I have to combine p values and get one p value.
I'm using scipy.stats.combine_pvalues function, but it is giving very small combined p value, is it normal?
>>> import scipy
>>> p_values_list=[8.017444955844044e-06, 0.1067379119652372, 5.306374345615846e-05, 0.7234201655194492, 0.13050605094545614, 0.0066989543716175, 0.9541246420333787]
>>> test_statistic, combined_p_value = scipy.stats.combine_pvalues(p_values_list, method='fisher',weights=None)
>>> combined_p_value
As you see, combined_p_value is smaller than any given p value in the p_values_list?
How can it be?
Thanks in advance,
It is correct, because you are testing all of your p-values come from a random uniform distribution. The alternate hypothesis is that at least one of them is true. Which in your case is very possible.
We can simulate this, by drawing from a random uniform distribution 1000 times, the length of your p-values:
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import combine_pvalues
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
random_p = np.random.uniform(0,1,(1000,len(p_values_list)))
res = np.array([combine_pvalues(i,method='fisher',weights=None) for i in random_p])
From your results, the chi-square is 62.456 which is really huge and no where near the simulated chi-square above.
One thing to note is that the combining you did here does not take into account directionality, if that is possible in your test, you might want to consider using stouffer's Z along with weights. Also another sane way to check is to run simulation like the above, to generate list of p-values under the null hypothesis and see how they differ from what you observed.
Interesting paper but maybe a bit on the statistics side
I am by no means an expert in this field, but am interested in your question. Following some reading of wiki it seems to me that the combined_p_value tells you the likelihood of all p-values in the list been obtained under the same null-hypothesis. Which is very unlikely considering two extremely small values.
Your set has two extremely small values: 1st and 3rd. If the thought process I described is correct, removing any of them should yield a much higher p-value, which is indeed the case:
remove 1st: p-value of 0.00010569305282803985
remove 3rd: p-value of 2.4713196031837724e-05
In conclusion, I think that this is a correct way of interpreting the meta-analysis that combine_pvalues actually describes.
Is there an efficient implementation in Python to evaluate the PDF of a multivariate normal distribution when there are missing values in x? I guess the idea would just be that you'd effectively reduce the dimensionality to whatever number of available data points you had for a particular vector for which you are trying to evaluate the probability. But I can't figure out if the scipy implementation has a way to ignore masked values.
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal as mvnorm
import numpy as np
means = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
cov = np.array([[1.0,0.2,0.2],[0.2,1.0,0.2],[0.2,0.2,1.0]])
d = mvnorm(means,cov)
x = [0.5,-0.2,np.nan]
yields output:
(as expected)
Is there a way to efficiently evaluate the PDF for only values that are present (in this case, making effectively 3D case into a bivariate case?) using this implementation?
This question is a bit of a tricky in terms of math and code. Let me elaborate.
First, the code. scipy.stats does not offer nan-handling as you desire. Speedy code likely requires implementing the multivariate normal distribution PDF by hand and applying it to NumPy arrays directly. Leveraging vectorization is the only way to efficiently offer this functionality for large-scale datasets. On the other hand, the nan-tolerant function nanTol_pdf() below provides the desired functionality while staying true to the multivariate normal distribution as implemented in SciPy. You might find it sufficient for your use case.
def nanTol_pdf(d, x):
Function returns function value of multivariate probability density conditioned on
non-NAN indices of the input vector x
assert isinstance(d, stats._multivariate.multivariate_normal_frozen) and (isinstance(x,list) or isinstance(x,np.ndarray))
# check presence of nan entries
if any(np.isnan(x)):
# indices
subIndex = np.argwhere(~np.isnan(x)).reshape(-1)
# lower-dimensional multiv. Gaussian distribution
lowDim_mean = d.mean[subIndex]
lowDim_cov = cov[np.ix_(subIndex, subIndex)]
lowDim_d = mvnorm(lowDim_mean, lowDim_cov)
return (lowDim_d.pdf(x[subIndex]))
return d.pdf(x)
Regardless, the fact we can do it shouldn't stop us to think if we should.
Second, the math. Mathematically speaking, it is unclear what you attempt to achieve. In your example, SciPy returns nan as you query it with an ill-defined input vector x. Output not-defined, i.e. returning not a number (nan) seems to be the most appropriate answer. Jointly truncating the distribution d and input vector x circumvents numerical problems but opens up statistical questions. In particular, since the probability density function values cannot be understood as (conditional) probabilities. Moreover, the output alone conceals if truncation was applied. Remember that nanTol_pdf() will happily provide a non-negative real number as an output as long as at least one entry in the vector is a real number. Your use case will decide if this is reasonable.
Finally, I would suggest at least considering missing data imputation techniques before moving forward. Let me know if this helps.
I want to generate many randomized realizations of a low discrepancy sequence thanks to scipy.stat.qmc. I only know this way, which directly provide a randomized sequence:
from scipy.stats import qmc
ld = qmc.Sobol(d=2, scramble=True)
r = ld.random_base2(m=10)
But if I run
r = ld_deterministic.random_base2(m=10)
twice I get
The balance properties of Sobol' points require n to be a power of 2. 2048 points have been previously generated, then: n=2048+2**10=3072. If you still want to do this, the function 'Sobol.random()' can be used.
It seems like using Sobol.random() is discouraged from the doc.
What I would like (and it should be faster) is to first get
ld = qmc.Sobol(d=2, scramble=False)
then to generate like a 1000 scrambling (or other randomization method) from this initial series.
It avoids having to regenerate the Sobol sequence for each sample and just do scrambling.
How to that?
It seems to me like it is the proper way to do many Randomized QMC, but I might be wrong and there might be other ways.
As the warning suggests, Sobol' is a sequence meaning that there is a link between with the previous samples. You have to respect the properties of 2^m. It's perfectly fine to use Sobol.random() if you understand how to use it, this is why we created Sobol.random_base2() which prints a warning if you try to do something that would break the properties of the sequence. Remember that with Sobol' you cannot skip 10 points and then sample 5 or do arbitrary things like that. If you do that, you will not get the convergence rate guaranteed by Sobol'.
In your case, what you want to do is to reset the sequence between the draws (Sobol.reset). A new draw will be different from the previous one if scramble=True. Another way (using a non scrambled sequence for instance) is to sample 2^k and skip the first 2^(k-1) points then you can sample 2^n with n<k-1.
I'd like to apply chi-square test scipy.stats.chisquare. And the total number of observations is different in my groups.
import pandas as pd
To ignore this is incorrect - right?
Does the default behavior of scipy.stats.chisquare takes this into account? I checked with pen and paper and looks like it doesn't. Is there a parameter for this?
from scipy.stats import chisquare
# incorrect since the number of observations is unequal
chisquare(f_obs=data.observed, f_exp=data.expected)
When I do manual adjustment I get slightly different result.
# adjust actual number of observations
data['obs_prop']=data['observed'].apply(lambda x: x/data['observed'].sum())
# proper way
chisquare(f_obs=data.observed_new, f_exp=data.expected)
Please correct me if I am wrong at some point. Thanks.
ps: I tagged R for additional statistical expertise
Basically this was a different statistical problem - Chi-square test of independence of variables in a contingency table.
from scipy.stats import contingency as cont
chi2, p, dof, exp=cont.chi2_contingency(data)
I didn't get the question quite well. However, the way I see it is that you can use scipy.stats.chi2_contingency if you want to compute the independence test between two categorical variable.
Also the scipy.stats.chi2_sqaure can be used to compare observed vs expected. Here the number of categories should be the same. Logicaly a category would get a 0 frequency if there is an observed frequecy but the expeceted frequency does not exist and vice-versa.
Hope this helps
I am studying "Building Machine Learning System With Python (2nd)".
I have a silly doubt in very first chapters' answer part.
According to the book and based on my observation I always get 2nd order polynomial as the best fitting curve.
whenever I train my system with training dataset, I get different Test error for different Polynomial Function.
Thus my parameters of the equation also differs.
But surprisingly, I get approximately same answer every time in the range 9.19-9.99 .
My final hypothesis function each time have different parameters but I get approximately same answer.
Can anyone tell me the reason behind it?
[FYI:I am finding answer for y=100000]
I am sharing the code sample and the output of each iteration.
Here are the errors and the corresponding answers with it:
Thanks in advance!
def error(f, x, y):
return sp.sum((f(x)-y)**2)
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as mp
mp.title("web traffic over the month")
mp.xticks([w*24*7 for w in range(10)],["week %i"%i for i in range(10)])
print ("error in fbt1:%f"%error(fbt1,xa[test],ya[test]))
print ("error in fbt2:%f"%error(fbt2,xa[test],ya[test]))
print ("error in fbt3:%f"%error(fbt3,xa[test],ya[test]))
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
print (fbt2)
print (fbt2-100000)
print ("ans:%f"%maxreach)
Don't do this like that.
Linear regression is more "up to you" than you think.
Start by getting the slope of the line, (#1) average((f(x2)-f(x))/(x2-x))
Then use that answer as M to (#2) average(f(x)-M*x).
Now you have (#1) and (#2) as your regression.
For any type of regression similar to this ex, Polynomial,
you need to subtract the A-Factor (First Factor), by using the n super-delta of f(x) with every one with respect to delta(x). Ex. delta(ax^2+bx+c)/delta(x) gives you a equation with a and b, and from there it works. When doing this take the average every time if there is more entries. Do It like a window on a paper sliding down. Ex. You select entries 1-10, then 2-11,3-12 etc for some crazy awesome regression. You may want to create a matrix API. The best way to handle it, is first create a API that takes a row and a column out first. THEN you fool around with that to automate it. The Ratios of the in-out entries left in only 2 cols, is averaged and is the solution to the coefficient. Then Make a program to take rows out but for example leave row 1 & row 5 (OUTPUT), then row 2,row 5... row 4 and row 5. I wouldn't recommend python for coding this. I recommend C programming, because It prevents you from making dirty arrays that you don't remember. Systems-Theory you need to understand. You must create system-by-system. It is insane to code matrices without building automated sub-systems that are carefully tested. I failed until I worked on it in C, so I already made a 1 time shrinking function that is carefully tested, then built systems to automate getting 1 coefficient, tested that, then automated the repetition of that program to solve it. You won't understand any of this by using python or similar shortcuts. You use them after you realize what they really are. That's how I learned. I still am like how did I code that? I still am amazed. Problem is though, it's unstable above 4x4 (actually 4x5) matrices.
Good Luck,
Misha Taylor
I wonder if it is possible to exactly reproduce the whole sequence of randn() of MATLAB with NumPy. I coded my own routine with Python/Numpy, and it is giving me a little bit different results from the MATLAB code somebody else did, and I am having hard time finding out where it is coming from because of different random draws.
I have found the numpy.random.seed value which produces the same number for the first draw, but from the second draw and on, it is completely different. I'm making multivariate normal draws for about 20,000 times so I don't want to just save the matlab draws and read it in Python.
The user asked if it was possible to reproduce the output of randn() of Matlab, not rand. I have not been able to set the algorithm or seed to reproduce the exact number for randn(), but the solution below works for me.
In Matlab: Generate your normal distributed random numbers as follows:
ans =
-0.2095 0.5838 -3.6849 -0.5177 -1.0504
In Python: Generate your normal distributed random numbers as follows:
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
array([[-0.2095, 0.5838, -3.6849, -0.5177,-1.0504]])
It is quite convenient to have functions, which can reproduce equal random numbers, when moving from Matlab to Python or vice versa.
If you set the random number generator to the same seed, it will theoretically create the same numbers, ie in matlab. I am not quite sure how to best do it, but this seems to work, in matlab do:
rand('twister', 5489)
and corresponding in numy:
To (re)initalize your random number generators. This gives for me the same numbers for rand() and np.random.random(), however not for randn, I am not sure if there is an easy method for that.
With newer matlab versions you can probably set up a RandStream with the same properties as numpy, for older you can reproduce numpy's randn in matlab (or vice versa). Numpy uses the polar form to create the uniform numbers from np.random.random() (the second algorithm given here: http://www.taygeta.com/random/gaussian.html). You could just write that algorithm in matlab to create the same randn numbers as numpy does from the rand function in matlab.
If you don't need a huge amount of random numbers, just save them in a .mat and read them from scipy.io though...
Just wanted to further clarify on using the twister/seeding method: MATLAB and numpy generate the same sequence using this seeding but will fill them out in matrices differently.
MATLAB fills out a matrix down columns, while python goes down rows. So in order to get the same matrices in both, you have to transpose:
rand('twister', 1337);
A = rand(3,5)
A =
Columns 1 through 2
0.262024675015582 0.459316887214567
0.158683972154466 0.321000540520167
0.278126519494360 0.518392820597537
Columns 3 through 4
0.261942925565145 0.115274226683149
0.976085284877434 0.386275068634359
0.732814552690482 0.628501179539712
Column 5
import numpy as np
A = np.random.random((5,3))
array([[ 0.26202468, 0.45931689, 0.26194293, 0.11527423, 0.12505793],
[ 0.15868397, 0.32100054, 0.97608528, 0.38627507, 0.98354861],
[ 0.27812652, 0.51839282, 0.73281455, 0.62850118, 0.44322487]])
Note: I also placed this answer on this similar question: Comparing Matlab and Numpy code that uses random number generation