I have been searching for quite some time but did not succeed to figure out how to select the id column from a table where either of the given other columns is not null.
I tried tied a nested query like:
SELECT id, name FROM spam_table WHERE (SELECT c.name FROM pragma_table_info('spam_table') c WHERE c.name LIKE '%ham%' OR c.name LIKE '%eggs%') IS NOT NULL
Is there any way that the inner PRAGMA returns the corresponding column names to be used for the outer query. And how assure the outer query is been put together using OR
Is there any way that the inner PRAGMA returns the corresponding
column names to be used for the outer query.
No. There is no "dynamic" column names (or table names) in sqlite.
One way to do it in python:
execute the pragma_table_info select
fetch the results
iterate the results and create the desired sql string
execute the created sql string
Thanks #DinoCoderSaurus for pointing out that there is no dynamic column names
The code I am using need some more pythonic style but in fact it I am running
for a in spam_table[0]: # Tables Header from the pragma_table_info(spam_table)
for i in eggs: # Search terms given by the UI
if i in a:
Now I know which columns to check to extract the id
I have a tabled called products
which has following columns
id, product_id, data, activity_id
What I am essentially trying to do is copy bulk of existing products and update it's activity_id and create new entry in the products table.
I already have 70 existing entries in products with activity_id 2
Now I want to create another 70 entries with same data except for updated activity_id
I could have thousands of existing entries that I'd like to make a copy of and update the copied entries activity_id to be a new id.
products = self.session.query(model.Products).filter(filter1, filter2).all()
This returns all the existing products for a filter.
Then I iterate through products, then simply clone existing products and just update activity_id field.
for product in products:
product.activity_id = new_id
What is the best/ fastest way to do these bulk entries so it kills time, as of now it's OK performance, is there a better solution?
You don't need to load these objects locally, all you really want to do is have the database create these rows.
You essentially want to run a query that creates the rows from the existing rows:
INSERT INTO product (product_id, data, activity_id)
SELECT product_id, data, 2 -- the new activity_id value
FROM product
WHERE activity_id = old_id
The above query would run entirely on the database server; this is far preferable over loading your query into Python objects, then sending all the Python data back to the server to populate INSERT statements for each new row.
Queries like that are something you could do with SQLAlchemy core, the half of the API that deals with generating SQL statements. However, you can use a query built from a declarative ORM model as a starting point. You'd need to
Access the Table instance for the model, as that then lets you create an INSERT statement via the Table.insert() method.
You could also get the same object from models.Product query, more on that later.
Access the statement that would normally fetch the data for your Python instances for your filtered models.Product query; you can do so via the Query.statement property.
Update the statement to replace the included activity_id column with your new value, and remove the primary key (I'm assuming that you have an auto-incrementing primary key column).
Apply that updated statement to the Insert object for the table via Insert.from_select().
Execute the generated INSERT INTO ... FROM ... query.
Step 1 can be achieved by using the SQLAlchemy introspection API; the inspect() function, applied to a model class, gives you a Mapper instance, which in turn has a Mapper.local_table attribute.
Steps 2 and 3 require a little juggling with the Select.with_only_columns() method to produce a new SELECT statement where we swapped out the column. You can't easily remove a column from a select statement but we can, however, use a loop over the existing columns in the query to 'copy' them across to the new SELECT, and at the same time make our replacement.
Step 4 is then straightforward, Insert.from_select() needs to have the columns that are inserted and the SELECT query. We have both as the SELECT object we have gives us its columns too.
Here is the code for generating your INSERT; the **replace keyword arguments are the columns you want to replace when inserting:
from sqlalchemy import inspect, literal
from sqlalchemy.sql import ClauseElement
def insert_from_query(model, query, **replace):
# The SQLAlchemy core definition of the table
table = inspect(model).local_table
# and the underlying core select statement to source new rows from
select = query.statement
# validate asssumptions: make sure the query produces rows from the above table
assert table in select.froms, f"{query!r} must produce rows from {model!r}"
assert all(c.name in select.columns for c in table.columns), f"{query!r} must include all {model!r} columns"
# updated select, replacing the indicated columns
as_clause = lambda v: literal(v) if not isinstance(v, ClauseElement) else v
replacements = {name: as_clause(value).label(name) for name, value in replace.items()}
from_select = select.with_only_columns([
replacements.get(c.name, c)
for c in table.columns
if not c.primary_key
return table.insert().from_select(from_select.columns, from_select)
I included a few assertions about the model and query relationship, and the code accepts arbitrary column clauses as replacements, not just literal values. You could use func.max(models.Product.activity_id) + 1 as a replacement value (wrapped as a subselect), for example.
The above function executes steps 1-4, producing the desired INSERT SQL statement when printed (I created a products model and query that I thought might be representative):
>>> print(insert_from_query(models.Product, products, activity_id=2))
INSERT INTO products (product_id, data, activity_id) SELECT products.product_id, products.data, :param_1 AS activity_id
FROM products
WHERE products.activity_id != :activity_id_1
All you have to do is execute it:
insert_stmt = insert_from_query(models.Product, products, activity_id=2)
I'm using the SQLalchemy table declaration to avoid using strings and manually generating SQL statements. This has worked quite well, except for the following use case where I'm trying to return a statement which creates a merged table with all columns from both tables, joined on an implicit PK/FK which exists between the tables.
It seems like the statement below only selects columns from the first (Result) table and I'm not sure how to generate the full select statement?
sql = Query(Results, Details).join(Details)\
.filter(Details.result_type == 'standard')\
The query construct isn't the best to use for this use case, as it will return the objects themselves. Instead, this can be done with the select construct as follows:
sql = select([Results, Details])\
I have two tables, Table A and Table B. I have added one column to Table A, record_id. Table B has record_id and the primary ID for Table A, table_a_id. I am looking to deprecate Table B.
Relationships exist between Table B's table_a_id and Table A's id, if that helps.
Currently, my solution is:
db.execute("UPDATE table_a t
SET record_id = b.record_id
FROM table_b b
WHERE t.id = b.table_a_id")
This is my first time using this ORM -- I'd like to see if there is a way I can use my Python models and the actual functions SQLAlchemy gives me to be more 'Pythonic' rather than just dumping a Postgres statement that I know works in an execute call.
My solution ended up being as follows:
.filter(TableA.id == TableB.table_a_id,
.update({TableA.record_id: TableB.record_id}, synchronize_session=False))
This leverages the ability of PostgreSQL to do updates based on implicit references of other tables, which I did in my .filter() call (this is analogous to a WHERE in a JOIN query). The solution was deceivingly simple.
I have a DB with ID/Topic/Definition columns. When a select query is made, with possibly hundreds of parameters, I would like the fetchall call to also return the topic of any non-existent rows with a default text (i.e. "Not Found").
I realize this could be done in a loop, but that would query the DB every cycle and have a significant performance hit. With the parameters joined by "OR" in a single select statement the search is nearly instantaneous.
Is there a way to get a return of the query (topic) with default text for non-existent rows in SQLite?
Table Structure (named "dictionary")
Sample Query
SELECT Topic,Definition FROM dictionary WHERE Topic = "wd1" or Topic = "wd2" or topic = "wd3"'
Desired Return
[(wd1, def1), (wd2, "Not Found"), (wd3, def3)]
To get data like wd2 out of a query, such data must be in the database in the first place.
You could put it into a temporary table, or use a common table expression.
To include rows without a match, use an outer join:
WITH IDs(ID) AS ( VALUES ('wd1'), ('wd2'), ('wd3') )
IFNULL(Definition, 'Not Found') AS Definition
LEFT JOIN dictionary USING (ID);
I am trying to select multiple columns, but not all of the columns, from the database. All of the columns I want to select are going to start with "word".
So in pseudocode I'd like to do this:
SELECT "word%" from searchterms where onstate = 1;
More or less. I am not finding any documentation on how to do this - is it possible in MySQL? Basically, I am trying to store a list of words in a single row, with an identifier, and I want to associate all of the words with that identifier when I pull the records. All of the words are going to be joined as a string and passed to another function in an array/dictionary with their identifier.
I am trying to make as FEW database calls as possible to keep speedy code.
Ok, here's another question for you guys:
There are going to be a variable number of columns with the name "word" in them. Would it be faster to do a separate database call for each row, with a generated Python query per row, or would it be faster to simply SELECT *, and only use the columns I needed? Is it possible to say SELECT * NOT XYZ?
No, SQL doesn't provide you with any syntax to do such a select.
What you can do is ask MySQL for a list of column names first, then generate the SQL query from that information.
SELECT column_name
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name = 'your_table'
AND column_name LIKE 'word%'
let's you select the column names. Then you can do, in Python:
"SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE " + ' '.join(['%s = 1' % name for name in columns])
Instead of using string concatenation, I would recommend using SQLAlchemy instead to do the SQL generating for you.
However, if all you are doing is limit the number of columns there is no need to do a dynamic query like this at all. The hard work for the database is selecting the rows; it makes little difference to send you 5 columns out of 10, or all 10.
In that case just use a "SELECT * FROM ..." and use Python to pick out the columns from the result set.
No, you cannot dynamically produce the list of columns to be selected. It will have to be hardcoded in your final query.
Your current query would produce a result set with one column and the value of that column would be the string "word%" in all rows that satisfy the condition.
You can generate the list of column names first by using
SHOW COLUMNS IN tblname LIKE "word%"
Then loop through the cursor and generate SQL statement uses all the columns from the query above.
"SELECT {0} FROM searchterms WHERE onstate = 1".format(', '.join(columns))
This could be helpful: MySQL wildcard in select
In conclusion it is not possible in MySQL directly.
What you could do as a dirty workaround is get all the column names from the table with an initial query (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/show-columns.html) and then compare in python if the name matches your pattern. Afterwards you could do the MySQL select statement with the found column names like this:
SELECT word1, word2, word3 from searchterms where onstate = 1;