Given an array of integers, find all unique quartets summing up to a
specified integer.
I will provide two different solutions below, I was just wondering which one was more efficient with respect to time complexity?
Solution 1:
def four_sum(arr, s):
n = len(arr)
output = set()
for i in range(n-2):
for j in range(i+1, n-1):
seen = set()
for k in range(j+1, n):
target = s - arr[i] - arr[j] - arr[k]
if target in seen:
output.add((arr[i], arr[j], arr[k], target))
return print('\n'.join(map(str, list(output))))
I know that this has time complexity of O(n^3).
Solution 2:
def four_sum2(arr, s):
n = len(arr)
seen = {}
for i in range(n-1):
for j in range(i+1, n):
if arr[i] + arr[j] in seen:
seen[arr[i] + arr[j]].add((i, j))
seen[arr[i] + arr[j]] = {(i, j)}
output = set()
for key in seen:
if s - key in seen:
for (i, j) in seen[key]:
for (p, q) in seen[s - key]:
sorted_index = tuple(sorted((arr[i], arr[j], arr[p], arr[q])))
if i not in (p, q) and j not in (p, q):
return output
Now, the first block has a time complexity of O(n^2), but I'm not sure what the time complexity is on the second block?
TLDR: the complexity of this algorithm is O(n^4).
In the first part, a tuple is added in seen for all pair (i,j) where j>i.
Thus the number of tuples in seen is about (n-1)*n/2 = O(n^2) as you guess.
The second part is a bit more complex. If we ignore the first condition of the nested loops (critical case), the two first loops can iterate over all possible tuples in seen. Thus the complexity is at least O(n^2). For the third loop, it is a bit tricky: it is hard to know the complexity without making any assumption on the input data. However, we can assume that there is theoretically a critical case where seen[s - key] contains O(n^2) tuples. In such a case, the overall algorithm would run in O(n^4)!
Is this theoretical critical case practical?
Well, sadly yes. Indeed, take the input arr = [5, 5, ..., 5, 5] with s = 20 for example. The seen map will contains one key (10) associated to an array with (n-1)*n/2 = O(n^2) elements. In this case the two first loops of the second part will run in O(n^2) and third nested loop in O(n^2) too.
Thus the overall algorithm run in O(n^4).
However, note that in practice such case should be quite rare and the algorithm should run much faster on random inputs with many different numbers. The complexity can probably be improved to O(n^3) or even O(n^2) if this critical case is fixed (eg. by computing this pathological case separately).
I am fairly new to Python and I have been trying to find a fast way to find primes till a given number.
When I use the Prime of Eratosthenes sieve using the following code:
#Finding primes till 40000.
import time
start = time.time()
def prime_eratosthenes(n):
list = []
prime_list = []
for i in range(2, n+1):
if i not in list:
for j in range(i*i, n+1, i):
return prime_list
lists = prime_eratosthenes(40000)
print lists
end = time.time()
runtime = end - start
print "runtime =",runtime
Along with the list containing the primes, I get a line like the one below as output:
runtime = 20.4290001392
Depending upon the RAM being used etc, I usually consistently get a value within an range of +-0.5.
However when I try to find the primes till 40000 using a brute force method as in the following code:
import time
start = time.time()
prime_lists = []
for i in range(1,40000+1):
for j in range(2,i):
if i%j==0:
print prime_lists
end = time.time()
runtime = end - start
print "runtime =",runtime
This time, along with the the list of primes, I get a smaller value for runtime:
runtime = 16.0729999542
The value only varies within a range of +-0.5.
Clearly, the sieve is slower than the brute force method.
I also observed that the difference between the runtimes in the two cases only increases with an increase in the value 'n' till which primes are to be found.
Can anyone give a logical explanation for the above mentioned behavior? I expected the sieve to function more efficiently than the brute force method but it seems to work vice-versa here.
While appending to a list is not the best way to implement this algorithm (the original algorithm uses fixed size arrays), it is amortized constant time. I think a bigger issue is if i not in list which is linear time. The best change you can make for larger inputs is having the outer for loop only check up to sqrt(n), which saves a lot of computation.
A better approach is to keep a boolean array which keeps track of striking off numbers, like what is seen in the Wikipedia article for the Sieve. This way, skipping numbers is constant time since it's an array access.
For example:
def sieve(n):
nums = [0] * n
for i in range(2, int(n**0.5)+1):
if nums[i] == 0:
for j in range(i*i, n, i):
nums[j] = 1
return [i for i in range(2, n) if nums[i] == 0]
So to answer your question, your two for loops make the algorithm do potentially O(n^2) work, while being smart about the outer for loop makes the new algorithm take up to O(n sqrt(n)) time (in practice, for reasonably-sized n, the runtime is closer to O(n))
def function_1(arr):
return [j for i in range(len(arr)) for j in range(len(arr))
if np.array(arr)[i] == np.sort(arr)[::-1][j]]
An arrarr array is given. It is required for each position [i] to find the arriarri element number in the arrarr array, sorted in descending order. All values of the arrarr array are different.
I have to write func in 1 line. It is working, but very slowly. I have to do this:
arr = function_1(np.random.uniform(size=1000000))
print(arr[7] + arr[42] + arr[445677] + arr[53422])
Please help to optimize the code.
You are repeatedly sorting and reversing the array, but the result of that operation is independent of the current value of i or j. The simple thing to do is to pre-compute that, then use its value in the list comprehension.
For that matter, range(len(arr)) can also be computed once.
Finally, arr is already an array; you don't need to make a copy each time through the i loop.
def function_1(arr):
arr_sr = np.sort(arr)[::-1]
r = range(len(arr))
return [j for i in r for j in r if arr[i] == arr_sr[j]]
Fitting this into a single line becomes trickier. Aside from extremely artificial outside constraints, there is no reason to do so, but once Python 3.8 is released, assignment expressions will make it simpler to do so. I think the following would be equivalent.
def function_1(arr):
return [j for i in (r:=range(len(arr))) for j in r if arr[i] == (arr_sr:=np.sort(arr)[::-1])[j]]
Have a think about the steps that are going on in here:
for i in range(len(arr))
for j in range(len(arr))
if np.array(arr)[i] == np.sort(arr)[::-1][j]
Suppose your array contains N elements.
You pick an i, N different times
You pick a j N different times
Then for each (i,j) pair you are doing the final line.
That is, you're doing the final line N^2 times.
But in that final line, you're sorting an array containing N elements. That's an NlogN operation. So the complexity of your code is O(N^3.logN).
Try making a sorted copy of the array before your [... for i ... for j ...] is called. That'll reduce the time complexity to O(N^2 + NlogN)
I think...
For the two sum problems, find two numbers in a list that adds up to the target.
My solution is to create a dictionary/hash_table, and then store everything in it as (value, index) [Note: For duplicate numbers in the list: higher index would override lower index]
Then traverse through the list again to find the other item.
def twoSum(nums, target):
lookup = dict((v, i) for i, v in enumerate(nums))
for i, v in enumerate(nums):
if target - v in lookup and i != lookup[target-v]:
return [lookup[target - v], i]
I think the above algorithm would take O(n * n/2) =, hence O(n^2) time but I see some others say that it only takes linear time. Can someone confirm on this?
That algorithm takes constant time because the operation target - v in lookup runs in constant time. There is only one depth of for loop.
def twoSum(nums, target):
lookup = dict((v, i) for i, v in enumerate(nums)) # N
for i, v in enumerate(nums): # N
if target - v in lookup and i != lookup[target - v]: # average constant
return [lookup[target - v], i] # constant
If you perform an O(N) operation followed by another O(N) operation, the sequence is still O(N).
Here we're talking only about average time complexity. It's possible to have a really bad hashing function with a lot of collisions, such that target - v in lookup actually takes O(N) time, so the worst-case complexity is actually O(N^2). But with a dict you're unlikely to run into this scenario.
given a list of numbers to find the maximum sum of non-adjacent elements with time complexity o(n) and space complexity of o(1), i could use this :
sum1= 0
sum2= list[0]
for i in range(1, len(list)):
num= sum1
sum1= sum2+ list[i]
sum2= max(num, sum2)
print(max(sum2, sum1))
this code will work only if the k = 1 [ only one element between the summing numbers] how could improve it by changing k value using dynamic programming. where k is the number of elements between the summing numbers.
for example:
list = [5,6,4,1,2] k=1
answer = 11 # 5+4+2
list = [5,6,4,1,2] k=2
answer = 8 # 6+2
list = [5,3,4,10,2] k=1
answer = 15 # 5+10
It's possible to solve this with space O(k) and time O(nk). if k is a constant, this fits the requirements in your question.
The algorithm loops from position k + 1 to n. (If the array is shorter than that, it can obviously be solved in O(k)). At each step, it maintains an array best of length k + 1, such that the jth entry of best is the best solution found so far, such that the last element it used is at least j to the left of the current position.
Initializing best is done by setting, for its entry j, the largest non-negative entry in the array in positions 1, ..., k + 1 - j. So, for example, best[1] is the largest non-negative entry in positions 1, ..., k, and best[k + 1] is 0.
When at position i of the array, element i is used or not. If it is used, the relevant best until now is best[1], so write u = max(best[1] + a[i], best[1]). If element i is not used, then each "at least" part shifts one, so for j = 2, ..., k + 1, best[j] = max(best[j], best[j - 1]). Finally, set best[1] = u.
At the termination of the algorithm, the solution is the largest item in best.
I had misunderstood the question, if you need to have 'atleast' k elements in between then following is an O(n^2) solution.
If the numbers are non-negative, then the DP recurrence relation is:
DP[i] = max (DP[j] + A[i]) For all j st 0 <= j < i - k
= A[i] otherwise.
If there are negative numbers in the array as well, then we can use the idea from Kadane's algorithm:
DP[i] = max (DP[j] + A[i]) For all j st 0 <= j < i - k && DP[j] + A[i] > 0
= max(0,A[i]) otherwise.
Here's a quick implementation of the algorithm described by Ami Tavory (as far as I understand it). It should work for any sequence, though if your list is all negative, the maximum sum will be 0 (the sum of an empty subsequence).
import collections
def max_sum_separated_by_k(iterable, k):
best = collections.deque([0]*(k+1), k+1)
for item in iterable:
best.appendleft(max(item + best[-1], best[0]))
return best[0]
This uses O(k) space and O(N) time. All of the deque operations, including appending a value to one end (and implicitly removing one from the other end so the length limit is maintained) and reading from the ends, are O(1).
If you want the algorithm to return the maximum subsequence (rather than only its sum), you can change the initialization of the deque to start with empty lists rather than 0, and then append max([item] + best[-1], best[0], key=sum) in the body of the loop. That will be quite a bit less efficient though, since it adds O(N) operations all over the place.
Not sure for the complexity but coding efficiency landed me with
max([sum(l[i::j]) for j in range(k,len(l)) for i in range(len(l))])
(I've replace list variable by l not to step on a keyword).
I have this, and it works:
# E. Given two lists sorted in increasing order, create and return a merged
# list of all the elements in sorted order. You may modify the passed in lists.
# Ideally, the solution should work in "linear" time, making a single
# pass of both lists.
def linear_merge(list1, list2):
finalList = []
for item in list1:
for item in list2:
return finalList
# +++your code here+++
But, I'd really like to learn this stuff well. :) What does 'linear' time mean?
Linear means O(n) in Big O notation, while your code uses a sort() which is most likely O(nlogn).
The question is asking for the standard merge algorithm. A simple Python implementation would be:
def merge(l, m):
result = []
i = j = 0
total = len(l) + len(m)
while len(result) != total:
if len(l) == i:
result += m[j:]
elif len(m) == j:
result += l[i:]
elif l[i] < m[j]:
i += 1
j += 1
return result
>>> merge([1,2,6,7], [1,3,5,9])
[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9]
Linear time means that the time taken is bounded by some undefined constant times (in this context) the number of items in the two lists you want to merge. Your approach doesn't achieve this - it takes O(n log n) time.
When specifying how long an algorithm takes in terms of the problem size, we ignore details like how fast the machine is, which basically means we ignore all the constant terms. We use "asymptotic notation" for that. These basically describe the shape of the curve you would plot in a graph of problem size in x against time taken in y. The logic is that a bad curve (one that gets steeper quickly) will always lead to a slower execution time if the problem is big enough. It may be faster on a very small problem (depending on the constants, which probably depends on the machine) but for small problems the execution time isn't generally a big issue anyway.
The "big O" specifies an upper bound on execution time. There are related notations for average execution time and lower bounds, but "big O" is the one that gets all the attention.
O(1) is constant time - the problem size doesn't matter.
O(log n) is a quite shallow curve - the time increases a bit as the problem gets bigger.
O(n) is linear time - each unit increase means it takes a roughly constant amount of extra time. The graph is (roughly) a straight line.
O(n log n) curves upwards more steeply as the problem gets more complex, but not by very much. This is the best that a general-purpose sorting algorithm can do.
O(n squared) curves upwards a lot more steeply as the problem gets more complex. This is typical for slower sorting algorithms like bubble sort.
The nastiest algorithms are classified as "np-hard" or "np-complete" where the "np" means "non-polynomial" - the curve gets steeper quicker than any polynomial. Exponential time is bad, but some are even worse. These kinds of things are still done, but only for very small problems.
EDIT the last paragraph is wrong, as indicated by the comment. I do have some holes in my algorithm theory, and clearly it's time I checked the things I thought I had figured out. In the mean time, I'm not quite sure how to correct that paragraph, so just be warned.
For your merging problem, consider that your two input lists are already sorted. The smallest item from your output must be the smallest item from one of your inputs. Get the first item from both and compare the two, and put the smallest in your output. Put the largest back where it came from. You have done a constant amount of work and you have handled one item. Repeat until both lists are exhausted.
Some details... First, putting the item back in the list just to pull it back out again is obviously silly, but it makes the explanation easier. Next - one input list will be exhausted before the other, so you need to cope with that (basically just empty out the rest of the other list and add it to the output). Finally - you don't actually have to remove items from the input lists - again, that's just the explanation. You can just step through them.
Linear time means that the runtime of the program is proportional to the length of the input. In this case the input consists of two lists. If the lists are twice as long, then the program will run approximately twice as long. Technically, we say that the algorithm should be O(n), where n is the size of the input (in this case the length of the two input lists combined).
This appears to be homework, so I will no supply you with an answer. Even though this is not homework, I am of the opinion that you will be best served by taking a pen and a piece of paper, construct two smallish example lists which are sorted, and figure out how you would merge those two lists, by hand. Once you figured that out, implementing the algorithm is a piece of cake.
(If all goes well, you will notice that you need to iterate over each list only once, in a single direction. That means that the algorithm is indeed linear. Good luck!)
If you build the result in reverse sorted order, you can use pop() and still be O(N)
pop() from the right end of the list does not require shifting the elements, so is O(1)
Reversing the list before we return it is O(N)
>>> def merge(l, r):
... result = []
... while l and r:
... if l[-1] > r[-1]:
... result.append(l.pop())
... else:
... result.append(r.pop())
... result+=(l+r)[::-1]
... result.reverse()
... return result
>>> merge([1,2,6,7], [1,3,5,9])
[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9]
This thread contains various implementations of a linear-time merge algorithm. Note that for practical purposes, you would use heapq.merge.
Linear time means O(n) complexity. You can read something about algorithmn comlexity and big-O notation here: .
You should try to combine those lists not after getting them in the finalList, try to merge them gradually - adding an element, assuring the result is sorted, then add next element... this should give you some ideas.
A simpler version which will require equal sized lists:
def merge_sort(L1, L2):
res = []
for i in range(len(L1)):
first = L1[i]
secound = L2[i]
first = L2[i]
secound = L1[i]
return res
itertoolz provides an efficient implementation to merge two sorted lists
'Linear time' means that time is an O(n) function, where n - the number of items input (items in the lists).
f(n) = O(n) means that that there exist constants x and y such that x * n <= f(n) <= y * n.
def linear_merge(list1, list2):
finalList = []
i = 0
j = 0
while i < len(list1):
if j < len(list2):
if list1[i] < list2[j]:
i += 1
j += 1
i += 1
while j < len(list2):
j += 1
return finalList