Parsing a site in python - python

There is a site I need to parse the 'Odds' category from there. But I do not know how to do this, the site has a loading using ajax. But when I look at this ajax I can’t find the very request that I need, all requests are encrypted as well. Tell me how to decrypt requests or where it can be read. I must say right away that I can’t open the browser, because the script will work on the server (without selenium type libraries). If there is a ready-made solution, I will be very happy


Using python to parse a webpage that is already open

From this question, the last responder seems to think that it is possible to use python to open a webpage, let me sign in manually, go through a bunch of menus then let the python parse the page when I get where I want. The website has a weird sign in procedure so using requests and passing a user name and password will not be sufficient.
However it seems from this question that it's not a possibility.
SO the question is, is it possible? if so, do you know of some example code out there?
The way to approach this problem is when you login normally have the developer tools next to you and see what the request is sending.
When logging in to bandcamp the XHR request that's being sent is the following:
From that response you can see that an identity cookie is being sent. That's probably how they identify that you are logged in. So when you've got that cookie set you would be authorized to view logged in pages.
So in your program you could login normally using requests, save the cookie in a variable and then apply the cookie to further requests using requests.
Of course login procedures and how this authorization mechanism works may differ, but that's the general gist of it.
So when do you actually need selenium? You need it if a lot of the things are being rendered by javascript. requests is only able to get the html. So if the menus and such is rendered with javascript you won't ever be able to see that information using requests.

Downloading URL To file... Not returning JSON data but Login HTML instead

I am writing a web scraping application. When I enter the URL directly into a browser, it displays the JSON data I want.
However, if I use Python's request lib, or URLDownloadToFile in C++, it simply downloads the html for the login page.
The site I am trying to scrape it from ( requires a login. The other sites I scrape from don't.
I am 100% sure this is related, since if I paste the url when I am logged out, I get the login page, rather than the JSON data. Once I log in, if I paste the URL again, I get the JSON data again.
The thing is that if I remain logged in, and then use the Python script or C++ app to download the JSON data, as mentioned.... it downloads the Login HTML.
Anyone know how I can fix this issue?
Please don't ask us to help with an activity that violates the terms of service of the site you are trying to (ab-)use:
Using automated means (including but not limited to harvesting bots, robots, parser, spiders or screen scrapers) to obtain, collect or access any information on the Website or of any User for any purpose.
Even if that kind of usage were allowed, the answer would be boring:
You'd need to implement the login functionality in your scraper.

Python get data from secured website

Id like to know if there is a way to get information from my banking website with Python, Id like to retrieve my card history and display it, and possibly save it into a text document each month.
I have found the urls ext to login and get the information from the website, which works from a browser, but I have been using liburl2 to "open" the webpages from Python and I have a feeling its not working because of some cookie or session things.
I can get any information I want from a website that does not require a login with urllib2, and then save the actual HTML and go through it later, but I cant on my banks website,
Any help would be appreciated
This is a part of Web-Scraping :
Web-scraping is a standard task that can serve various needs.
Scraping data out of secure-website means https
Handling https is not a problem with mechanize and BeautifulSoup
Although urllib2 with HTTPCookieJar also works fine
If managing the cookies is the problem, then I would recommend mechanize
Considering the case of your BANK-Site :
I would recommend not to play with your account.
If you must then, its not as easy as any normal secure/non-secure site.
These sites are designed to with-stand such scripts.
Problems that you would face with this:
BANK sites will surely have Captcha that is almost impossible to by-pass with a script unless you employee a lot of rocket-science and effort.
Other problem that you will definitely face is javascript, standard scripting solutions are focused to manage cookies, HTML parsing, etc. For processing javascript on links you will have to process js in your python script. That again needs a lot of effort.
Then, AJAX that again comes from javascript fetches data from server after page-load.
So, it will require you to take a lot of effort to do this task.
Also, if you try doing this you risk of blocking access to your account since banking sites are quick to block account access on 3-4 unsuccessful attempt on login or captcha, etc.
So, think before you do.

Parse and interact with obfuscated javascript

I'm trying to interact with a HTML 4.0 website which uses heavily obfuscated javascript to hide the regular HTML elements. What I want to do is to fill out a form and read the returned results, and this is proving harder to do than expected.
When I read the page using Firebug, it gave me the source code deobfuscated, and I can then use this to do what I want to accomplish. The Firebug output showed all the regular elements of a website, such as -tags and the like, which were hidden in the original source.
I've written the rest of my application in Python, using mechanize to interact with other web services, so I'd rather use an existing Python module to do this if that's possible. The problem is not only how to read the source code in a way mechanize can understand, but also how to generate the response which the web server can interpret. Could I use regular mechanize controls even though the html code is obfuscated?
In the beginning of my project I used pywebkitgtk instead of mechanize, but ditched it because it wasn't really implemented that well in python. Most functions are missing. Would that be a sensible method perhaps, to start up a webkit-browser which I read the HTML from, and use that with mechanize?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm really in a bind here. Thanks!
Edit: I tried dumping the HTML fetched from mechanize and opening that with pywebkitgtk, using load_html_string, and then evaluating the html that way. Unfortunately, since the document I'm trying to parse loads more resources dynamically, that scripts just stops waiting for resources to be loaded. Note that I can't use webkit to load the document itself since I use mechanize's CookieJar function to allow me to log in first.
I also tried dumping the HTML from webkit, which for some reason dumped the obfuscated javascript only, while displaying the website perfectly fine. If webkit could dump the deobfuscated javascript the way Firebug does, I could work with that and form a request according to the clean code..
Rather than trying to process the page, how about just use Firebug to figure out the names of the form fields, and then use httplib or whatever to send a request with the necessary fields and settings?
If it's sent using ajax, you should be able to determine the values being sent to the server in Firebug as well.

Retrieve cookie created using javascript in python

I've had a look at many tutorials regarding cookiejar, but my problem is that the webpage that i want to scape creates the cookie using javascript and I can't seem to retrieve the cookie. Does anybody have a solution to this problem?
If all pages have the same JavaScript then maybe you could parse the HTML to find that piece of code, and from that get the value the cookie would be set to?
That would make your scraping quite vulnerable to changes in the third party website, but that's most often the case while scraping. (Please bear in mind that the third-party website owner may not like that you're getting the content this way.)
I responded to your other question as well: take a look at mechanize. It's probably the most fully featured scraping module I know: if the cookie is sent, then I'm sure you can get to it with this module.
Maybe you can execute the JavaScript code in a JavaScript engine with Python bindings (like python-spidermonkey or pyv8) and then retrieve the cookie. Or, as the javascript code is executed client side anyway, you may be able to convert the cookie-generating code to Python.
You could access the page using a real browser, via PAMIE, win32com or similar, then the JavaScript will be running in its native environment.

