hi am new to odoo development, this may be something simple but I can't figure it out
I added a new field subscription_tier to the sale.subscription model
class subscription_tire_set(models.Model):
_inherit = 'sale.subscription'
def _compute_subscription_tire(self):
# code for computing
n_subscription.subscription_tier = result
subscription_tier = fields.Char(string='Subscription Tier', readonly=True, compute='_compute_subscription_tire')
In my custom model, I added
def onchange_test_domain_fiedl(self):
obj = self.search([])
available_ids = []
for i in obj:
return {'domain': {'user_name': [&,|,('id', 'not in', available_ids),(('subscription_tier','=','tier_i'),('subscription_tier','=','tier_ii'),('subscription_tier','=','tier_iii'))]}}
user_name = fields.Many2one('sale.subscription', string='Name')
Instead of using multiple OR on one field, you can use domain in operator so the following domain:
['|', ('subscription_tier','=','tier_i'),'|', ('subscription_tier','=','tier_ii'),('subscription_tier','=','tier_iii')]
Can be reduced to :
[('subscription_tier','in', ['tier_i', 'tier_ii', 'tier_iii'])]
Computed fields are not stored by default, they are computed and returned when requested. Setting store=True will store them in the database and automatically enable searching. searching on a computed field can also be enabled by setting the search parameter.
Try to set subscription_tier store attribute to True to enable searching.
With our team, we would like to implement a feature where the user is warned whenever the record he/she is updating have also been updated by one of his collegue since he/she opened the record.
We dug into the source code because we did not find any official documentation, only some module that did not fit our Odoo version (11).
We found in the file /odoo/odoo/models.py the method def _check_concurrency(self): with the following code:
def _check_concurrency(self):
if not (self._log_access and self._context.get(self.CONCURRENCY_CHECK_FIELD)):
check_clause = "(id = %s AND %s < COALESCE(write_date, create_date, (now() at time zone 'UTC'))::timestamp)"
for sub_ids in self._cr.split_for_in_conditions(self.ids):
nclauses = 0
params = []
for id in sub_ids:
id_ref = "%s,%s" % (self._name, id)
update_date = self._context[self.CONCURRENCY_CHECK_FIELD].pop(id_ref, None)
if update_date:
nclauses += 1
params.extend([id, update_date])
if not nclauses:
query = "SELECT id FROM %s WHERE %s" % (self._table, " OR ".join([check_clause] * nclauses))
self._cr.execute(query, tuple(params))
res = self._cr.fetchone()
if res:
# mention the first one only to keep the error message readable
raise ValidationError(_('A document was modified since you last viewed it (%s:%d)') % (self._description, res[0]))
=> This method is called before any "write". It compares :
the __last_update value of the record at the time of write
with a value of __last_update get from the context, which therefore should have been set in the context beforehand
We did not find anywhere in the code (python or javascript) the value set in the context => NOTHING HAPPENS ! THe function returns from the beginning.
When we tried to hardcode it in the context, the function check_concurrency seems to work properly.
Does anyone one know where the __last_update is set or SHOULD BE set in the context ? And how ?
I would e.g. imagine setting it somehow when clicking on edit button of a record ??? Or at read time ??
concurrency field is a dynamic field which computing method defined dynamically and also you can see this is updated by
last_modified_name = 'compute_concurrency_field_with_access' or last_modified_name = 'compute_concurrency_field' according to access and later added to the class. Following functions will take part in the workaround.
def _add_magic_fields(self):
""" Introduce magic fields on the current class
* id is a "normal" field (with a specific getter)
* create_uid, create_date, write_uid and write_date have become
"normal" fields
* $CONCURRENCY_CHECK_FIELD is a computed field with its computing
method defined dynamically. Uses ``str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())``
to get the same structure as the previous
``(now() at time zone 'UTC')::timestamp``::
# select (now() at time zone 'UTC')::timestamp;
2013-06-18 08:30:37.292809
>>> str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
'2013-06-18 08:31:32.821177'
def add(name, field):
""" add ``field`` with the given ``name`` if it does not exist yet """
if name not in self._fields:
self._add_field(name, field)
# cyclic import
from . import fields
# this field 'id' must override any other column or field
self._add_field('id', fields.Id(automatic=True))
add('display_name', fields.Char(string='Display Name', automatic=True,
if self._log_access:
add('create_uid', fields.Many2one('res.users', string='Created by', automatic=True))
add('create_date', fields.Datetime(string='Created on', automatic=True))
add('write_uid', fields.Many2one('res.users', string='Last Updated by', automatic=True))
add('write_date', fields.Datetime(string='Last Updated on', automatic=True))
last_modified_name = 'compute_concurrency_field_with_access'
last_modified_name = 'compute_concurrency_field'
# this field must override any other column or field
self._add_field(self.CONCURRENCY_CHECK_FIELD, fields.Datetime(
string='Last Modified on', compute=last_modified_name, automatic=True))
def compute_concurrency_field(self):
for record in self:
record[self.CONCURRENCY_CHECK_FIELD] = odoo.fields.Datetime.now()
#api.depends('create_date', 'write_date')
def compute_concurrency_field_with_access(self):
for record in self:
record.write_date or record.create_date or odoo.fields.Datetime.now()
I know I can filter Many2one fields, from python code, or even xml views, with the domain flag, but I have a slightly different scenario right now,
Consider having a model like this:
class MyModel(models.Model):
_name = 'mymodel'
fieldsel = fields.Selection([('sheet', 'Sheet'),('reel','Reel')], string='Printing PPT Type',
track_visibility='onchange', copy=False,
help=" ")
fieldmany = fields.Many2one('text.paper', string="Text Paper")
The text.paper model has another Selection field, which has the same values as fieldsel, however, I cannot use domain since it will filter every text.paper statically.
My issue is, that I need to filter text.paper depending on which option I choose from fieldsel, so, let's say text.paper looks something like this:
class text_paper(models.Model):
_name = 'text.paper'
name = fields.Char(string="Code")
paper_type = fields.Selection([('sheet', 'Sheet'),('reel','Reel')], string="Paper Type")
I need to filter from mymodel the text.paper depending on the fieldsel field, if reel selected, filter text.paper which are reel, and if sheet selected, filter text.paper accordingly.
I hope I've explained myself.
Any ideas?
what you need is dynamic domain for many2one you can achive this by onchange event
class MyModel(models.Model):
_name = 'mymodel'
#api.onchange('fieldsel ')
def change_domain(self):
"""change the domain of fieldmany whenever the user changes the selected value."""
self.fieldmany = False # may be you want to reset the value when the user changes the selected value
if self.fieldsel : # make sure the user has selected a value
return {'domain': {fieldmany: [('paper_type', '=', self.fieldsel)]}}
else: # remove domain
return {'domain': {fieldmany: []}}
I want to get the field names in a model to be an option in a selection field in another model. Is it possible?
class ExportEmplWizard(models.TransientModel):
_name = 'hr.empl.exp.wizard'
empl_ids = fields.Many2many('hr.employee', string="Karyawan")
hr_field = fields.Selection(hr_field_choice, string="Pilih Kolom")
def empl_to_exp(self):
fields = self.env['hr.employee'].fields_get()
hr_field_choices = []
for key, val in fields.items():
choice = (key, val['string'])
I'm trying get fields name on other model using:
The problem is, i don't know how to make it as selection options (multiple selection actually).
Thank you for the help.
As per docstring for fields.Selection()
:param selection: specifies the possible values for this field.
It is given as either a list of pairs (value, string), or a
model method, or a method name.
Basically, the selection argument should work like the compute argument. And code of fields.Selection.get_values() confirms this.
So you should try something like this :
hr_field = fields.Selection(selection='empl_to_exp', string="Pilih Kolom")
def empl_to_exp(self):
fields = self.env['hr.employee'].fields_get()
return [(k, v['string']) for k, v in fields.items()]
You may have/want to use getattr(v, 'string', 'DEFAULT_VALUE') instead of simply v['string']. Fields should always have a string though.
def get_selection_name(env, model, field, value):
return dict(env[model].fields_get(field, 'selection').get(field, {}).get('selection',{})).get(value)
# usage
get_selection_name(request.env, 'sale.order', 'general_status', 'draft') # 'Draft'
get_selection_name(self.env, 'sale.order', 'general_status', 'draft') # 'Draft'
I use this!
I am trying to iterate over form results and I can't help but think that I am re-inventing the wheel here.
filterlist = []
if request.POST:
form = FilterForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
for key, value in form.cleaned_data.iteritems():
This works, but seems very awkward and creates lots of other problems. For example the values come back with u' so I have to use value.encode("utf8") but then if a value is None it throws in error. So now I have to check if it is None, if not then encode. There has to be a better way.
EDIT: What I am trying to do.
I am trying to filter what is shown on a page. The problem I am running into is that if a value is empty (the user don't fill the box because they only want to filter against one object) then I get no results. For example a user wants to search for all books by the author name "Smith" but doesn't want to search against a genre.
results = Books.objects.filter(author=author, genre=genre)
The user would get no results because this is an AND search. But, if a user put in "Smith" for the author and "mystery" for the genre then it works exactly like I want it to, only giving results where both are true.
So, I am trying to eliminate the empty stuff by iterating over the form results. Like I said I am probably re-inventing the wheel here.
In Python 3 use:
for key, value in form.cleaned_data.items():
If the field names are the same in the model and the form, try this:
filter = {}
if request.method == 'POST':
form = FilterForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
for key, value in form.cleaned_data.iteritems():
if value:
filter[key] = value
results = Books.objects.filter(**filter)
Python is one of the few languages having named parameters. You can assemble a dict with the non-empty form fields and pass it to the filter method using the kwargs unpacking operator **.
For example:
kwargs = {"author": "Freud"}
results = Books.objects.filter(**kwargs)
Is the same as:
results = Books.objects.filter(author="Freud")
I think the problem is that by default the Model form is not valid if a form field does not have a value entered by the user, if you don`t require the field every time from the user you need to set the required field to false in the ModelForm class in forms.py as shown in the code below. Remember that the field is set false only in the model form not in the model itself
class myForm(forms.ModelForm):
myfield_id = forms.CharField(required=False)
myfield_foo = forms.CharField(required=False)
myfield_bar = forms.CharField(required=False)
myfield_name = forms.CharField(required=False)
class Meta:
model = myModel
exclude = ('myfield_ex','myfield_file')
fields = ['myfield_id','myfield_foo','myfield_bar','myfield_name',]
After you have the form entered by the user what you need is use the Q object which can be used to create complex queries as described in the manula page here
A simple example code would look like
if form.is_valid():
qgroup = []
for key,value in form.cleaned_data.iteritems():
if value:
q_name = Q(**{"%s"%format(filterKey[key]) : value})
q = None
# can use the reduce as shown here qgroup = reduce(operator.or_, (Q(**{"{0}".format(filterKey[key]): value}) for (key,value) in form.cleaned_data.iteritems()))
for key,value in form.cleaned_data.iteritems():
if value:
q_name = Q(**{"%s"%format(filterKey[key]) : value})
for x in qgroup:
q &= x ### Or use the OR operator or
if q:
resultL = myModel.objects.filter(q).select_related()
The filterKey can look something on the lines of
filterKey = {'myfield_id' : "myfield_id",
'myfield_foo' : "myfield_foo__icontains",
'myfield_bar' : "myfield_bar__relative_field__icontains",
I want to create a new type of field for django models that is basically a ListOfStrings. So in your model code you would have the following:
from django.db import models
class ListOfStringsField(???):
class myDjangoModelClass():
myName = models.CharField(max_length=64)
myFriends = ListOfStringsField() #
myclass = myDjangoModelClass()
myclass.myName = "bob"
myclass.myFriends = ["me", "myself", "and I"]
id = myclass.id
loadedmyclass = myDjangoModelClass.objects.filter(id__exact=id)
myFriendsList = loadedclass.myFriends
# myFriendsList is a list and should equal ["me", "myself", "and I"]
How would you go about writing this field type, with the following stipulations?
We don't want to do create a field which just crams all the strings together and separates them with a token in one field like this. It is a good solution in some cases, but we want to keep the string data normalized so tools other than django can query the data.
The field should automatically create any secondary tables needed to store the string data.
The secondary table should ideally have only one copy of each unique string. This is optional, but would be nice to have.
Looking in the Django code it looks like I would want to do something similar to what ForeignKey is doing, but the documentation is sparse.
This leads to the following questions:
Can this be done?
Has it been done (and if so where)?
Is there any documentation on Django about how to extend and override their model classes, specifically their relationship classes? I have not seen a lot of documentation on that aspect of their code, but there is this.
This is comes from this question.
There's some very good documentation on creating custom fields here.
However, I think you're overthinking this. It sounds like you actually just want a standard foreign key, but with the additional ability to retrieve all the elements as a single list. So the easiest thing would be to just use a ForeignKey, and define a get_myfield_as_list method on the model:
class Friends(model.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
my_items = models.ForeignKey(MyModel)
class MyModel(models.Model):
def get_my_friends_as_list(self):
return ', '.join(self.friends_set.values_list('name', flat=True))
Now calling get_my_friends_as_list() on an instance of MyModel will return you a list of strings, as required.
What you have described sounds to me really similar to the tags.
So, why not using django tagging?
It works like a charm, you can install it independently from your application and its API is quite easy to use.
I also think you're going about this the wrong way. Trying to make a Django field create an ancillary database table is almost certainly the wrong approach. It would be very difficult to do, and would likely confuse third party developers if you are trying to make your solution generally useful.
If you're trying to store a denormalized blob of data in a single column, I'd take an approach similar to the one you linked to, serializing the Python data structure and storing it in a TextField. If you want tools other than Django to be able to operate on the data then you can serialize to JSON (or some other format that has wide language support):
from django.db import models
from django.utils import simplejson
class JSONDataField(models.TextField):
__metaclass__ = models.SubfieldBase
def to_python(self, value):
if value is None:
return None
if not isinstance(value, basestring):
return value
return simplejson.loads(value)
def get_db_prep_save(self, value):
if value is None:
return None
return simplejson.dumps(value)
If you just want a django Manager-like descriptor that lets you operate on a list of strings associated with a model then you can manually create a join table and use a descriptor to manage the relationship. It's not exactly what you need, but this code should get you started.
Thanks for all those that answered. Even if I didn't use your answer directly the examples and links got me going in the right direction.
I am not sure if this is production ready, but it appears to be working in all my tests so far.
class ListValueDescriptor(object):
def __init__(self, lvd_parent, lvd_model_name, lvd_value_type, lvd_unique, **kwargs):
This descriptor object acts like a django field, but it will accept
a list of values, instead a single value.
For example:
# define our model
class Person(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=120)
friends = ListValueDescriptor("Person", "Friend", "CharField", True, max_length=120)
# Later in the code we can do this
p = Person("John")
p.save() # we have to have an id
p.friends = ["Jerry", "Jimmy", "Jamail"]
p = Person.objects.get(name="John")
friends = p.friends
# and now friends is a list.
lvd_parent - The name of our parent class
lvd_model_name - The name of our new model
lvd_value_type - The value type of the value in our new model
This has to be the name of one of the valid django
model field types such as 'CharField', 'FloatField',
or a valid custom field name.
lvd_unique - Set this to true if you want the values in the list to
be unique in the table they are stored in. For
example if you are storing a list of strings and
the strings are always "foo", "bar", and "baz", your
data table would only have those three strings listed in
it in the database.
kwargs - These are passed to the value field.
self.related_set_name = lvd_model_name.lower() + "_set"
self.model_name = lvd_model_name
self.parent = lvd_parent
self.unique = lvd_unique
# only set this to true if they have not already set it.
# this helps speed up the searchs when unique is true.
kwargs['db_index'] = kwargs.get('db_index', True)
filter = ["lvd_parent", "lvd_model_name", "lvd_value_type", "lvd_unique"]
evalStr = """class %s (models.Model):\n""" % (self.model_name)
evalStr += """ value = models.%s(""" % (lvd_value_type)
evalStr += self._params_from_kwargs(filter, **kwargs)
evalStr += ")\n"
if self.unique:
evalStr += """ parent = models.ManyToManyField('%s')\n""" % (self.parent)
evalStr += """ parent = models.ForeignKey('%s')\n""" % (self.parent)
evalStr += "\n"
evalStr += """self.innerClass = %s\n""" % (self.model_name)
print evalStr
exec (evalStr) # build the inner class
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
value_set = instance.__getattribute__(self.related_set_name)
l = []
for x in value_set.all():
return l
def __set__(self, instance, values):
value_set = instance.__getattribute__(self.related_set_name)
for x in values:
def __delete__(self, instance):
pass # I should probably try and do something here.
def _get_or_create_value(self, x):
if self.unique:
# Try and find an existing value
return self.innerClass.objects.get(value=x)
except django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist:
v = self.innerClass(value=x)
v.save() # we have to save to create the id.
return v
def _params_from_kwargs(self, filter, **kwargs):
"""Given a dictionary of arguments, build a string which
represents it as a parameter list, and filter out any
keywords in filter."""
params = ""
for key in kwargs:
if key not in filter:
value = kwargs[key]
params += "%s=%s, " % (key, value.__repr__())
return params[:-2] # chop off the last ', '
class Person(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=120)
friends = ListValueDescriptor("Person", "Friend", "CharField", True, max_length=120)
Ultimately I think this would still be better if it were pushed deeper into the django code and worked more like the ManyToManyField or the ForeignKey.
I think what you want is a custom model field.