Imagine someone jumping off a balcony under a certain angle theta and velocity v0 (the height of the balcony is denoted as ystar). Looking at this problem in 2D and considering drag you get a system of differential equations which can be solved with a Runge-Kutta method (I choose explicit-midpoint, not sure what the butcher tableu for this one is). I implemented this and it works perfectly fine, for some given initial conditions I get the trajectory of the moving particle.
My problem is that I want to fix two of the initial conditions (starting point on the x-axis is zero and on the y-axis is ystar) and make sure that the trajectory goes trough a certain point on the x-axis (let's call it xstar). For this of course exist multiple combinations of the other two initial conditions, which in this case are the velocities in the x- and y-direction. The problem is that I don't know how to implement that.
The code that I used to solve the problem up to this point:
1) Implementation of the Runge-Kutta method
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def integrate(methode_step, rhs, y0, T, N):
star = (int(N+1),y0.size)
y= np.empty(star)
t0, dt = 0, 1.* T/N
y[0,...] = y0
for i in range(0,int(N)):
y[i+1,...]=methode_step(rhs,y[i,...], t0+i*dt, dt)
t = np.arange(N+1) * dt
return t,y
def explicit_midpoint_step(rhs, y0, t0, dt):
return y0 + dt * rhs(t0+0.5*dt,y0+0.5*dt*rhs(t0,y0))
def explicit_midpoint(rhs,y0,T,N):
return integrate(explicit_midpoint_step,rhs,y0,T,N)
2) Implementation of the right-hand-side of the differential equation and the nessecery parameters
A = 1.9/2.
cw = 0.78
rho = 1.293
g = 9.81
# Mass and referece length
l = 1.95
m = 118
# Position
xstar = 8*l
ystar = 4*l
def rhs(t,y):
lam = cw * A * rho /(2 * m)
return np.array([y[1],-lam*y[1]*np.sqrt(y[1]**2+y[3]**2),y[3],-lam*y[3]*np.sqrt(y[1]**2+y[3]**2)-g])
3) solving the problem with it
# Parametrize the two dimensional velocity with an angle theta and speed v0
v0 = 30
theta = np.pi/6
v0x = v0 * np.cos(theta)
v0y = v0 * np.sin(theta)
# Initial condintions
z0 = np.array([0, v0x, ystar, v0y])
# Calculate solution
t, z = explicit_midpoint(rhs, z0, 5, 1000)
4) Visualization
To make the question concrete: With this set up in mind, how do I find all possible combinations of v0 and theta such that z[some_element,0]==xstar
I tried of course some things, mainly the brute force method of fixing theta and then trying out all the possible velocities (in an intervall that makes sense) but finally didn't know how to compare the resulting arrays with the desired result...
Since this is mainly a coding issue I hope stack overflow is the right place to ask for help...
As requested here is my try to solve the problem (replacing 3) and 4) from above)..
theta = np.pi/4.
xy = np.zeros((50,1001,2))
z1 = np.zeros((1001,2))
for v0 in range(0,50):
v0x = v0 * np.cos(theta)
v0y = v0 * np.sin(theta)
z0 = np.array([0, v0x, ystar, v0y])
# Calculate solution
t, z = explicit_midpoint(rhs, z0, 5, 1000)
if np.around(z[:,0],3).any() == round(xstar,3):
z1[:,0] = z[:,0]
z1[:,1] = z[:,2]
xy[count,:,0] = z[:,0]
xy[count,:,1] = z[:,2]
for k in range(0,50):
I'm sure that I'm using the .any() function wrong, the idea there is to round the values of z[:,0] to three digits and than compare them to xstar, if it matches the loop should terminate and retrun the current z, if not it should save it in another array and then increase v0.
Edit 2018-07-16
Here I post a corrected answer taking into account the drag by air.
Below is a python script to compute the set of (v0,theta) values so that the air-dragged trajectory passes through (x,y) = (xstar,0) at some time t=tstar. I used the trajectory without air-drag as the initial guess and also to guess the dependence of x(tstar) on v0 for the first refinement. The number of iterations needed to arrive at the correct v0 was typically 3 to 4. The script finished in 0.99 seconds on my laptop, including the time for generating figures.
The script generates two figures and one text file.
The black dots indicates the solution set (v0,theta)
The yellow line indicates the reference (v0,theta) which would be a solution if there were no air drag.
Checking that the trajectory (blue solid line) passes through (x,y)=(xstar,0) when (v0,theta) is sampled from the solution set.
The black dashed line shows a trajectory without drag by air as a reference.
contains the numerical data of (v0,theta) as well as the landing time tstar and number of iteration needed to find v0.
Here begins script.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as img
mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2
mpl.rcParams['lines.markeredgewidth'] = 1.0
mpl.rcParams['axes.formatter.limits'] = (-4,4)
#mpl.rcParams['axes.formatter.limits'] = (-2,2)
mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 'large'
mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 'large'
mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 'large'
mpl.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'out'
mpl.rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'out'
len_ref = 1.95
xstar = 8.0*len_ref
ystar = 4.0*len_ref
g_earth = 9.81
mass = 118
area = 1.9/2.
cw = 0.78
rho = 1.293
lam = cw * area * rho /(2.0 * mass)
theta_min = -0.1*np.pi
theta_max = 0.4*np.pi
theta_grid = np.linspace(theta_min, theta_max, ngtheta)
v0min =6.0
v0max =18.0
v0_grid=np.linspace(v0min, v0max, ngv0)
# .. this grid is used for the initial coarse scan by reference trajecotry
print('data file generated: output.dat')
def calc_tstar_ref_and_x_ref_at_tstar_ref(v0, theta, ystar, g_earth):
'''return the drop time t* and drop point x(t*) of a reference trajectory
without air drag.
vx = v0*np.cos(theta)
vy = v0*np.sin(theta)
ts_ref = (vy+np.sqrt(vy**2+2.0*g_earth*ystar))/g_earth
x_ref = vx*ts_ref
return (ts_ref, x_ref)
def rhs_drag(yvec, time, g_eath, lamb):
dx/dt = v_x
dy/dt = v_y
du_x/dt = -lambda v_x sqrt(u_x^2 + u_y^2)
du_y/dt = -lambda v_y sqrt(u_x^2 + u_y^2) -g
yvec[0] .. x
yvec[1] .. y
yvec[2] .. v_x
yvec[3] .. v_y
vnorm = (yvec[2]**2+yvec[3]**2)**0.5
return [ yvec[2], yvec[3], -lamb*yvec[2]*vnorm, -lamb*yvec[3]*vnorm -g_earth]
def try_tstar_drag(v0, theta, ystar, g_earth, lamb, tstar_search_grid):
'''one trial run to find the drop point x(t*), y(t*) of a trajectory
under the air drag.
tgrid = [tinit]+list(tstar_search_grid)
yvec_list = scipy.integrate.odeint(rhs_drag,
[0.0, ystar, v0*np.cos(theta), v0*np.sin(theta)],
tgrid, args=(g_earth, lam))
y_drag = [yvec[1] for yvec in yvec_list]
x_drag = [yvec[0] for yvec in yvec_list]
if y_drag[0]<0.0:
elif y_drag[-1]>0.0:
for jt in range(len(y_drag)-1):
if y_drag[jt+1]*y_drag[jt]<=0.0:
if abs(y_drag[jt+1])<abs(y_drag[jt]):
jtstar = jt+1
jtstar = jt
tstar_est = tgrid[jtstar]
x_drag_at_tstar_est = x_drag[jtstar]
y_drag_at_tstar_est = y_drag[jtstar]
return (tstar_est, x_drag_at_tstar_est, y_drag_at_tstar_est, ierr, tstar_braket)
def calc_x_drag_at_tstar(v0, theta, ystar, g_earth, lamb, tstar_est,
eps_y=1.0e-3, ngt_search=20,
rel_range_lower=0.8, rel_range_upper=1.2,
'''compute the dop point x(t*) of a trajectory under the air drag.
for jtry in range(num_try):
tstar_search_grid = np.linspace(tstar_est_lower, tstar_est_upper, ngt_search)
tstar_est, x_drag_at_tstar_est, y_drag_at_tstar_est, ierr, tstar_braket \
= try_tstar_drag(v0, theta, ystar, g_earth, lamb, tstar_search_grid)
if ierr==-1:
tstar_est_upper = tstar_est_lower
tstar_est_lower = tstar_est_lower*rel_range_lower
elif ierr==1:
tstar_est_lower = tstar_est_upper
tstar_est_upper = tstar_est_upper*rel_range_upper
if abs(y_drag_at_tstar_est)<eps_y:
return (tstar_est, x_drag_at_tstar_est, y_drag_at_tstar_est, flg_success)
def find_v0(xstar, v0_est, theta, ystar, g_earth, lamb, tstar_est,
eps_x=1.0e-3, num_try=6):
'''solve for v0 so that x(t*)==x*.
for jtry in range(num_try):
tstar_est, x_drag_at_tstar_est, y_drag_at_tstar_est, flg_success_x_drag \
= calc_x_drag_at_tstar(v0_est, theta, ystar, g_earth, lamb, tstar_est)
if not flg_success_x_drag:
elif abs(x_drag_at_tstar_est-xstar)<eps_x:
# adjust v0
# better if tstar_est is also adjusted, but maybe that is too much.
if len(v0_hist)<2:
# This is the first run. Use the analytical expression of
# dx(tstar)/dv0 of the refernece trajectory
dx = xstar - x_drag_at_tstar_est
dv0 = dx/(tstar_est*np.cos(theta))
v0_est += dv0
# use linear interpolation
v0_est = v0_hist[-2] \
+ (v0_hist[-1]-v0_hist[-2]) \
*(xstar -x_drag_at_tstar_hist[-2])\
return (v0_est, tstar_est, flg_success, jtry_end)
# make a reference table of t* and x(t*) of a trajectory without air drag
# as a function of v0 and theta.
for j1 in range(ngtheta):
for j2 in range(ngv0):
tt, xx = calc_tstar_ref_and_x_ref_at_tstar_ref(v0_grid[j2], theta_grid[j1], ystar, g_earth)
tstar_ref[j1,j2] = tt
xdrop_ref[j1,j2] = xx
# make an estimate of v0 and t* of a dragged trajectory for each theta
# based on the reference trajectroy's landing position xdrop_ref.
# .. null value
for j1 in range(ngtheta):
for j2 in range(ngv0-1):
if (xdrop_ref[j1,j2+1]-xstar)*(xdrop_ref[j1,j2]-xstar)<=0.0:
tstar_est[j1] = tstar_ref[j1,j2]
# .. lazy
v0_est[j1] \
= v0_grid[j2] \
+ (v0_grid[j2+1]-v0_grid[j2])\
# .. linear interpolation
print('compute v0 for each theta under air drag..')
# compute v0 for each theta under air drag
outf.write('# theta v0 tstar numiter_v0\n')
for j1 in range(ngtheta):
if v0_est[j1]>0.0:
v0, tstar, flg_success, jtry_end \
= find_v0(xstar, v0_est[j1], theta_grid[j1], ystar, g_earth, lam, tstar_est[j1])
if flg_success:
outf.write('%26.16e %26.16e %26.16e %10i\n'
%(theta_grid[j1], v0, tstar, jtry_end+1))
theta_sol = np.array(theta_sol_list)
v0_sol = np.array(v0_sol_list)
tstar_sol = np.array(tstar_sol_list)
### Check a sample
theta_sol_sample= theta_sol[jsample]
v0_sol_sample = v0_sol[jsample]
tstar_sol_sample= tstar_sol[jsample]
ngt_chk = 50
tgrid = np.linspace(0.0, tstar_sol_sample, ngt_chk)
yvec_list = scipy.integrate.odeint(rhs_drag,
[0.0, ystar,
tgrid, args=(g_earth, lam))
y_drag_sol_sample = [yvec[1] for yvec in yvec_list]
x_drag_sol_sample = [yvec[0] for yvec in yvec_list]
# compute also the trajectory without drag starting form the same initial
# condiiton by setting lambda=0.
yvec_list = scipy.integrate.odeint(rhs_drag,
[0.0, ystar,
tgrid, args=(g_earth, 0.0))
y_ref_sample = [yvec[1] for yvec in yvec_list]
x_ref_sample = [yvec[0] for yvec in yvec_list]
# canvas setting
f_size = (8,5)
a1_left = 0.15
a1_bottom = 0.15
a1_width = 0.65
a1_height = 0.80
ac_left = a1_left+a1_width+hspace
ac_bottom = a1_bottom
ac_width = 0.03
ac_height = a1_height
# plot
print('plotting the solution..')
ax1 =plt.axes([a1_left, a1_bottom, a1_width, a1_height], axisbg='w')
interpolation='bilinear', \, \
vmax=np.max(xdrop_ref), clip=True))
im1.set_data(v0_grid, theta_grid/np.pi, xdrop_ref )
plt.contour(v0_grid, theta_grid/np.pi, xdrop_ref, [xstar], colors='y')
plt.plot(v0_sol, theta_sol/np.pi, 'ok', lw=4, label='Init Cond with Drag')
plt.legend(loc='lower left')
plt.xlabel(r'Initial Velocity $v_0$', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel(r'Angle of Projection $\theta/\pi$', fontsize=18)
plt.yticks([-0.50, -0.25, 0.0, 0.25, 0.50])
ax1.set_xlim([v0min, v0max])
ax1.set_ylim([theta_min/np.pi, theta_max/np.pi])
axc =plt.axes([ac_left, ac_bottom, ac_width, ac_height], axisbg='w')
axc.set_ylabel('Distance from Blacony without Drag')
# 'Distance from Blacony $x(t^*)$'
print('figure file genereated: fig_xdrop_v0_theta.png')
print('plotting a sample trajectory..')
ax1 =plt.axes([a1_left, a1_bottom, a1_width, a1_height], axisbg='w')
plt.plot(x_drag_sol_sample, y_drag_sol_sample, '-b', lw=2, label='with drag')
plt.plot(x_ref_sample, y_ref_sample, '--k', lw=2, label='without drag')
plt.axvline(x=xstar, color=[0.3, 0.3, 0.3], lw=1.0)
plt.axhline(y=0.0, color=[0.3, 0.3, 0.3], lw=1.0)
plt.text(0.1*xstar, 0.6*ystar,
r'$v_0=%5.2f$'%(v0_sol_sample)+'\n'+r'$\theta=%5.2f \pi$'%(theta_sol_sample/np.pi),
plt.text(xstar, 0.5*ystar, 'xstar', fontsize=18)
plt.xlabel(r'Horizontal Distance $x$', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel(r'Height $y$', fontsize=18)
ax1.set_xlim([0.0, 1.5*xstar])
ax1.set_ylim([-0.1*ystar, 1.5*ystar])
print('figure file genereated: fig_traj_sample.png')
Here is the figure fig_xdrop_v0_theta.png.
Here is the figure fig_traj_sample.png.
Edit 2018-07-15
I realized that I overlooked that the question considers the drag by air. What a shame on me. So, my answer below is not correct. I'm afraid that deleting my answer by myself looks like hiding a mistake, and I leave it below for now. If people think it's annoying that an incorrect answer hanging around, I'm O.K. someone delete it.
The differential equation can actually be solved by hand,
and it does not require much computational resource
to map out how far the person reach from the balcony
on the ground as a function of the initial velocity v0 and the
angle theta. Then, you can select the condition (v0,theta)
such that distance_from_balcony_on_the_ground(v0,theta) = xstar
from this data table.
Let's write the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the
person at time t is x(t) and y(t), respectively.
I think you took x=0 at the wall of the building and y=0
as the ground level, and I do so here, too. Let's say the
horizontal and vertical velocity of the person at time t
are v_x(t) and v_y(t), respectively.
The initial conditions at t=0 are given as
x(0) = 0
y(0) = ystar
v_x(0) = v0 cos theta
v_y(0) = v0 sin theta
The Newton eqution you are solving is,
dx/dt = v_x .. (1)
dy/dt = v_y .. (2)
m d v_x /dt = 0 .. (3)
m d v_y /dt = -m g .. (4)
where m is the mass of the person,
and g is the constant which I don't know the English name of,
but we all know what it is.
From eq. (3),
v_x(t) = v_x(0) = v0 cos theta.
Using this with eq. (1),
x(t) = x(0) + \int_0^t dt' v_x(t') = t v0 cos theta,
where we also used the initial condition. \int_0^t means
integral from 0 to t.
From eq. (4),
= v_y (0) + \int_0^t dt' (-g)
= v0 sin theta -g t,
where we used the initial condition.
Using this with eq. (3) and also using the initial condition,
= y(0) + \int_0^t dt' v_y(t')
= ystar + t v0 sin theta -t^2 (g/2).
where t^2 means t squared.
From the expression for y(t), we can get the time tstar
at which the person hits the ground. That is, y(tstar) =0.
This equation can be solved by quadratic formula
(or something similar name) as
tstar = (v0 sin theta + sqrt((v0 sin theta)^2 + 2g ystar)/g,
where I used a condition tstar>0. Now we know
the distance from the balcony the person reached when he hit
the ground as x(tstar). Using the expression for x(t) above,
x(tstar) = (v0 cos theta) (v0 sin theta + sqrt((v0 sin theta)^2 + 2g ystar))/g.
.. (5)
Actually x(tstar) depends on v0 and theta as well as g and ystar.
You hold g and ystar as constants, and you want to find
all (v0,theta) such that x(tstar) = xstar for a given xstar value.
Since the right hand side of eq. (5) can be computed cheaply,
you can set up grids for v0 and theta and compute xstar
on this 2D grid. Then, you can see where roughly is the solution set
of (v0,theta) lies. If you need precise solution, you can pick up
a segment which encloses the solution from this data table.
Below is a python script that demonstrates this idea.
I also attach here a figure generated by this script.
The yellow curve is the solution set (v0,theta) such that the
person hit the ground at xstar from the wall
when xstar = 8.0*1.95 and ystar=4.0*1.95 as you set.
The blue color coordinate indicates x(tstar), i.e., how far the
person jumped from the balcony horizontally.
Note that at a given v0 (higher than a threshold value aruond v0=9.9),
the there are two theta values (two directions for the person
to project himself) to reach the aimed point (x,y) = (xstar,0).
The smaller branch of the theta value can be negative, meaning that the person can jump downward to reach the aimed point, as long as the initial velocity is sufficiently high.
The script also generates a data file output.dat, which has
the solution-enclosing segments.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as img
mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2
mpl.rcParams['lines.markeredgewidth'] = 1.0
mpl.rcParams['axes.formatter.limits'] = (-4,4)
#mpl.rcParams['axes.formatter.limits'] = (-2,2)
mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 'large'
mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 'large'
mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 'large'
mpl.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'out'
mpl.rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'out'
len_ref = 1.95
xstar = 8.0*len_ref
ystar = 4.0*len_ref
g_earth = 9.81
v0min =0.0
v0max =20.0
v0_grid=np.linspace(v0min, v0max, ngv0)
print('data file generated: output.dat')
def x_at_tstar(v0, theta, ystar, g_earth):
vx = v0*np.cos(theta)
vy = v0*np.sin(theta)
return (vy+np.sqrt(vy**2+2.0*g_earth*ystar))*vx/g_earth
theta_min = -0.5*np.pi
theta_max = 0.5*np.pi
theta_grid = np.linspace(theta_min, theta_max, ngtheta)
# x(t*) as a function of v0 and theta.
for j1 in range(ngv0):
for j2 in range(ngtheta):
xdrop[j1,j2] = x_at_tstar(v0_grid[j1], theta_grid[j2], ystar, g_earth)
outf.write('# domain [theta_lower, theta_upper] that encloses the solution\n')
outf.write('# theta such that x_at_tstart(v0,theta, ystart, g_earth)=xstar\n')
outf.write('# v0 theta_lower theta_upper x_lower x_upper\n')
for j1 in range(ngv0):
for j2 in range(ngtheta-1):
if (xdrop[j1,j2+1]-xstar)*(xdrop[j1,j2]-xstar)<=0.0:
outf.write('%26.16e %26.16e %26.16e %26.16e %26.16e\n'
%(v0_grid[j1], theta_grid[j2], theta_grid[j2+1],
xdrop[j1,j2], xdrop[j1,j2+1]))
print('See output.dat for the segments enclosing solutions.')
print('You can hunt further for precise solutions using this data.')
# canvas setting
f_size = (8,5)
a1_left = 0.15
a1_bottom = 0.15
a1_width = 0.65
a1_height = 0.80
ac_left = a1_left+a1_width+hspace
ac_bottom = a1_bottom
ac_width = 0.03
ac_height = a1_height
# plot
ax1 =plt.axes([a1_left, a1_bottom, a1_width, a1_height], axisbg='w')
interpolation='bilinear', \, \
vmax=np.max(xdrop), clip=True))
im1.set_data(v0_grid, theta_grid/np.pi, np.transpose(xdrop))
plt.contour(v0_grid, theta_grid/np.pi, np.transpose(xdrop), [xstar], colors='y')
plt.xlabel(r'Initial Velocity $v_0$', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel(r'Angle of Projection $\theta/\pi$', fontsize=18)
plt.yticks([-0.50, -0.25, 0.0, 0.25, 0.50])
ax1.set_xlim([v0min, v0max])
ax1.set_ylim([theta_min/np.pi, theta_max/np.pi])
axc =plt.axes([ac_left, ac_bottom, ac_width, ac_height], axisbg='w')
# 'Distance from Blacony $x(t^*)$'
print('figure file genereated: fig_xdrop_v0_theta.png')
So after some trying out I found a way to achieve what I wanted... It is the brute force method that I mentioned in my starting post, but at least now it works...
The idea is quite simple: define a function find_v0 which finds for a given theta a v0. In this function you take a starting value for v0 (I choose 8 but this was just a guess from me), then take the starting value and check with the difference function how far away the interesting point is from (xstar,0). The interesting point in this case can be determined by setting all points on the x-axis that are bigger than xstar to zero (and their corresponding y-values) and then trimming of all the zeros with trim_zeros, now the last element of correspond to the desired output. If the output of the difference function is smaller than a critical value (in my case 0.1) pass the current v0 on, if not, increase it by 0.01 and do the same thing again.
The code for this looks like this (again replacing 3) and 4) ):
th = np.linspace(0,np.pi/3,100)
def find_v0(theta):
v0x = v0 * np.cos(theta)
v0y = v0 * np.sin(theta)
z0 = np.array([0, v0x, ystar, v0y])
# Calculate solution
t, z = explicit_midpoint(rhs, z0, 5, 1000)
for k in range(1001):
if z[k,0] > xstar:
z[k,0] = 0
z[k,2] = 0
x = np.trim_zeros(z[:,0])
y = np.trim_zeros(z[:,2])
diff = difference(x[-1],y[-1])
if diff < 0.1:
else: v0+=0.01
return v0#,x,y[0:]
v0 = np.zeros_like(th)
from tqdm import tqdm
for k in tqdm(th):
v0[count] = find_v0(k)
v0_interp = interpolate.interp1d(th,v0)
The problem with this thing is that it takes forever to compute (with the current settings around 5-6 mins). If anyone has some hints how to improve the code to get a little bit faster or has a different approach it would be still appreciated.
Assuming that the velocity in x direction never goes down to zero, you can take x as independent parameter instead of the time. The state vector is then time, position, velocity and the vector field in this state space is scaled so that the vx component is always 1. Then integrate from zero to xstar to compute the state (approximation) where the trajectory meets xstar as x-value.
def derivs(u,x):
t,x,y,vx,vy = u
v = hypot(vx,vy)
ax = -lam*v*vx
ay = -lam*v*vy - g
return [ 1/vx, 1, vy/vx, ax/vx, ay/vx ]
odeint(derivs, [0, x0, y0, vx0, vy0], [0, xstar])
or with your own integration method. I used odeint as documented interface to show how this derivatives function is used in the integration.
The resulting time and y-value can be extreme
I have an application that requires a disk populated with 'n' points in a quasi-random fashion. I want the points to be somewhat random, but still have a more or less regular density over the disk.
My current method is to place a point, check if it's inside the disk, and then check if it is also far enough away from all other points already kept. My code is below:
import os
import random
import math
# ------------------------------------------------ #
# geometric constants
center_x = -1188.2
center_y = -576.9
center_z = -3638.3
disk_distance = 2.0*5465.6
disk_diam = 5465.6
# ------------------------------------------------ #
pts_per_disk = 256
closeness_criteria = 200.0
min_closeness_criteria = disk_diam/closeness_criteria
disk_center = [(center_x-disk_distance),center_y,center_z]
pts_in_disk = []
while len(pts_in_disk) < (pts_per_disk):
potential_pt_x = disk_center[0]
potential_pt_dy = random.uniform(-disk_diam/2.0, disk_diam/2.0)
potential_pt_y = disk_center[1]+potential_pt_dy
potential_pt_dz = random.uniform(-disk_diam/2.0, disk_diam/2.0)
potential_pt_z = disk_center[2]+potential_pt_dz
potential_pt_rad = math.sqrt((potential_pt_dy)**2+(potential_pt_dz)**2)
if potential_pt_rad < (disk_diam/2.0):
far_enough_away = True
for pt in pts_in_disk:
if math.sqrt((potential_pt_x - pt[0])**2+(potential_pt_y - pt[1])**2+(potential_pt_z - pt[2])**2) > min_closeness_criteria:
far_enough_away = False
if far_enough_away:
outfile_name = "pt_locs_x_lo_"+str(pts_per_disk)+"_pts.txt"
outfile = open(outfile_name,'w')
for pt in pts_in_disk:
outfile.write(" ".join([("%.5f" % (pt[0]/1000.0)),("%.5f" % (pt[1]/1000.0)),("%.5f" % (pt[2]/1000.0))])+'\n')
In order to get the most even point density, what I do is basically iteratively run this script using another script, with the 'closeness' criteria reduced for each successive iteration. At some point, the script can not finish, and I just use the points of the last successful iteration.
So my question is rather broad: is there a better way to do this? My method is ok for now, but my gut says that there is a better way to generate such a field of points.
An illustration of the output is graphed below, one with a high closeness criteria, and another with a 'lowest found' closeness criteria (what I want).
A simple solution based on Disk Point Picking from MathWorld:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
n = 1000
r = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=n) # radius
theta = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=2*np.pi, size=n) # angle
x = np.sqrt(r) * np.cos(theta)
y = np.sqrt(r) * np.sin(theta)
# for plotting circle line:
a = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 500)
cx,cy = np.cos(a), np.sin(a)
fg, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.plot(cx, cy,'-', alpha=.5) # draw unit circle line
ax.plot(x, y, '.') # plot random points
It gives.
Alternatively, you also could create a regular grid and distort it randomly:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as tri
n = 20
tt = np.linspace(-1, 1, n)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(tt, tt) # create unit square grid
s_x, s_y = xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()
ii = np.argwhere(s_x**2 + s_y**2 <= 1).ravel() # mask off unwanted points
x, y = s_x[ii], s_y[ii]
triang = tri.Triangulation(x, y) # create triangluar grid
# distort the grid
g = .5 # distortion factor
rx = x + np.random.uniform(low=-g/n, high=g/n, size=x.shape)
ry = y + np.random.uniform(low=-g/n, high=g/n, size=y.shape)
rtri = tri.Triangulation(rx, ry, triang.triangles) # distorted grid
# for circle:
a = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 500)
cx,cy = np.cos(a), np.sin(a)
fg, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.plot(cx, cy,'k-', alpha=.2) # circle line
ax.triplot(triang, "g-", alpha=.4)
ax.triplot(rtri, 'b-', alpha=.5)
It gives
The triangles are just there for visualization. The obvious disadvantage is that depending on your choice of grid, either in the middle or on the borders (as shown here), there will be more or less large "holes" due to the grid discretization.
If you have a defined area like a disc (circle) that you wish to generate random points within you are better off using an equation for a circle and limiting on the radius:
x^2 + y^2 = r^2 (0 < r < R)
or parametrized to two variables
cos(a) = x/r
sin(a) = y/r
sin^2(a) + cos^2(a) = 1
To generate something like the pseudo-random distribution with low density you should take the following approach:
For randomly distributed ranges of r and a choose n points.
This allows you to generate your distribution to roughly meet your density criteria.
To understand why this works imagine your circle first divided into small rings of length dr, now imagine your circle divided into pie slices of angle da. Your randomness now has equal probability over the whole boxed area arou d the circle. If you divide the areas of allowed randomness throughout your circle you will get a more even distribution around the overall circle and small random variation for the individual areas giving you the psudo-random look and feel you are after.
Now your job is just to generate n points for each given area. You will want to have n be dependant on r as the area of each division changes as you move out of the circle. You can proportion this to the exact change in area each space brings:
for the n-th to n+1-th ring:
d(Area,n,n-1) = Area(n) - Area(n-1)
The area of any given ring is:
Area = pi*(dr*n)^2 - pi*(dr*(n-1))
So the difference becomes:
d(Area,n,n-1) = [pi*(dr*n)^2 - pi*(dr*(n-1))^2] - [pi*(dr*(n-1))^2 - pi*(dr*(n-2))^2]
d(Area,n,n-1) = pi*[(dr*n)^2 - 2*(dr*(n-1))^2 + (dr*(n-2))^2]
You could expound this to gain some insight on how much n should increase but it may be faster to just guess at some percentage increase (30%) or something.
The example I have provided is a small subset and decreasing da and dr will dramatically improve your results.
Here is some rough code for generating such points:
import random
import math
R = 10.
n_rings = 10.
n_angles = 10.
dr = 10./n_rings
da = 2*math.pi/n_angles
base_points_per_division = 3
increase_per_level = 1.1
points = []
ring = 0
while ring < n_rings:
angle = 0
while angle < n_angles:
for i in xrange(int(base_points_per_division)):
ra = angle*da + da*math.random()
rr = r*dr + dr*random.random()
x = rr*math.cos(ra)
y = rr*math.sin(ra)
angle += 1
base_points_per_division = base_points_per_division*increase_per_level
ring += 1
I tested it with the parameters:
n_rings = 20
n_angles = 20
base_points = .9
increase_per_level = 1.1
And got the following results:
It looks more dense than your provided image, but I imagine further tweaking of those variables could be beneficial.
You can add an additional part to scale the density properly by calculating the number of points per ring.
points_per_ring = densitymath.pi(dr**2)*(2*n+1)
points_per_division = points_per_ring/n_angles
This will provide a an even better scaled distribution.
density = .03
points = []
ring = 0
while ring < n_rings:
angle = 0
base_points_per_division = density*math.pi*(dr**2)*(2*ring+1)/n_angles
while angle < n_angles:
for i in xrange(int(base_points_per_division)):
ra = angle*da + min(da,da*random.random())
rr = ring*dr + dr*random.random()
x = rr*math.cos(ra)
y = rr*math.sin(ra)
angle += 1
ring += 1
Giving better results using the following parameters
R = 1.
n_rings = 10.
n_angles = 10.
density = 10/(dr*da) # ~ ten points per unit area
With a graph...
and for fun you can graph the divisions to see how well it is matching your distriubtion and adjust.
Depending on how random the points need to be, it may be simple enough to just make a grid of points within the disk, and then displace each point by some small but random amount.
It may be that you want more randomness, but if you just want to fill your disc with an even-looking distribution of points that aren't on an obvious grid, you could try a spiral with a random phase.
import math
import random
import pylab
n = 300
alpha = math.pi * (3 - math.sqrt(5)) # the "golden angle"
phase = random.random() * 2 * math.pi
points = []
for k in xrange(n):
theta = k * alpha + phase
r = math.sqrt(float(k)/n)
points.append((r * math.cos(theta), r * math.sin(theta)))
Probability theory ensures that the rejection method is an appropriate method
to generate uniformly distributed points within the disk, D(0,r), centered at origin and of radius r. Namely, one generates points within the square [-r,r] x [-r,r], until a point falls within the disk:
generate P in [-r,r]x[-r,r];
return P;
unif_rnd_disk is a generator function implementing this rejection method:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import itertools
def unif_rnd_disk(r=1.0):
while True:
yield pt
while True:
if (pt[0]**2+pt[1]**2<=r):
G=unif_rnd_disk()# generator of points in disk D(0,r=1)
X,Y=zip(*[pt for pt in itertools.islice(G, 1, 1000)])
plt.scatter(X, Y, color='r', s=3)
If we want to generate points in a disk centered at C(a,b), we have to apply a translation to the points in the disk D(0,r):
C=[2.0, -3.5]
plt.scatter(C[0]+np.array(X), C[1]+np.array(Y), color='r', s=3)