1024)
if data:
translated_data = data.decode()
if translated_data in Username_List:
print("Sent new username to everyone")
except IOError:
print("An exception with a connected user occured")
And here is my client code: [The only difference between client 1 and 2 is I changed the username variable]
# Sample Username Client Service Handler.
from socket import *
import threading
import os
import csv
Username = ("Owatch")
host = input("Host: ")
port = input("Port: ")
ss = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM)
except IOError:
print("Aw no man")
while True:
print("Waiting to Recieve Data")
data = ss.recv(1024)
if data:
translated_data = data.decode()
if translated_data == Username:
print("It's one of ours!")
Client_Username = translated_data
print (Client_Username)
except Exception as e:
print (vars(e))
If you could please help I'd be grateful.
If you know of an answer to my question that's already been asked, please tell me and I'll remove this post to avoid breaking rules. Thanks!
Right then I started with what you had then changed it till it worked what I've done is created a client class which starts a thread with each connection and adds it to a list of threads (please if I'm doing something horribly wrong smarter people correct me), the thread runs gets some data checks if that's in the list of user names if its not sends out a message to all the clients in the thread list with that name then the thread just chills out. Anyway on to the code.
import csv
class client(threading.Thread):
Username_List = []
def __init__(self, conn):
super(client, self).__init__()
self.conn = conn
def run(self):
print "Client thread started"
data = self.conn.recv(1024)
print "Received: {0}".format(data)
if data in client.Username_List:
self.send_msg("Welcome Back!")
for cnt in threadz:
print("Sent new username to everyone")
while True:
# dont need nothing now
def send_msg(self,msg):
host = input("Host: ")
port = input("Port: ")
ss = socket() #AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM)
print "Server Opening on port: {0}".format(port)
threadz = []
print "Begining Wait for connections"
while True:
connection, address = ss.accept()
print "Got ONE!"
c = client(connection)
print "Recevied connection from:{0} On port:{1}".format(address[0],address[1])
print "Client appended to threadz, currently {0} threadz active".format(len(threadz))
except IOError,KeyboardInterrupt:
print("An exception with a connected user occured")
# Sample Username Client Service Handler.
from socket import *
import threading
import os
import csv
Username = ("ShyGuy")
host = input("Host: ")
port = input("Port: ")
ss = socket() #AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM)
ss.connect((host,int(port))) #I was using ("localhost",1234) for testing
except IOError:
print("Aw no man")
print("Waiting to Recieve Data")
while True:
data = ss.recv(1024)
if data:
translated_data = data.decode()
if translated_data == Username:
print"Name: {0} has been registered on server!".format(translated_data)
Client_Username = translated_data
print "New client name received: {0}".format(Client_Username)
except Exception as e:
print (vars(e))
That works on python 2.7 with two clients locally. Needs to use a semaphore to stop the threads printing at the same time as the main server loop prints:
This code does nothing graceful with client disconnects, but once you can work with the exceptions that a raised when that happens I'm sure you'll learn some more.

