I have created a sns.catplot using seaborn. My goal is to obtain a barplot with error bars.
I followed this answer to error bars to my plot. However, I now find that my error bars, using the same ax.errorbar function no longer align to my bar plot.
I appreciate any answers or comments as to why sorting my data frame has caused this issue.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import seaborn as sns
data = {'Parameter': ['$μ_{max}$', '$μ_{max}$', '$μ_{max}$', '$μ_{max}$', '$μ_{max}$', '$m$', '$m$', '$m$', '$m$', '$m$', '$\\alpha_D$', '$\\alpha_D$', '$\\alpha_D$', '$\\alpha_D$', '$\\alpha_D$', '$N_{max}$', '$N_{max}$', '$N_{max}$', '$N_{max}$', '$N_{max}$', '$\\gamma_{cell}$', '$\\gamma_{cell}$', '$\\gamma_{cell}$', '$\\gamma_{cell}$', '$\\gamma_{cell}$', '$K_d$', '$K_d$', '$K_d$', '$K_d$', '$K_d$'],
'Output': ['POC', 'DOC', 'IC', 'Cells', 'Mean', 'POC', 'DOC', 'IC', 'Cells', 'Mean', 'POC', 'DOC', 'IC', 'Cells', 'Mean', 'POC', 'DOC', 'IC', 'Cells', 'Mean', 'POC', 'DOC', 'IC', 'Cells', 'Mean', 'POC', 'DOC', 'IC', 'Cells', 'Mean'],
'Total-effect': [0.9806103414992552, -7.054718234598588e-10, 0.1960778044402512, 0.2537531550865872, 0.3576103250801555, 0.1663846098641205, 1.0851909901687566, 0.2563681021056311, 0.0084168031549801, 0.3790901263233721, 0.0031054085922008, 0.0002724061050653, 0.1659030569337202, 0.2251452993113863, 0.0986065427355931, 0.0340237460462674, 0.3067235088110348, 0.3150260538485233, 0.3349234507482945, 0.24767418986353, 0.1938746960877987, -6.17103884336228e-07, 0.0041542186143554, 0.0032055759222461, 0.050308468380129, 0.0417496162986251, 2.328088857274425e-09, 0.9483137697398172, 0.9881583951740854, 0.4945554458851541],
'First-order': [0.7030107013984165, 2.266962154339895e-19, 0.0062233586910709, 0.001029343445717, 0.1775658508838011, 0.0007896517048184, 0.7264368524472167, 0.0072701545157557, 0.0047752182357577, 0.1848179692258871, -2.123427373989929e-05, 2.395667282242805e-19, 0.0055179953736572, 0.0004377224837127, 0.0014836208959075, -1.509666411558862e-06, 6.068293373049956e-20, 0.0115237519530005, 0.0009532607225978, 0.0031188757522967, 0.0117401346791109, 3.482140934635793e-24, 0.0015109239301033, -2.9803014832201013e-08, 0.0033127572015498, 0.0015795893288074, 3.393882814623132e-17, 0.3451307225252993, 0.4106729024860886, 0.1893458035850488],
'Total Error': [0.0005752772018327, 1.3690325778564916e-09, 0.0033197127516203, 0.0042203628326116, 0.0020288385387743, 0.0007817126652407, 0.074645390474463, 0.0016832816591233, 0.0023529269720789, 0.0198658279427265, 0.0001233951911322, 0.0023340612253369, 0.0029383350061101, 0.003741247467092, 0.0022842597224178, 0.0005740976276596, 0.1017075201238418, 0.0016784578928217, 0.0037270295879161, 0.0269217763080598, 0.0009021103063017, 4.619682769520493e-07, 0.0005201826302926, 0.0005615428740041, 0.0004960744447188, 0.000910170372727, 1.0571905831111963e-09, 0.0029389557787801, 0.0054832440706334, 0.0023330928198327],
'First Error': [0.0024072925459877, 9.366089709991011e-20, 0.0002667351219131, 0.0002702376243862, 0.0007360663230718, 0.0002586411466273, 0.0409234887280223, 0.0005053286335856, 0.0003348751699561, 0.0105055834195478, 2.195881790893627e-05, 8.208495135059976e-20, 0.0001643584459509, 0.0002162523113349, 0.0001006423937987, 0.0001928274220008, 3.4836161809305005e-20, 0.0005126354796536, 0.0005972681850905, 0.0003256827716862, 0.0003252835339205, 5.013811598030501e-24, 3.247452070080876e-05, 8.972262407759052e-08, 8.946194431135658e-05, 0.0001221659592046, 2.8775799201024936e-18, 0.0033817071114312, 0.0058875798799757, 0.0023478632376529]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Picks outputs to show
show_vars = ["Mean"]
err_df = df.melt(id_vars=["Parameter", "Output"], value_vars=["Total Error", "First Error"], var_name="Error").sort_values(by="Parameter")
df = df.melt(id_vars=["Parameter", "Output"], value_vars=["Total-effect", "First-order"], var_name="Sobol index", value_name="Value").sort_values(by="Parameter")
# Plot
grid = sns.catplot(data=df[df["Output"].isin(show_vars)], x="Parameter", y="Value", col="Output", col_wrap=2,
hue="Sobol index", kind="bar", aspect=1.8, legend_out=False)
grid.set_titles(col_template="Sensitivity with respect to {col_name}")
# Add error lines and values
for ax, var in zip(grid.axes.ravel(), show_vars):
# Value labels
for i, c in enumerate(ax.containers):
if type(c) == matplotlib.container.BarContainer:
ax.bar_label(c, labels=[f'{v.get_height():.2f}' if v.get_height() >= 0.01 else "<0.01" for v in c],
# Error bars
ticklocs = ax.xaxis.get_majorticklocs()
offset = ax.containers[0][0].get_width() / 2
ax.errorbar(x=np.append(ticklocs - offset, ticklocs + offset), y=df[df["Output"] == var]["Value"],
yerr=err_df[err_df["Output"] == var]["value"], ecolor='black', linewidth=0, elinewidth=2, capsize=2) # Careful: array order matters
# Change title for mean
if var == "Mean":
ax.set_title("Average sensitivity across outputs")
I did try to sort the select dataframes by doing:
y=df[df["Output"] == var].sort_values(by="Parameter")["Value"], yerr=err_df[err_df["Output"] == var].sort_values(by="Parameter")["value"]
This despite the fact that order in the data frame seems to be preserved across operations.
seaborn is a high-level API for matplotlib and pandas uses matplotlib as the default plotting backend. Both packages work with matplotlib in different ways, which make certain types of plots and customizations easier.
seaborn.barplot automatically aggregates data and adds errors bars, however, since this data is already aggregated, and has columns of data with the errors, it's easier to add the errors with pandas.DataFrame.plot and the yerr parameter.
See pandas User Guide: Plotting with error bars
Tested in python 3.11, pandas 1.5.2, matplotlib 3.6.2, seaborn 0.12.1
import matplotlib as mpl
import pandas as pd
# set the index as the column to be the x-axis
df = df.set_index('Parameter')
# select the Mean data
df_mean = df[df.Output.eq('Mean')]
# specify the columns to use for the errors
yerr = df_mean[['Total Error', 'First Error']]
# the columns must be the same name as the columns used for the data values
yerr.columns = ['Total-effect', 'First-order']
# plot the selected data and add the yerr
ax = df_mean.plot(kind='bar', y=['Total-effect', 'First-order'], yerr=yerr, rot=0, figsize=(12, 8), title='Average sensitivity across outputs')
# iterate through each group of bars
for c in ax.containers:
# add labels to the bars
if type(c) == mpl.container.BarContainer:
labels=[f'{h:.2f}' if (h := v.get_height()) >= 0.01 else "<0.01" for v in c]
ax.bar_label(c, labels=labels, label_type='center')
I have a simple pandas DataFrame as shown below. I want to create a scatter plot of value on the y-axis, date on the x-axis, and color the points by category. However, coloring the points isn't working.
# Create dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({
'date': ['2016-01-01', '2016-02-01', '2016-03-01', '2016-01-01', '2016-02-01', '2016-03-01'],
'category': ['Wholesale', 'Wholesale', 'Wholesale', 'Retail', 'Retail', 'Retail'],
'value': [50, 60, 65, 55, 62, 70]
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
# Try to plot
df.plot.scatter(x='date', y='value', c='category')
ValueError: 'c' argument must be a mpl color, a sequence of mpl colors or a sequence of numbers, not ['Wholesale' 'Wholesale' 'Wholesale' 'Retail' 'Retail' 'Retail'].
Why am a I getting the error? Pandas scatter plot documentation says the argument c can be "A column name or position whose values will be used to color the marker points according to a colormap."
df.plot.scatter(x='date', y='value', c=df['category'].map({'Wholesale':'red','Retail':'blue'}))
I think you are looking at seaborn:
import seaborn as sns
sns.scatterplot(data=df, x='date', y='value', hue='category')
Or you can loop through df.groupby:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for cat, d in df.groupby('category'):
ax.scatter(x=d['date'],y=d['value'], label=cat)
df = pd.DataFrame({
'id': {0: -3, 1: 2, 2: -3, 3: 1},
'val': {0: 0.4, 1: 0.03, 2: 0.88, 3: 1.3},
'indicator': {0: 'A', 1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'B'},
'count': {0: 40000, 1: 5779, 2: 3000, 3: 31090}
and I hope to get a plot like the following:
I know with code of following, I can get a close plot but I want to have the line size also varies with "count" variable, but when I tried to add size = 'count', I did not get a meaningful plot and also for the legend, I want to only have one legend for "indicator" rather than two:
sns.lineplot(x = 'id', y = 'val', hue = 'indicator', data = df)
sns.scatterplot(x = 'id', y = 'val', hue = 'indicator', size = 'count', data = df)
To answer the second part of your question - you can disable the lineplot legend like so:
sns.lineplot(x = 'id', y = 'val', hue = 'indicator', data = df, legend=False)
This will leave you with two legend groups - one for colours and one for sizes. This is the easiest way, but you can also tinker with plt.legend() and build your own from scratch.
As for making the lines vary their thickness dynamically from one point to another, I don't think you can do it using seaborn. For something like that you'd need a more low-level library, like bokeh or use matplotlib directly to draw connecting lines between line markers, adjusting for their varying size.
I just upgraded matplotlib to version 3.1.1 and I am experimenting with using legend_elements.
I am making a scatterplot of the top two components from PCA on a dataset of 30,000 flattened, grayscale images. Each image is labeled as one of four master categories (Accessory, Apparel, Footwear, Personal Care). I have color coded the plot by 'master category' by creating a colors column with values from 0 to 3.
I have read the documentation for PathCollection.legend_elements, but I haven't successfully incorporated the 'func' or 'fmt' parameters.
Also, I have tried to follow examples provided:
### create column for color codes
masterCat_codes = {'Accessories':0,'Apparel':1, 'Footwear':2, 'Personal Care':3}
df['colors'] = df['masterCategory'].apply(lambda x: masterCat_codes[x])
### create scatter plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))
scatter = ax.scatter( *full_pca.T, s=.1 , c=df['colors'], label= df['masterCategory'], cmap='viridis')
### using legend_elements
legend1 = ax.legend(*scatter.legend_elements(num=[0,1,2,3]), loc="upper left", title="Category Codes")
The resulting legend labels are 0, 1, 2, 3. (This happens whether or not I specify label = df['masterCategory'] when defining 'scatter'). I would like labels to say Accessories, Apparel, Footwear, Personal Care.
Is there a way to accomplish this with legend_elements?
Note: As the dataset is large and the preprocessing is computationally heavy, I have written an example that is simpler to reproduce:
fake_data = np.array([[1,1],[1,2],[1,3],[2,1],[2,2],[2,3],[3,1],[3,2],[3,3]])
fake_df = pd.DataFrame(fake_data, columns=['X', 'Y'])
groups = np.array(['A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C', 'C'])
fake_df['Group'] = groups
group_codes = {k:idx for idx, k in enumerate(fake_df.Group.unique())}
fake_df['colors'] = fake_df['Group'].apply(lambda x: group_codes[x])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
scatter = ax.scatter(fake_data[:,0], fake_data[:,1], c=fake_df['colors'])
legend = ax.legend(*scatter.legend_elements(num=[0,1,2]), loc="upper left", title="Group \nCodes")
Thanks to ImportanceOfBeingErnest
.legend_elements returns legend handles and labels for a PathCollection.
handles = scatter.legend_elements(num=[0,1,2,3])[0] because the handles are the first object returned by the method.
Also see Scatter plots with a legend
group_codes = {k:idx for idx, k in enumerate(fake_df.Group.unique())}
fake_df['colors'] = fake_df['Group'].apply(lambda x: group_codes[x])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))
scatter = ax.scatter(fake_data[:,0], fake_data[:,1], c=fake_df['colors'])
handles = scatter.legend_elements(num=[0,1,2,3])[0] # extract the handles from the existing scatter plot
ax.legend(title='Group\nCodes', handles=handles, labels=group_codes.keys())
Suppose I have the following two dataframes:
df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(100, 3),columns=['A','B','C']).cumsum()
df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(100, 3),columns=['A','B','C']).cumsum()
My question is that, how can I plot them in one graph such that:
The three series of df1 and df2 are still in the same blue, orange
and green lines as above.
The three series of df1 are in solid lines
The three series of df1 are in dashed lines
Currently the closest thing I can get is the following:
ax = df1.plot(style=['b','y','g'])
df2.plot(ax=ax, style=['b','y','g'], linestyle='--')
Is there any way to get the color codes used by default by DataFrame.plot()? Or is there any other better approach to achieve what I want? Ideally I don't want to specify any color codes with the style parameter but always use the default colors.
Without messing with the colors themselves or transferring them from one plot to the other you may easily just reset the colorcycle in between your plot commands
ax = df1.plot()
df2.plot(ax=ax, linestyle="--")
You could use get_color from the lines:
df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(100, 3),columns=['A','B','C']).cumsum()
df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(100, 3),columns=['A','B','C']).cumsum()
ax = df1.plot()
l = ax.get_lines()
df2.plot(ax=ax, linestyle='--', color=(i.get_color() for i in l))
You can get the default color parameters that are currently being used from matplotlib.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
colors = list(plt.rcParams.get('axes.prop_cycle'))
[{'color': '#1f77b4'},
{'color': '#ff7f0e'},
{'color': '#2ca02c'},
{'color': '#d62728'},
{'color': '#9467bd'},
{'color': '#8c564b'},
{'color': '#e377c2'},
{'color': '#7f7f7f'},
{'color': '#bcbd22'},
{'color': '#17becf'}]
so just pass style=['#1f77b4', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c'] and the colors should work.
If you want to set another color cycler, say the older version, then:
plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = ("cycler('color', 'bgrcmyk')")
#[{'color': 'b'},
# {'color': 'g'},
# {'color': 'r'},
# {'color': 'c'},
# {'color': 'm'},
# {'color': 'y'},
# {'color': 'k'}]