When running the ODR algorithm on some experiment data, I've been asked to run it with the following model:
It is clear that this fitting function is containing a redundant degree of freedom.
When I run the fitting on my experiment data I get enormous relative errors of beta, starting from 8000% relative error.
When I try to run the fitting again but with a fitting function that doesn't have a redundant degree of freedom, such as:
I don't get this kind of problem.
Why is this happening? Why the ODR algorithm is so sensitive for redundant degrees of freedom? I wasn't able to answer these questions to my supervisors. An answer will be much appreciated.
Reproducing code example:
from scipy.odr import RealData, Model, ODR
def func1(a, x):
return a[0] * (x + a[1]) / (a[3] * (x + a[1]) + a[1] * x) + a[2]
def func2(a, x):
return a[0] / (x + a[1]) + a[2]
# fmt: off
zx = [
1911.125, 2216.95, 2707.71, 3010.225, 3410.612, 3906.015, 4575.105, 5517.548,
dx = [
0.291112577, 0.321695254, 0.370771197, 0.401026507, 0.441068641, 0.490601621,
0.557573268, 0.651755155, 0.79184836,
zy = [
0.000998056, 0.000905647, 0.000800098, 0.000751041, 0.000699982, 0.000650532,
0.000600444, 0.000550005, 0.000500201,
dy = [
5.49029e-07, 5.02824e-07, 4.5005e-07, 4.25532e-07, 3.99991e-07, 3.75266e-07,
3.50222e-07, 3.25003e-07, 3.00101e-07,
# fmt: on
data = RealData(x=zx, y=zy, sx=dx, sy=dy)
print("Func 1")
beta01 = [
model1 = Model(func1)
odr1 = ODR(data, model1, beta0=beta01)
result1 = odr1.run()
print("beta", result1.beta)
print("sd beta", result1.sd_beta)
print("relative", result1.sd_beta / result1.beta * 100)
print("Func 2")
beta02 = [
model2 = Model(func2)
odr2 = ODR(data, model2, beta0=beta02)
result2 = odr2.run()
print("beta", result2.beta)
print("sd beta", result2.sd_beta)
print("relative", result2.sd_beta / result2.beta * 100)
This prints out:
Func 1
beta [ 1.30884537e+00 -2.82585952e+03 7.79755196e-04 9.47943376e+01]
sd beta [1.16144608e+02 3.73765816e+06 6.12613738e-01 4.20775596e+03]
relative [ 8873.82193523 -132266.24068473 78564.88054498 4438.82627453]
Func 2
beta [1.40128121e+00 9.80844274e+01 3.00511669e-04]
sd beta [2.73990552e-03 3.22344713e+00 3.74538794e-07]
relative [0.1955286 3.28640051 0.12463369]
Scipy/Numpy/Python version information:
Versions are:
Scipy - 1.4.1
Numpy - 1.18.2
Python - 3.7.2
The problem is not with the degrees of freedom.
The degrees of freedom is the difference between the number of data points and the number of fitting parameters.
The problem has the same number of degrees of freedom for the two formulae, as they have the same number of parameters.
It also looks like that you do not have free degrees of freedom, which is good news, it means that it can potentially be fitted.
However, you are right that first expression has some problem: the parameters you are trying to fit are not independent.
This is probably better understood with some simpler example.
Consider the following expression:
y = x + b + c
which you try to fit, given n data for x and y with n >> 2.
The question is: what are the optimal value for b and c? This cannot be answered. All you can say from x and y data is about the combination. Therefore, if b + c is 0, the fit cannot tell us if b = 1000, c = -1000 or b = 1, c= -1, but at least we can say that given b we can determine c.
What is the error on a given b? Potentially infinite. That is the reason for the fitting to give you that large relative error.
The objective is to find the coefficients of a polynomial P(x) of degree 1 (a line) that fits the data y best in a least-squares sense, and then compute the root of P.
In Matlab, the linear least squares fit can be calculated via
[p, S, mu] = polyfit(x, y, 1)
This produces the coefficients p, which define the polynomial:
y = p(1) * x + p(2)
mu represents the mean and std of the x.
In Python, this can be achieved via the Numpy's polynomial as suggested here:
import numpy as np
x = [
6210, 6211, 6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219,
6220, 6221, 6222, 6223, 6224, 6225, 6226, 6227, 6228, 6229,
6230, 6231, 6232, 6233, 6234, 6235, 6236, 6237, 6238, 6239,
6240, 6241, 6242, 6243, 6244, 6245, 6246, 6247, 6248, 6249,
6250, 6251, 6252, 6253, 6254, 6255, 6256, 6257, 6258, 6259,
6260, 6261, 6262, 6263, 6264, 6265, 6266, 6267, 6268, 6269,
6270, 6271, 6272, 6273, 6274, 6275, 6276, 6277, 6278, 6279,
6280, 6281, 6282, 6283, 6284, 6285, 6286, 6287, 6288
y = [
7.8625913, 7.7713094, 7.6833806, 7.5997391, 7.5211883,
7.4483986, 7.3819046, 7.3221073, 7.2692747, 7.223547,
7.1849418, 7.1533613, 7.1286001, 7.1103559, 7.0982385,
7.0917811, 7.0904517, 7.0936642, 7.100791, 7.1111741,
7.124136, 7.1389918, 7.1550579, 7.1716633, 7.1881566,
7.2039142, 7.218349, 7.2309117, 7.2410989, 7.248455,
7.2525721, 7.2530937, 7.249711, 7.2421637, 7.2302341,
7.213747, 7.1925621, 7.1665707, 7.1356878, 7.0998487,
7.0590014, 7.0131001, 6.9621005, 6.9059525, 6.8445964,
6.7779589, 6.7059474, 6.6284504, 6.5453324, 6.4564347,
6.3615761, 6.2605534, 6.1531439, 6.0391097, 5.9182019,
5.7901659, 5.6547484, 5.5117044, 5.360805, 5.2018456,
5.034656, 4.8591075, 4.6751242, 4.4826899, 4.281858,
4.0727611, 3.8556159, 3.6307325, 3.3985188, 3.1594861,
2.9142516, 2.6635408, 2.4081881, 2.1491354, 1.8874279,
p = np.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial.fit(x, y, 1, domain=[-1, 1])
436.53467443432453 - 0.0688950539698132·x¹
Both the mean and std can be calculated as follows:
x_mean = np.mean(x)
x_std = np.std(x)
I notice however, the coefficients produce by Matlab's polyfit and the Numpy's Polynomial are different:
MATLAB: [-1.5810877, 6.0094824] vs Python: [436.53467443432453, 0.0688950539698132]
The difference is significant for my use-case, because I want to compute the roots of the line.
In Matlab, this can be calculates as
>> x_m = p(1);
>> x_mean = mu(1);
>> x_c = p(2);
>> x_std = mu(2);
>> x_intercept = (x_m * x_mean - x_c * x_std) ./ x_m
x_intercept =
Whereas in Python
>>> x_mean = np.mean(x)
>>> x_std = np.std(x)
>>> x_c, x_m = line.coef
>>> x_intercept = (x_m * x_mean - x_c * x_std) / x_m
>>> x_intercept
Clearly, the difference between these two is big. How can I replicate the x_intercept calculated using Matlab in Python?
For the sake of numerical precision, it is handy to map polynomial data to the domain [-1, 1] or some similarly well-bounded region when computing fits. A classic example is given in the numpy docs regarding fitting Chebyshev polynomials, which appear to lose all their interesting features if you zoom out far enough. The mapping is less interesting for lines, but highly useful for higher order polynomials, where x**n may explode. The specific window [-1, 1] is used exactly to prevent such explosions for arbitrarily shifted data with large n (since +/-1**n is always just +/-1, and x**n for |x| < 1 is always well bounded).
Let's start by looking at the data (which is always a good first step):
I've included a line fit here. Just by eye, I can tell that a root at ~6340 is reasonable for the line fit. It's also pretty clear that the data is actually more cubic in nature, with an "actual" root around 6290, but that's irrelevant to the question.
MATLAB takes the approach of mapping the x-data such that the 1-sigma portion of the domain fits within the window [-1, 1]. That means that the polynomial coefficients you get apply to (x - mean(xRight)) / std(xRight). If you choose to do scaling, by requesting three output arguments from polyfit, you do not have the option of choosing a different scale:
>> [p_scaled, s, m] = polyfit(xRight, yRight, 1)
p_scaled =
-1.5811 6.0095
s =
struct with fields:
R: [2×2 double]
df: 77
normr: 8.5045
m =
1.0e+03 *
>> p_unscaled = polyfit(xRight, yRight, 1)
p_unscaled =
-0.0689 436.5347
You can compute the values of both fits at say x = 6250 using polyval:
>> polyval(p_scaled, 6250, s, mu)
ans =
>> polyval(p_unscaled, 6250)
ans =
>> polyval(p_scaled, (6250 - mean(xRight)) / std(xRight))
ans =
And of course manually:
>> (6250 - m(1)) / m(2) * p_scaled(1) + p_scaled(2)
ans =
>> 6250 * p_unscaled(1) + p_unscaled(2)
ans =
Python does something similar with the domain and window arguments to np.polynomial.Polynomial.fit. Just as MATLAB maps [-std(x), std(x)] + mean(x) to [-1, 1], domain is mapped to window. The biggest difference is that you can choose both domain and window. Here are some common options:
>>> p_nomap = np.polynomial.Polynomial.fit(xRight, yRight, 1, domain=[-1, 1]); print(p_nomap)
436.53467443435204 - 0.06889505396981752 x**1
>>> p_default = np.polynomial.Polynomial.fit(xRight, yRight, 1); print(p_default)
6.009482176962028 - 2.686907104822783 x**1
>>> p_minmax = np.polynomial.Polynomial.fit(xRight, yRight, 1, domain=[xRight_arr.min(), xRight_arr.max()]); print(p_minmax)
6.009482176962028 - 2.686907104822783 x**1
>>> p_matlab = np.polynomial.Polynomial.fit(xRight, yRight, 1, domain=np.std(xRight) * np.arange(-1, 2, 2) + np.mean(xRight)); print(p_matlab)
6.009482176962061 - 1.571048948945243 x**1
You can see the following equivalences:
Numpy's p_matlab <=> MATLAB's p_scaled
Numpy's p_nomap <=> MATLAB's p_unscaled
Numpy's p_minmax <=> Numpy's p_default
You can verify with a similar test as in MATLAB, except that instead of polyval, you can just call a Polynomial object directly:
>>> p_nomap(6250)
>>> p_default(6250)
>>> p_minmax(6250)
>>> p_matlab(6250)
Python has a nicer syntax in this case, and since you are using an object, it keeps track of all the scales and offsets for you internally.
You can estimate the root of the line in any number of ways now that you understand how the different choices of domain work. In MATLAB:
>> roots(p_unscaled)
ans =
>> roots(p_scaled) * m(2) + m(1)
ans =
>> -p_unscaled(2) / p_unscaled(1)
ans =
>> -p_scaled(2) / p_scaled(1) * m(2) + m(1)
ans =
You can do the same thing in numpy:
>>> p_nomap.roots()
>>> p_default.roots()
>>> p_minmax.roots()
>>> p_matlab.roots()
To evaluate manually, we can use Polynomial.mapparms, which is roughly equivalent to the output parameter m in MATLAB. The major difference is that mapparms outputs [-np.mean(xRight) / np.std(xRight), 1 / np.std(xRight)], which simplifies the evaluation process.
>>> -p_nomap.coef[0] / p_nomap.coef[1]
>>> (-p_default.coef[0] / p_default.coef[1] - p_default.mapparms()[0]) / p_default.mapparms()[1]
>>> (-p_minmax.coef[0] / p_minmax.coef[1] - p_minmax.mapparms()[0]) / p_minmax.mapparms()[1]
>>> (-p_matlab.coef[0] / p_matlab.coef[1] - p_matlab.mapparms()[0]) / p_matlab.mapparms()[1]
So the key to getting equivalent results is to either choose identical parameters (and understand their correspondence), or to use the provided functions to evaluate polynomials and their roots. In general I recommend the latter regardless of the former. The reason those functions were provided is that you can get accurate results from any choice of domain, as long as you pass the data along consistently (manually for polyval and automatically for Polynomial.__call__)
I have an array of scalars of m rows and n columns. I have a Variable(m) and a Variable(n) that I would like to find solutions for.
The two variables represent values that need to be broadcast over the columns and rows respectively.
I was naively thinking of writing the variables as Variable((m, 1)) and Variable((1, n)), and adding them together as if they're ndarrays. However, that doesn't work, as broadcasting is not allowed.
import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np
# Problem data.
m = 3
n = 4
data = np.random.randn(m, n)
# Construct the problem.
x = cp.Variable((m, 1))
y = cp.Variable((1, n))
objective = cp.Minimize(cp.sum(cp.abs(x + y + data)))
# or:
#objective = cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(x + y + data))
prob = cp.Problem(objective)
result = prob.solve()
This fails on the x + y expression: ValueError: Cannot broadcast dimensions (3, 1) (1, 4).
Now I'm wondering two things:
Is my problem indeed solvable using convex optimization?
If yes, how can I express it in a way that cvxpy understands?
I'm very new to the concept of convex optimization, as well as cvxpy, and I hope I described my problem well enough.
I offered to show you how to represent this as a linear program, so here it goes. I'm using Pyomo, since I'm more familiar with that, but you could do something similar in PuLP.
To run this, you will need to first install Pyomo and a linear program solver like glpk. glpk should work for reasonable-sized problems, but if you are finding it's taking too long to solve, you could try a (much faster) commercial solver like CPLEX or Gurobi.
You can install Pyomo via pip install pyomo or conda install -c conda-forge pyomo. You can install glpk from https://www.gnu.org/software/glpk/ or via conda install glpk. (I think PuLP comes with a version of glpk built-in, so that might save you a step.)
Here's the script. Note that this calculates absolute error as a linear expression by defining one variable for the positive component of the error and another for the negative part. Then it seeks to minimize the sum of both. In this case, the solver will always set one to zero since that's an easy way to reduce the error, and then the other will be equal to the absolute error.
import random
import pyomo.environ as po
# ~50% sparse data set, big enough to populate every row and column
m = 10 # number of rows
n = 10 # number of cols
data = {
(r, c): random.random()
for r in range(m)
for c in range(n)
if random.random() >= 0.5
# define a linear program to find vectors
# x in R^m, y in R^n, such that x[r] + y[c] is close to data[r, c]
# create an optimization model object
model = po.ConcreteModel()
# create indexes for the rows and columns
model.ROWS = po.Set(initialize=range(m))
model.COLS = po.Set(initialize=range(n))
# create indexes for the dataset
model.DATAPOINTS = po.Set(dimen=2, initialize=data.keys())
# data values
model.data = po.Param(model.DATAPOINTS, initialize=data)
# create the x and y vectors
model.X = po.Var(model.ROWS, within=po.NonNegativeReals)
model.Y = po.Var(model.COLS, within=po.NonNegativeReals)
# create dummy variables to represent errors
model.ErrUp = po.Var(model.DATAPOINTS, within=po.NonNegativeReals)
model.ErrDown = po.Var(model.DATAPOINTS, within=po.NonNegativeReals)
# Force the error variables to match the error
def Calculate_Error_rule(model, r, c):
pred = model.X[r] + model.Y[c]
err = model.ErrUp[r, c] - model.ErrDown[r, c]
return (model.data[r, c] + err == pred)
model.Calculate_Error = po.Constraint(
model.DATAPOINTS, rule=Calculate_Error_rule
# Minimize the total error
def ClosestMatch_rule(model):
return sum(
model.ErrUp[r, c] + model.ErrDown[r, c]
for (r, c) in model.DATAPOINTS
model.ClosestMatch = po.Objective(
rule=ClosestMatch_rule, sense=po.minimize
# Solve the model
# get a solver object
opt = po.SolverFactory("glpk")
# solve the model
# turn off "tee" if you want less verbose output
results = opt.solve(model, tee=True)
# show solution status
# show verbose description of the model
# show X and Y values in the solution
for r in model.ROWS:
print('X[{}]: {}'.format(r, po.value(model.X[r])))
for c in model.COLS:
print('Y[{}]: {}'.format(c, po.value(model.Y[c])))
Just to complete the story, here's a solution that's closer to your original example. It uses cvxpy, but with the sparse data approach from my solution.
I don't know the "official" way to do elementwise calculations with cvxpy, but it seems to work OK to just use the standard Python sum function with a lot of individual cp.abs(...) calculations.
This gives a solution that is very slightly worse than the linear program, but you may be able to fix that by adjusting the solution tolerance.
import cvxpy as cp
import random
# Problem data.
# ~50% sparse data set
m = 10 # number of rows
n = 10 # number of cols
data = {
(i, j): random.random()
for i in range(m)
for j in range(n)
if random.random() >= 0.5
# Construct the problem.
x = cp.Variable(m)
y = cp.Variable(n)
objective = cp.Minimize(
cp.abs(x[i] + y[j] + data[i, j])
for (i, j) in data.keys()
prob = cp.Problem(objective)
result = prob.solve()
I did not get the idea, but just some hacky stuff based on the assumption:
you want some cvxpy-equivalent to numpy's broadcasting-rules behaviour on arrays (m, 1) + (1, n)
So numpy-wise:
m = 3
n = 4
a = np.random.randn(m, 1)
b = np.random.randn(1, n)
array([[ 1.62434536],
array([[-1.07296862, 0.86540763, -2.3015387 , 1.74481176]])
a + b
array([[ 0.55137674, 2.48975299, -0.67719333, 3.36915713],
[-1.68472504, 0.25365122, -2.91329511, 1.13305535],
[-1.60114037, 0.33723588, -2.82971045, 1.21664001]])
Let's mimic this with np.kron, which has a cvxpy-equivalent:
aLifted = np.kron(np.ones((1,n)), a)
bLifted = np.kron(np.ones((m,1)), b)
array([[ 1.62434536, 1.62434536, 1.62434536, 1.62434536],
[-0.61175641, -0.61175641, -0.61175641, -0.61175641],
[-0.52817175, -0.52817175, -0.52817175, -0.52817175]])
array([[-1.07296862, 0.86540763, -2.3015387 , 1.74481176],
[-1.07296862, 0.86540763, -2.3015387 , 1.74481176],
[-1.07296862, 0.86540763, -2.3015387 , 1.74481176]])
aLifted + bLifted
array([[ 0.55137674, 2.48975299, -0.67719333, 3.36915713],
[-1.68472504, 0.25365122, -2.91329511, 1.13305535],
[-1.60114037, 0.33723588, -2.82971045, 1.21664001]])
Let's check cvxpy semi-blindly (we only dimensions; too lazy to setup a problem and fix variable to check the output :-D):
import cvxpy as cp
x = cp.Variable((m, 1))
y = cp.Variable((1, n))
cp.kron(np.ones((1,n)), x) + cp.kron(np.ones((m, 1)), y)
# Expression(AFFINE, UNKNOWN, (3, 4))
# looks good!
Now some caveats:
i don't know how efficient cvxpy can reason about this matrix-form internally
unclear if more efficient as a simple list-comprehension based form using cp.vstack and co (it probably is)
this operation itself kills all sparsity
(if both vectors are dense; your matrix is dense)
cvxpy and more or less all convex-optimization solvers are based on some sparsity assumption
scaling this problem up to machine-learning dimensions will not make you happy
there is probably a much more concise mathematical theory for your problem then to use (sparsity-assuming) (pretty) general (DCP implemented in cvxpy is a subset) convex-optimization
To fit a hyperbolic function I am trying to use the following code:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
def hyperbola(x, s_1, s_2, o_x, o_y, c):
# x > Input x values
# s_1 > slope of line 1
# s_2 > slope of line 2
# o_x > x offset of crossing of asymptotes
# o_y > y offset of crossing of asymptotes
# c > curvature of hyperbola
b_2 = (s_1 + s_2) / 2
b_1 = (s_2 - s_1) / 2
return o_y + b_1 * (x - o_x) + b_2 * np.sqrt((x - o_x) ** 2 + c ** 2 / 4)
min_fit = np.array([-3.0, 0.0, -2.0, -10.0, 0.0])
max_fit = np.array([0.0, 3.0, 3.0, 0.0, 10.0])
guess = np.array([-2.5/3.0, 4/3.0, 1.0, -4.0, 0.5])
vars, covariance = curve_fit(f=hyperbola, xdata=n_step, ydata=n_mean, p0=guess, bounds=(min_fit, max_fit))
Where n_step and n_mean are measurement values generated earlier on. The code runs fine and gives no error message, but it only returns the initial guess with a very small change. Also, the covariance matrix contains only zeros. I tried to do the same fit with a better initial guess, but that does not have any influence.
Further, I plotted the exact same function with the initial guess as input and that gives me indeed a function which is close to the real values. Does anyone know where I make a mistake here? Or do I use the wrong function to make my fit?
The issue must lie with n_step and n_mean (which are not given in the question as currently stated); when trying to reproduce the issue with some arbitrarily chosen set of input parameters, the optimization works as expected. Let's try it out.
First, let's define some arbitrarily chosen input parameters in the given parameter space by
params = [-0.1, 2.95, -1, -5, 5]
Let's see what that looks like:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xs = np.linspace(-30, 30, 100)
plt.plot(xs, hyperbola(xs, *params))
Based on this, let us define some rather crude inputs for xdata and ydata by
xdata = np.linspace(-30, 30, 10)
ydata = hyperbola(xs, *params)
With these, let us run the optimization and see if we match our given parameters:
vars, covariance = curve_fit(f=hyperbola, xdata=xdata, ydata=ydata, p0=guess, bounds=(min_fit, max_fit))
print(vars) # [-0.1 2.95 -1. -5. 5. ]
That is, the fit is perfect even though our params are rather different from our guess. In other words, if we are free to choose n_step and n_mean, then the method works as expected.
In order to try to challenge the optimization slightly, we could also try to add a bit of noise:
xdata = np.linspace(-30, 30, 10)
ydata = hyperbola(xdata, *params) + np.random.normal(0, 10, size=len(xdata))
vars, covariance = curve_fit(f=hyperbola, xdata=xdata, ydata=ydata, p0=guess, bounds=(min_fit, max_fit))
print(vars) # [ -1.18173287e-01 2.84522636e+00 -1.57023215e+00 -6.90851334e-12 6.14480856e-08]
plt.plot(xdata, ydata, '.')
plt.plot(xs, hyperbola(xs, *vars))
Here we note that the optimum ends up being different from both our provided params and the guess, still within the bounds provided by min_fit and max_fit, and still provided a good fit.
Below is a distance calculated (column y) based on values from sensor (column x).
test.txt - contents
x y
-51.61 ,1.5
-51.61 ,1.5
-51.7 ,1.53
-51.91 ,1.55
-52.28 ,1.62
-52.35 ,1.63
-52.49 ,1.66
-52.78 ,1.71
-52.84 ,1.73
-52.90 ,1.74
-53.21 ,1.8
-53.43 ,1.85
-53.55 ,1.87
-53.71 ,1.91
-53.99 ,1.97
-54.13 ,2
-54.26 ,2.03
-54.37 ,2.06
-54.46 ,2.08
-54.59 ,2.11
-54.89 ,2.19
-54.94 ,2.2
-55.05 ,2.23
-55.11 ,2.24
-55.17 ,2.26
I would like to curve fit to find the constants a and b for the data in test.txt based on this function:
Function y = 10^((a-x)/10*b)
I use the following code:
import math
from numpy import genfromtxt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
inData = genfromtxt('test.txt',delimiter=',')
rssi_data = inData[:,0]
dist_data= inData[:,1]
print rssi_data
print dist_data
def func(x, a,b):
exp_val = (x-a)/(10.0*b)
return math.pow(10,exp_val)
coeffs, matcov = curve_fit(func,rssi_data,dist_data)
The code does not execute successfully. Also I'm not sure if I'm passing the right parameters to curve_fit().
The function will need to process numpy-arrays but currently it can't because math.pow expects a scalar value. If I execute your code I get this Exception:
TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
If you change your function to:
def func(x, a, b):
return 10 ** ((a - x) / (10 * b)) # ** is the power operator
It should work without exceptions:
>>> print(coeffs)
[-48.07485338 2.00667587]
>>> print(matcov)
[[ 3.59154631e-04 1.21357926e-04]
[ 1.21357926e-04 4.25732516e-05]]
Here the complete code:
def func(x, a, b):
return 10 ** ((a - x) / (10 * b))
coeffs, matcov = curve_fit(func, rssi_data, dist_data)
# And some plotting for visualization
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib notebook # only works in IPython notebooks
plt.scatter(rssi_data, dist_data, label='measured')
x = np.linspace(rssi_data.min(), rssi_data.max(), 1000)
plt.plot(x, func(x, coeffs[0], coeffs[1]), label='fitted')
I upvoted the previous answer, as it is the correct one for the programming problem. But looking closer, you don't need to do the power law fitting:
y = 10^((a-x)/10*b) <=> log10(y) = log10(10^((a-x)/10*b))
<=> log10(y) = (a-x)/10*b
Use new variables:
z = log10(y), c = a/10*b and d = -1/10*b
And you have to fit now the following:
z = dx + c
Which is a straight line. Well, you just need to apply the above transformations to 2 points (x,y) => (x,log10(y)) in your table and fit a straight line to get c,d and therefore a,b.
I'm writing this because maybe you have to do this many times and this is much simpler (and precise) to do than fitting a power function.It has consequences too when you plan your experiment. You essentially need just 2 points to get the general behavior if you know this is the correct fitting function.
I hope this helps. Cheers!
I have installed Numpy and SciPy, but I'm not quite understand their documentation about polyfit.
For exmpale, Here's my three data samples:
[-0.042780748663101636, -0.0040771571786609945, -0.00506567946276074]
[0.042780748663101636, -0.0044771571786609945, -0.10506567946276074]
[0.542780748663101636, -0.005771571786609945, 0.30506567946276074]
[-0.342780748663101636, -0.0304077157178660995, 0.90506567946276074]
The first two columns are sample features, the third column is output, My target is to get a function that could take two parameters(first two columns) and return its prediction(the output).
Any simple example ?
====================== EDIT ======================
Note that, I need to fit something like a curve, not only straight lines. The polynomial should be something like this ( n = 3):
a*x1^3 + b*x2^2 + c*x3 + d = y
a*x1 + b*x2 + c*x3 + d = y
x1, x2, x3 are features of one sample, y is the output
Try something like
edit: added an example function that used results of linear regression to estimate output.
import numpy as np
data =np.array(
[[-0.042780748663101636, -0.0040771571786609945, -0.00506567946276074],
[0.042780748663101636, -0.0044771571786609945, -0.10506567946276074],
[0.542780748663101636, -0.005771571786609945, 0.30506567946276074],
[-0.342780748663101636, -0.0304077157178660995, 0.90506567946276074]])
coefficient = data[:,0:2]
dependent = data[:,-1]
x,residuals,rank,s = np.linalg.lstsq(coefficient,dependent)
def f(x,u,v):
return u*x[0] + v*x[1]
for datum in data:
print f(x,*datum[0:2])
Which gives
>>> x
array([ 0.16991146, -30.18923739])
>>> residuals
array([ 0.07941146])
>>> rank
>>> s
array([ 0.64490113, 0.02944663])
and the function created with your coefficients gave
More info can be found at the documentation I posted as a comment.
edit 2: fitting your data to an arbitrary model.
edit 3: made my model a function for ease of understanding.
edit 4: made code more easily read/ changed model to a quadratic fit, but you should be able to read this code and know how to make it minimize any residual you want now.
contrived example:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
data =np.array(
[[-0.042780748663101636, -0.0040771571786609945, -0.00506567946276074],
[0.042780748663101636, -0.0044771571786609945, -0.10506567946276074],
[0.542780748663101636, -0.005771571786609945, 0.30506567946276074],
[-0.342780748663101636, -0.0304077157178660995, 0.90506567946276074]])
coefficient = data[:,0:2]
dependent = data[:,-1]
def model(p,x):
a,b,c = p
u = x[:,0]
v = x[:,1]
return (a*u**2 + b*v + c)
def residuals(p, y, x):
a,b,c = p
err = y - model(p,x)
return err
p0 = np.array([2,3,4]) #some initial guess
p = leastsq(residuals, p0, args=(dependent, coefficient))[0]
def f(p,x):
return p[0]*x[0] + p[1]*x[1] + p[2]
for x in coefficient:
print f(p,x)