unable to print multiple values in django - python

I have a code that tests if the different directories exist in the URL. Example - www.xyz.com/admin.php here admin.php is the directory or a different page
I am checking these pages or directories through opening a text file.
suppose the following is the file.txt
and this is the function in views.py
def pagecheck(st):
url = st
print("Avaiable links :")
module_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
file_path = os.path.join(module_dir, 'file.txt')
data_file = open(file_path,'r')
while True:
sub_link = data_file.readline()
if not sub_link:
req_link = url + "/"+sub_link
req = Request(req_link)
response = urlopen(req)
except HTTPError as e:
except URLError as e:
print (" "+req_link)
the code is working fine and prints all the webpages that are actually there in the console.
but when I try to return it at the last to print it in the Django page.
return req_link
print (" "+req_link)
it only shows the first page that makes the connection from the file.text. Suppose, all the webpages in the file.txt are actually there on a website. it prints all the in the console but returns a single webpage in the django app
I tried using a for loop but it didn't work


Python MD5 hashing same content returns different hash

I am writing a python program, because I am lazy, that checks a website for a job opening I have been told about and returns all the jobs the companies web page.
Here is my code so far (yes I know the code is jancky however I am just trying to get it working)
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import sys
import os
import hashlib
res = requests.get('WEBSITE URL', verify=False)
filename = "JobWebsite.txt"
def StartUp():
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
jobfile = open(filename, 'a')
jobfile = open(filename, 'r+')
print("[*] Succesfully Created output file")
return jobfile
print("[*] Error creating output file!")
jobfile = open(filename, 'r+')
print("[*] Succesfully Opened output file")
return jobfile
print("[*] Error opening output file!")
def AnyChange(htmlFile):
fileCont = htmlFile.read()
FileHash = hasher(fileCont, "File Code Hashed")
WebHash = hasher(res.text, "Webpage Code Hashed")
!!!!! Here is the Problem
print ("[*] File hash is " + str(FileHash))
print ("[*] Website hash is " + str(WebHash))
if FileHash == WebHash:
print ("[*] Jobs being read from file!")
print("[*] Jobs being read from website!")
writeWebContent(htmlFile, res.text)
def hasher(content, message):
content = hashlib.md5(content.encode('utf-8'))
return content
def num_of_jobs(htmlFile):
content = BeautifulSoup(htmlFile, "html.parser")
elems = content.select('.search-result-inner')
print("[*] There are " + str(len(elems)) + " jobs available!")
def deleteContent(htmlFile):
print("[*] Deleting Contents of local file! ")
def writeWebContent(htmlFile, content):
htmlFile = open(filename, 'r+')
print("[*] Writing Contents of website to file! ")
jobfile = StartUp()
The problem I currently have is that I hash both of the websites html code and the files html code. However both of the hashes don't match, like ever, I am not sure and can only guess that it might be something with the contents being save in a file. The hashes aren't too far apart but it still causes the If statement to fail each time
Breakpoint in Program with hashes
The screenshot you have attached is showing the location of the two hash objects fileHash and webHash. They should be in different locations.
What you really want to compare is the hexdigest() of the two hash objects. Change your if statement to:
if FileHash.hexdigest() == WebHash.hexdigest():
print ("[*] Jobs being read from file!")
Take a look at this other StackOverflow answer for some more how-to.

How to properly extract URLs from HTML code?

I have saved a website's HTML code in a .txt file on my computer. I would like to extract all URLs from this text file using the following code:
def get_net_target(page):
return url
my_file = open("test12.txt")
page = my_file.read()
However, the script only prints the first URL, but not all other links. Why is this?
You need to implement a loop to go through all URLs.
print(get_net_target(page)) only prints the first URL found in page, so you will need to call this function again and again, each time replacing page by the substring page[end_quote+1:] until no more URL is found.
To get you started, next_index will store the last ending URL position, then the loop will retrieve the following URLs:
next_index = 0 # the next page position from which the URL search starts
def get_net_target(page):
global next_index
if start_link == -1: # no more URL
return ""
return url
my_file = open("test12.txt")
page = my_file.read()
while True:
url = get_net_target(page)
if url == "": # no more URL
page = page[next_index:] # continue with the page
Also be careful because you only retrieve links which are enclosed inside ", but they can be enclosed by ' or even nothing...

Set output location for python script

I want to save all images from a site. wget is horrible, at least for http://www.leveldesigninspirationmachine.tumblr.com since in the image folder it just drops html files, and nothing as an extension.
I found a python script, the usage is like this:
[python] ImageDownloader.py URL MaxRecursionDepth DownloadLocationPath MinImageFileSize
Finally I got the script running after some BeautifulSoup problems.
However, I can't find the files anywhere. I also tried "/" as the output dir in hope the images got on the root of my HD but no luck. Can someone either help me to simplify the script so it outputs at the cd directory set in terminal. Or give me a command that should work. I have zero python experience and I don't really want to learn python for a 2 year old script that maybe doesn't even work the way I want.
Also, how can I pass an array of website? With a lot of scrapers it gives me the first few results of the page. Tumblr has the load on scroll but that has no effect so i would like to add /page1 etc.
thanks in advance
# imageDownloader.py
# Finds and downloads all images from any given URL recursively.
# FB - 201009094
import urllib2
from os.path import basename
import urlparse
#from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup # for HTML parsing
import bs4
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
global urlList
urlList = []
# recursively download images starting from the root URL
def downloadImages(url, level, minFileSize): # the root URL is level 0
# do not go to other websites
global website
netloc = urlparse.urlsplit(url).netloc.split('.')
if netloc[-2] + netloc[-1] != website:
global urlList
if url in urlList: # prevent using the same URL again
urlContent = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
print url
soup = BeautifulSoup(''.join(urlContent))
# find and download all images
imgTags = soup.findAll('img')
for imgTag in imgTags:
imgUrl = imgTag['src']
# download only the proper image files
if imgUrl.lower().endswith('.jpeg') or \
imgUrl.lower().endswith('.jpg') or \
imgUrl.lower().endswith('.gif') or \
imgUrl.lower().endswith('.png') or \
imgData = urllib2.urlopen(imgUrl).read()
if len(imgData) >= minFileSize:
print " " + imgUrl
fileName = basename(urlsplit(imgUrl)[2])
output = open(fileName,'wb')
# if there are links on the webpage then recursively repeat
if level > 0:
linkTags = soup.findAll('a')
if len(linkTags) > 0:
for linkTag in linkTags:
linkUrl = linkTag['href']
downloadImages(linkUrl, level - 1, minFileSize)
# main
rootUrl = 'http://www.leveldesigninspirationmachine.tumblr.com'
netloc = urlparse.urlsplit(rootUrl).netloc.split('.')
global website
website = netloc[-2] + netloc[-1]
downloadImages(rootUrl, 1, 50000)
As Frxstream has commented, this program creates the files in the current directory (i.e. where you run it). After running the program, run ls -l (or dir) to find the files it has created.
If it seemingly hasn't created any files, then most probably it really hasn't created any files, most probably because there was an exception which your except: pass has hidden. To see what was going wrong, replace try: ... except: pass with just ..., and rerun the program. (If you can't understand and fix that, ask a separate StackOverflow question.)
it's hard to tell without looking at the errors (+1 to turning off your try/except block so you can see the exceptions) but I do see one typo here:
fileName = basename(urlsplit(imgUrl)[2])
you didn't do "from urlparse import urlsplit" you have "import urlparse" so you need to refer to it as urlparse.urlsplit() as you have in other places, so should be like this
fileName = basename(urlparse.urlsplit(imgUrl)[2])

Writing text to txt file in python on new lines?

So I am trying to check whether a url exists and if it does I would like to write the url to a file using python. I would also like each url to be on its own line within the file. Here is the code I already have:
import urllib2
urlhere = "http://www.google.com"
print "for url: " + urlhere + ":"
fileHandle = urllib2.urlopen(urlhere)
data = fileHandle.read()
print "It exists"
Then, If the URL does exist, write the url on a new line in the text file
except urllib2.URLError, e:
print 'PAGE 404: It Doesnt Exist', e
If the URL doesn't exist, don't write anything to the file.
The way you worded your question is a bit confusing but if I understand you correctly all your trying to do is test if a url is valid using urllib2 and if it is write the url to a file? If that is correct the following should work.
import urllib2
f = open("url_file.txt","a+")
urlhere = "http://www.google.com"
print "for url: " + urlhere + ":"
fileHandle = urllib2.urlopen(urlhere)
data = fileHandle.read()
f.write(urlhere + "\n")
print "It exists"
except urllib2.URLError, e:
print 'PAGE 404: It Doesnt Exist', e
If you want to test multiple urls but don't want to edit the the python script you could use the following script by typing python python_script.py "http://url_here.com". This is made possible by using the sys module where sys.argv[1] is equal to the first argument passed to python_script.py. Which in this example is the url ('http://url_here.com').
import urllib2,sys
f = open("url_file.txt","a+")
urlhere = sys.argv[1]
print "for url: " + urlhere + ":"
fileHandle = urllib2.urlopen(urlhere)
data = fileHandle.read()
f.write(urlhere+ "\n")
print "It exists"
except urllib2.URLError, e:
print 'PAGE 404: It Doesnt Exist', e
Or if you really wanted to make your job easy you could use the following script by typing the following into the command line python python_script http://url1.com,http://url2.com where all the urls you wish to test are separated by commas with no spaces.
import urllib2,sys
f = open("url_file.txt","a+")
urlhere_list = sys.argv[1].split(",")
for urls in urlhere_list:
print "for url: " + urls + ":"
fileHandle = urllib2.urlopen(urls)
data = fileHandle.read()
f.write(urls+ "\n")
print "It exists"
except urllib2.URLError, e:
print 'PAGE 404: It Doesnt Exist', e
print "invalid url"
sys.argv[1].split() can also be replaced by a python list within the script if you don't want to use the command line functionality. Hope this is of some use to you and good luck with your program.
The scripts using command line inputs were tested on the ubuntu linux, so if you are using windows or another operating system I can't guarantee that it will work with the instructions given but it should.
How about something like this:
import urllib2
url = 'http://www.google.com'
data = ''
data = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
except urllib2.URLError, e:
data = 'PAGE 404: It Doesnt Exist ' + e
with open('outfile.txt', 'w') as out_file:
Use requests:
import requests
def url_checker(urls):
with open('somefile.txt', 'a') as f:
for url in urls:
r = requests.get(url)
if r.status_code == 200:

How to delete a line from a file after it has been used

I'm trying to create a script which makes requests to random urls from a txt file e.g.:
import urllib2
with open('urls.txt') as urls:
for url in urls:
r = urllib2.urlopen(url)
except urllib2.URLError as e:
r = e
if r.code in (200, 401):
print '[{}]: '.format(url), "Up!"
But I want that when some url indicates 404 not found, the line containing the URL is erased from the file. There is one unique URL per line, so basically the goal is to erase every URL (and its corresponding line) that returns 404 not found.
How can I accomplish this?
You could simply save all the URLs that worked, and then rewrite them to the file:
good_urls = []
with open('urls.txt') as urls:
for url in urls:
r = urllib2.urlopen(url)
except urllib2.URLError as e:
r = e
if r.code in (200, 401):
print '[{}]: '.format(url), "Up!"
with open('urls.txt', 'w') as urls:
The easiest way is to read all the lines, loop over the saved lines and try to open them, and then when you are done, if any URLs failed you rewrite the file.
The way to rewrite the file is to write a new file, and then when the new file is successfully written and closed, then you use os.rename() to change the name of the new file to the name of the old file, overwriting the old file. This is the safe way to do it; you never overwrite the good file until you know you have the new file correctly written.
I think the simplest way to do this is just to create a list where you collect the good URLs, plus have a count of failed URLs. If the count is not zero, you need to rewrite the text file. Or, you can collect the bad URLs in another list. I did that in this example code. (I haven't tested this code but I think it should work.)
import os
import urllib2
input_file = "urls.txt"
debug = True
good_urls = []
bad_urls = []
bad, good = range(2)
def track(url, good_flag, code):
if good_flag == good:
good_str = "good"
elif good_flag == bad:
good_str = "bad"
good_str = "ERROR! (" + repr(good) + ")"
if debug:
print("DEBUG: %s: '%s' code %s" % (good_str, url, repr(code)))
if good_flag == good:
with open(input_file) as f:
for line in f:
url = line.strip()
r = urllib2.urlopen(url)
if r.code in (200, 401):
print '[{0}]: '.format(url), "Up!"
if r.code == 404:
# URL is bad if it is missing (code 404)
track(url, bad, r.code)
# any code other than 404, assume URL is good
track(url, good, r.code)
except urllib2.URLError as e:
track(url, bad, "exception!")
# if any URLs were bad, rewrite the input file to remove them.
if bad_urls:
# simple way to get a filename for temp file: append ".tmp" to filename
temp_file = input_file + ".tmp"
with open(temp_file, "w") as f:
for url in good_urls:
f.write(url + '\n')
# if we reach this point, temp file is good. Remove old input file
os.remove(input_file) # only needed for Windows
os.rename(temp_file, input_file) # replace original input file with temp file
EDIT: In comments, #abarnert suggests that there might be a problem with using os.rename() on Windows (at least I think that is what he/she means). If os.rename() doesn't work, you should be able to use shutil.move() instead.
EDIT: Rewrite code to handle errors.
EDIT: Rewrite to add verbose messages as URLs are tracked. This should help with debugging. Also, I actually tested this version and it works for me.

