I trained a Pix2Pix generator from the Tensorflow 2.0 tutorial and I exported it in tflite this way :
converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_keras_model(generator)
tflite_model = converter.convert()
open("facades.tflite", "wb").write(tflite_model)
Unfortunately, I have problems that seem to come from tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization when I try to infer it.
First, the result of an inference only returns Nan values. This can be resolved by disabling the fused implementation.
Secondly, the BatchNormalization layer behaves differently depending on whether we are in training or prediction. The tutorial explicitly states to make a prediction in training=True mode. I don't know how to do this with the tflite model.
One solution talks about replacing the BatchNormalization layer by an InstanceNormalization, which can be found in the tensorflow_addons.
The conversion to tflite is done without any problem, but there is still a problem with the inference.
when I call invoke on the interpreter it crashes by returning me a SEGFAULT. According to the stackcall it would come from SquaredDifference operator of the InstanceNormalization layer.
Has anyone managed to convert this TensorFlow 2.0 model into a tflite and infer it correctly ? How ? Thank you.
PS : I would prefer a solution with BatchNormalization because it is a standard layer in Keras and can therefore also work with TensorFlow javascript.
Totally new to Tensorflow,
I have created one object detection model (.pb and .pbtxt) using 'faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco_2018_01_28' model I found from TensorFlow zoo. It works fine on windows but I want to use this model on google coral edge TPU. How can I convert my frozen model into edgetpu.tflite quantized model?
There are 2 more steps to this pipeline:
1) Convert the .pb -> tflite:
I won't go through details since there are documentation on this on tensorflow official page and it changes very often, but I'll still try to answer specifically to your question. There are 2 ways of doing this:
Quantization Aware Training: this happens during training of the model. I don't think this applies to you since your question seems to indicates that you were not aware of this process. But please correct me if I'm wrong.
Post Training Quantization: Basically loading your model where all tensors are of type float and convert it to a tflite form with int8 tensors. Again, I won't go into too much details, but I'll give you 2 actual examples of doing so :) a) with code
b) with tflite_convert tools
2) Compile the model from tflite -> edgetpu.tflite:
Once you have produced a fully quantized tflite model, congrats your model is now much more efficient for arm platform and the size is much smaller. However it will still be ran on the CPU unless you compile it for the edgetpu. You can review this doc for installation and usage. But compiling it is as easy as:
$ edgetpu_compiler -s your_quantized_model.tflite
Hope this helps!
Wanted to know what are the differences between this and this?
Is it just the ways the inputs vary?
The main differences between LayersModel and GraphModels are:
LayersModel can only be imported from tf.keras or keras HDF5 format model types. GraphModels can be imported from either the aforementioned model types, or TensorFlow SavedModels.
LayersModels support further training in JavaScript (through its fit() method). GraphModel supports only inference.
GraphModel usually gives you higher inference speed (10-20%) than LayersModel, due to its graph optimization, which is possible thanks to the inference-only support.
Hope this helps.
Both are doing the same task i.e. converting a NN model to tfjs format. It's just that in the 1st link model stored in h5 format (typically format in which keras model are saved) is used, while in another it's TF saved model.
I have an old model defined and trained using tensorflow, and now I would like to work on it but I'm currently using Keras for everything.
So the question is: is it possible to load a tf cehckpoint (with *.index, *.meta etc..) into a Keras model?
I am aware of old questions like: How can I convert a trained Tensorflow model to Keras?.
I am hoping that after 2 years, and with keras being included into tf, there would be a easier way to do it now.
Unfortunately I don't have the original model definition in tf; I may be able to find it, but it would be nicer if it wasn't necessary.
In the below link, which is the official TensorFlow tutorial, the trained model is saved and it has .ckpt extension. After, it is loaded and is used with Keras model.
I think it might help you.
I have been working with Keras for a week or so. I know that Keras can use either TensorFlow or Theano as a backend. In my case, I am using TensorFlow.
So I'm wondering: is there a way to write a NN in Keras, and then print out the equivalent version in TensorFlow?
For instance suppose I write
#create seq model
model = Sequential()
# add layers
model.add(Dense(100, input_dim = (10,), activation = 'relu'))
model.add(Dense(1, activation = 'linear'))
# compile model
model.compile(optimizer = 'adam', loss = 'mse')
# fit
model.fit(Xtrain, ytrain, epochs = 100, batch_size = 32)
# predict
ypred = model.predict(Xtest, batch_size = 32)
# evaluate
result = model.evaluate(Xtest)
This code might be wrong, since I just started, but I think you get the idea.
What I want to do is write down this code, run it (or not even, maybe!) and then have a function or something that will produce the TensorFlow code that Keras has written to do all these calculations.
First, let's clarify some of the language in the question. TensorFlow (and Theano) use computational graphs to perform tensor computations. So, when you ask if there is a way to "print out the equivalent version" in Tensorflow, or "produce TensorFlow code," what you're really asking is, how do you export a TensorFlow graph from a Keras model?
As the Keras author states in this thread,
When you are using the TensorFlow backend, your Keras code is actually building a TF graph. You can just grab this graph.
Keras only uses one graph and one session.
However, he links to a tutorial whose details are now outdated. But the basic concept has not changed.
We just need to:
Get the TensorFlow session
Export the computation graph from the TensorFlow session
Do it with Keras
The keras_to_tensorflow repository contains a short example of how to export a model from Keras for use in TensorFlow in an iPython notebook. This is basically using TensorFlow. It isn't a clearly-written example, but throwing it out there as a resource.
Do it with TensorFlow
It turns out we can actually get the TensorFlow session that Keras is using from TensorFlow itself, using the tf.contrib.keras.backend.get_session() function. It's pretty simple to do - just import and call. This returns the TensorFlow session.
Once you have the TensorFlow session variable, you can use the SavedModelBuilder to save your computational graph (guide + example to using SavedModelBuilder in the TensorFlow docs). If you're wondering how the SavedModelBuilder works and what it actually gives you, the SavedModelBuilder Readme in the Github repo is a good guide.
P.S. - If you are planning on heavy usage of TensorFlow + Keras in combination, have a look at the other modules available in tf.contrib.keras
So you want to use instead of WX+b a different function for your neurons. Well in tensorflow you explicitly calculate this product, so for example you do
y_ = tf.matmul(X, W)
you simply have to write your formula and let the network learn. It should not be difficult to implement.
In addition what you are trying to do (according to the paper you link) is called batch normalization and is relatively standard. The idea being you normalize your intermediate steps (in the different layers). Check for example https://www.google.ch/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0ahUKEwikh-HM7PnWAhXDXRQKHZJhD9EQFggyMAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Farxiv.org%2Fabs%2F1502.03167&usg=AOvVaw1nGzrGnhPhNGEczNwcn6WK or https://www.google.ch/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&ved=0ahUKEwikh-HM7PnWAhXDXRQKHZJhD9EQFghCMAM&url=https%3A%2F%2Fbcourses.berkeley.edu%2Ffiles%2F66022277%2Fdownload%3Fdownload_frd%3D1%26verifier%3DoaU8pqXDDwZ1zidoDBTgLzR8CPSkWe6MCBKUYan7&usg=AOvVaw0AHLwD_0pUr1BSsiiRoIFc
Hope that helps,
I try to convert the Keras OCR example into a CoreML model.
I already can train my slightly modified model and everything looks good in Python. But now I want to convert the model into CoreML to use it my iOS app.
The problem is, that the CoreML file format can't support Lambda layers.
I am not an expert in this field, but as far as I understand, the Lambda layer here is used to calculate the loss using ctc_batch_cost().
The layer is created around line 464.
I guess this is used for greater precision over the "build in" loss functions.
Is there any way the model creation can be rewritten to fit the layer set CoreML supports?
I have no idea which output layer type to use for the model.
Cost functions usually aren't included in the CoreML model, since CoreML only does inference while cost functions are used for training. So strip out that layer before you export the model and you should be good to go.