Crop X-Ray Image to Remove black background - python

I want to remove a background from x-ray to extract actual area. So My original
image looks like left image and I want to crop to look like image.
A solution with Python and Open-CV is appreciated.
There are multiple files and so we don't know the height and width to. Crop in advance. So it needs to be computed.

Here is one way to do that in Python/OpenCV.
Read the input
Convert to gray
Blacken the bottom two white rows
Find where all white pixels are in the image
Get the bounds of those pixels
Crop the image at the bounds
Save the results
import cv2
import numpy as np
# load image as grayscale
img = cv2.imread('xray_chest.jpg')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# threshold
thresh = cv2.threshold(gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY+cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1]
hh, ww = thresh.shape
# make bottom 2 rows black where they are white the full width of the image
thresh[hh-3:hh, 0:ww] = 0
# get bounds of white pixels
white = np.where(thresh==255)
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = np.min(white[1]), np.min(white[0]), np.max(white[1]), np.max(white[0])
# crop the image at the bounds adding back the two blackened rows at the bottom
crop = img[ymin:ymax+3, xmin:xmax]
# save resulting masked image
cv2.imwrite('xray_chest_thresh.jpg', thresh)
cv2.imwrite('xray_chest_crop.jpg', crop)
# display result
cv2.imshow("thresh", thresh)
cv2.imshow("crop", crop)
Thresholded image with bottom two rows blackened:
Cropped input:
An alternate method would be to get the external contour of the white region from the thresholded image. Get the bounds of the contour. Then crop to those bounds.


How can I use thresholding to improve image quality after rotating an image with skimage.transform?

I have the following image:
Initial Image
I am using the following code the rotate the image:
from skimage.transform import rotate
image = cv2.imread('122.png')
rotated = rotate(image,34,cval=1,resize = True)
Once I execute this code, I receive the following image:
Rotated Image
To eliminate the blur on the image, I use the following code to set a threshold. Anything that is not white is turned to black (so the gray spots turn black). The code for that is as follows:
ret, thresh_hold = cv2.threshold(rotated, 0, 100, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
Instead of getting a nice clear picture, I receive the following:
Choppy Image
Does anyone know what I can do to improve the image quality, or adjust the threshold to create a clearer image?
I attempted to adjust the threshold to different values, but this changed the image to all black or all white.
One way to approach that is to simply antialias the image in Python/OpenCV.
To do that one simply converts to grayscale. Then blurs the image, then applies a stretch of the image.
Adjust the blur sigma to change the antialiasing.
import cv2
import numpy as np
import skimage.exposure
# load image
img = cv2.imread('122.png')
# convert to gray
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# blur threshold image
blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (0,0), sigmaX=2, sigmaY=2, borderType = cv2.BORDER_DEFAULT)
# stretch so that 255 -> 255 and 127.5 -> 0
result = skimage.exposure.rescale_intensity(blur, in_range=(127.5,255), out_range=(0,255)).astype(np.uint8)
# save output
cv2.imwrite('122_antialiased.png', result)
# Display various images to see the steps
cv2.imshow('result', result)

How to identify nearby pixels with similar intensities in image?

I have an image which is as given below and I have created the mask for that image (the red dots are generated from the mask). The points in the mask should ideally cover the entire black dots on the image but as I just have one co-ordinate for each black patch, the resultant image looks as given below.
How do I identify the surrounding pixels (greys and lighter blacks) and mark them as well? Is there any way or method that I can look up and implement.
If I'm understanding you correctly, you want to convert all the surrounding gray and dark pixels to red. If so, here's an approach using OpenCV. The idea is to load the image, convert to grayscale, then Otsu's threshold to obtain a 1-channel binary image. This will give us a mask where we can use np.where to color pixels red where there are white pixels on the mask. Here's the results:
Binary mask
import cv2
import numpy as np
# Load image, grayscale, Otsu's threshold
image = cv2.imread('1.png')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
thresh = cv2.threshold(gray, 200, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)[1]
# Color pixels red where there are white pixels on the mask
image[np.where(thresh==255)] = [0,0,255]
# Display
cv2.imshow('thresh', thresh)
cv2.imshow('image', image)

How to crop circle image from webcam OpenCV and remove background

I am applying filter. By using OpenCv live webcam is open and it detect face and apply filter. But i want to crop the face in circle and removed the extra background and save the image.
for example:
to this
How can i implement in python?
The idea is to create a black mask then draw the desired region to crop out in white using From there we can use cv2.bitwise_and() with the original image and the mask. To crop the result, we can use cv2.boundingRect() on the mask to obtain the ROI then use Numpy slicing to extract the result. For this example I used the center point as (335, 245). You can adjust the circle radius to increase or decrease the size of the circle.
import cv2
import numpy as np
# Create mask and draw circle onto mask
image = cv2.imread('1.jpg')
mask = np.zeros(image.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
x,y = 335, 245, (x,y), 110, (255,255,255), -1)
# Bitwise-and for ROI
ROI = cv2.bitwise_and(image, mask)
# Crop mask and turn background white
mask = cv2.cvtColor(mask, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(mask)
result = ROI[y:y+h,x:x+w]
mask = mask[y:y+h,x:x+w]
result[mask==0] = (255,255,255)
cv2.imshow('result', result)

How to remove whitespace from an image in OpenCV?

I have the following image which has text and a lot of white space underneath the text. I would like to crop the white space such that it looks like the second image.
Cropped Image
Here is what I've done
>>> img = cv2.imread("pg13_gau.jpg.png")
>>> gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
>>> edged = cv2.Canny(gray, 30,300)
>>> (img,cnts, _) = cv2.findContours(edged.copy(), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
>>> cnts = sorted(cnts, key = cv2.contourArea, reverse = True)[:10]
As many have alluded in the comments, the best way is to invert the image so the black text becomes white, find all the non-zero points in the image then determine what the minimum spanning bounding box would be. You can use this bounding box to finally crop your image. Finding the contours is very expensive and it isn't needed here - especially since your text is axis-aligned. You can use a combination of cv2.findNonZero and cv2.boundingRect to do what you need.
Therefore, something like this would work:
import numpy as np
import cv2
img = cv2.imread('ws.png') # Read in the image and convert to grayscale
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
gray = 255*(gray < 128).astype(np.uint8) # To invert the text to white
coords = cv2.findNonZero(gray) # Find all non-zero points (text)
x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(coords) # Find minimum spanning bounding box
rect = img[y:y+h, x:x+w] # Crop the image - note we do this on the original image
cv2.imshow("Cropped", rect) # Show it
cv2.imwrite("rect.png", rect) # Save the image
The code above exactly lays out what I talked about in the beginning. We read in the image, but we also convert to grayscale as your image is in colour for some reason. The tricky part is the third line of code where I threshold below the intensity of 128 so that the dark text becomes white. This however produces a binary image, so I convert to uint8, then scale by 255. This essentially inverts the text.
Next, given this image we find all of the non-zero coordinates with cv2.findNonZero and we finally put this into cv2.boundingRect which will give you the top-left corner of the bounding box as well as the width and height. We can finally use this to crop the image. Note we do this on the original image and not the inverted one. We use simply NumPy array indexing to do the cropping for us.
Finally, we show the image to show that it works and we save it to disk.
I now get this image:
For the second image, a good thing to do is to remove some of the right border and bottom border. We can do that by cropping the image down to that first. Next, this image contains some very small noisy pixels. I would recommend doing a morphological opening with a very small kernel, then redo the logic we talked about above.
import numpy as np
import cv2
img = cv2.imread('pg13_gau_preview.png') # Read in the image and convert to grayscale
img = img[:-20,:-20] # Perform pre-cropping
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
gray = 255*(gray < 128).astype(np.uint8) # To invert the text to white
gray = cv2.morphologyEx(gray, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, np.ones((2, 2), dtype=np.uint8)) # Perform noise filtering
coords = cv2.findNonZero(gray) # Find all non-zero points (text)
x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(coords) # Find minimum spanning bounding box
rect = img[y:y+h, x:x+w] # Crop the image - note we do this on the original image
cv2.imshow("Cropped", rect) # Show it
cv2.imwrite("rect.png", rect) # Save the image
Note: Output image removed due to privacy
Opencv reads the image as a numpy array and it's much simpler to use numpy directly (scikit-image does the same). One possible way of doing it is to read the image as grayscale or convert to it and do the row-wise and column-wise operations as shown in the code snippet below. This will remove the columns and rows when all pixels are of pixel_value (white in this case).
def crop_image(filename, pixel_value=255):
gray = cv2.imread(filename, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
crop_rows = gray[~np.all(gray == pixel_value, axis=1), :]
cropped_image = crop_rows[:, ~np.all(crop_rows == pixel_value, axis=0)]
return cropped_image
and the output:
This would also work:
from PIL import Image, ImageChops
img ="pUq4x.png")
pixels = img.load()
print (f"original: {img.size[0]} x {img.size[1]}")
xlist = []
ylist = []
for y in range(0, img.size[1]):
for x in range(0, img.size[0]):
if pixels[x, y] != (255, 255, 255, 255):
left = min(xlist)
right = max(xlist)
top = min(ylist)
bottom = max(ylist)
img = img.crop((left-10, top-10, right+10, bottom+10))

Trimming the white space in an image using PIL in python

I am doing handwritten digit recognition using SciKit-learn so for that I need to crop the clicked picture so I have prepared a template on the Word.
Now what I want is the image to be cropped along the border so that I can crop it further to extract the digits.
Sample Image is given below:
For cropping the image I am using this Code.
Below is the parent Image from which the above rectangle has been cropped:
Note: The parent image has a border too(which is not visible in the image) so trimming the white space might help in getting a modified parent image so that predefined (height, width) would be almost same for various crops to be done on the image.
You could apply this pipeline: convert to grayscale -> apply thresholding (convert to white & black) -> find contours -> choose the contours of the right shape.
Here is example code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import cv2
img = cv2.imread('template.png')
orig = img.copy()
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
thresh = cv2.threshold(gray, thresh=BLACK_THRESHOLD, maxval=255, type=cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)[1]
# Optional: save thesholded image
cv2.imwrite("temp_thres.png", thresh)
# Find contours on the thresholded image
contours = cv2.findContours(thresh,cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[1]
for cont in contours:
# Find bounding rectangle of a contour
x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(cont)
# Skip thin contours (vertical and horizontal lines)
# Does the countour has the right shape (roughly four times longer than high)?
if 3*h<w<5*h:
roi = orig[y:y+h,x:x+w]
# Optional: draw annotations
# Optional: save annotated image
(You can delete the three optional steps. They are just for generating images temp_thres.png and temp_cont.png.)
Input image template.png:
Thresholded image temp_thres.png:
Found contours temp_cont.png:
Four letter space four_letters.png:

