What are Mutual_info_regression and Mutual_info_classif used for? - python

I'm learning about feature selection of big datasets. I came across a method called "Mutual_info_regression" and "Mutual_info_classif". It returns a value for all the features. What that value represents ??

They both measure the mutual information between a matrix containing a set of feature vectors and the target. They are under sklearn.feature_selection, since the mutual information can be used to gain some understanding on how good of a predictor a feature may be. This is a core concept in information theory, which is closely linked to that of entropy, which I would suggest you to start with. But in short, the mutual information between two variables, measures how much a given feature can explain another (target), or more technically, how much information about the target will variable will be obtained by having observed a feature.
This is in fact, the measure that internally dicision trees trained through the Iterative Dichotomiser 3 use to decide which feature to set as node in each split, and the subsequent thresholds to set. The only difference between both methods is that one works for discrete targets, and the other for continuous targets.


Random Forest or other machine learning techniques [need advice]

I am trying to get a sense of the rationale between some independent variables and quantify their importance on a dependent variable. I came across methods like the random forest that can quantify the importance of variables and then predict the outcome. However, I have an issue with the nature of the data to be used with the random forest or similar methods. An example of data structure is provided below, and as you can see the time series have some variables like population and Age that do not change with time, though different among the different city. While other variables such as temperature and #internet users are changing through time and within the cities. My question is: how can I quantify the importance of these variables on the “Y” variable? BTW, I prefer to apply the method in python environment.
"How can I quantity the importance" is very common question also known as "feature-importance".
The feature importance depends on your model; with a regression you have importance in your coefficients, in random forest you can use (but, some would not recommend) the build-in feature_importances_ or better the SHAP-values. Further more you can use som correlaion i.e Spearman/Pearson correlation between your features and your target.
Unfortunately there is no "free lunch", you will need to decide that based on what you want to use it for, how your data looks like etc.
I think the one you came across might be Boruta where you shuffle up your variables, add them to your data set and then create a threshold based on the "best shuffled variable" in a Random Forest.
My idea is as follows. Your outcome variable 'Y' has only a few possible values. You can build a classifier (Random Forest is one of many existing classifiers), to predict say 'Y in [25-94,95-105,106-150]'. You will here have three different outcomes that rule out each other. (Other interval limits than 95 and 105 are possible, if that better suits your application).
Some of your predictive variables are time series whereas others are constant, as you explain. You should use a sliding window technique where your classifier predicts 'Y' based on the time-related variables in say the month January. It doesn't matter that some variables are constant, as the actual variable 'City' has the four outcomes: '[City_1,City_2,City_3,City_4]'. Similarly, use 'Population' and 'Age_mean' as the actual variables.
Once you use classifiers, many approaches to feature ranking and feature selection have been developed. You can use a web service like insight classifiers to do it for you, or download a package like Weka for that.
Key point is that you organize your model and its predictive variables such that a classifier can learn correctly.
If city and month are also your independent variables, you should convert them from index into columns. Using pandas to read your file, then use df.reset_index() can do the job for you.

Determine WHY Features Are Important in Decision Tree Models

Often-times stakeholders don't want a black-box model that's good at predicting; they want insights about features to have a better understanding about their business, and so they can explain it to others.
When we inspect the feature importance of an xgboost or sklearn gradient boosting model, we can determine the feature importance... but we don't understand WHY the features are important, do we?
Is there a way to explain not only what features are important but also WHY they're important?
I was told to use shap but running even some of the boilerplate examples throws errors so I'm looking for alternatives (or even just a procedural way to inspect trees and glean insights I can take away other than a plot_importance() plot).
In the example below, how does one go about explaining WHY feature f19 is the most important (while also realizing that decision trees are random without a random_state or seed).
from xgboost import XGBClassifier, plot_importance
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
X,y = make_classification(random_state=68)
xgb = XGBClassifier()
xgb.fit(X, y)
What I'm looking for is a programmatic procedural proof that the features chosen by the model above contribute either positively or negatively to the predictive power. I want to see code (not theory) of how you would go about inspecting the actual model and determining each feature's positive or negative contribution. Currently, I maintain that it's not possible so somebody please prove me wrong. I'd love to be wrong!
I also understand that decision trees are non-parametric and have no coefficients. Still, is there a way to see if a feature contributes positively (one unit of this feature increases y) or negatively (one unit of this feature decreases y).
Despite a thumbs down on this question, and several "close" votes, it seems this question isn't so crazy after all. Partial dependence plots might be the answer.
Partial Dependence Plots (PDP) were introduced by Friedman (2001) with
purpose of interpreting complex Machine Learning algorithms.
Interpreting a linear regression model is not as complicated as
interpreting Support Vector Machine, Random Forest or Gradient
Boosting Machine models, this is were Partial Dependence Plot can come
into use. For some statistical explaination you can refer hereand More
Advance. Some of the algorithms have methods for finding variable
importance but they do not express whether a varaible is positively or
negatively affecting the model .
tldr; http://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/ensemble/plot_partial_dependence.html
I'd like to clear up some of the wording to make sure we're on the same page.
Predictive power: what features significantly contribute to the prediction
Feature dependence: are the features positively or negatively
correlated, i.e., does a change in the feature X cause the prediction y to increase/decrease
1. Predictive power
Your feature importance shows you what retains the most information, and are the most significant features. Power could imply what causes the biggest change - you would have to check by plugging in dummy values to see their overall impact, much like you would have to do with linear regression coefficients.
2. Correlation/Dependence
As pointed out by #Tiago1984, it depends heavily on the underlying algorithm. XGBoost/GBM are additively building a committee of stubs (decision trees with a low number of trees, usually only one split).
In a regression problem, the trees are typically using a criterion related to the MSE. I won't go into the full details, but you can read more here: https://medium.com/towards-data-science/boosting-algorithm-gbm-97737c63daa3.
You'll see that at each step it calculates a vector for the "direction" of the weak learner, so you in principle know the direction of the influence from it (but keep in mind it may appear many times in one tree, in multiple steps of the additive model).
But, to cut to the chase; you could just fix all your features apart from f19 and make a prediction for a range of f19 values and see how it is related to the response value.
Take a look at partial dependency plots: http://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/ensemble/plot_partial_dependence.html
There's also a chapter on it in Elements of Statistical Learning, Chapter 10.13.2.
The "importance" of a feature depends on the algorithm you are using to build the trees. In C4.5 trees, for example, a maximum-entropy criterion is often used. This means that the feature set is the one that allows classification with the fewer decision steps.
When we inspect the feature importance of an xgboost or sklearn gradient boosting model, we can determine the feature importance... but we don't understand WHY the features are important, do we?
Yes we do. Feature importance is not some magical object, it is a well defined mathematical criterion - its exact definition depends on particular model (and/or some additional choices), but it is always an object which tells "why". The "why" is usually the most basic thing possible, and boils down to "because it has the strongest predictive power". For example for random forest feature importance is a measure of how probable it is for this feature to be used on a decision path when randomly selected training data point is pushed through the tree. So it gives "why" in a proper, mathematical sense.

NN: outputting a probability density function instead of a single value

This might sound silly but I'm just wondering about the possibility of modifying a neural network to obtain a probability density function rather than a single value when you are trying to predict a scalar. I know that when you are trying to classify images or words you can get a probability for each class, so I'm thinking there might be a way to do something similar with a continuous value and plot it. (Similar to the posterior plot with bayesian optimisation)
Such details could be interesting when deploying a model for prediction and could provide more flexibility than a single value.
Does anyone knows a way to obtain such an output?
Ok So I found a solution to this issue, though it adds a lot of overhead.
Initially I thought the keras callback could be of use but despite the fact that it provided the flexibility that I wanted i.e.: train only on test data or only a subset and not for every test. It seems that callbacks are only given summary data from the logs.
So the first step what to create a custom metric that would do the same calculation as any metric with the 2 arrays ( the true value and the predicted value) and once those calculations are done, output them to a file for later use.
Then once we found a way to gather all the data for every sample, the next step was to implement a method that could give a good measure of error. I'm currently implementing a handful of methods but the most fitting one seem to be bayesian bootstraping ( user lmc2179 has a great python implementation). I also implemented ensemble methods and gaussian process as alternatives or to use as other metrics and some other bayesian methods.
I'll try to find if there are internals in keras that are set during the training and testing phases to see if I can set a trigger for my metric. The main issue with using all the data is that you obtain a lot of unreliable data points at the start since the network is not optimized. Some data filtering could be useful to remove a good amount of those points to improve the results of the error predictors.
I'll update if I find anything interesting.

Semi-supervised Gaussian mixture model clustering in Python

I have images that I am segmenting using a gaussian mixture model from scikit-learn. Some images are labeled, so I have a good bit of prior information that I would like to use. I would like to run a semi-supervised training of a mixture model, by providing some of the cluster assignments ahead of time.
From the Matlab documentation, I can see that Matlab allows initial values to be set. Are there any python libraries, especially scikit-learn approaches that would allow this?
The standard GMM does not work in a semi-supervised fashion. The initial values you mentioned is likely the initial values for the mean vectors and covariance matrices for the gaussians which will be updated by the EM algorithm.
A simple hack will be to group your labeled data based on their labels and individually estimate mean vectors and covariance matrices for them and pass these as the initial values to your MATLAB function (scikit-learn does not allow this as far as I'm aware). Hopefully this will position your Gaussians at the "correct locations". The EM algorithm will then take it from there to adjust these parameters.
The downside of this hack is that it does not guarantee that it will respect your true label assignment, hence even if a data point is assigned a particular cluster label, there is a chance that it might be re-assigned to another cluster. Also, noise in your feature vectors or labels could also cause your initial Gaussians to cover a much larger region than it is suppose to, hence wrecking havoc on the EM algorithm. Also, if you do not have sufficient data points for a particular cluster, your estimated covariance matrices might be singular, hence breaking this trick altogether.
Unless it is a must for you to use GMM to cluster your data (for e.g., you know for sure that gaussians model your data well), then perhaps you can just try the semi-supervised methods in scikit-learn . These will propagate the labels based on feature similarities to your other data point. However, I doubt this can handle large dataset as it requires the graph laplacian matrix to be built from pairs of samples, unless there is some special implementation trick to handle this in scikit-learn.

Scikit Learn Variable Bias

I am using Scikit to make some prediction on a very large set of data. The data is very wide, but not very long so I want to set some weights to the parts of the data. If I know some parts of the data are more important then other parts how should I inform SCikit of this, or does it kinda break the whole machine learning approach to do some pre-teaching.
The most straightforward way of doing this is perhaps by using Principal Component Analysis on your data matrix X. Principal vectors form an orthogonal basis of X, and they are each one a linear combination of the original feature space (normally columns) of X. The decomposition is such that each principal vector has a corresponding eigenvalue (or singular value depending on how you compute PCA) a scalar that reflects how much reconstruction can be made solely on the basis of that principal vector alone, in a least-squares sense.
The magnitude of coefficients of principal vectors can be interpreted as importance of the individual features of your data, since each coefficient maps 1:1 to a feature or column of the matrix. By selecting one or two principal vectors and examining their magnitudes, you may have a preliminary insight of what columns are more relevant, of course up to how much these vectors approximate the matrix.
This is the detailed scikit-learn API description. Again, PCA is a simple but just one way of doing it, among others.
This probably depends a bit on the machine learning algorithm you're using -- many will discover feature importances on their own (as elaborated via the feature_importances_ property in random forest and others).
If you're using a distance-based measure (e.g. k-means, knn) you could manually weight the features differently by scaling the values of each feature accordingly (though it's possible scikit does some normalization...).
Alternatively, if you know some features really don't carry much information you could simply eliminate them, though you'd lose any diagnostic value these features might unexpectedly bring. There are some tools in scikit for feature selection that might help make this kind of judgement.

