I'm trying to automate log-in into Costco.com to check some member only prices.
I used dev tool and the Network tab to identify the request that handles the Logon, from which I inferred the POST URL and the parameters.
Code looks like:
import requests
s = requests.session()
payload = {'logonId': 'email#email.com',
'logonPassword': 'mypassword'
#get this data from Google-ing "my user agent"
user_agent = {"User-Agent" : "myusergent"}
url = 'https://www.costco.com/Logon'
response = s.post(url, headers=user_agent,data=payload)
When I run this, it just runs and runs and never returns anything. Waited 5 minutes and still running.
What am I going worng?
maybe you should try to make a get requests to get some cookies before make the post requests, if the post requests doesnt work, maybe you should add a timeout so the script stop and you know that it doesnt work.
r = requests.get(w, verify=False, timeout=10)
This one is tough. Usually, in order to set the proper cookies, a get request to the url is first required. We can go directly to https://www.costco.com/LogonForm so long as we change the user agent from the default python requests one. This is accomplished as follows:
import requests
agent = (
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) "
"Chrome/85.0.4183.102 Safari/537.36"
with requests.Session() as s:
headers = {'user-agent': agent}
logon = s.get('https://www.costco.com/LogonForm')
# Saved the cookies in variable, explanation below
cks = s.cookies
Logon get request is successful, ie status code 200! Taking a look at cks:
print(sorted([c.name for c in cks]))
Then using the inspect network in google chrome and clicking login yields the following form data for the post in order to login. (place this below cks)
data = {'logonId': username,
'logonPassword': password,
'reLogonURL': 'LogonForm',
'isPharmacy': 'false',
'fromCheckout': '',
'authToken': '-1002,5M9R2fZEDWOZ1d8MBwy40LOFIV0=',
login = s.post('https://www.costco.com/Logon', data=data, allow_redirects=True)
However, simply trying this makes the request just sit there and infinitely redirect.
Using burp suite, I stepped into the post and and found the post request when done via browser. This post has many more cookies than obtained in the initial get request.
Quite a few more in fact
# cookies is equal to the curl from burp, then converted curl to python req
Most of these look to be static, however because there are so many its hard to tell which is which and what each is supposed to be. It's here where I myself get stuck, and I am actually really curious how this would be accomplished. In some of the cookie data I can also see some sort of ibm commerce information, so I am linking Prevent Encryption (Krypto) Of Url Paramaters in IBM Commerce Server 6 as its the only other relevant SO answer question pertaining somewhat remotely to this.
Essentially though the steps would be to determine the proper cookies to pass for this post (and then the proper cookies and info for the redirect!). I believe some of these are being set by some js or something since they are not in the get response from the site. Sorry I can't be more help here.
If you absolutely need to login, try using selenium as it simulates a browser. Otherwise, if you just want to check if an item is in stock, this guide uses requests and doesn't need to be logged in https://aryaboudaie.com/python/technical/educational/2020/07/05/using-python-to-buy-a-gift.html
I'm trying to download some (.csv) files from a private website with Python requests method.
I can access the website by using a browser. After typing in the url, it pops up a window to fill in username and password.
After that, it starts to download a (.csv) file.
However, it failed when I used Python requests method.
Here is my code.
import requests
# username and pwd in base64
b64_IDpass = '******'
tics_headers = {
"Host": 'http://tics-sign.com',
"Authorization": 'Basic {}'.format(b64_IDpass)
# company internet proxy
proxy = {'http': '*****'}
# url
url_get = 'http://tics-sign.com/getlist'
r = requests.get(url_get,
# <Response [404]>
I've checked the headers in a browser, there is no problem.
But why it returns <Response [404]> when using Python?
You need to post your password and username before you get the link.
So you could try this:
request.post("http://tics-sign.com", tics_headers)
And then get the info:
request.get(url_get, proxies=proxy)
This has worked for me in all the previous sites have scraped which need authentication.
The problem is that each site has a different way for accepting authentication. So it may
not even work.
It also may be that python is not getting redirected to http://tics-sign.com/displaypanel/login.aspx. curl didn't for me.
I looked at the HTML source of your website and I came up with this:
login_data = {"logName": your_id, "pwd": your_password}
request.post(http://tics-sign.com/displaypanel/login.aspx, login_data)
r = request.get(url_get, proxies=proxy)
You can look at my blog for more info.
I tried to get html code from a site name dcinside in Korea, i am using requests but cannot get html code
and this is my code
import requests
url = "http://gall.dcinside.com/board/lists/?id=bitcoins&page=1"
req = requests.get(url)
print (req)
print (req.content)
but the result was
Why I cannot get html codes even using requests??
Most likely they are detecting that you are trying to crawl data dynamically, and not giving any content as a response. Try pretending to be a browser and passing some User-Agent headers.
headers = {
'User-Agent': 'My User Agent 1.0',
'From': 'youremail#domain.com'
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
# use authentic mozilla or chrome user-agent strings if this doesn't work
Take a look at this:
Python Web Crawlers and "getting" html source code
Like the guy said in the aforementioned post, you should use urllib2 which will allow you to easily obtain web resources.
Im trying to login and scrape a job site and send me notification when ever certain key words are found.I think i have correctly traced the xpath for the value of feild "login[iovation]" but i cannot extract the value, here is what i have done so far to login
import requests
from lxml import html
header = {"User-Agent":"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5;Windows NT)"}
login_url = 'https://www.upwork.com/ab/account-security/login'
session_requests = requests.session()
#get csrf
result = session_requests.get(login_url)
auth_token = list(set(tree.xpath('//*[#name="login[_token]"]/#value')))
auth_iovat = list(set(tree.xpath('//*[#name="login[iovation]"]/#value')))
# create payload
payload = {
"login[username]": "myemail#gmail.com",
"login[password]": "pa$$w0rD",
"login[_token]": auth_token,
"login[iovation]": auth_iovation,
"login[redir]": "/home"
#perform login
result=session_requests.post(login_url, data = payload, headers = dict(referer = login_url))
#test the result
print result.text
This is screen shot of form data when i login successfully
This is because upworks uses something called iOvation (https://www.iovation.com/) to reduce fraud. iOvation uses digital fingerprint of your device/browser, which are sent via login[iovation] parameter.
If you look at the javascripts loaded on your site, you will find two javascript being loaded from iesnare.com domain. This domain and many others are owned by iOvaiton to drop third party javascript to identify your device/browser.
I think if you copy the string from the successful login and send it over along with all the http headers as is including the browser agent in python code, you should be okie.
Are you sure that result is fetching 2XX code
When I am this code result = session_requests.get(login_url)..its fetching me a 403 status code, which means I am not going to login_url itself
They have an official API now, no need for scraping, just register for API keys.
Here is the situation: I want to access the content of an URL in Python via urllib2.
import urllib2
url = www.iwanttoknowwhatsinside.com
hdr = {
'User-Agent': 'OpenAnything/1.0 +http://somepage.org/',
'Connection': 'keep-alive'
request = urllib2.Request(url, headers=hdr)
opener = urllib2.build_opener()
HTML = opener.open(request).read()
This code normally works fine. But if I access a certain page via webbrowser, it says something like "Checking your browser before accessing ... Your browser will be redirected shortly" and then the page loads. The URL never changes. ADD: Then I can freely click around on the page, or open a second Tab with the same URL. I only have to wait before the initial access.
If I try to access this page via Python, I get an urllib2.HTTPError - Service Temporary Not Available instantly, so I figured urllib2 doesn't wait that time. Is there a way to force some waittime before throwing exceptions or retrieving the content? Or am I looking at this the wrong way?