Keras model taking too long to train - python

So I have the following model for sentiment analysis (using pre trained word embeddings):
And as visible, I have a pre trained embedding matrix and only about 500k trainable parameters. So why does it take a whole eternity to train this model? The batch size is 128 and number of epochs is 25. And the ETA for first epoch is about 10 minutes. I haven't even completed that.
Just to mention, I am not using CUDA or anything. I don't think I have a GPU enabled Tensorflow. And I'm willing to do anything to increase the speed. And I have Tensorflow 2.1.0.

And here's the answer I am not using CUDA or anything. Training on CPU is much slower than on GPU. If you don't have high-performance enough video card, you can use several services such as Google Colab or Kaggle


Are deep and wide autoencoder trainings just slow or is there something wrong here?

I'm training a wide and deep autoencoder (21 layers, ~500 features) in Tensorflow on GCP. I have around ~30 million samples that adds up to about 55GB of raw TF proto files.
My training is extremely slow. With 128 Tesla A100 GPUs using MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy (+reduction servers) and 256 batch size per replica, the performance is about 1 hour per epoch.
My dashboard reports that my GPUs are on <1% GPU utilization but ~100% GPU memory utilization (see screenshot). This tells me something is wrong.
However, I've been debugging this for weeks now and I'm honestly exhausted all my hypotheses. I'm beginning to think perhaps it's just suppose to be slow like this.
Q: I understand that this is not a well formed question but what are some possibilities as to why the GPU memory utilization is at 100% but the GPU utilization is <1%? Is it just suppose to be slow like this or is there something wrong?
Some of the things I've tried (not exhaustive):
increase batch size
remove preprocessing layer (i.e. calls)
increase/decrease worker count; increase/decrease attched GPU counts
non-deterministic dataset reads
Some of the key highlights of my setup:
vertex AI training using tfx, mostly following the tutorials here
ETA reported to be about 1 hour per epoch according to logs.
no custom training loop. Sequential model with Adamax optimizer.
idiomatic call to, did not temper with performance parameters
DataAccessor call:
dataset = data_accessor.tf_dataset_factory(
def _apply_preprocessing(x):
# preprocessing_model is a just the input layer + one hot encode
# tested to be slow with or without this.
preprocessed_features = preprocessing_model(x)
return preprocessed_features, preprocessed_features
dataset =,,
return dataset.prefetch(

Slow training of BERT model Hugging face

I am training the binary classfier using BERT model implement in hugging face library
training_args = TrainingArguments(
num_train_epochs = 1,
remove_unused_columns = True
I am using Colab TPU still the training time is a lot, 38 hours for 60 hours cleaned tweets.
Is there any way to optimise the training?
You are currently evaluating every 500 steps and have a training and eval batch size of 8.
Depending on your current memory consumption, you can increase the batch sizes (eval much more as training consumes more memory):
In case it matches your use case, you can also increase the steps after an evaluation is started;

How one can quickly verify that a CNN actually learns?

I tried to build a CNN from scratch based on LeNet architecture from this article
I implemented backdrop and now trying to train it on the MNIST dataset using SGD with 16 batch size. I want to find a quick way to verify that the learning goes well and there are no bugs. For this, I visualize loss for every 100th batch but it takes too long on my laptop and I don't see an overall dynamic (the loss fluctuates downwards, but occasionally jumps up back so I am not sure). Could anyone suggest a proven way to find that the CNN works well without waiting many hours of training?
The MNIST consist of 60k datasets of 28 * 28 pixel.Training a CNN with batch size 16 will have 4000 forward pass per epochs.
Now taking into consideration that your are using LeNet which not a very deep model.
I would suggest you to do followings:
Check your PC specifications such as RAM,Processor,GPU etc.
Try your to train your model on cloud service such Google Colab, Kaggle and others
Try a batch size of 128 or 64
Try to normalize your image data set before training
Training speed also depends on machine learning framework you are using such as Tensorflow, Pytorch etc.
I hope this will help.

Keras tf backend predict speed slow for batch size of 1

I am combining a Monte-Carlo Tree Search with a convolutional neural network as the rollout policy. I've identified the Keras model.predict function as being very slow. After experimentation, I found that surprisingly model parameter size and prediction sample size don't affect the speed significantly. For reference:
0.00135549 s for 3 samples with batch_size = 3
0.00303991 s for 3 samples with batch_size = 1
0.00115528 s for 1 sample with batch_size = 1
0.00136132 s for 10 samples with batch_size = 10
as you can see I can predict 10 samples at about the same speed as 1 sample. The change is also very minimal though noticeable if I decrease parameter size by 100X but I'd rather not change parameter size by that much anyway. In addition, the predict function is very slow the first time run through (~0.2s) though I don't think that's the problem here since the same model is predicting multiple times.
I wonder if there is some workaround because clearly the 10 samples can be evaluated very quickly, all I want to be able to do is predict the samples at different times and not all at once since I need to update the Tree Search before making a new prediction. Perhaps should I work with tensorflow instead?
The batch size controls parallelism when predicting, so it is expected that increasing the batch size will have better performance, as you can use more cores and use GPU more efficiently.
You cannot really workaround, there is nothing really to work around, using a batch size of one is the worst case for performance. Maybe you should look into a smaller network that is faster to predict, or predict on the CPU if your experiments are done in a GPU, to minimize overhead due to transfer.
Don't forget that model.predict does a full forward pass of the network, so its speed completely depends on the network architecture.
One way that gave me a speed up was switching from model.predict(x) to,
making sure your x shape has 1 as the first dimension.
I don't think working with pure Tensorflow would change the performance much. Keras is a high-level API for low-level Tensorflow primitives. You could use a smaller model instead, like MobileNetV3 or EfficientNet, but this would require retraining.
If you need to remain with the existing model, you could try OpenVINO. OpenVINO is optimized for Intel hardware, but it should work with any CPU. It optimizes your model by converting to Intermediate Representation (IR), performing graph pruning and fusing some operations into others while preserving accuracy. Then it uses vectorization in runtime.
It's rather straightforward to convert the Keras model to OpenVINO. The full tutorial on how to do it can be found here. Some snippets are below.
Install OpenVINO
The easiest way to do it is using PIP. Alternatively, you can use this tool to find the best way in your case.
pip install openvino-dev[tensorflow2]
Save your model as SavedModel
OpenVINO is not able to convert the HDF5 model, so you have to save it as SavedModel first.
import tensorflow as tf
from custom_layer import CustomLayer
model = tf.keras.models.load_model('model.h5', custom_objects={'CustomLayer': CustomLayer}), 'model')
Use Model Optimizer to convert SavedModel model
The Model Optimizer is a command-line tool that comes from OpenVINO Development Package. It converts the Tensorflow model to IR, a default format for OpenVINO. You can also try the precision of FP16, which should give you better performance without a significant accuracy drop (change data_type). Run in the command line:
mo --saved_model_dir "model" --data_type FP32 --output_dir "model_ir"
Run the inference
The converted model can be loaded by the runtime and compiled for a specific device, e.g., CPU or GPU (integrated into your CPU like Intel HD Graphics). If you don't know what the best choice for you is, use AUTO. You care about latency, so I suggest adding a performance hint (as shown below) to use the device that fulfills your requirement.
# Load the network
ie = Core()
model_ir = ie.read_model(model="model_ir/model.xml")
compiled_model_ir = ie.compile_model(model=model_ir, device_name="AUTO", config={"PERFORMANCE_HINT":"LATENCY"})
# Get output layer
output_layer_ir = compiled_model_ir.output(0)
# Run inference on the input image
result = compiled_model_ir([input_image])[output_layer_ir]
Disclaimer: I work on OpenVINO.

Keras not using full CPU cores for training

I am training a LSTM model on a very huge dataset on my machine using Keras on Tensorflow backend. My machine have 16 cores. While training the model I noticed that the load in all the cores are below 40%.
I have gone through different sources looking for a solution and have tried providing the cores to use in the backend as
config = tf.ConfigProto(device_count={"CPU": 16})
Even after that the load is still the same.
Is this because the model is very small.? It is taking around 5 minutes for an epoch. If it uses full cores the speed can be improved.
How to tell Keras or Tensorflow to use the full available cores i.e 16 cores to train the model.??
I have went through these stackoverflow questions and tried the solutions mentioned there. It didn't help.
Limit number of cores used in Keras
How are you training the model exactly? You might want to look into using model.fit_generator() but with a Keras Sequence object instead of a custom generator. This allows to safely use multiprocessing and will result in all cores being used.
You can checkout the Keras docs for an example.

