I have a folder (on my windows desktop) containing the images I want to use to build my deep learning classifier. I also have one .csv file which has the image number (for example img_1035) and the corresponding class label. How do I load the dataset with the labels into python/jupyter notebooks?
This is the link to the dataset on kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/debdoot/bdrw).
I would preferably like to use PyTorch to do this but any other ways would also be highly appreciated.
Luckily, PyTorch has a convenient "ImageFolder" class that you can extend to create your own dataset.
Here's an example of a dataset that uses ImageFolder:
class MyDataset(torchvision.datasets.ImageFolder):
def __init__(self, train_folder_path='.', transform=None, target_transform=None):
super().__init__(train_folder_path, transform, target_transform)
# [ Some functions omitted ]
Then you load your set using PyTorch's "DataLoader".
Here's an example for a training set:
training_set = MyDataset(root_path, transform)
train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(training_set, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True)
Using the train loader you can get batches from your dataset. You can then use these batches to train / validate and so on:
batch = next(iter(train_loader))
images, labels = batch
Training is a rather involved process so I'm not entirely sure how deep you want to dive here. I hope this was a nudge in the right direction.
I am trying to build a CNN and want to divide my input images into non-overlapping patches and then use it for training.
However, I am unsure how to combine the extraction of patches with the code below.
I believe a function like tf.image.extract_patches should do the trick but I am unsure how I can include it in the pipeline. It's important for me to use flow_from_directory as I have organised my dataset accordingly.
train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale = 1./255)
train_generator = train_datagen.flow_from_directory(train_dir,target_size=(64,64),class_mode='categorical',batch_size=64)
I thought of using extract_patches_2d from scikit but it has two issues :
It gives random overlapping patches
I need to resave all images and again reorganize my dataset (same issue as tf.image.extract_patches unless included in pipeline)
I'm using tf to create a sentiment analysis model. Since I'm a noob of machine learning I followed a guide on the official documentation of Tensorflow to train and test a model with the IMDB_reviews dataset. It works pretty well but I wish I could train it with another dataset.
So I've downloaded this dataset: "movie_review.csv". It contains various columns and I want to access text and tag (where the tag is a positive or negative value and text is the text of the review).
What I want to do is to prepare the CSV as a dataset, access text and tag, vectorize them, and feed them to the network. There is no division between test and train, so I have to divide the file too.
So, I want to know how to:
0- Access the file I've downloaded and transform it into a dataset.
1- Access text and tag in the file, maybe without using pandas. If pandas is recommended and there is a simple way to access the file and passing to a network using TensorFlow I'll be okay with the answer.
2- Splitting the file in the test set and train set (I've already found a pandas solution for this actually).
3- Vectorize my text and tag to feed my network.
If you have an entire guide on how to do this, it'll be fine, it just has to use TensorFlow.
Questions 0 to 3 have been answered
Ok so, I have used the file posted to load a dataset to train the model on short sentences, but I'm having trouble with the training.
When I followed the guide to build the model for text classification I came out with this code:
dataset, info = tfds.load('imdb_reviews/subwords8k', with_info=True, as_supervised=True)
train_dataset, test_dataset = dataset['train'], dataset['test']
encoder = info.features['text'].encoder
padded_shapes = ([None], ())
train_dataset = train_dataset.shuffle(BUFFER_SIZE).padded_batch(BATCH_SIZE, padded_shapes = padded_shapes)
test_dataset = test_dataset.padded_batch(BATCH_SIZE, padded_shapes = padded_shapes)
model = tf.keras.Sequential([tf.keras.layers.Embedding(encoder.vocab_size, 64),
tf.keras.layers.Dense(64, activation='relu'),
tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')])
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(1e-4),
history = model.fit(train_dataset, epochs = 1, validation_data = test_dataset, validation_steps=30, callbacks=[cp_callback])
So, I trained my model this way (Some parts are missing, I have included all the fundamental ones). After this, I wanted to train the model with another dataset, and thanks to Andrew I have accessed a dataset created by me this way:
csv_dataset = tf.data.experimental.CsvDataset(filepath, default_values, header=header)
def reshape_dataset(txt, tag):
txt = tf.reshape(txt, shape=(1,))
tag = tf.reshape(tag, shape=(1,))
return txt, tag
csv_dataset = csv_dataset.map(reshape_dataset)
training = csv_dataset.take(10)
testing = csv_dataset.skip(10)
And my problem is to adapt the dataset to the model I already have. I have tried various solution, but I get errors on the shapes.
Can somebody be so gentle to explain me how to do this? Obviously the solution for step 3 has already been posted by Andrew in his file, but I'd like to use my model with the weights I have saved during training.
This sounds like a great place to use Tensorflow's Dataset API. Here's a notebook/tutorial that covers how to do some basic data input and preprocessing stuff, right from Tensorflow's website!
I have also made a notebook with a quick example, answering each of your questions with implementations. You can find that here.
I am trying to solve the Dogs-vs-Cats challenge on Kaggle using the Sample Notebook that has been provided in the Udacity course. I have rearranged the files into two folder dogs/ and cats/ in the train/ directory so that the ImageFolder class can pick up the categories, but I don't know what to do in the test folder? I don't have the labels ready.
Do I just not use the ImageFolder API (seems that the course used it, so it should be usable, and obviously very convenient), or is there some option to use it when the classes are not already known. I could not find anything in this vein on the official documentation, but it should be possible seeing the course solution does it that way. Thanks for any help.
Usually, in the context of training networks, the "test" set is actually a "validation" set: its a subset of the labeled examples that the model does not train on, but only being evaluated. This validation set is used for tuning meta parameters (e.g., number of epochs, learning rate, batch size etc.).
Therefore, despite the fact that the validation ("test") set is not used for actual SGD training, you do have its labels and they are used to estimate the generalization error of the trained model.
Since you usually do have the labels for this set, you can read it using ImageFolder class same as the training set.
However, if you have a test set that has no labels at all, you can still use the ImageFolder class to handle the set. All you need is to create a dummy subfolder to represent a "label" for the set: ImageFolder assumes the images are stored in subfolders based on their labels.
I'm currently working on a program that can do binary image classification with machine learning. I have a list of labels and a list of images that i'm using as inputs which are then fed into the Inception V3 model.
Will inputting of the dataset this way work with the inception V3 architecture? Is it necessary to organize the images with labeled folders before feeding it into the model?
Thanks for your help!
In your example, you have all the images in memory. You can simply call model.fit(trainX, trainY) to train your model. No need to organize the images in specific folder structures.
What you are referring to, is the flow_from_directory() method of the ImageDataGenerator. This is an object that will yield images from the directories, and automatically infer the labels from the folder structure. In this case, your images should be arranged in one folder per label. Since the ImageDataGenerator is a generator, you should use it in combination with model.fit_generator().
As a third option, you can write your own custom generator that yields both images and labels. This is advised in case you have a more complex label structure than one label per images; for instance in multi-label classification, object detection or semantic segmentation, where the outputs are also images. A custom generator should also be used with model.fit_generator().
Iam new to keras and after testing some tutorials with mnist images I would like to train with my own data set. The data are .png images of numbers from 0-9.
I ordered them into 10 classes, each containing 100 .png images of the numbers separately (so one folder for 0, one folder for 1, one folder for 2 etc ..).
now I am wondering how to load the images with python, for keras to use them ?
You need to use Keras’ ImageDataGenerator().flow_from_directory() to generate batches of your image data from your file system that you will then train your model on. Once you have your images organized in the file system, creating ImageDataGenerator() would be the next step.
This video demonstrates how to prep your image data and create your ImageDataGenerator(), and then this video demonstrates how to train your CNN on the image data.
An example of this would look like
train_batches = ImageDataGenerator().flow_from_directory(directory=<path_to_image_data>, target_size=(224,224), classes=[‘0’, '1', ‘2’, ‘3’, …, ‘9’], batch_size=10)