Requests module is multiplying api calls in Python - python

I am using the Requests python module to do RESTFUL POST API calls to create a new item.
PROBLEM: Items are being duplicated. Sometimes 3 of each item get created. No check for existing data is in place in the final api prevent duplication.
GOAL: I want to send data to create a single new item in a third party application called Netbox which is made with Django.
I have tried writing code to check for existing items and it still
makes duplicates.
I have tried set a timer to pause execution of code by 10 seconds until the request is complete.
The process flow looks like this:
Python Backend (Flask) ---> Python Backend (Flask) --> Netbox (Django)
Data Origin sent via Requests ---> Data Netbox Calls (Via PyNetBox) --> Final DataStore
The two backends are hosted in Cloud Foundry while Netbox is spun up on a Linux on Prem Server.
I have a dictionary like below that represents each item I need to create in Netbox.
Ex. payload = {'site':'1', 'device':'switch01'}
I send each piece of data to my middleware backend via a loop to make the final api call to netbox via pynetbox. I am not able to hit netbox directly.
for payload in payloads:
URL = f'{MIDDLEWARE_URL}/netbox/create_item'
print(f'URL is: {URL} | Payload is {payload}')
headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', 'cache-control': "no-cache"}
proxies={'http' : None, 'https': None}
r =, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers, verify=False, proxies=proxies)
I would appreciate any help as to why this is happening and any best practices to improving my baseline code logic.
All the best,

So I figured it out after some more research and it turns out flask was creating two processes and therefore running my functions twice each time.
This was due to debug being true so used this:, use_reloader=False)


How to send cookie (header) using Python requests library

Hi I am new with python requests and would like to have some help.
When I try to use python requests and get the session cookie, use the following command:
session_req = requests.session()
result = session_req.get(
after execute GET from requests, I use the '.cookies' property ant the respective key I want to send at the POST Header, I get the value successfully, but the POST action is not working.
but when I get the request from the same API via POSTMAN and try to get the cookie property (exporting the code as python requests) I found some differences, and if I use this same cookie exported from POSTMAN it works.
'cookie': 'IFCSHOPSESSID=hrthhiqdeg0dvf4ecooc83lui3; nikega=GA1.4.831513767.1599354095; nikega_gid=GA1.4.1839484382.1599354095; _ga=GA1.3.831513767.1599354095; _gid=GA1.3.733956911.1599354099; chaordic_browserId=0-fv_3j6NdVlbNFFwPRzUGQVse7e1bbqga-3OS1599354098234702; chaordic_anonymousUserId=anon-0-fv_3j6NdVlbNFFwPRzUGQVse7e1bbqga-3OS1599354098234702; chaordic_testGroup=%7B%22experiment%22%3Anull%2C%22group%22%3Anull%2C%22testCode%22%3Anull%2C%22code%22%3Anull%2C%22session%22%3Anull%7D; user_unic_ac_id=bec863cf-4e06-0ab1-d881-b566595d3e8f; _gcl_au=1.1.1305519862.1599354100; _fbp=fb.2.1599354100232.504934336; smeventsclear_16df2784b41e46129645c2417f131191=true; smViewOnSite=true; __pr.cvh=4ftsyf8x16; _gaexp=GAX1.3.tupm6REJTMeD-piAakRDMA.18557.0; blueID=75a502b6-e7c2-4eb3-8442-75aea5d95fdc; _cm_ads_activation_retry=false; sback_client=5816989a58791059954e4c52; sback_partner=false; sb_days=1599356617672; sback_refresh_wp=no; smClickOnSite=true; smClickOnSite_652c0aaee02549a3a6ea89988778d3fc=true; _rtbhouse_source_=socialminer; RKT=false; dedup=socialminer; lmd_cj=socialminer;; advcake_trackid=dd7e2ef0-dd50-889a-aeea-559a0d8bcd22; advcake_utm_content=socialminer_onsitedesktop_lancamentos_desk; advcake_utm_campaign=socialminer; Campanha=; Parceiro=; Midia=; AMCVS_F0935E09512D2C270A490D4D%40AdobeOrg=1; s_cc=true; lmd_orig=direct; SIZEBAY_SESSION_ID=0AC1A70CB19F4f03610665d04bb088ef3b9af0942fc8; sback_customer_w=true; sback_browser=0-87718800-1599408894bff13e290b9fee5fc2b430382f639b87dd9cf25112334287575f550afed62983-14051381-17920887216,13017640152-1599408894; sback_access_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJhcGkuc2JhY2sudGVjaCIsImlhdCI6MTU5OTQwODg5NSwiZXhwIjoxNTk5NDk1Mjk1LCJhcGkiOiJ2MiIsImRhdGEiOnsiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiNTgxNjk4OWE1ODc5MTA1OTk1NGU0YzUyIiwiY2xpZW50X2RvbWFpbiI6Im5pa2UuY29tLmJyIiwiY3VzdG9tZXJfaWQiOiI1ZjU0M2VjODA5ZjFkMDkzMmQzMjQ2OTUiLCJjdXN0b21lcl9hbm9ueW1vdXMiOmZhbHNlLCJjb25uZWN0aW9uX2lkIjoiNWY1NDNlYzgwOWYxZDA5MzJkMzI0Njk2IiwiYWNjZXNzX2xldmVsIjoiY3VzdG9tZXIifX0.K6FYVBasHjMg_PLbT1yZfrnIp97USqijoMObF4eUSms.WrWrDrHeHezRqBiYiYHeDr; sback_customer=$2gSxATWYdVYOVGMI10bUdkW2pWeoZERU1kc1YWWhd1SNR0aMJ0QUVzTHpHdJZERnpVS6FTSkRUTOBjMys2bUdnT2$12; sback_pageview=false; ak_bmsc=B6177778CB59637165F7EC43342C1559C9063147DA220000234E555F8D78F831~plACNrc4cNxoHZNcO7aF4o+U0KQNKjzPECGSfb42NdayPvdNkBWwUT9QOhGjuLJJ3vStuFIRkiI/35wsHEyUE3/h2guphhaEy71BnfekvDtb/6F84hS+fWhPxxVG5RAlph8WzGpYMn6NZESNVcgnZYfH4HoZ/IzBPR6AMG9UGn6W4xm/j/j9kOfef8v/fZf2pXw4mxJuiN5Cxc7g2sV4nCdoEW98Q4AgqplzxWZjpamZk=; bm_sz=6586256DDAFC895D740341E4214D0D40~YAAQRzEGybYT7yN0AQAAfDw5ZQnXjJtKI2SxkwQFV9vLZpF5mACXNUtUFDSkidKuYM2fac5sQgRozU9fA3+017dht/PUtH+wtibATtTmoVOlpKnW+V76+1rySk3HK6q83Q9rtQc/LaaQ8VYtK/tDi0VOc7/0wLyKy/+Z4OLtgUpySYZZcEX4k8/46no8rFD6OQ==; AMCV_F0935E09512D2C270A490D4D%40AdobeOrg=359503849%7CMCIDTS%7C18512%7CMCMID%7C56897587165425478193529762442649463163%7CMCAAMLH-1600030892%7C4%7CMCAAMB-1600030892%7CRKhpRz8krg2tLO6pguXWp5olkAcUniQYPHaMWWgdJ3xzPWQmdj0y%7CMCOPTOUT-1599433292s%7CNONE%7CMCSYNCSOP%7C411-18519%7CvVersion%7C5.0.1; sback_total_sessions=3; sback_session=5f554e3c73a63da56d739d87; 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CSRFtoken=20a208bad599aa3ead0bbe944b27a368; bm_sv=C9C3A8C6B2F6CB232317BB794ADC0497~ZnoksXquh4Yrh4uN87gycXdh+ixzU+xMFsb94sO9uE5JMLyZz9eJPp5odX7vx944KIXG1nvOxuq8pdrQUDjBrchRJLC4yiD1yWX0h4BjWhbSXhHWWrgkUsOTt9033P5Wxu1qmo5M6w0VAWeAzBaCN7yZC2Ll7DiGq0CwpjxlOW4=; _abck=F6E1C280C3F9D735A2B1AB62443DB479~-1~YAAQVjEGyRKO+iJ0AQAA+4U9ZQSNIWTEz/60Uk5gz2tnzVtbMbX0hpaMbkbeJxSYSMD1xo7TTedXnJ0UuTLxxcHhLVrRRCrZfSjZ+yH00Ld6FLIajmYFefKPehzA6GgwjnLyucI1O6nDw2ZU1CV0WJLeWGgcmX7sinsLr3DVtmoGJyNR1Q9EWpvq71/W1Ys4Bqhq1628YKEz/0Z1Ic1bWMujcG03064ZZYYXTSTz9jrkxHKaEoJQNQgyUg9NXQhv4EFoMSESy/AIKRy+hVCULLJscbkpH8WakuvYQ1raghVfheks/Xra9AmiUoOqAbWAPXOij1nWQ9PSV2hxQZfkibD0+YP14pTXPoCAUA9jCQHRJIw=~0~-1~-1'
session_req.cookies['IFCSHOPSESSID'] EXAMPLE
Other curious thing is that when I use the '.cookies' property, my POST call return sucess even without update the cart where it should be inserting a new register.
As I am trying to develop one site bot, I would like to generate this same cookie via python requests code. Can anyone try to help me on it?
This is an example with python 3. You can customize it.
import requests
data ="param_1=value_1&param_2=value_2&.....&param_n=value_n"; #your request parameters.
cookie = "cookie_name=xxxxxxxx;....." #define cookie
url_endpoint = "htpps://........." # your url endpoint
# add cookies to endpoints
resp = requests.get(url_endpoint, data=data.encode('utf-8'),cookies=cookie)
print("success ")
print("error ")

Accessing Orion CB with python script

Would like to access orion data using a python script (not using curlor Postman). Below show the python script in my orion.pyscript:
import json
import requests
url_query=("orion_url" % (orion_endpoint))
body_dict = {
'entities': [
'type': 'AirQualityObserved',
'idPattern': '.*',
r_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
r =
Running this script dumps the entity information to the console. How do I use the script to subscribe for notification so I get notified (not just dumping context)?
Orion Context Broker implements a REST API so any programming language able to do HTTP requests (and Python is one of them, e.g. using the requests module) can be used.
To create a subscription you can use the same you are using but with a different parametrization. In particular:
url will be the one corresponding to subscritions recourses in the API, i.e. /v2/entities.
data should follow the syntax of a subscription, according to the "Subscriptions" section in the NGSIv2 specification.
headers can be the same.
In the case it may help, this script shows how to create subscriptions in Python.

using an http request to update google spreadsheet

Trying to set up a spreadsheet to take in data via an http post. To test it, I set up a simple python script to just send an http request. I dont want to use a specific google api on python or somewhere else, because I want some other people to be able to simply send a request how they would like. So, In my google script I just have:
function doPost(e){
sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
range = sheet.getRange(1, 1)
In python I simply have:
import requests
if __name__== "__main__":
params = {'Authorization': "Bearer [token]",
'contentType': 'application/json',
'text': "is working?"}
r ="[uniquekey]/exec", params)
print(r.status_code, r.reason)
All I get is
"401 Unauthorized"
I've also tried sending this over python as well as running JS in a webserver and through chrome (which i guessed raised security issues). everything gave me the same response. I'm sure I'm just not authorizing properly, but I havent been able to find the correct way to do it. thanks in advance. I'm sure theres some other issues too, but I cant seem to even get access.
How about this modification?
Modified script:
In this modified script supposes as follows.
Web Apps is deployed as
Execute the app as is Me
Who has access to the app is Only myself or Anyone
Your access token can be used for accessing to your Web Apps.
If your access token cannot be used for it, please try to set the Web Apps as follows.
- Execute the app as is Me
- Who has access to the app is Anyone, even anonymous
- In this setting, you can access to Web Apps without the access token.
import requests
if __name__== "__main__":
params = {
'text': "is working?",
headers = {
'Authorization': "Bearer [token]",
r ="[uniquekey]/exec", data=params, headers=headers)
print(r.status_code, r.reason)
Please put the access token to the header.
Google Apps Script:
When you modified your script, please redeploy as new version. By this, the latest script is reflected to the Web Apps.
function doPost(e) {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
const range = sheet.getRange(1, 1);
return ContentService.createTextOutput("Done.");
By returning ContentService.createTextOutput(), Web Apps returns the status code of 200.
You can retrieve the value of 'text': "is working?" as e.parameter.text.
When you use SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(), the value of e.parameter.text is put to the 1st page of Spreadsheet.
Web Apps
In my environment, I could confirm that this modification worked. But if in your environment, this modified scripts didn't work, I'm sorry.

Python Requests Programmatically get Dev Tools Form Data pre-formatted as a dictionary

I am trying to update an already saved form on a system using HTTP requests. Due to the server configuration for the third party app we use, updating by POST requires sending a fully filled out payload every single time.
I want to get round this by recovering the form data already present on the server and converting it into a dictionary. Then changing any values I need and reposting to make changes sever side.
The application we use sends a POST request when the save button is clicked for a particular form.
Here I send a post request with no payload.
[This simulates pressing the save button and is also the point where dev tools shows me a the payload I want to capture]
post_test =
I thought that now I should be able to print the output, which should resemble what Google Dev tools Form data captures.
This just gives me html found on the webpage.
If Dev Tools can get this from the server then I should also be able to?
Example of Data I am trying to get via requests:
Form Data
If Dev Tools can get this from the server then I should also be able to?
Yes, of course. In requests you pass form data in data keyword:
import requests
url = ''
data = {
'name': 'value',
response =, data=data)
You can get the data you sent with a request from the response in this way:
import requests
response ='http://your_url', data=data) # send request
body = response.request.body
parsed_data = dict(data.split('=') for data in body.split('&')) # parse request body
Here you can find more information about data argument
In the documentation, in the class requests.Response we can find the attribute:
request = None
The PreparedRequest object to which this is a response.
In requests.PreparedRequest class we can read:
body = None
request body to send to the server.

Google Data API authentication

I am trying to get my Django app (NOT using Google app engine) retrieve data from Google Contacts using Google Contacts Data API. Going through authentication documentation as well as Data API Python client docs
First step (AuthSubRequest) which is getting the single-use token works fine. The next step(AuthSubSessionToken), which is upgrade single-use token to a session token. The python API call UpgradeToSessionToken() simply didn't work for me it gave me NonAuthSubToken exception:
gd_client = gdata.contacts.service.ContactsService()
gd_client.auth_token = authsub_token
As an alternative I want to get it working by "manually" constructing the HTTP request:
url = ''
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Authorization': 'AuthSub token=' + authsub_token,
'User-Agent': 'Python/2.6.1',
'Host': '',
'Accept': 'text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2',
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
req = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
this gives me a different error:
HTTP Error 302: The HTTP server returned a redirect error that would lead to an infinite loop. The last 30x error message was: Moved Temporarily
What am I doing wrong here? I'd appreciate help/advice/suggestions with either of the methods I am trying to use: Python API call (UpgradeToSessionToken) or manually constructing HTTP request with urllib2.
According to the 2.0 documentation here there is a python example set...
Running the sample code
A full working sample client, containing all the sample code shown in this document, is available in the Python client library distribution, under the directory samples/contacts/
The sample client performs several operations on contacts to demonstrate the use of the Contacts Data API.
Hopefully it will point you in the right direction.
I had a similar issue recently. Mine got fixed by setting "secure" to "true".
next = ''
scope = ''
secure = True
session = True
calendar_service = gdata.calendar.service.CalendarService()
There are four different ways to authenticate. Is it really that important for you to use AuthSub? If you can't get AuthSub to work, then consider the ClientLogin approach. I had no trouble getting that to work.

