Use solve_ivp's 'events' to check for convergence - python

Assume a simple decay process as described by the following ode:
def exponential_decay(t,y):
return -0.5 * y
This can easily be integrated with the help of scipy's solve_ivp()
t_min = 0; t_max = 25; y0 = 1
sol = solve_ivp(exponential_decay, [t_min, t_max],[y0],dense_output=True)
The resulting solution might look like this:
I would like to use solve_ivp's "event"-finder to check for convergence to reduce the computational time spent after convergence is reached.
However, the designed signature of the event tracker when an event function is provided is:
event(t,y) -> t_event
An event occurs when the return of the event function is equal to zero.
Because event(t,y) only knows the current y(t) it can not be used straightforwardly to implement standard convergence criteria as they all require a series of y.
So to cut this short: Is there a good way to do so, to use the event finder to check for convergence?
Or to make use of any kind of range of y(t) in the convergence tracker?
This seems like something that would be helpful in many applications
A (bad way) to do so I found is to pass a global variable in and out of event(t,y) that stores the the differnt (t,y(t). However, this is not only extreamly unelegant, it also offsets the computational efficiency provided by solive_ivp()


How do I perform a discrete time dependent update to my variables while using odeint in python?

I'm trying to simulate a system of ODEs. While doing so, I need to increase the current value of certain variables by some factor at specific time points when the odeint runs?
I tried doing the following. But what i could notice is that the time values are in floating point. This makes it difficult for me to specify an if-condition for adding a certain value to the inputs that are going to be integrated further in the process.
Below is the problem case. Please help me out with this.
def myfunc(s,t):
# whenever the time is an even day, increase the variable by 2
if t%2==0:
addition = 2
addition = 0
dsdt = (2s+8)+addition
return dsdt
Problem: The incoming time(t) in the function is a floating point number. This prevents me from applying a if condition for specific discrete even values of 't'
Detailed description:
(a)I define a timespan vector , Tspan = np.linspace(1,100,100), and a initial condition s0 = [3].
(b) When I run the " odeint(myfunc, s0, Tspan) ", I need to update the incoming 's' variable by some factor, only at certain timepoints ( Say, for t = 25,50,75).
(c) But for me to this, if I place print(t) inside the "myfunc(s,t)", I could watch out that the incoming 't' is in float type.
(d) And one important note is that the # myfunc is called > #Timesteps in the Tspan vector. This is why the runtime 't' is in floating points.
(e) with this said if i try to perform "if ceil(t)%25==0 or round" the same int is returned for next 4 to 5 function calls ( this is because the there are few number of function calls happening between two subsequent timepoints), as a result, if I try to update the incoming 's' with an if condition on the ceiled(t), the update on 's' is performed for 4 to 5 subsequent function calls instead of once at a specific time point, and this should be avoided.
I hope my problem is clear. Please help me out if you could, in someway. Thanks folks!
All "professional" solvers use an internal adaptive step size. The step size for the output has no or minimal influence on this. Each method step uses multiple evaluations of the ODE function. Depending on the output sampling frequency, you can have multiple internal steps per output step, or multiple output steps get interpolated from the same internal step.
What you describe as desired mechanism is different from your example code. Your example code changes a parameter of the ODE. The description amounts to a state change. While the first can be done with deleterious but recoverable effects on the step size controller, the second requires an event-action mechanism with a state-changing action. Such is not implemented in any of the scipy solvers.
The best way is to solve for the segments between the changes, perform the state change at the end of each segment and restart the integration with the new state. Use array concatenation on the time and value segments to get the large solution function table.
t2=t1+25; # or a more specific construction for non-equal interval lengths
u20 = 3*u1[-1] # or some other change of the last state u1[-1]
u30 = u2[-1].copy();
u30[0] -=5; # or what the actual state change was supposed to be
# combine the segments for plotting, gives vertical lines at the event locations
For more segments it is better do organize this in a loop, especially if the state change at the event locations via an uniform procedure depending on a few parameters.

Scipy minimize iterating past bounds

I am trying to minimize a function of 3 input variables using scipy. The function reads like so-
def myfunc(x):
x[0] = a
x[1] = b
x[2] = c
n = f(a,b,c)
return n
bound1 = (80,100)
bound2 = (10,20)
bound3 = (312,740)
guess = [a0,b0,c0]
bds = (bound1,bound2,bound3)
result = minimize(myfunc, guess,method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=bds)
The function I am trying to currently run reaches a minimum at a=100,b=10,c=740, which is at the end of the bounds.
The minimize function keeps trying to iterate past the end of bound 3 (gets to c0 value of 740.0000000149012 on its last iteration.
Is there any way to stop this from happening? i.e. stop the iteration at the actual end of my bound?
This happens due to numerical-differentiation, which itself is not only needed to infer the step-direction and size, but also to reason about termination.
In general you can't do much without being very careful in regards to whatever solver (and there are many backend-solvers) being used. The basic idea is to replace the automatic numerical-differentiation with one provided by you: this one then respects those bounds and must be careful about the solvers-internals, e.g. "how to reason about termination at this end".
Fix A:
Your problem should vanish automatically when using: Pull-request #10673, which touches your configuration: L-BFGS-B.
It seems, this PR is not part of the current release SciPy 1.4.1 (as this was 2 months before the PR).
See also #6026, where a milestone of 1.5.0 is mentioned in regards to some changes including respecting bounds in num-diff.
For above PR, you will need to install scipy from the sources, which is:
quite doable on linux (and maybe os x)
not something you should try on windows!
trust me...
See the documentation if needed.
Fix B:
Apart from that, as you are doing unconstrained-optimization (with variable-bounds) where more solver-backends are available (compared to constrained-optimization), you might try another solver, trust-constr, which has explicit support for this, see #9098.
Be careful to recognize, that you need to signal this explicitly when setting up the bounds!

PyGMO Batch fitness evaluation

My goal is to perform a parameter estimation (model calibration) using PyGmo. My model will be an external "black blox" model (c-code) outputting the objective function J to be minimized (J in this case will be the "Normalized Root Mean Square Error" (NRMSE) between model outputs and measured data. To speed up the optimization (calibration) I would like to run my models/simulations on multiple cores/threads in parallel. Therefore I would like to use a batch fitness evaluator (bfe) in PyGMO. I prepared a minimal example using a simple problem class but using pure python (no external model) and the rosenbrock problem:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
import numpy as np
from fmpy import read_model_description, extract, simulate_fmu, freeLibrary
from fmpy.fmi2 import FMU2Slave
import pygmo as pg
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
import time
def main():
# Optimization
# Define problem
class my_problem:
def __init__(self, dim):
self.dim = dim
def fitness(self, x):
J = np.zeros((1,))
for i in range(len(x) - 1):
J[0] += 100.*(x[i + 1]-x[i]**2)**2+(1.-x[i])**2
return J
def get_bounds(self):
return (np.full((self.dim,),-5.),np.full((self.dim,),10.))
def get_name(self):
return "My implementation of the Rosenbrock problem"
def get_extra_info(self):
return "\nDimensions: " + str(self.dim)
def batch_fitness(self, dvs):
J = [123] * len(dvs)
return J
prob = pg.problem(my_problem(30))
print('\nProblem description: \n')
dvs = pg.batch_random_decision_vector(prob, 1)
print('\nBarch fitness evaluation:')
print('\ndvs length:' + str(len(dvs)))
udbfe = pg.default_bfe()
b = pg.bfe(udbfe=udbfe)
fvs = b(prob, dvs)
pop_size = 50
gen_size = 1000
algo = pg.algorithm(pg.sade(gen = gen_size)) # The algorithm (a self-adaptive form of Differential Evolution (sade - jDE variant)
algo.set_verbosity(int(gen_size/10)) # We set the verbosity to 100 (i.e. each 100 gen there will be a log line)
start = time.time()
pop = pg.population(prob, size = pop_size) # The initial population
pop = algo.evolve(pop) # The actual optimization process
best_fitness = pop.get_f()[pop.best_idx()] # Getting the best individual in the population
print('\nBest fitness: ', best_fitness) # Get the best parameter set
best_parameterset = pop.get_x()[pop.best_idx()]
print('\nBest parameter set: ',best_parameterset)
print('\nTime elapsed for optimization: ', time.time() - start, ' seconds\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
When I try to run this code I get the following error:
Exception has occurred: ValueError
function: bfe_check_output_fvs
where: C:\projects\pagmo2\src\detail\bfe_impl.cpp, 103
what: An invalid result was produced by a batch fitness evaluation: the number of produced fitness vectors, 30, differs from the number of input decision vectors, 1
By deleting or commeting out this two lines:
fvs = b(prob, dvs)
the script can be run without errors.
My questions:
How to use the batch fitness evaluation? (I know this is a new
capability of PyGMO and they are still working on the
documentation...) Can anybody give a minimal example on how to implement this?
Is this the right way to go to speed up my model calibration problem? Or should I use islands and archipelagos? If I got it right, the islands in an archipelago are not communicating to eachother, right? So if one performs e.g. a Particle Swarm Optimization and wants to evaluate several objective function calls simultaneously (in parallel) then the batch fitness evaluator is the right choice?
Do I need to care about archipelagos and islands in this example? What are they exactly meant for? Is it worth running several optimizations but with different initial x (input to objective function) and then to take the best solution? Is this a common approach in optimization with GA's?
I am very knew to the field of optimization and PyGMO, so thx for helping!
Is this the right way to go to speed up my model calibration problem? Or should I use islands and archipelagos? If I got it right, the islands in an archipelago are not communicating to eachother, right? So if one performs e.g. a Particle Swarm Optimization and wants to evaluate several objective function calls simultaneously (in parallel) then the batch fitness evaluator is the right choice?
There are 2 modes of parallelization in pagmo, the island model (i.e., coarse-grained parallelization) and the BFE machinery (i.e., fine-grained parallelization).
The island model works on any problem/algorithm combination, and it is based on the idea that multiple optimisations are run in parallel while exchanging information to accelerate the global convergence to a solution.
The BFE machinery, instead, parallelizes a single optimisation, and it requires explicit support in the solver to work. Currently in pagmo only a handful of solvers are able to take advantage of the BFE machinery. The BFE machinery can also be used to parallelise the initialisation of a population of individuals, which can be useful is your fitness function is particularly heavyweight.
Which parallelisation method is best for you depends on the properties of your problem. In my experience, users tend to prefer the BFE machinery (fine-grained parallelisation) if the fitness function is very heavy (e.g., it takes minutes or more to compute), because in such a situation fitness evaluations are so costly that in order to take advantage of the island model one would have to wait too long. The BFE is also in some sense easier to understand because you don't have to delve into the details of archipelagos, topologies, etc. On the other hand, the BFE works only with certain solvers (although we are trying to extend BFE support to other solvers as time goes by).
How to use the batch fitness evaluation? (I know this is a new capability of PyGMO and they are still working on the documentation...) Can anybody give a minimal example on how to implement this?
One way of using the BFE is what you did in your example, i.e., via the implementation of a batch_fitness() method in your problem. However, my suggestion would be to comment out the batch_fitness() method and try using one of the general-purpose batch fitness evaluators provided with pagmo. The easiest thing to do is to just default-construct an instance of the bfe class and then pass it to one of the algorithms that can use the BFE machinery. One such algorithm is nspso:
So, something like this:
b = pg.bfe() # Construct a default BFE
uda = pg.nspso(gen = gen_size) # Construct the algorithm
uda.set_bfe(b) # Tell the UDA to use the BFE machinery
algo = pg.algorithm(uda) # Construct a pg.algorithm from the UDA
new_pop = algo.evolve(pop) # Evolve the population
This should use multiple processes to evaluate your fitness functions in parallel within the loop of the nspso algorithm.
If you need more help, please come over to our public users/devs chat room, where you should get assistance rather quickly (normally):

High memory usage when doing direct transcription with sympy equations

I used sympy to derive, via lagrange, the equations of motion of my 3 link robot. The resultant equation of motion in the form (theta_dot_dot = f(theta, theta_dot)) turned out very complicated with A LOT of cos and sin. I then lambdified the functions to use with drake, replacing all the sympy.sin and sympy.cos with drake.sin, drake.cos.
The final function can be evaluated numerically (i.e. given theta, theta_dot, find theta_dot_dot) somewhat efficiently in the milliseconds range.
I then tried to use direct transcription to do trajectory optimization. Note I did not use the DirectTranscription library, instead manually added the necessary constraints.
The constraints are added roughly as follows:
for i in range(NUM_TIME_STEPS-1):
print("Adding constraints for t = " + str(i))
tau = mp.NewContinuousVariables(3, "tau_%d" % i)
next_state = mp.NewContinuousVariables(8, "state_%d" % (i+1))
for j in range(8):
mp.AddConstraint(next_state[j] <= (state_over_time[i] + TIME_INTERVAL*derivs(state_over_time[i], tau))[j])
mp.AddConstraint(next_state[j] >= (state_over_time[i] + TIME_INTERVAL*derivs(state_over_time[i], tau))[j])
state_over_time[i+1] = next_state
tau_over_time[i] = tau
The problem I'm facing right now is that on each iteration of adding constraints, I observe that my memory usage increases by around 70-100MB. This means that my number of time steps cannot go more than around 50 before the program crashes due to out of memory.
I'm wondering what I can do to make trajectory optimization work for my robot. Obviously I can try to simplify (by hand or otherwise) the equations of motions... but is there anything else I can try? Is it even normal that the constraints are taking up so much memory? Am I doing something very wrong here?
You're pushing drake's symbolic through your complex equations. Making that better is a good goal, but probably you want to avoid it by using the other overload for AddConstraint:
AddConstraint(your_method, lb, ub, vars)
That will use your python code as a function pointer, and should use autodiff instead of symbolic.

How does scipy.integrate.ode.integrate() work?

I have obviously read through the documentation, but I have not been able to find a more detailed description of what is happening under the covers. Specifically, there are a few behaviors that I am very confused about:
General setup
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import ode
#Constants in ODE
N = 30
K = 0.5
w = np.random.normal(np.pi, 0.1, N)
#Integration parameters
y0 = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, N, endpoint=False)
t0 = 0
#Set up the solver
solver = ode(lambda t,y: w + K/N*np.sum( np.sin( y - y.reshape(N,1) ), axis=1))
solver.set_integrator('vode', method='bdf')
solver.set_initial_value(y0, t0)
Problem 1: solver.integrate(t0) fails
Setting up the integrator, and asking for the value at t0 the first time returns a successful integration. Repeating this returns the correct number, but the solver.successful() method returns false:
>>> array([ 0. , 0.20943951, 0.41887902, ..., 5.65486678,
5.86430629, 6.0737458 ])
>>> True
>>> array([ 0. , 0.20943951, 0.41887902, ..., 5.65486678,
5.86430629, 6.0737458 ])
>>> False
My question is, what is happening in the solver.integrate(t) method that causes it to succeed the first time, and fail subsequently, and what does it mean to have an “unsuccessful” integration? Furthermore, why does the integrator fail silently, and continue to produce useful-looking outputs until I ask it explicitly whether it was successful?
Related, is there a way to reset the failed integration, or do I need to re-instantiate the solver from scratch?
Problem 2: solver.integrate(t) immediately returns an answer for almost any value of t
Even though my initial value of y0 is given at t0=0, I can request the value at t=10000 and get the answer immediately. I would expect that the numerical integration over such a large time span should take at least a few seconds (e.g. in Matlab, asking to integrate over 10000 time steps would take several minutes).
For example, re-run the setup from above and execute:
>>> array([ 2153.90803383, 2153.63023706, 2153.60964064, ..., 2160.00982959,
2159.90446056, 2159.82900895])
Is Python really that fast, or is this output total nonsense?
Problem 0
Don’t ignore error messages. Yes, ode’s error messages can be cryptic at times, but you still want to avoid them.
Problem 1
As you already integrated up to t0 with the first call of solver.integrate(t0), you are integrating for a time step of 0 with the second call. This throws the cryptic error:
DVODE-- ISTATE (=I1) .gt. 1 but DVODE not initialized
In above message, I1 = 2
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/scipy/integrate/ UserWarning: vode: Illegal input detected. (See printed message.)
'Unexpected istate=%s' % istate))
Problem 2.1
There is a maximum number of (internal) steps that a solver is going to take in one call without throwing an error. This can be set with the nsteps argument of set_integrator. If you integrate a large time at once, nsteps will be exceeded even if nothing is wrong, and the following error message is thrown:
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/scipy/integrate/ UserWarning: vode: Excess work done on this call. (Perhaps wrong MF.)
'Unexpected istate=%s' % istate))
The integrator then stops at whenever this happens.
Problem 2.2
If you set nsteps=10**10, the integration runs without problems. It still is pretty fast though (roughly 1 s on my machine). The reason for this is as follows:
For a multi-dimensional system such as yours, there are two main runtime sinks when integrating:
Vector and matrix operations within the integrator. In scipy.ode, these are all realised with NumPy operations or ported Fortran or C code. Anyway, they are realised with compiled code without Python overhead and thus very efficient.
Evaluating the derivative (lambda t,y: w + K/N*np.sum( np.sin( y - y.reshape(N,1) ), axis=1) in your case). You realised this with NumPy operations, which again are realised with compiled code and very efficient. You may improve this a little bit with a purely compiled function, but that will grant you at most a small factor. If you used Python lists and loops instead, it would be horribly slow.
Therefore, for your problem, everything relevant is handled with compiled code under the hood and the integration is handled with an efficiency comparable to that of, e.g., a pure C program. I do not know how the two above aspects are handled in Matlab, but if either of the above challenges is handled with interpreted instead of compiled loops, this would explain the runtime discrepancy you observe.
To the second question, yes, the output might be nonsense. Local errors, be they from discretization or floating point operations, accumulate with a compounding factor which is about the Lipschitz constant of the ODE function. In a first estimate, the Lipschitz constant here is K=0.5. The magnification rate of early errors, that is, their coefficient as part of the global error, can thus be as large as exp(0.5*10000), which is a huge number.
On the other hand it is not surprising that the integration is fast. Most of the provided methods use step size adaptation, and with the standard error tolerances this might result in only some tens of internal steps. Reducing the error tolerances will increase the number of internal steps and may change the numerical result drastically.

