Pytorch: Devolving into nan Batch losses/Log probs - python

I'm using pytorch as the basis for some machine translation tasks I want to do.
When instantiating my dataset, I have as each a [list(untokenized_string_sentence), untokenized_string_sentence, untokenized_string_sentence]
where untokenized_string_sentence is a just a raw example sentence. I've made sure to be careful about handling the first input as a list in some custom forward functions. However, I don't know if the batch loss computation is treating it accordingly, or if I need to be careful about this. I'm simply calling nn.CrossEntropyLoss() with label smoothing and padding. The result after a couple of batches is a completely NaN forward pass (and subsequently, NaN softmax values and loss).
Does anyone know if there is issue in differing types of inputs using PyTorch?
Here are how my types are defined:
src_field = data.Field(init_token=None, eos_token=EOS_TOKEN,
pad_token=PAD_TOKEN, tokenize=tok_fun,
batch_first=True, lower=lowercase,
trg_field = data.Field(init_token=BOS_TOKEN, eos_token=EOS_TOKEN,
pad_token=PAD_TOKEN, tokenize=tok_fun,
batch_first=True, lower=lowercase,
prev_inputs_field = data.NestedField(data.Field(init_token=CONTEXT_TOKEN, eos_token=CONTEXT_EOS_TOKEN,
pad_token=PAD_TOKEN, tokenize=tok_fun,
batch_first=True, lower=lowercase,
include_lengths=False), tokenize=sent_fun)


A Classifier Network Seems to be "Forgetting" older samples

This is a strange problem: Imagine a neural network classifier. It is a simple linear layer followed by a sigmoid activation that has an input size of 64, and an output size of 112. There also are 112 training samples, where I expect the output to be a one-hot vector. So the basic structure of a training loop is as follows, where samples is a list of integer indices:
model = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(64,112),nn.Sequential())
loss_fn = nn.BCELoss()
optimizer = optim.AdamW(model.parameters(),lr=3e-4)
for epoch in range(500):
for input_state, index in samples:
one_hot = torch.zeros(112).float()
one_hot[index] = 1.0
prediction = model(input_state)
loss = loss_fn(prediction,one_hot)
This model does not perform well, but I don't think it's a problem with the model itself, but rather how it's trained. I think that this is happening because for the most part, all of the one_hot tensor is zeros, that the model just tends to gravitate toward all of the outputs being zeros, which is what's happening. The question becomes: "How does this get solved?" I tried using the average loss with all the samples, to no avail. So what do I do?
So this is very embarrassing, but the answer actually lies in how I process my data. This is a text-input project, so I used basic python lists to create blocks of messages, but when I did this, I ended up making it so that all of the inputs the net got were the same, but the output was different every time. I solved tho s problem with the copy method.

Finding patterns in time series with PyTorch

I started PyTorch with image recognition. Now I want to test (very basically) with pure NumPy arrays. I struggle with getting the setup to work, so basically I have vectors with values between 0 and 1 (normalized curves). Those vectors are always of length 1500 and I want to find e.g. "high values at the beginning" or "sine wave-like function", "convex", "concave" etc. stuff like that, so just shapes of those curves.
My training set consists of many vectors with their classes; I have chosen 7 classes. The net should be trained to classify a vector into one or more of those 7 classes (not one hot).
I'm struggling with multiple issues, but first my very basic Net
class Net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, layer_dim, output_dim):
super(Net, self).__init__()
self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
self.layer_dim = layer_dim
self.rnn = nn.RNN(input_dim, hidden_dim, layer_dim)
self.fc = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, output_dim)
def forward(self, x):
h0 = torch.zeros(self.layer_dim, x.size(1), self.hidden_dim).requires_grad_()
out, h0 = self.rnn(x, h0.detach())
out = out[:, -1, :]
out = self.fc(out)
return out
network = Net(1500, 70, 20, 7)
optimizer = optim.SGD(network.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, momentum=momentum)
This is just a copy-paste from an RNN demo. Here is my first issue. Is an RNN the right choice? It is a time series, but then again it is an image recognition problem when plotting the curve.
Now, this here is an attempt to batch the data. The data object contains all training curves together with the correct classifiers.
def train(epoch):
batching = True
index = 0
# monitor the cummulative loss for an epoch
cummloss = []
# start batching some curves
while batching:
# here I start clustering come curves to a batch and normalize the curves
_input = []
batch_size = min(len(data)-1, index+batch_size_train) - index
for d in data[index:min(len(data)-1, index+batch_size_train)]:
y = np.array(d['data']['y'], dtype='d')
y = np.multiply(y, y.max())
y = y[0:1500]
y = np.pad(y, (0, max(1500-len(y), 0)), 'edge')
if len(_input) == 0:
_input = y
_input = np.vstack((_input, y))
input = torch.from_numpy(_input).float()
input = torch.reshape(input, (1, batch_size, len(y)))
target = np.zeros((1,7))
# the correct classes have indizes, to I create a vector with 1 at the correct locations
for _index in np.array(d['classifier']):
target[0,_index-1] = 1
target = torch.from_numpy(target)
# get the result form the network
output = network(input)
# is this a good loss function?
loss = F.l1_loss(output, target)
index = index + batch_size_train
if index > len(data):
batching = False
for e in range(1, n_epochs):
print('Epoch: ' + str(e))
The problem I'm facing right now is, the loss doesn't change very little, even with hundreds of epochs.
Are there existing examples of this kind of problem? I didn't find any, just pure png/jpg image recognition. When I convert the curves to png then I have a little issue to train a net, I took densenet and it worked just fine but it seems to be super overkill for this simple task.
This is just a copy-paste from an RNN demo. Here is my first issue. Is an RNN the right choice?
In theory what model you choose does not matter as much as "How" you formulate your problem.
But in your case the most obvious limitation you're going to face is your sequence length: 1500. RNN store information across steps and typically runs into trouble over long sequence with vanishing or exploding gradient.
LSTM net have been developed to circumvent this limitations with memory cell, but even then in the case of long sequence it will still be limited by the amount of information stored in the cell.
You could try using a CNN network as well and think of it as an image.
Are there existing examples of this kind of problem?
I don't know but I might have some suggestions : If I understood your problem correctly, you're going from a (1500, 1) input to a (7,1) output, where 6 of the 7 positions are 0 except for the corresponding class where it's 1.
I don't see any activation function, usually when dealing with multi class you don't use the output of the dense layer to compute the loss you apply a normalizing function like softmax and then you can compute the loss.
From your description of features you have in the form of sin like structures, the closes thing that comes to mind is frequency domain. As such, if you have and input image, just transform it to the frequency domain by a Fourier transform and use that as your feature input.
Might be best to look for such projects on the internet, one such project that you might want to read the research paper or video from this group (they have some jupyter notebooks for you to try) or any similar works. They use the furrier features, that go though a multi layer perceptron (MLP).
I am not sure what exactly you want to do, but seems like a classification task, you would use RNN if you want your neural network to work with a sequence. To me it seems like the 1500 dimensions are independent, and as such can be just treated as input.
Regarding the last layer, for a classification problem it usually is a probability distribution obtained by applying softmax (if only the classification is distinct - i.e. probability sums up to 1), in which, given an input, the net gives a probability of it being from each class. If we are predicting multiple classes we are going to use sigmoid as the last layer of the neural network.
Regarding your loss, there are many losses you can try and see if they are better. Once again, for different features you have to know what exactly is the measurement of distance (a.k.a. how different 2 things are). Check out this website, or just any loss function explanations on the net.
So you should try a simple MLP on top of fourier features as a starting point, assuming that is your feature vector.
Image Recognition is different from Time-Series data. In the imaging domain your data-set might have more similarity with problems like Activity-Recognition, Video-Recognition which have temporal component. So, I'd recommend looking into some models for those.
As for the current model, I'd recommend using LSTM instead of RNN. And also for classification you need to use an activation function in your final layer. This should softmax with cross entropy based loss or sigmoid with MSE loss.
Keras has a Timedistributed model which makes it easy to handle time components. You can use a similar approach with Pytorch by applying linear layers followed by LSTM.
Look into these for better undertsanding ::
Activity Recognition :
How to implement time-distributed dense (TDD) layer in PyTorch
Activation Function ::

tensorflow 2 keras shuffle each row gradient problem

I need a NN which will be giving same output for any permutation of same input. Was trying to search for solution ('permutation invariance'), found some layers, but failed to make them work.
I chose different approach: I want to create a layer, to add as I first in the model, which will randomly shuffle input (each row independently) - please let's follow this approach, I know it can be done outside the model, but I want it as a part of the model. I tried:
class ShuffleLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(ShuffleLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def call(self, inputs):
batchSize = tf.shape(inputs)[0]
cols = tf.shape(inputs)[-1]
order0 = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(0, batchSize), -1), [1, cols])
order1 = tf.argsort(tf.random.uniform(shape=(batchSize, cols)))
indices = tf.stack([tf.reshape(order0, [-1]), tf.reshape(order1, [-1])], axis=-1)
outputs = tf.reshape(tf.gather_nd(inputs, indices), [batchSize, cols])
return outputs
I am getting following error:
ValueError: Variable has None for gradient. Please make sure that all of your ops have a gradient defined (i.e. are differentiable). Common ops without
gradient: K.argmax, K.round, K.eval.
How to avoid it ?? I tried to use tf.stop_gradient, but unsuccessfully.
Use Lambda layers:
First of all, if your layer doesn't have trainable weights, you should use a Lambda layer, not a custom layer. It's way simpler and easier.
def shuffleColumns(inputs):
batchSize = tf.shape(inputs)[0]
cols = tf.shape(inputs)[-1]
order0 = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(0, batchSize), -1), [1, cols])
order1 = tf.argsort(tf.random.uniform(shape=(batchSize, cols)))
indices = tf.stack([tf.reshape(order0, [-1]), tf.reshape(order1, [-1])], axis=-1)
outputs = tf.reshape(tf.gather_nd(inputs, indices), [batchSize, cols])
return outputs
In the model, use a Lambda(shuffleColumns) layer.
About the error
If this is the first layer, this error is probably not caused by this layer. (Unless newer versions of Tensorflow are demanding that custom layers have weights and def build(self, input_shape): defined, which doesn't seem very logical).
It seems you are doing something else in another place. The error is: you are using some operation that blocks backpropagation because it's impossible to have the derivative of that operation.
Since the derivatives are taken with respect to the model's "weights", this means that the operation is necessarily after the first weight tensor in the model (ie: after the first layer that contains trainable weights).
You need to search for anything in your model that doesn't have derivatives, like the error suggests: round, argmax, conditionals that return constants, losses that return sorted y_true but don't return operations on y_pred, etc.
Of course that K.stop_gradients is also an operation that blocks backpropagation and will certainly cause this error if you just use it like that. (This may even be the "cause" of your problem, not the solution)
Below there are easier suggestions for your operation, but none of them will fix this error because this error is somewhere else.
Suggested operation 1
Now, it would be way easier to use tf.random.shuffle for this:
def shuffleColumns(x):
x = tf.transpose(x)
x = tf.random.shuffle(x)
return tf.transpose(x)
Use a Lambda(shuffleColumns) layer in your model. It's true that this will shuffle all columns equally, but every batch will have a different permutation. And since you're going to have many epochs, and you will be shuffling (I presume) samples between each epoch (this is automatic in fit), you will hardly ever have repeated batches. So:
each batch will have a different permutation
it will be almost impossible to have the same batch two times
This approach will probably be way faster than yours.
Suggested operation 2
If you want them permutation invariant, why not use tf.sort instead of permutations? Sort the columns and, instead of having infinite permutations to train, you simply eliminate any possibility of permutation. The model should learn faster, and yet the order of the columns in your input will not be taken into account.
Use the layer Lambda(lambda x: tf.sort(x, axis=-1))
This suggestion must be used both in training and inference.

Attention is all you need, keeping only the encoding part for video classification

I am trying to modify a code that could find in the following link in such a way that the proposed Transformer model that is related to the paper: all you need is attention would keep only the Encoder part of the whole Transformer model. Furthermore, I would like to modify the input of the Network, instead of being a sequence of text to be a sequence of images (or better-extracted features of images) coming from a video. In a sense, I would like to figure out which frames are related to each other from my input and encode that info in an output embedding in the same way that is happening to the Transformers model.
The project as it is in the link provided is mainly performing sequence-sequence transformation. The input is text from one language and the output is text in another language. The main formation of the model is happening in the lines 386-463. Where the model is initialized and the compile of the Model is happening. For me I would like to do something like:
self.encoder = SelfAttention(d_model, d_inner_hid, n_head, layers, dropout)
#self.decoder = Decoder(d_model, d_inner_hid, n_head, layers, dropout)
#self.target_layer = TimeDistributed(Dense(o_tokens.num(), use_bias=False))
enc_output = self.encoder(src_emb, src_seq, active_layers=active_layers)
#dec_output = self.decoder(tgt_emb, tgt_seq, src_seq, enc_output, active_layers=active_layers)
#final_output = self.target_layer(dec_output)
Furthermore, since I would like to combine the output of the Encoder which is the output of MultiHeadAttention and PositionwiseFeedForward using an LSTM and a Dense layer which will tune the whole Encoding procedure using classification optimization. Therefore, I add when I define my model the following layers:
self.lstm = LSTM(units = 256, input_shape = (None, 256), return_sequences = False, dropout = 0.5)
self.fc1 = Dense(64, activation='relu', name = "dense_one")
self.fc2 = Dense(6, activation='sigmoid', name = "dense_two")
and then pass the output of the encoder, in line 434 using the following code:
enc_output = self.lstm(enc_output)
enc_output = self.fc1(enc_output)
enc_output = self.fc2(enc_output)
Now the video data that I would like to replace the text data provided with the Github code, have the following dimensionality: Nx10x256 where N is the number of samples, 10 is the number of frames and 256 the number of features for each frame. I have some difficulties to understand some parts of the code, in order to successfully, modified it to my needs. I guess, that now the Embedding layer is not necessary for me anymore since it is related to text classification and NLP.
Furthermore, I need to modify the input to 419-420 to be sth like:
src_seq_input = Input(shape=(None, 256,), dtype='float32') # source input related to video
tgt_seq_input = Input(shape=(6,), dtype='int32') # the target classification size (since I have 6 classes)
What other parts of the code do I need to skip or modify? What is the usefulness of the PosEncodingLayer that is used in the following line:
self.pos_emb = PosEncodingLayer(len_limit, d_emb) if self.src_loc_info else None
Is it needed in my case? Can I skip it?
After my modification in the code I noticed that when I run the code, I can check the loss function from the def get_loss(y_pred, y_true), however, in my case it is crucial to define a loss for the classification task that returns also the accuracy. How can I do so, with the provided code?
I have to add that I treat my input as the output of the Embedding layer from the initial NLP code. Therefore, for me (in the version of code that functioned for me):
src_seq_input = Input(shape=(None, 256,), dtype='float32')
tgt_seq_input = Input(shape=(6,), dtype='int32')
src_seq = src_seq_input
#src_emb_ = self.i_word_emb(src_seq)
src_emb = src_seq
enc_output = self.encoder(src_emb, src_emb, active_layers=active_layers)
I treat src_emb as my input and completely ignore src_seq.
The way that the loss is calculated is using the following code:
def get_loss(y_pred, y_true):
y_true = tf.cast(y_true, 'int32')
loss = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=y_true, logits=y_pred)
mask = tf.cast(tf.not_equal(y_true, 0), 'float32')
loss = tf.reduce_sum(loss * mask, -1) / tf.reduce_sum(mask, -1)
loss = K.mean(loss)
return loss
loss = get_loss(enc_output, tgt_seq_input)
self.ppl = K.exp(loss)
As it is the loss function (sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits) returns a loss score. Even if the whole procedure is about classification. How, can I further, tune my system to return also the accuracy?
I'm afraid this approach is not going to work.
Video data has massive dependence between adjacent frames, with each frame very similar to the last. There is also a weaker dependence on prior frames, because objects tend to continue to move relative to other objects in similar ways. Modern video formats use this redundancy to achieve high compression rates by modelling the motions.
This means that your network will have an extremely strong attention on the previous image. As you suggest, you could subsample frames several seconds apart to destroy much of the dependence on the previous frame, but if you did so I really wonder whether you would find structure at all in the result? Even if you feed it hand-coded features optimised for the purpose, there are are few general rules about which features will be in motion and which will not, so what structure can your attention network learn?
The problem of handling video is just radically different from handling sentences. Video has very complex elements (pictures) that are largely static over time and have locally predictable motions over a few frames in very simple ways. Text has simple elements (words) in a complex sentence structure with complex dependence extending over many words. These differences mean they require fundamentally different approaches.

Why does Theano throw NaNs when I use dropouts?

I am training a simple feed-forward model with 3 or 4 hidden layers and dropouts between each (hidden layer + non linearity) combination.
Sometimes after a few epochs (about 10-11) the model starts outputting Infs and NaNs as the error of the NLL and the accuracy falls to 0.0%. This problem does not happen when I do not use dropouts. Is this a known issue with dropouts in Theano? The way I implement dropouts is:
def drop(self, input):
mask = self.theano_rng.binomial(n=1, p=self.p, size=input.shape, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
return input * mask
where input is the feature-vector on which we want to apply dropouts.
I have also observed that the occurance of NaNs happens earlier if the dropout probability (self.p) is higher. p = 0.5 would cause NaNs to occur around epoch 1 or 2 but p = 0.7 would cause NaNs to occur around epoch 10 or 11.
Also the occurrence of NaNs happens only when hidden layer sizes are large. For example (800,700,700) gives NaNs whereas (500,500,500) does not.
in my experience, NaNs, when training a network usually happen because of two problems:
first, mathematical error, e.g. log of negative value. It could happen when you are using log() in your loss function.
Second, there is a value that becomes too big so python can't handle.
In your case, from your good observation, I think it's a second case. Your loss value may become too big to handled by python. Try to initialize smaller weight when you try to expand your network. Or just use different approach to initialize weight like explained by Glorot (2010) or He (2015). Hope it helps.

